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Report To: General Government Committee Date of Meeting: April 8, 2024 Report Number: FSD-016-24 Submitted By: Reviewed By: Authored by: File Number: Report Subject: Trevor Pinn, Deputy CAO/Treasurer, Finance and Technology Mary-Anne Dempster, CAO Resolution#: GG-058-24 David Ferguson, Purchasing Manager RFP2024-3 By-law Number: Project Management Services - Operations Depot, Fire Station and Fire Training Facility Recommendations: 1.That Report FSD-016-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; 2.That the proposal received from Colliers Project Leaders Inc. being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2024-3 be awarded the contract for the provision of Project Management Services for the new Operations Depot, Fire Station and Fire Training Facility; 3.That the funds required for this project in the amount of $522,700.42 (Net HST Rebate) be funded from the approved budget; and 4.That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-016-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report FSD-016-24 Report Overview To request approval to award RFP2024-3 to the most responsive proponent to provide Project Management Services for the new Operations Depot, Fire Station and Fire Training Facility. 1. Background 1.1 The Municipality of Clarington (Municipality) requires the assistance of a qualified firm for the provision of Project Management Services for the new Operations Depot, Fire Station and Fire Training Facility. 1.2 A Request for Proposal (RFP) was drafted to allow the Municipality to select a qualified Project Management Consultant to assist with the design, bidding process and building of the new Operations Depot, Fire Station and Fire Training Facility. 1.3 RFP2024-3 was issued by the Purchasing Services Division and advertised electronically on the Municipality’s website. The RFP was structured on a two-envelope system with price being an evaluated factor. 2. Analysis 2.1 The RFP closed March 12, 2024. 2.2 The RFP stipulated, among other things, that the proponents were to provide a description of the Firm/Consulting team, key qualifications, firm profile, highlights of past service and experience of team members with projects of similar size, nature and complexity, and demonstrate an understanding of the Municipality’s requirements. 2.3 Twenty companies downloaded the document, and two proposals were received (refer to Attachment 1) by the stipulated closing date and time. All proposals received complied with Phase 1 - Mandatory submission requirements and were distributed to the evaluation committee for review, evaluation, and scoring. 2.4 The technical proposals were evaluated and scored independently by the members of the evaluation committee in accordance with the established criteria as outlined in the RFP. The evaluation committee was comprised of staff from the Emergency and Fire Services, Public Works and the Community Services Department. 2.5 The evaluation committee met to review and agree upon the overall scores for each proposal. Some of the areas on which the submissions were evaluated were as follows: Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report FSD-016-24  The Proponent’s understanding of the Municipality’s requirements;  Highlights of services provided performing similar work on projects of comparable nature, size, and scope in a municipality of similar population size;  A methodology describing the Proponent’s project management approach, work plan, goals, objectives, and methods of communications to be utilized to meet the requested deadlines; and  A proposed solution including a detailed work plan indicating the project method, schedule, Gantt chart, tasks and deliverables showing an estimated overall timeline of the project. 2.6 Upon completion of the evaluation, both submissions met the established passing threshold of 80 percent for Phase 2 – Technical Submission and moved to Phase 3 - Pricing. It was determined by the evaluation committee that a presentation from the short-listed proponents would not be required. 2.7 The pricing envelopes were opened and evaluated as stipulated in the RFP document. 2.8 The RFP was structured to award using a two-stage approach for the design and construction of a new Operations Depot and Fire Headquarters and Training Facility, in Bowmanville. 2.9 The project manager will be responsible for the first stage of the project which includes project management, concept design, all required studies and investigations and the development of a project budget. 2.10 The second stage is dependent on Council approval for the tendering for a Contractor and the construction of the new facility. 2.11 Upon completion of the evaluation scoring, the recommendation is to award the contract for this work to the highest ranked proponent, Colliers Project Leaders. 2.12 Colliers Project Leaders Inc. is currently providing Project Management services to the Municipality and as such a reference check was not required. 3. Financial Considerations 3.1 The funding required for this contract award is up to $522,700.42 (Net HST Rebate) and will be funded from the following account: Description Account Number Amount Operations Centre Design 110-36-370-83603-7401 $522,700 Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report FSD-016-24 3.2 The Proponents provided pricing for the two stages as noted in item 2.8 above. The fees are allocated between the stages as follows: Stage 1 – Lump Sum for Project Management Services including disbursements $149,119 Total net HST rebate Stage 2 – Lump Sum for Project Management Services including disbursements $373,581 Total net HST rebate 3.3 Stage 1 is related to the design phase of the project and will be utilizing portions of the $750,000 budget previously approved for the design of the Operations Depot, Fire Station and Fire Training Facility. There would remain approximately $600,900 available for the concept design work expected to be tendered in Q2 2024. Additional funding for stage 2, including construction, will be budgeted in the 2025 -2027 budget update. 4. Strategic Plan 4.1 This project directly relates to the corporate strategic plan’s mission statement; To enhance the quality of life in our community  Both departments provide legislated core services that directly affect the quality of life of our residents. These new facilities provide the opportunity to enhance and modernize our services so that we can serve our community as the demand increases from continued growth. 5. Concurrence This report has been reviewed by the Deputy CAO of Public Services and the Director of Emergency and Fire Services who concur with the recommendations. 6. Conclusion It is respectfully recommended that Colliers Project Leaders Inc. be awarded the contract for the provision of Project Management Consultant to assist with the design bid and build of the new Operations Depot, Fire Station and Fire Training Facility. Staff Contact: David Ferguson, Purchasing Manager, 905-623-3379 ext. 2209 or dferguson@clarington.net. Attachments: Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report FSD-016-24 Attachment 1 – Summary of Proposals Received Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report FSD-016-24 Attachment 1 - Summary of Proposals Received Municipality of Clarington RFP2024-3– Project Management Consultant Operations Depot, Fire Station and Fire Training Facility Proposals Received Bidder Altus Group Limited Colliers Project Leaders Inc.