HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-20Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee February 20th, 2024, 8:00 Diane Hamre Recreation Centre MINUTES If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905- 623-3379 ext. 2131. Participation: Y/N Person Y/N Person Y Brian Reid (Past Chair) Y Leanne Fernandez Y Carmen Aeillo Leo Blindenbach Y Councillor Margaret Zwart (Council Liaison) Patrick Bothwell Y Kate Potter (Chair) Samantha Hansen Y Ken Mercer (Staff) Y Tom Hossie (Vice Chair) Y Leah Bourgeois Y Rod McArthur Agenda Items 1. Call To Order and Welcome — by Chairperson Kate. Kate updated the committee re Leo's situation and circulated a get well card for members to sign. Kate also reported that Samantha Hansen has advised her that she will be leaving the committee. 2. Additions To The Agenda / Adoption Of The Agenda — moved by Rod McArthur, seconded by Leah Bourgeois that the agenda be adopted. CARRIED 3. Adoption Of Minutes Of Previous Meeting - moved by Leah Bourgeois, seconded by Carmen Aeillo that the minutes of the meeting of January 16t", 2024, be approved. CARRIED 4. Committee Administration a. Terms of Reference — Ken advised that these will be going to Council t" on March 4. On the agenda for that meeting and related to this item, is the request for an additional member. ( It now appears that we will need two). We will have the opportunity to see them again following approval by Council. Q - Are we supposed to be sending minutes to MNRF and/or GRCA? A — No formal requirement to do so. It appears that MNRF's role vis a vis SWNA was limited to the time surrounding the establishment of SWNA. It was suggested that the Terms of Reference could include phrasing such as "SWNA minutes are accessible through the Municipal website. " Suggestion: that we submit an annual written report to Council concerning our overall activities during the year. An actual presentation to Council could also be requested. 5. SWNA Workplan: a. This quarter i. LEAF program — Leah reported that discussions are ongoing. After some discussion, it was agreed that Leah and Ken will discuss the possibility of doing something with " in-house " resources ( eg our arborist ) and/or someone from eg GRCA. This relates to the " educational" aspects of the programme — tree identification, appropriate species for planting etc . With respect to any actual plantings on SWNA lands, this will be budget driven. ii. Our target date remains the month of June iii. SWNA codes — Tom reported that all are now in place and functioning properly. They also appear to be standing up well. Kate will prepare some type of communications piece to le the public know about this initiative. This could be posted on our blog and website. b. Next 2 quarters i. Spring clean up — scheduled for April 20t". We may some support for Leo who has organized this in the past. ii. Bird box maintenance - will be undertaken in early April. Brian to coordinate. iii. Invasive weed removal — Tom suggested that this should be done " strategically" with a plan to target different species, time frames etc. This will require a " mapping " of patches of invasives ( possibly to be done at the time of our spring cleanup ) and establishing priorities. It was noted that Himalayan balsam and garlic mustard might be good places to start. We could also endeavour to seek some external expertise from eg GRCA, DRFN etc. iv. Wildflower planting — Leah will advise Brian re deadline for applying for funding V. Leaf ID - as above vi. Moth week- still on track for July vii. Monarch tagging — tags have been ordered for this September's event. Tom advised that Monarch Watch has reported that the overwintering population in Mexico was the lowest on record. There were many weather related events ( drought etc ) that contributed to this. He noted that Monarch populations have suffered declines in the past but can bounce back viii. Pollinator presentation — as per last meeting, this event has been deferred to next year c. Final quarter i. Atlantic salmon — Leah advised that she has been in touch with the OFAH who are indeed interested in putting on some type of event/presentation. We have the hall at Hamre booked for October 201" . Leah will continue to dialogue with OFAH re the format. It will be a family -centred event ii. Bird box maintenance (fall) — as per minutes from last month's meeting iii. Christmas bird count- Brian reported that he has had some preliminary discussions with persons from DRFN and will continue to work on this undertaking 6. External Projects: a. (Update) Treatment Plant/ Storm Drainage Pond Project — as per minutes of last meeting b. (Update) Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan and Waterfront Strategy — no new developments c. (Update) State of hybernaculem — brushing work has been completed and looks good. The main sign requires some repair d. (Update) SWNA Management plan — timeline for update (est. 2010) and categories relevant to the Committee — no new developments Ken reported that some additional brushing and " road " repair has been done near the culvert on the trail leading from the memorial forest southward 7. Other Business a. By-law infractions (camping, fishing, mountain biking/pits, harvesting) — no new infractions reported. b. Rod requested signage, even if temporary, re removal of fiddleheads etc. since we are getting close to the time of year when this typically happens This is on Kens' schedule. 8. Round Table — All Members Brian advised that he will be hosting a guided walk through SWNA for members of DRFN on March 18tn He also advised that he had recently attended a presentation on the subject of swifts and swallows by a representative from Birds Canada. The presence of a small breeding colony of bank swallows along the bluffs within SWNA may be of interest to them. He will follow up as to what if any action could be taken re research, monitoring etc. Kate reported a protruding piece of metal near the end of the Pooh bridge. Ken will deal with this safety concern. 9. Next Meeting - March 18th — Diane Hamre at 8 pm. It was noted that neither the Chair nor Vice Chair would be available on that date. Kate will investigate options. Adjournment: moved by Tom Hossie, seconded by Leanne Fernandez, that the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Summary of near -term action items: 1. New member needed due to resignation 2. Wildflower planting — Leah and Brian re funding application deadline 3. Sign repair at hibernaculum — Ken 4. Signage re removal of plants etc. - Ken 5. Removal of metal piece near Pooh bridge — Ken 6. Date for next meeting— Kate/Tom SWNA Management Advisory Committee Draft 2024 Work Plan Month Activity Activity Tentative Dates Status January Confirmed SWNA mtg Jan. 16 February Tentative Promote LEAF program for backyard habitat? Unknown Confirmed SWNA mtg Feb. 20 March Tentative Launch QR codes for March break? Mar. 8 —15 Confirmed SWNA mtg Mar. 19 April Confirmed SWNA mtg Apr. 16 Confirmed Spring — earth day clean up Apr. 20 Tentative Bird box maintenance Unknown Tentative Invasive weed removal Unknown May Confirmed SWNA mtg May 21 Tentative Tree planting May 25 June Tentative Leaf ID Unknown Confirmed SWNA mtg June 18 July Confirmed Moth week July 20-28 Confirmed SWNA mtg - cancelled No date August Confirmed SWNA mtg - cancelled No date September Confirmed Monarch tagging Sept. 7 and 14 Tentative Pollinator presentation (bees, monarchs, etc) With above? Confirmed SWNA mtg Sept. 17 October Tentative Life cycle of Atlantic Salmon Unknown Confirmed SWNA mtg Oct. 15 November Confirmed SWNA mtg / Planning for 2025 Nov. 19 Confirmed Bird box maintenance Unknown December Tentative Christmas Bird Count? Unknown Confirmed SWNA mtg - cancelled No date