HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-10-09 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarington Minutes of Meeting—Tuesday October 9th, 2012 (Not yet approved by committee) In Attendance—Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice Chair Carol Little,Jo-Anne Raymond,Bob Holmes, Gord Blaker, Gary Oliver Councillor Woo, Councillor Partner Arena manager,Bryan Wiltshire 1. Call to Order—7.12 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes—Motion*12-128 was proposed: THAT.The minutes of September 11,2012 is approved as presented,with no additions,changes or,deletions. Moved by:Carol Little Seconded by:Jo Anne Raymond CARRIED 3. Arena Manager's Report-Nothing but positive comments were being received over the lobby bleachers,Bryan reported.They worked well for the Clarington Girls Tournament.Particularly,for seniors who prefer not to sit at ice level in the cold rink area.Bryan also advised all is well with programming and staff and he will be completing his vacation time in November._Request from Ron King,again this year for ice time on New Year's Day was discussed at length. As those two hours are the only ice booked for that day,it became a costly situation to bring staff in for his sponsored event. Mr.King has rented New Year's Day ice from 1:ooP.M.-,3:00 P.M.for the past several years and invited all his clients,neighbors and friends for a free skate. The board members agreed: That although it was not a profitable day for the arena,the tradition was worth continuing.Ron King of Freedom 55 will be advised of the available ice time. The chair advised:he had heard back from Gym-Con Contractors regarding the invoiced price on the new flooring.They had advised: They would not accept any amount less than what they had invoiced,less the small token discount they had offered. In response,Gord replied,in writing,advising of the arena board members'position on the issue and further advising Gym—Con we would forward a cheque for the quoted amount.Then,refer the matter to the Municipality of Clarington for discussion and further direction. Motion*12-129 was proposed: THAT.Payment of the quoted amount of$2,8,617.00 be forwarded to Gym-Con,immediately and our chair will follow-up,from his letter,by advising the Municipality of Clarington Finance Department of the issue and our position. Moved by:Bob Holmes Seconded by:Jo Anne Raymond CARRIED (Further to the above motion)— The day after our meeting,Gord was contacted by Mr.Bond of Gym-Con and advised they will,with reluctance,accept the quoted amount and reduce their invoiced price by the$1,goo.00,plus HST.Providing immediate payment was forthcoming.A cheque was issued and mailed October 11th,2012.No (2) follow-up to the municipality was therefore required.The cheque has been cashed by Gym-Con. Further discussion took place on the addition of another lobby bleacher for the west window,opposite Bryan's office.For financial reasons,at a cost of$1,700.00,it was deferred to a future date-perhaps,on our 2013 budget plans.However,a need for accessibility for the handicapped at ice level was discussed.Councillor,Partner offered to contact the Municipality's Accessibility Committee for possible advice on accommodating this need. A further need for employee identification in the building was discussed.Shell Jackets worn over the rink employee's outerwear appeared to be the solution.Bryan offered to acquire pricing and bring it to our next meeting. 4. Financial Report—Accounts receivable of$15,694.69 were provided,with$9,540.00 being current and$5,998.56 of the over 90,being that of the NSC. _Income statement of revenue at$179,146.77 of budget and expenses at$173,606.01 Indicating we are at 54.5%of our budget,as of October 2,2012 and on target. Net income-Y.T.D.-$5,540.76. A TV and stand for the lobby was still a requirement that had not been attended to,since the break-in. With no NHL Hockey to watch,it had not been a priority.However,the Chair advised:It will be in place for November—A budget of$500.0o had been approved for the purchase. 5. New Business—Discussion on our annual Christmas Dinner for the board members and manager was deferred to the November meeting.Gord Lee was to follow-up with the Massey House Restaurant for pricing and accommodations in December. 6. Next Meeting- Tuesday November 13, 2012 - 7:00 P.M. 7. Adjournment—Motion*12-130 to adjourn. Moved by:Larry Burke Seconded by:Gord Blaker CARRIED