HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-14Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, March 14, 2024 Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: Microsoft Teams or Meeting Room 1 C, Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario Members Present: Henry Zekveld (Chair), Tom Barrie, Eric Bowman, Brenda Metcalf, Councillor Zwart, Richard Rekker, John Cartwright, Mitch Morawetz (DRFA) Regrets: Craig Rickard, Jennifer Knox, Ryan Cullen, Jordan McKay Staff Present: Sylvia Jennings, Jane Wang — Planning and Infrastructure Services Guests: Allison De Vos — Invest Durham, Michael Longarini — Four Farms Market Garden Training Initiative 1. Welcome and Introductions Henry Zekveld welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Henry Zekveld recited Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3. Declarations of Interest None 4. Approval of Minutes of February 8, 2024 024-005 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Brenda Metcalf That the minutes of the February 8, 2024, meeting be approved. Carried 5. Presentations / Delegations 5a. Presentation on Four Farms Market Garden Training — Michael Longarini Michael Longarini provided a presentation on Four Farms Market Garden Training — a new agriculture training course that's been put together by local farmers. The training is put on by four farmers with diverse agricultural backgrounds including homesteading, small-scale farming, foraging, and farmer's markets. The training will take place over six weekends this spring and will cover topics like soil science, technology, vegetable farming, and the economics of a farm business. The course is aimed at aspiring farmers, hobby farmers who are interested in expanding, and Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 14, 2024 farm staff. The group is hoping to build the agricultural labour market in Durham and collaborate with partners like Durham College to foster innovation. M. Longarini answered questions from the Committee. He noted that smaller farms, which are increasingly common as land has been divided, are able to be very productive if managed efficiently and that these farms are often how first -generation farmers start. He noted how farmer's markets play an important role in demonstrating to the public that food is produced locally and in raising the profile of agriculture. The farms involved in this training don't use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides but are not ideologically opposed. The Committee suggested that specialized training, earlier in the year could be helpful for training farm staff, as individual farms may not have the resources to do training in house. H. Zekveld thanked M. Longarini for presenting to the Committee. 6. Business Arising from Previous Meeting 6a. Consultation on Land Division Applications S. Jennings advised that consultation on land division applications will follow the same process as it has in the past with DAAC commenting on the Regional Official Plan Amendment that would accompany a land division application to consolidate non -abutting farm parcels. She advised that the turn around time for land division applications is too short to consult with this Committee. 6b. Rural Traffic Infrastructure Consultation S. Jennings reported that the Clarington Engineering division was not consulted on the new traffic lights installed on Enfield Road at Concession 7 and Concession 8. Clarington engineering has contacted the Region and is passing along the Committee's concerns. S. Jennings will report back at the next meeting if a rationale is given for why the lights were installed. 7. Correspondence, Council Items and Referrals S. Jennings shared the following for information: • The 2024 Trees for Rural Roads Program is currently accepting applications • The new Terms of Reference for the AACC has been brought to Council 8. Liaison Reports 8a. Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee — T. Barrie Tom Barrie provided the update. Updates were given on the Greater Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Alliance and the Growing North Durham Annual Activity Report. The DAAC Farm Tour was discussed. Zac Cohoon will host, along with Two Blokes Cidery. Also discussed were issues related to a mobile home on a farm property and maintenance of railway crossings. 8b. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture — M. Morawetz Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 14, 2024 M. Morawetz provided the update. Stormwater management fees were discussed at the last meeting. Some municipalities are charging stormwater management fees based on the amount of impervious surface on a parcel. Some farms, such as those with greenhouses, are facing large fees. A Committee member described the engineering interventions he undertook to reduce stormwater runoff. Discussion ensued about municipalities charging user fees if not directly providing a service. The Committee requested to be consulted if Clarington considers implementing this charge. 8c. Durham Farm Connections — B. Metcalf B. Metcalf reported. The grade 3 program will run April 2nd to 4tn, with an open house on the 3rd. The high school program will be on May 28tn. The Celebrate Ag Gala will be on October 25tn at the Royal Ashburn. Fiddlesticks will be performing again this year. 8d. Durham Agricultural Economic Development Update — A. De Vos A. De Vos provided an update. A tour is being put on for planning, economic development and building services workers in Durham Region. The tour will visit a farm, a soybean roaster, a cidery, and a restaurant, to highlight agriculture supportive businesses and diversified uses. Invest Durham has started to plan for Gather at the Farm, a promotional event for Durham Farm Fresh Members. More details will be available soon. The Clarington Board of Trade will be hosting their Agriculture Summit on April 5tn 9. New Business 9a. Weed Specialist and Controller for the 407 Highway A Committee member advised that there is a local representative for the 407 who can advocate for weed management along the 407 highway. 10. Date of Next Meeting April 11, 2024 11. Adjournment 024-006 Moved by Eric Bowman, Seconded by Richard Rekker That the meeting adjourn at 8:57 p.m. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington March 14, 2024