HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-24Clar*mn Clarington Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes Tuesday April 24, 2024 6:30 p.m Virtual Via Microsoft Teams If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext 2131 Present: Lesley Scherer (Chair) Keith Brettell Sanja Wirch Sheikh Hossain Hawa Mire Also Present: Jeannette Whynot — Accessibility Coordinator Regrets: Beatrice Kraayenhof Councillor Corinna Traill The meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. 1. Land Acknowledgement Statement Lesley Scherer shared the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 2. Declarations of Interest No declarations 3. Approval of March 12, 2024, and March 27, 2024 Meeting Minutes Moved by Sanja Wirch, seconded by Sheikh Houssain, That the March 12, 2024, and March 27, 2024 meeting minutes be approved as presented. Carried 4. National AccessAbility Week 2024 Updates Jeannette provided an update on the events being planned for National AccessAbility Week. Throughout the week CPLMA will host a colouring contest, incorporate accessibility/inclusion into their programming and highlight books by disabled authors/are about disabled characters. There will be daily emails to Clarington staff that highlight different information about disability, accessibility, and inclusion. Committee members were reminded to send their suggestions to Jeannette as soon as possible. Page 11 A flag raising has been requested and approved. Due to pending construction at Town Hall, there may not be a ceremony this year, but the week will be proclaimed and the disability flag will be raised, if possible. There will be a tour Autism Home Base for staff to learn more about the organization, their work in the community and the resources they have for autistic people. There will be a webinar for staff facilitated by Kinark Children and Family Services. The topic will be "Avoiding the use of ableist language" and a recording will be available for 60 days giving staff who cannot attend the opportunity to participate in the learning. CPMLA has also confirmed an author visit will take place Thursday May 30t" and that they will invite local schools to attend and promote the event to the community. Jeannette also advised that there are usually free webinars offered during National AccessAbility Week by disability service providers. Once they are announced Jeannette will advertise them to staff. 5. Inclusive Communities Grant Jeannette provided the Committee with an overview of the recently announced 2024 Inclusive Communities Grant from the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility. The grant provides up to $60,000 to municipalities and non -profits to help meet the needs of seniors and people with disabilities. It prioritizes projects that improve outdoor spaces, housing, and community spaces. Jeannette shared the at the Municipality would like to apply for a project to add adult change tables to 3 recreation facilities and provide additional accessibility features at a 4t" recreation centre in the existing accessible change room. Adult change tables are an important but often lacking feature, for people with disabilities. After a brief group discussion on the project scope, Committee members agreed that this is a great project that would have a meaningful impact on the community. Moved by Keith Brettell, seconded by Sheikh Houssain, That the AAC write a letter in support of the Municipality's Inclusive Community Grant application for adult change tables in recreation facilities. Carried 6. MapleFest 2024 Jeannette reminded members that MapleFest is on Saturday May 4t" from 9am-5pm in Downtown Bowmanville. The Municipality will have a table and members are requested to volunteer at the table for part of the day to promote inclusion and accessibility to the Community. A variety of giveaways are being ordered and will make engaging with visitors easier. Members will be reminded via email to sign up for a timeslot to volunteer. 7. Accessibility Awards 2024 Page 12 The Region of Durham is asking for nominations for this year's accessibility awards. Committee members were asked to think about individuals, organizations or businesses in the Clarington community that are making a difference for people with disabilities. Nominations are due at the end of June. Committee members were asked to bring nominations to the next Committee meeting. 8. Other Business Jeannette provided an overview of the Committee's updated Terms of Reference. Committee members were advised to review the document that was previously sent out via email and speak to Jeannette if they had any questions or concerns about the changes. Most significantly, the Committee is increasing from 7 members to 9 members. Other major administrative changes were reviewed, and questions were answered. The Committee was advised that both the 2023 Annual Status Update and the 2024-2028 Multi -Year Accessibility Plan were recently approved by Council. Both documents will be available on the website shortly. 9. Next Meeting Wednesday June 19t" at 6:30pm - hybrid format. 10.Adjournment Moved by Sanja Wirch, seconded by Sheikh Houssain That the meeting be adjourned. Carried Meeting was adjourned at 7:58pm. Page 13