HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-07 Electronic Council Communications Information Package Date:June 7, 2024 Time:12:00 PM Location:ECCIP is an information package and not a meeting. Description: An ECCIP is an electronic package containing correspondence received by Staff for Council's information. This is not a meeting of Council or Committee. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Members of Council: In accordance with the Procedural By-law, please advise the Municipal Clerk at clerks@clarington.net, if you would like to include one of these items on the next regular agenda of the appropriate Standing Committee, along with the proposed resolution for disposition of the matter. Items will be added to the agenda if the Municipal Clerk is advised by Wednesday at noon the week prior to the appropriate meeting, otherwise the item will be included on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the applicable Committee. Members of the Public: can speak to an ECCIP item as a delegation. If you would like to be a delegation at a meeting, please visit the Clarington website. Pages 1.Region of Durham Correspondence 1.1 Annual roadway line painting operations begin - June 5, 2024 3 1.2 Minutes of the Energy From Waste - Waste Management Advisory Committee meeting dated May 28, 2024 5 2.Durham Municipalities Correspondence 2.1 City of Pickering - Natural Gas for Rural and Expanding Communities - June 3, 2024 9 3.Other Municipalities Correspondence 4.Provincial / Federal Government and their Agency Correspondence 5.Miscellaneous Correspondence 5.1 Minutes of the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority meeting dated May 16, 2024 12 June 7, 2024 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) Page 2 From:ClerksExternalEmail To:Chambers, Michelle Subject:FW: Annual roadway line painting operations begin Date:June 7, 2024 10:28:23 AM Region of Durham News 6/5/2024 2:38:30 PM Annual roadway line painting operations begin Whitby, Ontario – The Regional Municipality of Durham would like to advise residents that roadway line painting is starting. Drivers are asked to exercise caution when approaching these vehicles. Before heading out on the road, residents can follow line painting operations in real time using live traffic and navigation apps. When: Operations are taking place primarily on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., with occasional weekend and nighttime operations, from June to November. Where: The Region is responsible for roadway pavement markings on more than 3,700 lanekilometres in Durham, including all Regional roads and many local area municipal roads.Road line painting will also take place at various Ministry of Transportation on and off ramps. Why: Line painting on roads is an important road safety feature. Line markings are used to define lanes and guide traffic on roadways, as well as provide guidance to motorists, cyclistsand pedestrians about allowable or prohibitive maneuvers. Note: Line painting is a moving operation that progresses at reduced speeds to ensure the proper application of road paint. Follow-up trucks travel behind the trucks applying the paint to act as a buffer and allow sufficient paint drying time. Drivers are reminded to please be patient, exercise caution, keep a safe distance back fromthe follow-up trucks, and do not cross freshly painted lines. The applied paint contains glass beads to make the colour reflective. Driving on freshly painted lines can cause damage to vehicles and compromise the quality of the road lane line reflectivity. Line painting trucks are equipped with technology that allows residents to view the location ofpainting operations in real-time. When possible, residents are asked to seek an alternate Page 3 route to avoid painting operations. For more information about line painting operations in Durham Region, visitdurham.ca/LinePainting. – 30 – Media inquiries: The Regional Municipality of Durham: Corporate Communications 905-668-4113 extension 2383CorporateCommunications@durham.ca Read this article on our website. CONTACT US 605 Rossland Rd. EWhitby, Ontario L1N 6A3(905) 668-7711 | Region of Durham Unsubscribe Privacy Policy THIS MESSAGE IS FOR THE USE OF THE INTENDED RECIPIENT(S) ONLY AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED, PROPRIETARY, CONFIDENTIAL, AND/OR EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER ANY RELEVANT PRIVACY LEGISLATION. No rights to any privilege have been waived. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, re- transmission, dissemination, distribution, copying, conversion to hard copy, taking of action in reliance on or other use of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this message in error, please notify me by return e-mail and delete or destroy all copies of this message. Page 4 If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact 1-800-372-1102 ext. 2097. The Regional Municipality of Durham Minutes Energy From Waste – Waste Management Advisory Committee Tuesday, May 28, 2024 A meeting of the Energy from Waste – Waste Management Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 in Council Chambers, Regional Headquarters, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, at 7:00 PM. Electronic participation was permitted for this meeting. 1. Roll Call Present: G. Gordon, Whitby, Chair G. Baswick, Clarington G. Best, Whitby R. Fleming, Pickering P. Haylock, Clarington, Vice-Chair T. Shomar, Clarington J. Vinson, Clarington *all members of the Committee participated electronically Absent: M. Cannon, Oshawa K. Palinka, Oshawa Non-Voting Members Present: Councillor Elhajjeh, Local Councillor, Municipality of Clarington S. Kaur, Environmental Specialist, Covanta B. Parayankuzhiyil, Facility Manager, Covanta N. Ratnasingam, Climate Action Response Coordinator *all non-voting members of the Committee participated electronically Staff Present: J. Ahmadian-Yazdi, Medical Resident Placement S. Ciani, Committee Clerk, Corporate Services – Legislative Services A. Di Pietro, Director, Health Protection K. Dykman, Supervisor, Waste Services A. Evans, Director, Waste Management Services R. Inacio, Systems Support Specialist – Information Technology L. Saha, Manager, Waste Services D. San Juan, Environmental Health Specialist, Health Department, Durham Region N. Williams, Project Manager, Waste Services *all staff members participated electronically Page 5 Energy from Waste – Waste Management Advisory Committee Minutes May 28, 2024 Page 2 of 4 2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest. 3. Adoption of Minutes Moved by T. Shomar, Seconded by P. Haylock, That the minutes of the EFW-WMAC meeting held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, be adopted. CARRIED 4. Presentations There were no presentations heard. 5. Delegations There were no delegations heard. 6. Correspondence A) Email correspondence and five references from Linda Gasser and on Behalf of Wendy Bracken, dated May 27, 2024, re: Update by Andrew Evans, Director, Waste Management Services, the Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding the Durham York Energy Centre [Item 8. E)] Moved by T. Shomar, Seconded by G. Best, That we recommend to the Works Committee: That the Works Committee request that Region of Durham staff produce the promised Council Information Report prior to proceeding with the Environmental Compliance Application (ECA). CARRIED 7. Administrative Matters A) EFW-WMAC Work Plan (2023-2024) – Working Group Appointments A. Evans reminded the committee members of the three areas of the workplan that could be further investigated: 1. Plan and Program Implementation (as it relates to the Long-Term Waste Management Plan, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and changes and enhancements to the Region’s Organics Program); 2. Diversion Program Assessment (review and assess opportunities for the Region to optimize and increase diversion opportunities within Durham Region); and Page 6 Energy from Waste – Waste Management Advisory Committee Minutes May 28, 2024 Page 3 of 4 3. Technology and Facility Review (reviewing key technologies which are or may be utilized by the Region in delivery of waste management services). Discussion ensued regarding the formation of working groups associated with the three areas of the workplan identified previously. Moved by P. Haylock, Seconded by G. Gordon, That T. Shomar, R. Fleming, and G. Best be appointed to the Plan and Program Implementation Working Group. CARRIED 8. Other Business A) Update by Lipika Saha, Manager, Waste Services, the Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding 2024 Community and Outreach Activities L. Saha highlighted community and outreach activities across the Region. R. Fleming shared with the Committee that she attended the Compost Giveaway event that was held in the City of Pickering and had a great time. She advised that many broken blue boxes were exchanged and that many residents also purchased extra blue boxes. B) Update by Andrew Evans, Director, Waste Management Services, the Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding Extended Producer Responsibility A. Evans advised that there has been a lot of interest in extended producer responsibility (EPR) and reminded the Committee that it will take effect July 1, 2024, resulting in the private sector taking over the recycling program within Ontario. He advised that all 8 municipalities are at the mid point of the transition, and that Durham staff are working to wrap up current contracts as required and ensure that the right messaging is being provided to the residents with respect to the transition to EPR. C) Update by Andrew Evans, Director, Waste Management Services, the Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding Expanded Green Bin Program A. Evans advised that the expanded Green Bin Program will also begin July 1, 2024, which means that additional materials will be allowed to go into the green bin because of enhancements made at the collection facilities. A. Evans responded to questions from the Committee regarding hand-out materials that could be provided to residents at Local Environment Day on June 13, 2024; and whether there will be green bins located in local parks. D) Update by Andrew Evans, Director, Waste Management Services, the Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding Automated Cart-Based Garbage Collection Pilot Project Page 7 Energy from Waste – Waste Management Advisory Committee Minutes May 28, 2024 Page 4 of 4 A. Evans advised that staff are looking at an automated cart-based system similar to what the City of Toronto uses, for the Region. He advised that staff have sought permission to complete a pilot program for the cart-based system in the Town of Ajax and the Township of Scugog. A. Evans responded to questions from the Committee regarding how big the carts would be and roughly how many garbage bags would fit in them. E) Update by Andrew Evans, Director, Waste Management Services, the Regional Municipality of Durham, regarding Durham York Energy Centre A. Evans advised that the annual operations report for the Durham York Energy Centre (DYEC) facility, as well as the DYEC audit and annual ground monitoring reports have been submitted to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP). A. Evans advised that Dr. Adams presented at the May 8, 2024, Works Committee meeting on Report #2024-WR-5: Durham York Energy Centre - Analysis of Ambient Air and Emissions Monitoring to Identify Local Airshed Impacts which is available on the May 8, 2024, Works Committee agenda. He also advised that the Region received correspondence from the MECP indicating that the elevation requests were denied for the screening report, and that the Region can move forward to the next stage which would be to complete the Environmental Compliance Assessment (ECA). 9. Next Meeting The next regularly scheduled meeting of the EFW-WMAC will be held on Tuesday, September 24, 2024, in Council Chambers, at 7:00 PM, Regional Headquarters, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby. 10. Adjournment Moved by G. Best, Seconded by R. Fleming, That the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM. G. Gordon, Chair, Energy from Waste – Waste Management Advisory Committee S. Ciani, Committee Clerk Page 8 Pickering Civic Complex | One The Esplanade | Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 T. 905.420.4611 | F. 905.420.9685 | Toll Free 1.866.683.2760 | clerks@pickering.ca | pickering.ca Sent by Email June 3, 2024 The Honourable Doug Ford Premier of Ontario Room 281 Legislative Building, Queen's Park Toronto, ON M7A 1A1 premier@ontario.ca Subject: Natural Gas for Rural and Expanding Communities The Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering considered the above matter at a Meeting held on May 27, 2024 and adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, reliable and affordable access to natural gas is essential for the economic viability and prosperity of residents and businesses in our community, offering a balance of affordability and energy reliability; And Whereas, potential limitations on the expansion of natural gas infrastructure jeopardizes access to this critical energy source, which is fundamental to fostering economic growth, supporting our manufacturing sector, enhancing agricultural and farm productivity, ensuring the development of affordable housing, and maintaining energy reliability in Durham Region including the City of Pickering; And Whereas, Ontario is growing and access to reliable and affordable energy sources such as natural gas is required to support this growth in both urban and rural communities, and is a measured approach to energy transition; And Whereas, the absence of natural gas access would severely stifle the growth of the industrial sector, leading to escalated costs for agriculture and farm production, manufacturing, and consumer goods; And Whereas, for our rural and farming communities, access to natural gas is vital, as a cost-effective energy source and a catalyst for sustainable agricultural practices and on-farm operations, including heating, grain drying, and storage, directly contributing to reduced operational expenses and enabling sustainable agricultural advancements; And Whereas, achieving a net-zero emissions target in a cost-effective manner requires a collaborative approach between the electric and gas sectors, leveraging the strengths of Corporate Services Department Legislative Services Page 9 Natural Gas for Rural and Expanding Communities June 3, 2024 Page 2 of 3 Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 905.420.4660, extension 2019. Yours truly, Susan Cassel City Clerk SC:am Copy: The Hon. Todd Smith, Minister of Energy The Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy, MPP, Pickering - Uxbridge Jaclyn Grossi, Director of Legislative & Information Services, Town of Ajax June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk, Municipality of Clarington Chris Harris, Clerk, Town of Whitby Fernando Lamanna, Clerk, Township of Brock Debbie Leroux, Clerk, Township of Uxbridge Mary Medeiros, City Clerk, City of Oshawa both to enhance the overall reliability, resilience, and consumer choice within Ontario’s energy system; Now therefore be it resolved, that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Pickering: 1. Supports a balanced and measured approach to Ontario’s energy transition,acknowledging the insufficiency of the current electricity supply to meet the growing demands from electrification and the critical role of natural gas in bridging this gap; 2. That natural gas must be recognized as a cornerstone in meeting Ontario’s growingenergy needs; 3. That Pickering Council supports the need for maintaining access to diverse andaffordable energy sources, including natural gas, to bolster our agricultural sectors, enabling our rural communities to thrive and sustainably increase production capabilities within the City of Pickering and its surrounding areas; and, 4. That this resolution be circulated to Colin Best, President of AMO; Hon. Doug Ford,Premier of Ontario; Hon. Todd Smith, the Minister of Energy; Hon. Peter Bethlenfalvy,Member of Provincial Parliament Pickering-Uxbridge; all Durham Region municipalities as significant actors to ensuring the need for natural gas in Ontario as part of a measured approach towards energy transition, and that it also be submittedto municipalaffairs@enbridge.com. Page 10 Natural Gas for Rural and Expanding Communities June 3, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Ralph Walton, Interim City Clerk, Township of Scugog Alexander Harras, Regional Clerk, Director of Legislative Services, Region of Durham Colin Best, President, AMO Enbridge Gas Chief Administrative Officer Page 11 GANARASKA REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS May 16, 2024 (Hybrid) GRCA 03/24 1. Welcome, Land Acknowledgement and Call to Order The Vice-Chair called the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) Board of Directors meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Willie Woo, Vice-Chair - Municipality of Clarington Randy Barber - Town of Cobourg Mark Lovshin, Chair - Township of Hamilton Miriam Mutton - Town of Cobourg Lance Nachoff - Township of Cavan Monaghan Adam Pearson - Municipality of Port Hope Tracy Richardson - City of Kawartha Lakes Joan Stover - Township of Alnwick/Haldimand Margaret Zwart - Municipality of Clarington ALSO PRESENT: Linda Laliberte, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer Cory Harris, Watershed Services Coordinator Ken Thajer, Planning and Regulations Coordinator ABSENT WITH REGRETS: Vicki Mink, Chair - Municipality of Port Hope ALSO ABSENT: Bruce Buttar - Agricultural Representative Land Acknowledgement The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority respectfully acknowledges that the land on which we gather is situated within the traditional and treaty territory of the Mississauga’s and Chippewa’s of the Anishinabek, known today as the Williams Treaties First Nations. Our work on these lands acknowledges their resilience and their longstanding contribution to the area. We are thankful for the opportunity to live, learn and share with mutual respect and appreciation. 2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest None. 3. Minutes of Last Meeting GRCA 21/24 MOVED BY: Randy Barber SECONDED BY: Tracy Robinson Page 12 Minutes GRCA Board of Directors 03/24 Page 2 THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority approve the minutes of the April 18, 2024 meeting. CARRIED. 4. Adoption of the Agenda GRCA 22/24 MOVED BY: Miriam Mutton SECONDED BY: Lance Nachoff THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority adopt the agenda. CARRIED. 5. Business Arising from Minutes: None. 6. Delegations None. 7. Presentations a) Legislative Changes Affecting Conservation Authorities Overview Ken Thajer, Planning and Regulations Coordinator, provided a presentation on legislative changes impacting Conservation Authorities and related the presentation to the correspondence items. The members asked questions in regard to whether the changes would allow for faster response times and the impact on staff workload. Much is still unknown to answer the questions definitively. Tracy Richardson asked for the presentation to be shared which staff will do. GRCA 23/24 MOVED BY: Miriam Mutton SECONDED BY: Mark Lovshin THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority receive the presentation for information. CARRIED. 8. Correspondence a) 04/24 Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Regulation detailing new Minister’s Permit and Review powers under the Conservation Authorities Act” (ERO # 019-8320) b) 05/24 Conservation Ontario re: Conservation Ontario’s comments on the “Proposed policies for a new provincial planning policy instrument” (ERO # 019-8462) c) 06/24 Conservation Ontario re: Conservation Ontario’s Comments on the “Proposed Regulatory Changes under the Planning Act Relating to the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024 (Bill 185) Miriam Mutton asked if any of the Ganaraska’s watersheds were included in the “large and fast-growing municipalities” in Schedule 1. It was noted the Municipality of Clarington is included in this schedule. Page 13 Minutes GRCA Board of Directors 03/24 Page 3 GRCA 24/24 MOVED BY: Randy Barber SECONDED BY: Miriam Mutton THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority note and file correspondence item 04/24 to 06/24. CARRIED. 9. Applications under Ontario Regulation 168/06 and Conservation Authorities Act: Permits approved by Executive: GRCA 25/24 MOVED BY: Joan Stover SECONDED BY: Mark Lovshin THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority receive the permits for information. CARRIED. Permit Application requiring Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors discussion: None. 10. Committee Reports: None. 11. New Business: None. 12. Other Business None. 13. Public Question Period None. 14. In Camera a) Update on a legal matter GRCA 26/24 MOVED BY: Miriam Mutton SECONDED BY: Tracy Richardson THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority go in camera. CARRIED. GRCA 27/24 MOVED BY: Randy Barber SECONDED BY: Mark Lovshin Page 14 Minutes GRCA Board of Directors 03/24 Page 4 THAT the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority come out of camera. CARRIED. 15. Adjourn GRCA 28/24 MOVED BY: Miriam Mutton THAT the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. CARRIED. __________________________ ____________________________ CHAIR CAO/SECRETARY-TREASURER Page 15 Overview of Legislative Changes Affecting Conservation Authorities Presentation to the GRCA Board of Directors May 16, 2024 Page 16 •Planning Act –Bill 185 •Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) •Conservation Authorities Act •Ontario Regulation 41/24 Outline Page 17 GRCA’s Planning and Regulations Program includes: •Reviewing and commenting on Planning Act applications (subdivisions, minor variances, severances etc.) as per a delegated authority by the Province to speak to natural hazards (Section 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement) •Issuing permits consistent with GRCA Board approved policies as per the requirements of the Conservation Authorities Act and applicable regulation Introduction Page 18 mad •The Planning Act sets out the ground rules for land use planning in Ontario and describes how land uses may be controlled, and who may control them •Requires that all decisions shall be consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement when decision-makers exercise planning authority or provide advice on planning matters •GRCA responsible for commenting on matters related to Natural Hazards Planning Act Page 19 mad “Proposed Regulatory Changes under the Planning Act Relating to the Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act” •Conservation Ontario comments: correspondence c) in Agenda •Bill proposing to streamline planning approvals •This is the 5th bill targeting the housing crisis since 2023 Planning Act –Bill 185 Page 20 * Pr Planning Act –Bill 185 •Municipalities can no longer require pre-consultation. Pre-consultation is extremely helpful and should be encouraged to the extent feasible to ensure that good submissions are made •Concerns identified by Conservation Ontario for proposed expedited development should not include additional residential units, institutional uses & student housing, standardized housing and settlement boundary expansions within hazardous lands and hazardous sites, and where safe access is not achieved and there are concerns regarding protection of drinking water •Exemptions for certain community service facility projects and universities from the Planning Act –raise concerns as certain institutional uses cannot be located within hazardous lands Page 21 mad “Proposed policies for a new provincial planning policy instrument” ERO# 019-8462 Proposal posted: April 12, 2024 Comment period: April 12, 2024 –May 12, 2024 •Conservation Ontario comments: correspondence b) in Agenda •Currently, GRCA provides comments on municipally circulated Planning Act applications per Section 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) •The comments are a delegated responsibility from the province and are in reference to natural hazards such as watercourses, floodplains, shorelines and erosion hazards. Provincial Policy Statement Page 22 mad Proposed Provincial Policy Statement (PPS): •Natural Hazard section will move from 3.1 to 5.2 •Direct references to Conservation Authorities in the natural hazard and watershed planning section •Requires municipalities to collaborate with CAs to identify hazardous lands and sites to manage development •Concerns with some language in the ‘vision’ section being inconsistent with the language in the natural hazards section Provincial Policy Statement Page 23 mad “Regulation detailing new Minister’s Permit and Review powers under the Conservation Authorities Act” ERO# 019-8320 Proposal posted: April 5, 2024 Comment period: April 5, 2024 –May 6, 2024 •Conservation Ontario comments: correspondence a) in Agenda •GRCA staff provided comments on this regulation Conservation Authorities Act Page 24 mad Conservation Authorities Act –New Regulation Minister provided powers to: 1.Make an order to prevent a Conservation Authority from issuing a permit to an individual (or individuals) to engage in activity (or class of activities), that would be prohibited under section 28 of the Act 2.Where an order is made, assume the responsibility for the permitting process in the place of a CA, where the criteria under section 28.1 of the Act concerning natural hazards and public safety can be met 3.Review (and potentially alter) CA permit decisions at the request of the applicant (where the Authority has refused a permit or the applicant objects to permit conditions) Page 25 mad The following are currently in effect as of April 1, 2024 •O. Reg. 41/24 now contains definitions instead of the Act. Largely the same except new watercourse definition •O. Reg. 41/24 now identifies regulated areas (similar except all wetlands regulated 30m –no longer 120m) •O. Reg. 41/24 identifies applicable flood standards –GRCA uses Hurricane Hazel, 100 year flood or as identified in a Special Policy Area •Applications for permits now required under Section 28.1 of the Act Conservation Authorities Act & O. Reg. 41/24 Page 26 mad Exemptions from GRCA Permitting •Floating docks (10 sq.m. or less, no support structures, can be removed in event of flooding) •Fences (minimum 75mm between panels, not within a wetland) •Agricultural in-field erosion controls (no outlet of water directed/connected to watercourse, wetland, stream valley) Page 27 mad Exemptions from GRCA Permitting ….continued •Non-habitable accessory dwellings (incidental/subordinate to principal dwelling, 15 square metres or less, not within a wetland or watercourse) •Unenclosed detached deck or patio (not within wetland/watercourse, 15 square metres or less, no cantilevering) •Installation of tile drains (not within wetland/watercourse, 30m from wetland, 15m from watercourse, outlet not directed/connected to a watercourse) Page 28 mad Exemptions from GRCA Permitting ….continued •Installation, maintenance, repair of offline ponds 15m from watercourse or wetland •Maintenance and repair of municipal drains •Reconstruction of non-habitable garage with no basement (does not exceed size of previous garage and does not allow for a change to habitable use) Page 29 mad GRCA tests for permitting issuance: •Flooding •Erosion •Conservation of Land •Dynamic Beaches •Pollution Addition of •Unstable Soils and Bedrock Permit Tests Page 30 Thank you! 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