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Report To: General Government Committee Date of Meeting: April 8, 2024 Report Number: PUB-009-24 Submitted By: Reviewed By: Authored by: File Number: Report Subject: Lee-Ann Reck, Deputy CAO, Public Services Mary-Anne Dempster, CAO Resolution#:GG-068-24 George Acorn, Director Community Services By-law Number: Orono Town Hall 125th Anniversary – Funding Request Recommendations: 1.That Report PUB-009-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; 2.That funds in the amount of $________ be approved in response to the funding request from the Orono Town Hall Board to assist with the events identified as part of their 125th anniversary, with funding sources at the discretion of the Deputy CAO, Finance and Technology/Treasurer as outlined in Report PUB-009-24; and OR That the funding request from the Orono Town Hall Board to assist with the events identified as part of their 125th anniversary be received with thanks; and 3.That all interested parties listed in Report PUB-009-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report PUB-009-24 Report Overview This report is providing information for Council consideration of a funding request from the Orono Town Hall Board for events celebrating their 125th year anniversary. Staff have consulted with the organization to evaluate the request and distinguish between events that are part of their regular operation versus events that were specifically planned to commemorate the 125th anniversary. Also as directed by Council, staff are working to develop a policy for how future requests pertaining to milestone celebration funding can be best handled. These guidelines will be included in a Civic Recognition Program that is being prepared and will be before Council prior to the end of 2024. 1. Background 1.1 At the January 22, 2024, Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committee meeting, correspondence from Brad Smith, Chair Orono Town Hall was received (Attachment 1). It included a request for Council to consider assisting with the funding of the events planned around the milestone anniversary. The original request included three specific events and multiple community movie nights. 1.2 At the January 29th Council meeting, it was resolved “That the correspondence from the Orono Town Hall Board be received; That the request for funding be referred to Staff to gather more information, including the total anticipated cost of the events; and that Staff create a policy to deal with these types of grant requests. 1.3 During subsequent discussions with Board members, it was discussed what events from the original request were specific to the 125th anniversary celebrations and what events were regular and/or annual events. This resulted in a revised request being sent on March 5, 2024 (Attachment 2). 1.4 The details identified a Women’s International Day on March 8 at a budgeted cost of $3,350 and the 125th Anniversary Dinner on April 6 and a net budgeted cost of $3,510, not including the in-kind provision of tables from the Municipality. 1.5 Prior to the preparation of this report, Community Services staff did commit to providing tables for the April 6th Anniversary Dinner, as in-kind support for the event. 2. Future Considerations 2.1 As part of the same request from Council, staff were directed to develop a Policy to manage future requests for milestone celebrations. Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report PUB-009-24 2.2 Currently staff in Public Services are engaged in a project to develop a Civic Recognition Program. The program will outline a process for the Mayor and Members of Council to recognize outstanding contributions from individuals and community groups for the valuable work they do to serve and enhance our community. 2.3 Further, the Civic Recognition Program, will outline which major milestones will be recognized. This will apply to Anniversary Milestones, like that from Orono in 2024, as well as personal milestone events such as birthdays and wedding anniversaries. Staff plan to have this report before Council later in 2024. 3. Financial Considerations 3.1 Due to the timing of this request, the item was not included in the 2024-2027 Operating Budget. It is planned to include timelines and other criteria in the Civic Recognition Program that would require requests to be submitted as part of the annual operating budget update. 3.2 Municipal staff are currently reviewing the applications received for the 2024 Community Funding Program, and at this time it is not certain if there will remain unallocated funds from the approved 2024 budget. If Council approves any of the Orono Town Hall Board’s funding request, the unallocated grant funds will be used to support this initiative. If there are insufficient funds from the Community Funding Program, Staff will look at existing budgets first, and then appropriate reserves to fund any shortfall. 4. Strategic Plan This report aligns with the Clarington’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan’s Mission: A connected, dynamic and welcoming community, focused on the future while respecting our past. 5. Concurrence This report has been reviewed by the Deputy CAO, Finance and Technology/Treasurer who concurs with the recommendations. 6. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that Council consider the request from the Orono Town Hall Board seeking funds to support their planned celebrations of the Town Hall 125 years in operation. Staff Contact: George Acorn, Director Community Services, 905 623-3379 ext. 2502. Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PUB-009-24 Attachments: Attachment 1 – Original Funding Request Attachment 2 – Revised Funding Request (received March 5/24) Interested Parties: The following interested parties will be notified of Council's decision: Brad Smith, Chair Orono Town Hall Board 5315 Main St, Orono L0B 1M0 Attachment 1 to Report PUB-009-24 Attachment 1 to Report PUB-009-24 Attachment 2 to Report PUB-009-24 Attachment 2 to Report PUB-009-24 Attachment 2 to Report PUB-009-24