HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-21**Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** ci ft Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes ffwin May 21, 2024 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility. Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting was held as a hybrid meeting in person at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, and via Microsoft Teams on May 21, 2024, at 7:00 PM. Members Present: Peter Vogel, Steve Conway, Ron Hooper, Heather Graham, Joseph Dalrymple, Ron Sproule, Colin Maitland, Jason Moore (ACO), Noel Gamble Regrets: Sher Leetooze (NVDHS), Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS) retired, Victor Suppan, Laura Thiel-Convery (Museum), Councillor Elhajjeh, Staff Present: Lisa Backus, Sarah Allin, Jane Wang, Planning and Infrastructure Services Guests: Tara Jenkins, Preston Arens at AECOM, Absar Beg from Lifelong Developments Myno Van Dyke retired as the president of Newcastle Village and District Historical Society recently. M. Van Dyke served as the representative from NVDHS on the Committee. Committee members expressed their gratitude to Myno for his contribution to the Committee and heritage conservation of the community for many years. 1 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement P. Vogel read aloud Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 24.21 Moved by R. Sproule, seconded by J. Dalrymple That the Agenda be adopted. "Carried" 4 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 24.22 Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by S. Conway That the minutes of April 16, 2024, the Clarington Heritage Committee - 1 - **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** ci ftw Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes ffn May 21, 2024 meeting be adopted with minor revisions, including the discussion on Public Information Centre. "Carried" 5 Delegations/Presentations: 5.1 Cultural Heritage Documentation and Salvage Report (Goodyear Property 45 Raynes Avenue, Bowmanville)-- Tara Jenkins, Preston Arens at AECOM The Consultants Tara Jenkins and Preston Arens at AECOM gave the presentation to the Committee. T. Jenkins provided background information related to the demolition permit submitted in May 2023, and the progress on the site to date, including an overview of the draft Documentation and Salvage Report that is required prior to demolition. The applicant submitted a demolition application in 2023. The drafted Cultural Heritage Documentation and Salvage Report for the property at 45 Raynes Avenue, Bowmanville, Goodyear, is to fulfill the conditions of the Demolition application in the first phase. The draft report was circulated to the Committee members before the meeting. The history of the property was updated and revised based on the Committee member's comments and other research. The statement of significance of the property was refined based on the research. The site was documented through drone documentation and site visits. The applicant is now proposing to demolish Building 1 (Powerhouse), diverting from the Council -approved plan to retain the building. The draft report indicated that the building has been substantially altered throughout the years. Contamination is a major issue for its adaptive reuse. Protection measures for Building 27 and the smokestack are recommended. A structural assessment is also recommended for the smokestack. The content and steps of the Commemoration Plan were also outlined. The Committee thanked the guests for their presentation. Members asked questions regarding the report. Questions included the possibility of preserving the building fagade across the alleyway of building 27, collecting the World War II plaques, the ownership of the designated building, example concept plans for a pedestrian path, open space, and adaptive use of the smokestack and groundwater table of the property, and what the plan is for the pumphouse (Building 15). The property owner and the consultant clarified a few questions. The project's landscape architects, architects and engineers are being consulted to explore open space design and smokestack adaptive reuses. Intended to achieve the walkability of pathways and visibility of the Creek, the preliminary concept design showed to build a road linking to the creek, park area and parking space. The wall of the building across the alleyway of Building 27 would not be retained in that -2- **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** ci ftw Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes ffn May 21, 2024 scenario. Currently, the property owner owns the parcel of Building 27. The owner intends to use Building 27 as a commercial space in the future, serving as a sales office in the interim. The ownership of Building 27 is flexible because it is on its own block. 6 Business Arising 6.1 Cultural Heritage Documentation and Salvage Report (Goodyear Property 45 Raynes Avenue, Bowmanville) The Committee members discussed the report content (the salvage plan and commemoration plan) and the proposal to change the recommendations approved by Council to retain Building 1. The Committee was encouraged by the developer's plan to retain and reuse Building 27 into a functional place. However, the smokestack standing alone will lose its historical context. The Committee is open to the adaptive reuse of Building 1. The World War II plaques are important items to salvage. Committee members noted the community has concerns about fire, safety and pollution caused by the property. 24.23 Moved by J. Dalrymple, seconded by N. Gamble That motion be tabled, the Committee members review materials, provide comments regarding the proposal of not retaining Building 1 and the Cultural Heritage Documentation and Salvage Report, and continue the discussion at the CHC June meeting. "Tabled" 6.2 Heritage Permit Application: HPA 2024-001(HIG 2024-002) 33 Centre Street, Staff provided clarification on the impact on the window casing and lintels after communicating with the property owner. The proposed work is limited to replacing the windows with energy -efficient windows with the same grill patterns, as the existing ones. It will not alter the casing and lintels. 24. 24 Moved by N. Gamble, seconded by R. Hooper That recommends approval of the proposed window replacements for 33 Centre Street as a minor alteration that is subject to the Deputy CAO of Planning & infrastructure Service's approval, with conditions (i) retaining window frames and lintels intact and (ii) no alteration to the surrounding woodwork or installation of cladding. "Carried" 24.25 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by R. Sproule That a Heritage Incentive Grant for the proposed work for 33 Centre Street be supported. W1e Ciarftwn 7 Project Reports **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes May 21, 2024 "Carried" 7.1 Municipal Inventory/ Register: no updates 7.2 Public Outreach/Education Heritage Barn Project The map displaying the locations of the barns has been shared with the Committee to assist the subcommittee members in conducting site visits. 8 Correspondence and Council Referrals: No update 9 New Business: Public Information Centre for property owners of the listed heritage property Planning and Infrastructure Services staff, with the assistance of ARA Limited, will host a Public Information Session on June 11, 2024, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm for owners of properties on the Municipal Register. The Chair will talk about the Committee's role and practices of heritage conservation, heritage permit review and other heritage -related matters in the information session. 10 Other Committee Updates: 10.1 Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle CIP: No updates 10.2 ACO—Clarington Branch: It was a success presenting at the Maple Festival. Group tour will start this week 10.3 NVDHS — No updates 10.4 Museum: No updates. 10.5 Heritage Conservation District: No updates 10.6 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park: No updates 10.7 Jury Land Foundation: the Foundation set up a booth at the Maple Festival. The consultant hired by the Foundation held a workshop to explore potential uses. Possible funding opportunities are explored. 10.8 Other information: R. Sproule mentioned an article in which Peterborough Council voted and supported the letter of Architectural Conservancy Ontario (ACO) proposing an extension of the timeline to designate listed heritage property introduced by Bill 23. 11 Standing items: **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes ciff;wgon May 21, 2024 11.1 81 Scugog Street: The new property owner is aware of the property designation status and has consulted with the staff regarding the potential plan for maintenance and improvement of the property. Staff had provided the Owner with information on the designation bylaw, historical pictures, heritage permit process and heritage incentive grant program. 11.2 Fletcher Tree: No updates Adjournment: 9: 10 P.M. Next Meeting: June 18, 2024, 7:00 p.m. 361M