HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-12 Planning and Development Committee Post-MeetingAgenda Date:February 12, 2024 Time:5:00 p.m. Location:Council Chambers or Microsoft Teams Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries and Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Lindsey Turcotte, Acting Legislative Services Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at lturcotte@clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Audio/Video Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio and/or video record of General Government Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a General Government Committee meeting, the Municipality will be recording you and will make the recording public by on the Municipality’s website, www.clarington.net/calendar Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non-audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net/archive The Revised Agenda will be published on Friday after 3:30 p.m. Late items added or a change to an item will appear with a * beside them. Pages 1.Call to Order 2.Land Acknowledgment Statement 3.Declaration of Interest 4.Announcements 5.Presentations/Delegations (10 Minute Time Limit) 5.1 Delegation by Tom Barrie, Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee, Regarding Durham Agriculture and the Challenges and Opportunities 4 5.2 Delegation by Henry Zekveld, Chair, Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington, Regarding the Agricultural Advisory Committee 2023 Update 23 6.Consent Agenda 7.Items for Separate Discussion 8.Unfinished Business 9.New Business 10.Public Meetings (6:30 p.m.) 10.1 Public Meeting to Receive Comments on the Proposed Amendments and Fee Increase to the Building By-law 25 10.1.1 FSD-006-24 Building Permit and Inspection Fee Amendments and New Building By-Law 38 10.2 Public Meeting for a Proposed Application for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment 109 Location: 1525-1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Bowmanville Applicant: GHD on behalf of Your Home Developments (Bowmanville) Inc. Planner: Lucy Pronk, Principal Planner 10.2.1 PDS-005-24 Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law 120 Planning and Development Committee Agenda February 12, 2024 Page 2 Amendment for 446 Residential Units in Bowmanville 10.3 Public Meeting for a Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision 141 Location: 3051 Courtice Road, Courtice Applicant: Courtice Glade Holding Inc. Planner: Nicole Zambri, Senior Planner 10.3.1 PDS-006-24 Information and Recommendation on a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to Permit a Block of 43 Townhouse Units within a Common Elements Condominium for Lands at 3051 Courtice Road 164 11.Confidential Items 11.1 Confidential Memo-001-24 from Rob Maciver, Deputy CAO/Solicitor, Regarding 2020 Lambs Road, Bowmanville (The matter deals with advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose) 12.Adjournment Planning and Development Committee Agenda February 12, 2024 Page 3 AGRICULTURE 101 TRAINING Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee Page 4 ABOUT DAAC DAAC provides advice to the Region of Durham on agricultural matters and rural matters as they relate to agriculture. •Matters, projects and consultations can be referred/presented to DAAC for information or to gather feedback. •DAAC provides agricultural perspectives and shares the impacts or benefits to agriculture related to the topic. •DAAC has 17 members including members at large, a representatives from each local municipality, Durham Region Federation of Agriculture and Durham Farm Fresh. There are also 3 non-farming representatives on the committee. Page 5 Snapshot of Clarington Agriculture •Agriculture is a leading economic driver in Clarington. •Wide diversity of agricultural products are produced ranging from livestock and grains, to apples and vegetables , and more. •Clarington is well above the national average for concentration of agricultural jobs in businesses. This shows a big sector advantage and opportunity for Clarington. •98% of farms are family farms (Ontario). Page 6 Clarington Farms by the Numbers (2021) Farm Type Number of Farms Percent of Total Farms Grain and oilseed 88 28.9% Beef cattle 57 18.8% Greenhouse, nursery and floriculture 22 7.2% Fruit and tree nut 16 5.2% Sheep and goat 15 4.9% Vegetable 14 4.6% Dairy cattle and milk 13 4.3% Poultry and egg 9 2.9% Other agriculture 69 22.7% Page 7 Food Pricing •Price for the farmer is usually determined on the commodity market which is based on supply and demand (with the exception of supply managed commodities like poultry and dairy) •Farmers are price takers, not price setters •Factors impacting food price •Inflation, labour shortage, supply chain disruptions, changes in purchasing patterns, poor weather in growing regions, tariffs, higher input costs, wage increases, etc. •For every dollar spent on food the farmer receives on average between 7 -17 cents Page 8 Agriculture & Our Community Agricultural businesses are essential. Clarington agri-businesses are leaders in providing food for our community and beyond. Beyond just producing food, agriculture brings a diversity of other benefits to our community. Page 9 Our Agriculture Clarington’s agricultural landscape is quickly evolving to meet the needs of our community Primary Agriculture Agriculture-Related and Supportive Agri-Business Diversified Agriculture – New and In-Demand Growing and Harvesting of Crops Food Processing – Abattoirs, Mills Value-Added Agriculture Raising of Livestock - Meat and Textile Grain Elevators – Receiving Grain from Surrounding Farms Agri-Tourism Greenhouse Farm Equipment Repair Shop On-Farm Events Pick Your Own Aggregation and Distribution – Trucking Distillery, Brewery Page 10 Planning for Clarington Ag The planning framework regulates the types of activities and uses permitted on farms Local government has the opportunity to balance farmland preservation while also allowing progressive agri- businesses to operate in our communities. Page 11 AGRI-BUSINESS IN CLARINGTON Page 12 On-Farm Diversified Uses Agri-Tourism, On-Farm Food Processing, Ag- Education, Home Industries, etc. Benefits •Economic potential for rural areas •Additional revenue stream for the farm •Balances farmland preservation with supporting the family farm How you can help •Supportive planning and development policy to support these uses/businesses Page 13 Crop Input and Feed Supply Benefits •Rural employment •Vital to the success of the surrounding agricultural businesses/farmers How you can help •Rural servicing •Quicker processing for development applications, permits, and approvals Grain Elevators, Fertilizer Depots, Seed Dealers, Feed Supply, etc. Page 14 Benefits •Increases business competitiveness •Reduces on-farm labour requirements •Increased environmental sustainability How you can help •Rural high-speed internet •Understand the social and environmental benefits Robotic Milking, Field Mapping, Efficient Crop Input Application, Herd Health Monitoring Tags, etc. Page 15 Vertical Farming Benefits •Food can be produced locally in the urban area •Food can be produced year-round (out of traditional season) How you can help •Encourage vertical farming in urban and employment areas where servicing is available •Update zoning-by laws to permit vertical farms Growing crops in a controlled indoor environment within the urban area. Page 16 On-Farm Business Infrastructure Farm businesses often require supportive infrastructure for business operations •Office space •Housing for farm workers •Equipment repair shops •Farm-product processing •Storage facilities (cold storage, equipment, crop inputs, etc.) How you can help •Recognize supportive infrastructure and buildings as part of the farm business •Quicker turn around on development applications, permits and approvals Page 17 Road Maintenance Consultations and conversations with DAAC when planning for: •Road maintenance schedules •Intersection planning - for large equipment •Ditches, drainage, tree trimming, etc. •Farm equipment road safety and public awareness Page 18 Why go to DAAC •Gather an agricultural perspective on new projects, strategies and more. •Ensure local decisions consider the impacts to Clarington’s agriculture businesses •Liaise between the Municipality of Clarington and agricultural businesses o Increases awareness in the agriculture community about local initiatives Example of where DAAC provides feedback •Regionals and Local Strategies or Plans •Planning Matters (policy directions or amendments •Works Departments Matters (roundabouts, intersections, ditches, roadwork, etc.) Page 19 Why does Durham Agriculture Matter to me? Top Goods Producing Industry in Durham Leading Economic Driver and Regional Employer Essential Industry – We all need to eat Providing Local Value Chain Stability ~80% of the Region is with in the Greenbelt – Ag is here to stay Page 20 Connect with Agriculture Annual DAAC Farm Tour DAAC has hosted their annual farm tour for twenty years! This is a great opportunity to connect and network with Durham Agriculture and enjoy a day touring progressive agri-businesses. Page 21 THANK YOU Contact any DAAC members to have a conversation about agriculture in Durham. We welcome you to attend an upcoming DAAC meeting daac@durham.ca agriculture@durham.ca Page 22 Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington – 2023 Annual Update Committee Goals From the 2023/2024 AACC Work Plan: 1. To encourage and support the agricultural industry as an important part of the Municipality’s economic base and as a valuable contribution to Ontario’s food supply. 2. To protect and enhance the Municipality’s rural character. 2023 Members Henry Zekveld (Chair) Tom Barrie (Vice-Chair) Eric Bowman John Cartwright Ryan Cullen Jennifer Knox Jordan McKay Brenda Metcalf Craig Rickard Richard Rekker Mitch Morawetz* Councillor Zwart Staff Liaison: Amy Burke Sylvia Jennings * Durham Region Federation of Agriculture representative Meetings The Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington (AACC) met monthly in 2023, with the exception of February, March, July, and September (8 meetings total). AACC meetings were held in a hybrid format. Consultation Input In 2023, the AACC was consulted on and discussed various local and regional issues, including: • Proposed Greenbelt Plan amendments and effects of loss of agricultural land • Advisory Committee Terms of Reference • Clarington Official Plan Review • Enniskillen Fire Station and volunteer firefighters • Bowmanville Farmer’s Market • Road safety conflicts between cyclists, motorists, and farm vehicles Page 23 • Rodenticide usage and potential municipal ban • Clarington Board of Trade Agricultural Summit • Plant Based Treaty • Economic Development Division – Business Resource and Information Centre • Proposed Langmaid Battery Energy Storage Facility Presentations to the Committee In 2023, the AACC expanded its knowledge of agricultural and agricultural-related issues by receiving presentations and engaging in discussions on the following: • Canadian Senate Study on the Status of Soil Health – The Honourable Robert Black, Senator • Advisory Committee of Clarington Council Orientation – Clarington Planning and Infrastructure Services and Legislative Services • 2023 Rural Area Capital Works Update – Clarington Infrastructure Division • Food Insecurity and Local Food Systems in Durham – Feed the Need Durham • Clarington Economic Development Overview and Tourism Update – Clarington Economic Development Division • Durham College Urban Farms – Barrett Centre of Innovation in Sustainable Urban Agriculture • Rodenticides in Ontario – Structural Pest Management Association of Clarington Support for Agricultural Organizations AACC members also supported various organizations throughout the year that help promote and advocate for agriculture in Clarington and the Region of Durham. Some of these organizations include: • Durham Region Federation of Agriculture • Durham Farm Connections • Durham Farm Fresh • Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee Farm Tour • Durham Barn Quilt Tour • Holstein Ontario Page 24 To obtain this information in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131, TTY: 1-844-790-1599. /MunofClarington /ClaringtonON www.clarington.net | 905-623-3379 Notice of Public Meeting — Building Code Act | Building Permit Fee Update Join us Monday, February 12 at 6:30 p.m. to have your say! To offset the costs of providing Building Code services, municipalities are permitted to charge fees for building permit applications and inspections of buildings. The Municipality of Clarington is reviewing its building permit fees, within the building by-law, as a requirement under the Building Code Act. It is projected to cost the Municipality of Clarington $3,667,600 in 2024 to provide Building Code services. In accordance with the provisions of the Building Code Act, the Municipality is proposing an increase of 8.99 per cent for building permit fees and inspection fees as of March 1, 2024. This represents an increase from $15.33 to $16.71 per square metre for a single-family dwelling. This will ensure that building permit revenue covers all direct and indirect costs to the Municipality in delivering these services, based on projected trends and building data. It also contributes to the reserve fund, which would be used to maintain services during an economic downturn. Have your say Join the meeting A public meeting will be held on Monday, February 12 at 6:30 p.m. to allow the public an opportunity to review and provide comments on the proposed amendments and fees increase in the building by-law. You can join in person or virtually. To participate virtually, please pre-register by completing the online form at www.clarington.net/delegations or contact the Clerk’s Division at 905-623-3379 ext. 2109 or clerks@clarington.net by February 9, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. A link and telephone number will be provided to you once registered. You do not need to pre-register as a delegate in order to speak in person. Provide comments Submit your written comments on the proposed amendment to Brent Rice, Chief Building Official, Planning and Infrastructure Services, at brice@clarington.net or by mail to 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 before the public meeting. Written comments received prior, during and after the public meeting, will be considered by Council prior to the enactment of a new building by-law. This meeting will also be live streamed for public viewing at www.clarington.net/Calendar. Inquiries should be directed to Brent Rice at 905-623-3370 ext. 2303. Page 25 Building Permit Fee UpdateStatutory Public MeetingMUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTONFebruary 12th, 2024Photo Source: Municipality of Clarington WebsitePage 26 Items for DiscussionBackground and Overall Study ObjectivesSummary of Legislative FrameworkFull Cost Recovery AnalysisImplementation Options2Page 27 Background & Study ObjectivesMunicipality last undertook a review of its building permit fees in 2017 with a view that the study would be reviewed on a 5-year cycleThe purpose of this study is to undertake a full cost of service analysis for Building Code ServicesStudy undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code Act3Page 28 Study ParametersAnalysis based on a 5-year time period (2023-2027)Activity based costing approachIncorporates direct and indirect costsBenchmark review4Page 29 Building Code ActAs per the Act, building permit fees must not exceed “the anticipated reasonable costs” required to administer and enforce the Building Code during building constructionPublic Meeting required when changing fees and sufficient notice of the meeting required (21 days)O. Reg. 332/12 states that municipalities must report on costs and fee revenues annually, including:Total fees collected within a 12-month period;The direct cost (including support staff) of reviewing applications and inspecting buildings;Indirect (overhead) costs; andBuilding permit fee reserve fund balances.5Page 30 Full Cost Recovery DefinedThe full cost of providing a service should be calculated when determining the basis for setting user fees:1. Direct CostsSalaries and benefits of departments that provide serviceOperating costs (resources used by those delivering service)Asset management requirements for facilities and fleet2. Indirect CostsInclude costs incurred by corporate and administration departments to support the delivery of services (e.g. Finance, Mayor and Council, Office of the CAO, etc.)6Page 31 Cost Analysis: Support of Building Code100% of Building Services staff time involved in the enforcement and administration of the Building CodeSupport staff time included:Planning and Infrastructure ServicesFire Prevention and AdministrationLegal ServicesAllocation for additional positions within Building Services included in the calculations7Page 32 Overview of Total CostsPayroll expenditures represent the largest share of total costsCorporate overhead represents about 11% of total costsExisting reserve fund is in a fairly healthy positionContinue annual contributions8Payroll, 74%Office Space, 4%Other Operating and Capital Costs, 9%Indirect Costs, 11%Reserve Fund Provision, 2%Total Average Annual Cost: $3.67 Million Page 33 Revenue Analysis:Historical Activity2018 and 2021 activity driven by residential permits For fee setting purposes, level of activity going forward (over 5 years) on average is anticipated higher than preceding years 9 $- $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $2,500,000 $3,000,000 $3,500,000 $4,000,0002018 2019 2020 2021 2022 ForecastedAverage$3.36 MPage 34 Revenue AnalysisFees set on a 5-year cost recovery basis (2023-2027)Revenue forecast mainly driven by projections of new residential and non-residential developmentTotal forecasted average annual revenue is $3.37 million10Page 35 Calculated Full Cost FeesAverage Annual Costs (2023-2027) $3,667,645Average Annual Revenue (2023-2027)* $3,365,023% Difference 8.99%Municipality can justify increasing current fee rates by 8.99%Increase applied uniformly to existing rate scheduleSome additional changes and new fees proposed are included in the by-lawThe fees continue to be competitive with surrounding jurisdictions11* Based on current ratesPage 36 Implementation Options and Next StepsThe proposed fee schedule will be brought forward for Council approval on February 26th, 2024, and if adopted, will come into force on March 1st, 2024Municipality continue indexing the fees on annual basis at a rate of 3% to ensure the Building Division remains self sustaining Regular five year reviews to ensure cost recovery Earlier reviews may be required to adjust for any significant changes in costs or revenues12Page 37 Staff Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 12, 2024 Report Number: FSD-006-24 Submitted By: Trevor Pinn, Deputy CAO, Finance and Technology / Treasurer Reviewed By: Mary-Anne Dempster, CAO By-law Number: Authored By: Brent Rice, Chief Building Official File Number: Resolution#: Report Subject: Building Permit and Inspection Fee Amendments and New Building By- Law Recommendation: 1. That Report FSD-006-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; 2. That the Building By-law, attached to Report FSD-006-24, as Attachment 2, repealing By-law 2017-086, be approved; 3. That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-006-24, and any delegations, be advised of Council’s decision. Page 38 Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report FSD-006-24 Report Overview This report provides an update on the Building Permit Fee study and proposed amendments to the Building By-law. 1. Background 1.1 In the fall of 2022, the Municipality retained the services of Hemson Consulting Ltd., to undertake a building permit fees study to comply with Building Code Statute Law Amendment Act, 2002 – Bill 124. This study analyzes the costs of administering and enforcing the Building Code in Clarington and makes recommendations regarding the new building permit fees necessary to recoup the cost of providing the required building permit services. 1.2 The current building permit fees were approved by Council through Report EGD -020-17 and By-Law #2017-086. Building permit and inspection fees were increased by 3% each year (2018 to 2022). The building permit fees study was to be updated in 20 23 to determine if the present permit fees are still adequate to administer and enforce the Building Code. 1.3 The Municipality hired Hemson Consulting Ltd. in the fall of 2022 to update the building permit fees study. Please refer to Attachment 1 for Hemson Consulting Ltd., 2023 Building Permit Fee Update Study. 1.4 The Building Code Statute Law Amendment Act, 2002 was passed by the provincial government in response to the building industry’s concerns that many municipalities were collecting large permit revenues but not providing adequate services. The legislation created a business unit that operates within the municipality but is financially self-sustaining. The legislation requires that permit fees can only be used for the administration and enforcement of the Ontario Building Code Act. Permit fees can be set to cover direct and indirect costs, and to contribute to a reserve fund which will finance the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act during an economic downturn when annual permit revenue may be reduced. 1.5 Bill 124 also included the following requirements of Municipalities and Building Inspectors:  Legislated minimum time frames for building permit review process which added more pressure to the building staff for the processing of building permit.  Legislated time frames for mandatory inspections of buildings plus additional heating inspections were required. Page 39 Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report FSD-006-24  Notification for an inspection must now be undertaken within two days of being notified, adding more pressure to the building staff. All Building Officials must take the Ministry of Housing exams and become qualified in numerous categories in order to perform plans examination and inspections. Building Code Regulations 1.6 The Building Code is continually evolving to address lessons learned from building failures/fires, new technologies, and climate change. 1.7 A new Ontario Building Code is anticipated to be filed in the 1st quarter of 2024. The current edition of the Building Code was released in November 2012 and took effect January 1, 2014. Requirements for Changing Fees 1.8 The Ontario Building Code, Division C – Part 1 article requires that before passing a by-law, regulation, or resolution under Clause 7(1)(c) of the Building Code Act to introduce or change a fee imposed for applications for a permit or for the issuance of a permit, a principal authority shall: a) hold at least one public meeting at which any person who attends has an opportunity to make representations with respect to the matter, b) ensure that a minimum of 21 days’ notice of the public meeting is given in accordance with Clause (c), including giving 21 days’ notice to e very person and organization that has, within five years before the day of the public meeting, requested that the principal authority provide the person or organization with such notice and has provided an address for the notice, c) ensure that the notice under Clause (b), • sets out the intention of the principal authority to pass the by-law, regulation, or resolution under section 7 of the Act and whether the by-law, regulation, or resolution would impose any fee that was not in effect on the day the notice is given or would change any fee that was in force on the day the notice is given, • is sent by regular mail to the last address provided by the person or organization that requested the notice in accordance with Clause (b), and • sets out the information described in Clause (d) or states that the information will be made available at no cost to any member of the public upon request, and Page 40 Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report FSD-006-24 d) make the following information available to the public:  an estimate of the costs of administering and enforcing the Act by the principal authority,  the amount of the fee or of the change to the existing fee, and  the rationale for imposing or changing the fee. Building Permit Fees 1.9 In the 2005, Report EGD-24-05 for Building Regulatory Changes – Impact of Building Code Statute Law Amendment Act and Ontario Regulation 305/03, Coun cil approved the increasing of the building permit fees and inspections rates by 41.11%. The fees approved in 2005 were constant over a five-year period which enabled the building community to forecast its building construction costs in Clarington. 1.10 In the 2011, Report EGD-011-11 , Building Permit and Inspection Fee Amendments and New Building By-law, Council approved the increase of building permit fees and inspections by 16.4% along with an annual 3 percent indexing to be written into the building by-law. The annual indexing percentage was effective January 1st each year. This annual indexing percentage assisted in keeping the revenues more in alignment with the building permit and inspection costs that increase annually due to employer and employee benefits, staff negotiations, and operating costs within the Building Division . 1.11 In the 2017, Report EGD-020-17 for Building Permit and Inspection Fee Amendments and New Building By-law, Council approved the increasing of the building permit fees and inspections rates by 1.30% and the fees were indexed by 3% each year over the past five-year period. 1.12 The updated study by Hemson Consulting Limited has determined that the present building permit fees are inadequate to recover the “anticipated reasonable cost” or administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act. 1.13 The following table lists the allowable cost recovery items and establishes a total cost projected for 2024 for the provision of Building Code services in the Municipality. Summary of the Analysis of Costs. Page 41 Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report FSD-006-24 Cost Type Average Annual Cost Direct (Note 1) $3,181,000 Indirect (Note 2) 409,100 Reserve Fund Contribution 77,500 Total $3,667,600 Note 1 - Direct costs – cost of the Building Division for processing of building permit applications, review building plans, conducting inspections, and building related enforcement duties. Note 2 - Indirect costs – cost for the support and overhead services to the Building Division. 1.14 The annual building permit revenue is estimated at $3,667,600 on a forecast of future building activity. This forecast was prepared by Hemson Consulting Limited, based on current building data, existing trends and discussions with Mun icipal staff. 1.15 The total cost projected for 2024 exceeds the estimated building permit revenues by 8.99%. Projected Costs $3,667,645 Estimated Revenues $3,365,023 % Difference 8.99% 1.16 In accordance with the provisions of the Building Code Act, the Municipality is permitted to increase all building permit fees and inspection fees by 8.99%, which equates to an increase for a single-family dwelling from $15.33 to $16.71 per square metre. A list of the current and proposed fees is included starting on page 23 of Hemson’s report included as Attachment 1. 1.17 The revenue stream from the proposed fee increase will cover the anticipated direct and indirect costs to the Municipality as allowed by the Building Code Act, as well as contribute to the reserve fund as permitted by legislation. This reserve fund would be used to maintain services during an economic downturn. Page 42 Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report FSD-006-24 Public Meeting 1.18 A Public meeting will be held pursuant to the Building Code Act on February 12, 2024, at the commencement of the same Planning and Development Committee meeting where Committee is receiving this report. 1.19 Should Council wish to consider amendments to the Building By-Law based on either communications or delegations at the public meeting or by Committee request, it is suggested that an addendum report be requested to specifically address issues raised. Annual Building Permit Fees Report 1.20 The building code requires that a report be prepared annually showing the total fees collected in the previous twelve-month period. This report must also show a summary of the indirect and direct cost of delivering the building services and the amount of reserve fund established for administration and enforcement of the Building Code. This annual report is sent to Council as information and then posted on Clarington’s website every year. Changes to Our Building By-law 1.21 Changes have been made to the Building By-law to clarify and streamline the process, and administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act. A new Building By-law is proposed (see Attachment 2), which includes the following major changes:  Amended the requirement for plans, specifications, documents, and other information required to be submitted electronically.  Amended to reflect the new department names. 2. Financial Considerations 2.1 Should Council decide not to approve the 8.99% increase to the building fees or delay making a decision or modify the percentage increase to the building fees, it could place an undue burden on the tax levy as a result of the present shortfall in the building services unit. 3. Strategic Plan 3.1 Undertake a building permit fees study analyzing the costs of administering and enforcing the Building Code in Clarington and making recommendations regarding new building permit fees necessary to efficiently operate the Building Division and ensuring that the cost of providing the required building permit services is recouped aligns with Page 43 Municipality of Clarington Page 7 Report FSD-006-24 the Strategic Plans objective; To be a leader in the delivery of efficient, effective, and meaningful municipal services. 4. Concurrence 4.1 This report has been reviewed by the Deputy CAO, Finance and Technology and the Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure who concur with the recommendation. 5. Conclusion 5.1 It is respectfully recommended that increasing the building permit fees by 8.99% on March 1, 2024, with an indexing of 3% annually on January 1st of each future year, allows the Building Division to be financially self -sustainable while providing the building industry the ability to budget for the applicable building permit fee. The revisions to the building by-law provide clarity and streamline the process of administering a nd enforcement of the Building Code Act and the Building Code. Staff Contact: Brent Rice, Chief Building Official, 905-623-3379 extension 2303 or brice@clarington.net. Trevor Pinn, Deputy CAO, Finance and Technology, 905-623-3379 extension 2602 or tpinn@clarington.net Carlos Salazar, Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure, 905-623-3379 extension 2402 or csalazar@clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1 – Hemson Consulting Ltd. 2023 Building Permit Fee Update Study Attachment 2 – New Building By-law Interested Parties: There are no interested parties to be notified of Council's decision. Page 44 DRAFT REPORT PREPARED BY HEMSON FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BUILDING PERMIT FEE UPDATESTUDY November 7th, 2023 1000 - 30 St. Patrick Street, Toronto ON M5T 3A3 416 593 5090 | hemson@hemson.com | www.hemson.com Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 45 CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.INTRODUCTION 2 A.Building Code Act Fee Requirements 2 B.Report Structure 3 2.BUILDING CODE ACTIVITIES IN CLARINGTON 4 A.Current Permit Application Process 4 B.Future Service Delivery 4 C.Permit Fees 5 3.ANALYSIS OF REVENUES 6 A.Historical Building Activity 6 B.Historical Permit Fee Revenues 6 C.Projected Permit Revenues 10 4.ANALYSIS OF COSTS 12 A.Direct Costs 13 B.Indirect (Overhead) Costs 19 C.Reserve Fund Contribution 21 D.Cost Summary 21 5.CALCULATED FEES 22 A.Full Cost Recovery Fees 22 B.Permit Fee Comparisons 26 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 46 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In 2017, the Municipality of Clarington undertook a review of its building permit fees. The purpose of the review was to calculate fees that recovered the full cost of providing Building Code services in accordance with the Building Code Act. Fees were calculated on the basis that they would be reviewed on a five-year cycle, and fees have been adjusted each year to account for the effects of inflation. Given that the five-year fee cycle is complete, the Municipality has initiated a building permit fee review update. The objective of the update is to recalculate full cost recovery building permit fees based on the current Building Code expenditure information and revenue forecasts. Note that this cycle of the building permit fee study was set to take place in 2022, following the five-year cycle from 2017. However, as a result of the recent changes made to the Planning Act and Development Charges Act by the province which implicates the way the Municipality would review development applications and the revenues received, the review was delayed by a year. The full cost of providing Building Code services in the Municipality is as follows: SUMMARY OF ALL COSTS Total Direct Costs $3,181,000 86.7% Total Indirect Costs $409,100 11.2% Reserve Fund Provision $77,500 2.1% Total Costs $3,667,600 100% Note: Figures are rounded The anticipated average annual revenue from building permits for the review period (2023- 2027) is as follows: SUMMARY OF PROJECTED AVERAGE ANNUAL REVENUES (2023 2027) Residential – New Dwelling Units $2,464,000 Residential – Other $183,000 Non-Residential and other $718,000 Total Average Annual Revenue $3,365,000 The average annual costs projected for the five-year period (2023-2027) exceed the anticipated average building permit fee revenues over the five years by 8.99% As such, the maximum increase in permit fees, which can be justified under the Building Code Act is 8.99% on the 2023 fees levied in the Municipality of Clarington. Executive Summary | 1 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 47 1. INTRODUCTION In 2017, the Municipality of Clarington undertook a review of its building permit fees. The purpose of the review was to calculate fees that recovered the full cost of providing Building Code services in accordance with the Building Code Act. The Review concluded that the Municipality could justify increasing its building permit fees by 1.30% to achieve full cost recovery. Following the review, the Municipality increased its fees to achieve full cost recovery. The 2017 review calculated building permit fees on the basis that they would be reviewed every five years. Given that the five-year cycle was completed in 2022, the Municipality has initiated a building permit fee review study. Hemson Consulting Ltd. was retained to assist with the study. The analysis looks at the fees required to recover the full cost of administering and enforcing the Building Code over the next five years from 2023-2027. Note that this cycle of the building permit fee study was set to take place in 2022, following the five-year cycle from 2017. However, as a result of the recent changes made to the Planning Act and Development Charges Act by the province which impacts the way the Municipality would review development applications and the revenues received, the review was delayed by a year. A. BUILDING CODE ACT FEE REQUIREMENTS Municipalities are responsible for ensuring that building construction is undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code Act, 1992 (the Act). To offset the costs of providing Building Code services, municipalities are permitted to charge fees for building permit applications and inspections of buildings. The Act states that Building Code fees must not exceed “the anticipated reasonable costs” required to administer and enforce the Building Code during building construction. In addition, municipalities must prepare an annual report that records the amount of its fees as well as the cost it incurs during the process. The current Building Code continues Ontario Regulation 305/03, which introduced the requirement that the annual report must record both the direct and indirect costs of reviewing building permit applications and of conducting various inspections (i.e. permit inspections and septic maintenance inspections). It also required a municipality to report on any reserve funds it may have. Finally, the Regulation sets out the requirements for a public process that must accompany the setting of building permit and inspection fees. There is no provision in the Building Code Act for appealing fees. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 48 B. REPORT STRUCTURE This report is divided into the following sections: Section 2 provides a description of the way in which the Municipality carries out its responsibilities under the Act. It also describes the current building permit fee structure. Section 3 contains an analysis of past building permit activity and an assessment of the level of activity that is reasonable to anticipate over the next five years for the purposes of setting fees. Section 4 presents an analysis of the anticipated direct and indirect (overhead) costs of delivering services required to administer and enforce the Building Code and related Municipal Act fees under the authority of the Building Division. Section 5 reviews the current building permit fee structure and proposes new fee rates for the Municipality on the basis of a five-year cycle. Fee comparisons with surrounding municipalities are also made. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 49 2. BUILDING CODE ACTIVITIES IN CLARINGTON Section 3(2) of the Building Code Act require councils of municipalities to appoint a chief building official and inspectors to carry out the enforcement of the Ontario Building Code. A number of municipal staff are responsible for processing applications and conducting inspections in respect of building in Clarington. Despite most of the work resting with the Building Inspection department, there is some support from Planning and Infrastructure Services, Fire and Emergency Services and Legal Services. The Building Inspection department is led by the Chief Building Official, who reports directly to the Director of Planning and Infrastructure Services. The department’s offices are located at the Municipal Office at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. A. CURRENT PERMIT APPLICATION PROCESS The activities of the Building Inspection department are related to administering and enforcing the Building Code. Anywhere between 900 and 1,300 building permit applications are received annually, and each application undergoes a lengthy review process. The Building Code requires that a municipality review a permit application within a certain timeframe where the application meets the criteria set out in the Code. Within this timeframe, the Chief Building Official must either issue the permit or refuse it with reasons for denial. The process usually involves one or more inspections of each building site and may also involve staff in other departments such as Planning and Infrastructure Services (includes engineering), Fire and Emergency Services (for fire prevention related inspection) and Legal Services. B. FUTURE SERVICE DELIVERY Given the level of activity assumed over this period, the Municipality’s Building Inspection department intends to hire a total of five new positions through to 2030 - supervisor of inspections, two new building inspectors, a plumbing/HVAC inspector, and permit coordinator. The timing of the new positions is somewhat dependent on the level of permit activity – as a result, only a proportion of the these salaries are included in the cost analysis despite these positions being 100% related to administering and enforcing the Building Code. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 50 C. PERMIT FEES Permit fees are collected when permits are issued. As fees are based on the individual components of an application there is no set fee for any given application type. There are in fact more than 70 different fee categories. The Municipality currently uses several methods of charging fees. The bulk of the fees are based on building area (i.e. $/square metre), but there are also flat rate fees (see Schedule B of the current fees By-law 2017-086). Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 51 3. ANALYSIS OF REVENUES This section contains an analysis of recent building activity in Clarington and a summary of the level of activity that is anticipated over the next five years for the purposes of setting fees. A. HISTORICAL BUILDING ACTIVITY In the preceding five year period from 2018 through 2022, the average number of permits issued in Clarington was 1,097 (see Table 1), which is a slight decline from the sample period of the previous review (2012-2016). Overall, about 82% of permits are related to residential construction, which includes permits related to the creation of new residential units, new sheds, decks, garages, as well as other interior alterations requiring a building permit. B. HISTORICAL PERMIT FEE REVENUES Building permit fee revenue has shown periods of volatility over the last five years but averaging approximately $2.6 million per year since 2018. Overall, 2018 was the highest grossing year at over $3.3 million, while 2022 was the lowest at $1.9 million (Table 2). Of total revenues, 76% can be attributed to residential related permit fees. Despite the immediate impacts that COVID-19 had on development in the community, 2020 and 2021 permit data indicates development activity was quick to recover, however, 2022 saw a significant decline in permit revenue compared to the 5-year average. A breakdown of the municipality’s historical revenues by permit type (i.e. new residential, other residential and non-residential types) for the period of 2018 through 2022 is provided in Table 2. The table demonstrates that the number of new residential permits is highly correlated with the total revenue. Further to that, Figure 1 displays the relationship between permit volume and fee revenues in Clarington between 2018 and 2022. The figure demonstrates the close correlation between permit volumes and fee revenues. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 52 Figure 1: Building Permit Activity – Municipality of Clarington 2018-2022 $3,500,000 1,400 $3,000,000 1,200 $2,500,000 1,000 $2,000,000 800 $1,500,000 600 $1,000,000 400 $500,000 200 $- 0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total Permit Revenue Permit Activity Total Permit Revenues (2023$) Permit Volume Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 53 TABLE 1 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2023 BUILDING PERMIT FEE UPDATE BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY 2018-2022 Category of Permit Types 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 5 Year Average 2018-2022 # of Permits by Type Residential (1) 1,057 758 990 910 793 902 Industrial 36 27 22 16 43 29 Government 9 5 7 20 5 9 Commercial 65 64 65 82 57 67 Institutional 19 16 11 19 13 16 Agricultural 43 20 18 33 17 26 Demolition 47 47 60 47 43 49 Total 1,276 937 1,173 1,127 971 1097 Note 1: Includes permits related to the creation of new residenital units, interior alterations and other permits (deck s, garage, sheds, etc.). Sources: Municipality of Clarington Building Permit data. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 54 TABLE 2 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2023 BUILDING PERMIT FEE UPDATE BUILDIING PERMIT FEE REVENUE 2018 - 2022 (in $2023) 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 5 Year Average 2018-2022 Total Adjusted Fee Revenue $ 3,306,816 $ 2,116,275 $ 2,655,518 $ 3,083,866 $ 1,887,641 $ 2,610,023 Fee Revenue by Permit Type (1) Residential $ 2,426,276 $ 1,383,510 $ 2,337,453 $ 2,511,525 $ 1,271,897 $ 1,986,132 Industrial $ 617,227 $ 497,593 $ 79,878 $ 104,736 $ 399,953 $ 339,877 Government $ 71,472 $ 237 $ 2,432 $ 287,591 $ 117 $ 72,370 Commercial $ 65,256 $ 169,869 $ 191,617 $ 105,823 $ 157,658 $ 138,045 Institutional $ 45,872 $ 19,364 $ 14,739 $ 24,215 $ 27,894 $ 26,417 Agricultural $ 75,202 $ 40,810 $ 24,318 $ 43,714 $ 24,076 $ 41,624 Demolition $ 5,512 $ 4,891 $ 5,080 $ 6,262 $ 6,046 $ 5,558 Source: Municipality of Clarington Financial Data. Note 1: Building Permit Revenue by Category is all the building permit numbers listed by year and not necessarily the year building permit revenue is received. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 55 C. PROJECTED PERMIT REVENUES A forecast of building permit revenues in Clarington over the next five-year cycle period (2023-2027) has been prepared for fee setting purposes. The forecast is based on growth forecasts for the Municipality prepared as part of Clarington’s most recent Development Charges Background Study (2020), as well as analysis and discussion with Clarington staff. Overall, it is anticipated that revenues moving forward will be higher than the preceding five-year period to reflect the number of new residential units in the planning application process. Furthermore, it is anticipated that there will be a similar uptick in non-residential activity to complement the expected residential growth. Capturing these anticipated construction trends, the Municipality is assumed to generate approximately $3.36 million on average per year from 2023 to 2027, which would represent a level of activity closer to those trends observed pre-Covid. Table 3 below provides an overview of the average annual revenue projections by key revenue category, while Figure 2 illustrates the forecast average compared to the historical revenue trends. Although the average level of permit fee revenues over the forthcoming planning period is anticipated to be greater than historical average, a similar proportion of revenues are anticipated to be residential permit related. This forecast represents an average of approximately 780 new dwelling units per year. TABLE 3: SUMMARY OF PROJECTED AVERAGE ANNUAL REVENUES (2023 2027) Residential – New Dwelling Units $2,464,000 Residential – Other $183,000 Non-Residential and other $717,000 Total Average Annual Revenue $3,364,000 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 56 $4,000,000 $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $- 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Forecasted Average Figure 2: Municipality of Clarington – Building Permit Fee Revenue 2018-2022 and 2023-2027 Forecasted Annual Average ($2023) Source: Municipality of Clarington Financial Data Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 57 4. ANALYSIS OF COSTS This section summarizes the calculation of the cost of administering and enforcing the provisions of the Building Code in Clarington. To pay for the costs of providing Building Code services, municipalities are permitted to charge fees for processing building permit applications. The Act requires that the permit fees not exceed “the anticipated reasonable costs to administer and enforce the Act”. In addition, municipalities are required to prepare annual reports that record the amount of fees received and the costs incurred in administering the process. The Code requires that annual reports record and distinguish the direct and indirect costs of reviewing applications conducting building inspections. In this regard:  Direct costs include the costs of reviewing building permit applications and inspecting buildings; and  Indirect costs include the support and overhead costs of administering and enforcing the process. The Building Code also sets out the requirements for a public process that must accompany the setting of fees, including:  Holding at least one public meeting;  Providing 21 days’ notice of the public meeting; and  Providing in the notice an estimate of the costs of providing Building Code services as well as the amount and rationale for new fees. Finally, if a reserve fund for Building Code activities has been established it must be accounted for in annual reports. Annual reports must also include the balance of any building permit reserve funds municipalities may have. It is anticipated that the analysis of costs presented here will serve as a reference for future annual reports. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 58 A. DIRECT COSTS A number of Municipal staff are responsible for processing applications in respect to building matters in Clarington. Despite most of the work resting with the Building Services department, there is some support from Planning and Infrastructure Services, Fire Prevention, and Legal Services. All time spent by Municipal staff reviewing building permit applications, inspecting buildings, carrying out other tasks within the division fee by-law as well as the cost of the resources they use is considered to be a direct cost. Time shares have been determined based on information obtained from detailed staff interviews and time tracking data. Although a portion of staff time is directly involved with Building Code activities and related Building Services activities associated with fees levied under the Municipal Act, a share of time is indirect. As shown on Table 4, calculations are divided by payroll and other capital and operating costs. Payroll costs including benefits, which account for the large majority of direct costs, amount to $2.7 million. Please note, the cost analysis includes the current staff levels and complements within the division, including future projected positions, which have been pro- rated based on their expected timing within the 5-year time horizon. Space costs include shares of the operating costs of the administration building and fire station, as well as shares of the capital replacement cost of these buildings. Operating cost shares are determined by multiplying the share of current office space attributed to Building Services. Capital replacement costs for the new administration centre are based on a 50 year lifecycle. The total direct cost of space that can be attributed to Building Code activities is $141,200 ($137,000 for the administration centre and a further $4,300 related to the Bomanville Fire Station). Added to these costs is the cost associated with the replacement of workstation capital (such as computers and other equipment), the cost of the building permit fee review (allocated over five years), and the capital replacement of vehicles used for Building Code services. The total direct capital cost of these items amounts to $62,000. Other operating direct costs including office supplies, uniforms and clothing, fuel, memberships, and professional development amount to approximately $276,900 across the various involved divisions. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 59 TABLE 4 - PAGE 1-3 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2023 BUILDING PERMIT FEE UPDATE DIRECT COSTS - ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF BUILDING CODE PAYROLL (2023) Support of Building Code Other Support Payroll Share Building Services Chief Building Official 100.0% 0.0% $ 208,882 Deputy Chief Builidng Official 100.0% 0.0% $ 148,938 Senior Building Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 111,803 Senior Building Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 108,341 Building Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 106,797 Building Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 92,467 Building Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 97,126 Senior Plumbing/Heating Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 111,803 Plumbing/Heating Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 106,797 Plumbing/Heating Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 106,797 Permit Clerk 100.0% 0.0% $ 86,691 Permit Clerk 100.0% 0.0% $ 86,691 Permit Clerk 100.0% 0.0% $ 86,691 Senior Plans Examiner 100.0% 0.0% $ 111,803 Plans Examiner 100.0% 0.0% $ 106,797 Plans Examiner 100.0% 0.0% $ 106,797 Plans Examiner 100.0% 0.0% $ 97,126 Building Engineer 100.0% 0.0% $ 148,938 Subtotal Building Services Share Provision for New Positions 100.0% 0.0% $ 2,031,284 Supervisor of Inspections 100.0% 0.0% $ 46,233 Building Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 46,233 Building Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 48,563 Plumbing/HVAC Inspector 100.0% 0.0% $ 53,398 Permit Coordinator 100.0% 0.0% $ 43,345 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 60 Support of Building Code Other Support Payroll Share Planning and Infrastructure Services Planner I - Dev Review 28.0% 72.0% $ 25,823 Planner I - Dev Review 28.0% 72.0% $ 27,035 Planner l - Dev Review 28.0% 72.0% $ 24,599 Manager of Development Review 6.0% 94.0% $ 10,133 Principal Planner-Dev Review 3.0% 97.0% $ 4,487 Principal Planner-Dev Review 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,116 Principal Planner-Dev Review 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,116 Senior Planner-Dev Review 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,784 Senior Planner-Dev Review 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,784 Senior Planner-Dev Review 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,784 Planner II-Dev Review 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,185 Planner II-Dev Review 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,354 Urban Designer/Senior Planner 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,601 Principal Planner-Comm Planning/Design 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,116 Principal Planner-Comm Planning/Design 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,116 Principal Planner-Comm Planning/Design 3.0% 97.0% $ 4,267 Senior Planner-Comm Planning/Design 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,492 Planner II-Comm Planning/Design 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,185 Planner II-Comm Planning/Design 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,125 Planner II-Comm Planning/Design 3.0% 97.0% $ 3,125 Planner I-Comm Planning/Design 3.0% 97.0% $ 1,982 Manager of Community Planning/Design 3.0% 97.0% $ 5,600 Director of Planning 10.0% 90.0% $ 23,767 Administrative Assistant 20.0% 80.0% $ 20,314 Manager Development Engineering 2.0% 98.0% $ 4,178 Engineering Coordinator 2.0% 98.0% $ 2,236 Development Review Technician 5.0% 95.0% $ 5,340 Development Review Technician Remainder 5.0% 95.0% $ 4,856 Subtotal Planning and Development Share 4.5% 95.5% $ 211,499 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 61 Support of Building Code Other Support Payroll Share Fire Prevention and Administration Chief Fire Prevention Officer 25.0% 75.0% $ 48,779 Fire Prevention Officer 25.0% 75.0% $ 42,036 Fire Prevention Inspectors 25.0% 75.0% $ 36,246 Fire Prevention Inspectors 25.0% 75.0% $ 36,246 Fire Prevention Inspectors 25.0% 75.0% $ 36,246 Deputy Fire Chief (Prevention) 2.2% 97.8% $ 4,595 Fire Chief 2.2% 97.8% $ 5,474 Administrative Assistant Remainder 2.2% 97.8% $ 1,648 Subtotal Fire and Emergency Service Share 11.5% 88.5% $ 211,271 Legal Services Solicitor 2.0% 98.0% $ 2,713 Law Clerk Remainder 5.0% 95.0% $ 6,361 Subtotal Legal Service Share 3.5% 96.5% $ 9,074 Total Payroll - Building Code Activities $ 2,700,902 1. Based on salary shares of individual staff, which are not displayed in this report. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 62 TABLE 4 - PAGE 4 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2023 BUILDING PERMIT FEE UPDATE DIRECT COSTS - ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF BUILDING CODE 1. ADMINISTRATION CENTRE Area Building Share Planning & Inf. Share Legal Share Area of Administration Centre (sq.m.) Area of Administration Centre (%) 135 5.5% 1,021 41.9% 43 1.8% Costs ($) Building Planning & Inf. Legal Total Share Share Share Share Annual Maintenance $ 28,468 $ 9,787 $ 313 $ 38,568 Capital Replacement (1) $ 72,641 $ 24,974 $ 799 $ 98,414 Total $ 101,109 $ 34,762 $ 1,112 $ 136,982 Note 1: Based on 50 year replacement schedule 2. BOWMANVILLE FIRE STATION Area Fire Prevention Area of Bowmanville Fire Station (sq.m.) Area of Bowmanville Fire Station (%) 104 10.2% Costs ($) Fire Prevention Share Office Supplies $ 117 Misc. Other Supplies $ 38 Heat $ 446 Hydro $ 1,407 Water/Sewer $ 211 Phone/Fax $ 215 R/M-Off Equip. $ 7 Building Capital Replacement $ 1,816 Total $4,257 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 63 1. OTHER CAPITAL COSTS All Departments Share Workstation Capital Replacement Vehicle Replacement (9) User Fee Review (based on 5 year renewal) $ 18,288 $ 40,660 $ 3,000 Total $ 61,948 2. OTHER OPERATING COSTS (2023 Budget) Planning & Development Share Legal Services Share Fire Prev. & Admin Share Total Share 4.5% 3.5% 11.5% Office Supplies $ 136 $ 69 $ 69 $ 4,975 Phone and Fax $ 125 $ - $ - $ 3,125 Consulting $ - $ - $ 115 $ 4,115 Professional Fees $ 3,452 - R/M Office Equipment $ - $ - $ - $ 500 Books and Periodicals $ 45 $ 86 $ 311 $ 8,443 Clothing and Uniforms $ 55 $ - $ 8,448 $ 18,253 Postage, Courier and Freight $ 18 $ - $ 231 $ 699 Printing $ - $ - $ - $ 185,500 Memberships and Association Dues $ 295 $ 259 $ 576 $ 12,880 Travel $ 477 $ 69 $ 231 $ 1,277 Public Education $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000 Misc. Expenses $ 109 $ 207 $ 922 $ 3,238 Small Equipment Purchases $ - $ - $ - $ 2,800 Furniture and Fixtures $ 227 $ - $ - $ 4,227 Promo/Other $ 91 $ - $ 2,766 $ 2,857 Other Capital (Non-TCA) $ - $ - $ 980 $ 980 Fuel/Gas/Vehicles $ - $ - $ - $ 4,200 Staff Development (1,2) $ 614 $ 69 $ 1,195 $ 16,878 Total $ 2,193 $ 4,211 $ 15,844 $ 276,946 Note 1: Incorporated from the Municpality's unclassified administration portion of the 2023 budget Note 2: Staff Development for Fire Prevention and Admin is based on payroll share of EMS Services Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 64 The total direct cost of administering and enforcing the Building Code amounts to approximately $3.18 million in 2023 dollars. A summary of the breakdown of this cost is provided in Table 5 below. TABLE 5: SUMMARY OF DIRECT COSTS Payroll $2,700,900 Office Space $141,200 Other Operating and Capital Costs $338,900 Total Direct Costs $3,181,000 Note: Figures are rounded B. INDIRECT (OVERHEAD) COSTS The indirect cost of Building Code activities in Clarington represents the share of costs of the Municipality’s departments that can be reasonably be attributed as overhead support of Building Code services. The indirect costs were calculated based on what drives the cost of the corporate departments’ support of the Building Code activities and other Building Services related activities. The total indirect costs amount to $409,100 and are based on Municipal budget documents. The indirect costs are calculated in two steps. First, shares of corporate costs are calculated for each department that provides support for Building Code services. These are allocated based on a weighted share of the department’s share of payroll and its overall gross budget share. Second, using these calculated corporate cost shares, the amount attributable to providing Building Code service support was estimated based on the time shares identified in Table 4. The corresponding cost share of corporate overhead for each department is therefore equal to: the share of the total corporate overhead attributable to each department, multiplied by the share of that departments time share committed to Building Code and related activities. Table 6 summarizes the calculation of corporate overhead support costs. The estimated cost shares are applied to each department’s 2023 project net costs which excludes any costs for service areas which are clearly not attributable to its support of Building Code activities (e.g. election costs within the legislative services branch). The total corporate overhead support costs amount to $409,100. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 65 TABLE 6 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2023 BUILDING PERMIT FEE UPDATE CALCULATION OF INDIRECT (OVERHEAD) COSTS Net Costs (2023) Attributable Net Costs (2023) Building Share Cost 100.0% Planning & Infr. Share Cost 4.5% Fire Prev. and Admin Share Cost 11.5% Legal Share Cost 3.5% Total Indirect Cost Corporate Overhead $11,490,277 $11,490,277 $ 318,975 $318,975 $ 962,523 $43,755 $ 388,568 $44,783 $ 45,560 $1,573 $409,086 Analysis of Costs | 20 Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 66 C. RESERVE FUND CONTRIBUTION The Act allows for the factoring of anticipated costs when determining the full cost of providing Building Code services. As previously mentioned, the Act does not require municipalities to adjust their fees every year in order to match their costs. As the majority of Building Code costs are payroll costs, it would be impractical to even attempt to match revenues and costs on an annual basis. Although building activity is expected to be relatively strong over the next five years, there may be fluctuations in both the number of permit applications and the amount of permit revenue from any one year to the next. This could result in an imbalance between costs and revenues. In years of high activity revenues will likely exceed costs. However, in quieter years, costs may well exceed revenues. The Municipality has in place a reserve fund for Building Code activities to manage permit revenue variation. The balance of the reserve fund was approximately $2,462,300 at the end of 2022. Given that the Municipality wishes to continue to manage fluctuations in permit revenue using a reserve fund, an annual contribution of $77,500 to the reserve fund has been incorporated into the permit fees. The target for the reserve fund has been set to equal 1.25 times the building services division’s gross operating budget. It is expected that the Municipality continue to review its reserve and reserve fund balances and polices at the next review. D. COST SUMMARY A summary of the analysis of costs is displayed in Table 7 below. It shows that the total cost of administering and enforcing the Building Code in the Municipality is $3,667,600 of which 86.7% are direct costs, 11.2% are indirect costs and 2.1% is made up of the reserve fund provision. TABLE 7: SUMMARY OF ALL COSTS Total Direct Costs $3,181,000 86.7% Total Indirect Costs $409,100 11.2% Reserve Fund Provision $77,500 2.1% Total Costs 3,667,600 100% Note: Figures are rounded Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 67 5. CALCULATED FEES This section presents new full cost recovery building permit fees in light of the cost analysis presented in section 4. The full cost recovery analysis demonstrates that the Municipality is currently subsidizing the building permit review process through the tax rate. Given the legislation, Council has the authority to increase the current fees in order to recover the full cost of the process. Based on the estimated costs compared to the anticipated average fee revenue over the next five years, a fee increase of 8.99% is justified. A. FULL COST RECOVERY FEES The analysis shows that the projected annual cost of administering and enforcing the Building Code, and related Municipal Act fees under the authority of Building Services, in Clarington over the five year period from 2023 to 2027 amounts to $3.67 million. Under the existing fees, the average annual permit revenue during the same time period is anticipated to be $3.37 million. Therefore, a shortfall of approximately $0.30 million has been identified. As a result, an increase in the 2023 fees of 8.99% is the implied maximum justifiable amount under the Act that the permit fees can be increased. The calculation is shown below: Average Annual Costs (2023-2027) $3,667,645 Average Anticipated Annual Revenues (2023-2027)* $3,365,023 Difference 8.99% *based on current rates The fee increase identified is applied uniformly to most fees in the Municipality’s fees related categories, although some additional changes and new fees are proposed by the Municipality and included in the fee by-law. These one-off adjustments are nominal and considered in the revenues analysis conducted. A summary of the new fees which are proposed to be introduced in the updated by-law include:  AGCO Agency Letter of Approval - $225 per letter  Review of application for Environmental Compliance Approval for sewage works and completion of the "Statement of the Municipality"- $350 flat fee  Letter to the Ministry of Education confirming conformance with the Ontario Building Code for Daycare Licenses - $225 per letter Table 8 provides an overview of the updated fees schedule accounting for the adjustments discussed. Lastly, it is also recommended that the BCA fees continue to be increased by a rate of 3% per year to account for effects of inflation moving forward. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 68 Item Classes of Permits Current Fees Full Cost Recovery Fees Fee Rate Basis of Fee Fee Rate Basis of Fee Classes of Permits and Fees Payable 1 Building Permit $ 117.02 see Schedule B - Part B see Schedule B - Part B 2 Demolition Permit Other Residential Structures $119.41 $ 0.30 flat fee for SDU & res accessory buildings per sq.m. $ 130.14 $ 0.33 flat fee for SDU & res accessory buildings 3 Conditional Building Permit Minimum Maximum $ 235.42 $ 1,177.10 110% of fee for proposed construction plus: additional fee additional fee $ 353.05 - 120% of fee for proposed construction plus: additional fee additional fee 4 Permit for Stage of Construction (Partial Permit) $ 353.03 additional fee for each phase; plus construction fee - additional fee for each phase equal to 10% of building permit fee (min of $353.03) 5 Change of Use Permit $ 117.67 for each 100 sq.m.of floor area or part thereof $ 128.26 for each 100 sq.m.of floor area or part thereof 6 Occupancy Permit for Unfinished Building $ 237.62 flat fee $ 258.99 flat fee Other 1 Alternative Solution Examination Fee $ 157.42 per hour; minimum one hour; plus applicable building permit fee $ 171.58 per hour; minimum one hour; plus applicable building permit fee 2 Resubmission of application found to be incomplete 25% of application fee 25% of application fee 3 Revision to permit $ 157.42 per hour; minimum 1 hour for house, 4 hours for other buildings) $ 171.58 per hour; minimum 1 hour for house, 4 hours for other buildings) 4 Transfer to permit $ 177.91 flat fee $ 193.91 flat fee 5 Re-examination - Change in house model $ 711.13 plus fee prescribed in part B for any extra area $ 775.08 plus fee prescribed in part B for any extra area 6 Re-examination - other than 5 10% of applicable permit fee to a max of $1674.32 25% of applicable permit fee, min. of $1674.32 7 Additional Inspection $ 177.91 flat fee $ 193.91 flat fee 8 Overtime Fee $ 177.65 per hour; minimum 3 hours $ 193.63 per hour; minimum 3 hours 9 Permit Surcharge - fee is the greater of: (i) surcharge of 25% of permit fee when construction has begun & building permit app has been received (ii) surcharge of 50% of permit fee when construction has begun & no building pemit app has been received - fee is the greater of: (i) surcharge of 25% of permit fee when construction has begun & building permit app has been received (ii) surcharge of 50% of permit fee when construction has begun & no building pemit app has been received 10 Dormant Building Permit File Reactivation Fee $ 238.81 flat fee $ 260.29 flat fee Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 69 Item Classes of Permits Current Fees Fee Rate Basis of Fee Fees Payable for Building Permits 1 Group A: Assembly Occupancies All Recreational Facilities, Schools, Libraries, Places of Worships, $ 28.08 per sq.m. Restaurants (Finished), Theatres, Arenas/Gymnasiums/Pools Restaurant (Shell) $ 22.75 per sq.m. Open Public Swimming Pools $ 7.59 per sq.m. Transit Stations, Subways, Bus Terminals $ 21.08 per sq.m. All Other Group A Buildings $ 28.08 per sq.m. 2 Group B: Institutional Occupancies Institutional, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, and other Group B Buildings $ 30.65 per sq.m. 3 Group C: Residential Occupancies Single Family Dwellings, Semis, Townhouses, Duplexes, Live/Work Units All other multiple unit buildings and other residential occupancies Motels above two stories and Hotels $ 15.33 $ 16.35 $ 23.38 per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. 4 Group D: Business and Personal Service Occupancies Office Buildings (Shell), all other Group D Buildings (Shell) Office Buildings (Finished), Banks, Medical Clinics, Fire Halls, and all other Group D Buildings (Finished) $ 18.64 $ 23.25 per sq.m. per sq.m. 5 Group E: Mercantile Occupancies Mercantile Occupancies, Retail Stores (Shell) Retail Stores (Finished), Department Stores, Supermarkets All Other Group E Buildings (Finished) $ 15.06 $ 19.92 $ 19.92 per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. 6 Group F: Industrial Occupancies Industrial Buildings (Shell) Industrial Buildings (Partitioned Area) Gas stations, Car Washes Parking Garages (U/G, Open Air) Open Mezzanine Construction $ 11.76 $ 16.35 $ 14.81 $ 7.15 $ 7.12 per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. 7 Interior Alterations (Partitions, Finishings, etc.) Group A, B, and D Group C, E, and F Apartment In-House $ 5.35 $ 4.74 $ 5.78 per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. 8 Designated Structures Communication Tower or Transmission Towers on Building Crane Runway Exterior Tank and Support Pedestrian Bridge Retaining Wall Satellite Dish Solar Collector for SDU Solar Collector for all other occupancies Wind turbine $ 569.56 $ 569.56 $ 237.62 $ 237.62 $ 11.77 $ 143.29 $ 143.29 $ 142.99 $ - flat fee flat fee flat fee flat fee per l.m. flat fee flat fee per 10 panels (max $8372) See item 11 Schedule B - Part B Full Cost Recovery Fees Fee Basis Rate of Fee $ 30.61 per sq.m. $ 24.79 per sq.m. $ 8.28 per sq.m. $ 22.97 per sq.m. $ 30.61 per sq.m. $ 33.41 per sq.m. $ 16.71 per sq.m. $ 17.82 per sq.m. $ 25.48 per sq.m. $ 20.32 per sq.m. $ 25.34 per sq.m. $ 16.41 per sq.m. $ 21.71 per sq.m. $ 21.71 per sq.m. $ 12.82 per sq.m. $ 17.82 per sq.m. $ 16.14 per sq.m. $ 7.80 per sq.m. $ 7.76 per sq.m. $ 5.83 per sq.m. $ 5.17 per sq.m. $ 6.30 per sq.m. $ 620.78 flat fee $ 620.78 flat fee $ 258.99 flat fee $ 258.99 flat fee $ 12.83 per l.m. $ 156.17 flat fee $ 156.17 flat fee $ 155.85 per 10 panels (max $9996) $ - See item 11 Schedule B - Part B Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 70 TABLE 8 - PAGE 3 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FULL COST RECOVERY BUILDING PERMIT FEES Item 9 10 11 Classes of Permits Current Fees Full Cost Recovery Fees Fee Rate Basis of Fee Fee Rate Basis of Fee Stand Alone & Miscellaneous Work a) Permanent Tent, Air Supported Structures b) Balcony Guards (Replacements) c) Unfinished Basement (to accommodate a building moved from elsewhere) d) Repair or Re-Cladding of wall (per wall area) e) Canopy without enclosure f) Ceilings (Added or Replacement) g) Demising walls (no other construction) h) Electromagnetic Locks i) Emergency Lighting j) Farm Buildings k) Fire Alarms/ Fire Code Retrofit l) Fire Door Retrofit m) Fireplaces, Woodstoves n) Sprinkler Systems - new or alternations o) Repair to Parking Garage p) Portable Classroms i) portopack q) Residential Decks, Porches, Balconies r) Residential Detach or Attached Garages or Accessory Structure s) Temporary Structures i) Tent ii) Trailers and Temporary Buildings iii) Sales Pavillions (Construction on Site) t) Underpinning u) Shoring u) Window or door replacements (excluding house) v) Sign (3.15 of OBC only) Stand Alone Mechanical Work (HVAC & Plumbing) 1) Permit for Heating, Ventilating, and A/C (HVAC) a) SDD Type Residential Buildings (HVAC) i) Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-Detached, Duplexes, & Townhouses (with or without A/C) b) All Other Group C - Residential Buildings (HVAC) i) Apartments, Hotels, etc. c) Groups E & F - Retail/Industrial (HVAC) i) Small (up to 2500 sq. ft.) ii) All others (>2500 sq. ft.) d) Group A, B, and D (HVAC) i) Assembly, Institutions, Restaurants, and Office Buildings e) Minor Alterations - All Buildings i) Ductwork only or A/C unit addition ii) Add on systems, Space Heater, Make-Up Air Unit, Exhaust Fan f) Special Ventilation Systems i) Commercial Kitchen Exhaust, Spray Booth, Dust Collector, etc. g) Furnace Replacement i) SDD Type Residential, Buildings h) Geothermal system or earth energy system 2) Permit for Plumbing and Drains a) Single Family Dwellings b) Groups A, C, E, and F c) Groups B and D d) Backflow Preventor e) Manhole, Catch Basin, Interceptor, Sump, etc. 3) Piping a) Single Family Detached or Attached Dwellings i) Water Services, Sanitary, and Storm Buried Piping ii) Repairs, Replacement, and Additions of buried plumbing and drainage piping, pooling drains b) All Other Buildings i) Inside Sanitary and Storm Piping i) Outside Water Services, Sanitary and Storm Piping Alterations, buildings and structures not provided for in Items 1 to 10 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $12.27 3.74 7.12 0.45 5.93 0.76 5.61 85.73 82.38 3.82 237.62 47.08 118.21 0.70 3.06 474.04 19.92 143.29 5.09 142.90 237.62 13.03 11.25 11.25 5.70 237.62 284.18 1.03 284.18 1.28 1.78 167.17 237.62 284.18 167.17 124.00 20.18 25.22 25.22 47.08 33.62 143.29 143.29 2.32 3.88 20.18 per sq.m. per l.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. per l.m. per lock (max $713) per storey per sq.m. (max $8373) flat fee per door each per sq.m. per sq.m. flat fee per sq.m. flat fee per sq.m. up to 2 tents flat fee per sq.m. per l.m. per l.m. per window flat fee flat fee per sq.m. flat fee per sq.m. per sq.m. flat fee flat fee flat fee flat fee flat fee per fixture per fixture per fixture each each flat fee flat fee per l.m. per l.m. for each $1,000 of construction value or part thereof $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 13.38 4.07 7.76 0.49 6.47 0.83 6.12 93.44 89.79 4.16 258.99 51.32 128.84 0.77 3.33 516.67 21.71 156.17 5.54 - 155.76 258.99 14.20 12.26 12.26 6.21 258.99 309.74 1.12 309.74 1.39 1.94 182.20 258.99 309.74 182.20 135.15 21.99 27.49 27.49 51.32 36.65 156.17 156.17 2.52 4.23 - 21.99 per sq.m. per l.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. per sq.m. per l.m. per lock (max $851) per storey per sq.m. (max $9998) flat fee per door each per sq.m. per sq.m. flat fee per sq.m. flat fee per sq.m. up to 2 tents flat fee per sq.m. per l.m. per l.m. per window flat fee flat fee per sq.m. flat fee per sq.m. per sq.m. flat fee flat fee flat fee flat fee flat fee per fixture per fixture per fixture each each flat fee flat fee per l.m. per l.m. for each $1,000 of construction value or part thereof Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 71 B. PERMIT FEE COMPARISONS In order to provide an understanding of the current and full cost recovery fee rates in Clarington in relation to similar and surrounding municipalities, a building permit fee comparison was prepared. The results of this comparison are presented in Table 9. The rates for the other municipalities are those that are currently in force. Table 9 shows that the current building permit fees in Clarington are generally on the higher end compared to its municipal comparators. The full cost fee rates for residential, commercial and industrial building would maintain the Municipality’s place on the higher- end of this range. Note that this comparison does not take into account any service level differences that may exist in terms of, for example, the time taken to process a permit. Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 72 TABLE 9 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 2023 BUILDING PERMIT FEE UPDATE MUNCIPAL COMPARISONS - BUILDING PERMIT FEES Municipality Current Fee Rate ($ per square foot) Single Dwelling One Storey Plaza Shell Multi Storey Office Shell Industrial Warehouse - Shell York Region Vaughan $ 1.86 $ 1.29 $ 1.50 $ 0.83 Markham $ 1.83 $ 1.31 $ 1.56 $ 1.01 Georgina $ 1.80 $ 1.28 $ 1.28 $ 1.21 Aurora $ 1.70 $ 1.28 $ 1.28 $ 0.86 Whitchurch-Stoufville $ 1.69 $ 1.35 $ 1.35 $ 1.23 King $ 1.68 $ 1.12 $ 1.12 $ 0.84 Richmond Hill $ 1.64 $ 1.38 $ 1.48 $ 0.95 East Gwillimbury $ 1.45 $ 0.85 $ 0.85 $ 0.70 Newmarket $ 1.48 $ 0.97 $ 1.05 $ 0.79 Durham Region Whitby $ 1.90 $ 2.36 $ 2.16 $ 1.48 Pickering $ 1.43 $ 1.43 $ 1.77 $ 1.07 Oshawa $ 1.41 $ 1.29 $ 1.42 $ 1.36 Ajax $ 1.26 $ 0.93 $ 0.93 $ 0.65 Scugog $ 1.40 $ 1.40 $ 1.40 $ 0.85 Uxbridge $ 1.09 $ 0.98 $ 0.98 $ 0.67 Brock $ 1.05 $ 0.98 $ 0.98 $ 0.75 Simcoe County Innisfil $ 1.88 $ 1.29 $ 1.29 $ 0.86 Barrie $ 1.52 $ 1.63 $ 1.40 $ 1.12 Bradford West Gwillimbury $ 1.66 $ 1.22 $ 1.27 $ 1.06 Orillia $ 1.53 $ 1.27 $ 1.23 $ 0.59 Springwater $ 1.33 $ 1.30 $ 1.30 $ 0.61 Municipal Average $ 1.55 $ 1.28 $ 1.31 $ 0.93 Clarington - Current Rates $ 1.43 $ 1.40 $ 1.74 $ 1.10 Clarington - Calculated 2023 $ 1.56 $ 1.53 $ 1.89 $ 1.19 Note 1: Rate comparison as of August 1, 2023. Note 2: King Township rate reflects $/sq.ft of building a 2,500 sq.ft house Note 3: Mid-point of range of fees illustrated for industrial permits where applicable Attachment 1 to Report FSD-006-24 Page 73 Attachment 2 to Report FSD-006-24 The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law 2024-0XX Being a by-law to provide for the administration and enforcement of the Building Code Act within the Municipality of Clarington Whereas subsection 3(1) of the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, chapter 23, provides that the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington is responsible for the enforcement of the Building Code Act within the Municipality of Clarington; Whereas subsection 3(2) of the Building Code Act, requires that the Council shall appoint a Chief Building Official and such inspectors as are necessary for the enforcement of the Building Code Act within the Municipality of Clarington; Whereas Section 7 of the Building Code Act authorizes the Council of a municipality to pass certain By-laws prescribing classes of permits, permit application documents, fees, inspections, and other related matters; and Now therefore the Council of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: Title 1. This By-law may be cited as the Building By-law. Definitions 2. (1) In this by-law (a) “Act” means the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, chapter 23, as amended from time to time, and any successor thereto. (b) “alternative solution” means a substitute for an ‘acceptable solution’ as defined by the building code. (c) “as constructed plans” means as constructed plans as defined in the building code. (d) “applicant” means a person who applies for a permit and includes any person authorized by an owner to apply for a permit on the owner’s behalf. (e) “architect” means a holder of a license, a certificate of practice, or a temporary license under the Architect’s Act as defined in the building code. (f) “building” means a building as defined in Subsection 1(1) of the Act. (g) “building code” means the regulations made under Section 34 of the Act. Page 74 (h) “Chief Building Official” means the person appointed by the Council as the Chief Building Official for the purpose of enforcement of the Act. (i) “construction value” means the value prescribed by the Chief Building Official to represent the total value of all work, services and material associated with the construction for which a permit is applied . (j) “Council” means the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. (k) “deficient permit” means a permit where: i. an inspection notice or order to comply has been issued by an inspector, or ii. where an inspection required under the building code or this By- law has not been arranged, iii. and six months or more have elapsed after the date the notice was issued, or the inspection was required. (l) “deputy Chief Building Official” means the person(s) appointed by Council as deputy Chief Building Official under the authority of the Legislation Act 2006 S.O.2006, chapter 21, Schedule F, and listed in Schedule ‘A’ to this By-law, for the purpose of enforcement of the Act. (m) “holiday” means days when the offices of the Municipality of Clarington are not open for transaction of business with the public. (n) “house” means single family dwellings, semis, townhouses, duplexes, live/work units. (o) “inspector” means the Chief Building Official, Deputy Chief Building Official and inspectors appointed by the Chief Building Official under section 3 of this By-law. (p) “Municipality” means The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. (q) “owner” means the registered owner of the land and includes a lessee, mortgagee in possession, the person or directors of a corporation acting as the owner’s authorized agent and the person in charge of the property, upon which is located, or will be located, the building or part thereof for which an application for a permit is or has been made. Page 75 (r) “permit” means permission or authorization given, in writing, by the Chief Building Official, i. to perform work regulated by the Act or the building code or both, or ii. to change the use of a building or part of a building as regulated by the Act or the building code or both, or iii. to occupy a building or a part thereof. (s) “permit holder” means an owner to whom a permit has been issued, or, where a permit has been transferred, the new owner to whom the permit has been transferred. (t) “professional engineer” means a person who holds a licence or a temporary licence under the Professional Engineer’s Act. (u) “registered code agency,” means a person or an entity that has the qualifications and meets the requirements set out in the Act. (2) Any word or term not defined in this by-law shall have the meaning ascribed to it in the Act or the building code. Appointments 3. The power of appointment of inspectors, including the revocation of appointment, under section 3(2) of the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended, for the purpose of enforcement of the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended and any regulation thereunder is hereby delegated from Municipal Council to the Chief Building Official for the Municipality of Clarington. (1) The Chief Building Official must maintain a current list, which shall be posted on the Municipalities website, of all inspectors appointed under section 3 of the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended, for the purpose of enforcement of the Building Code Act, 1992, as amended, in the Municipality of Clarington. (2) The appointment of the deputy Chief Building Official is under the authority of the Legislation Act 2006, S.O. 2006, Chapter 21, Schedule F, Section 77. (3) Deputy Chief Building Official appointed under this By-law shall have all the powers and duties of the Chief Building Official under this By-law, and under the Act, and the building code. Code of Conduct for Building Officials 4. Chief Building Official, Deputy Chief Building Official, and inspectors appointed by the Chief Building Official under section 3 of this By-law shall be governed by the Code of Conduct set out in Schedule D to this By-law, with respect to exercising powers and performing duties under the Building Code Act. Classes of Permits 5. Classes of permits with respect to the construction, demolition, building Page 76 relocation, and conditional permit, change of use, occupancy of buildings and the permit fees, therefore, shall be as set out in Schedule “B” to this By-law. Requirements for Filing Permit Applications 6. (1) To obtain a permit, an applicant shall file a complete application on the form available from the Chief Building Official, or from the Province of Ontario, together with the applicable requirements set out in subsections (2) to (8). (2) All documents and drawings accompanying an application shall be coordinated with each other and consistent with the description of the proposed work. Building Permits (3) Every application for a building permit or permit for a stage of construction (Partial Permit) under Subsection 8(1) of the Act shall, (a) identify and describe in detail the work to be done and the existing and proposed use and occupancy of the building, or part thereof, for which the application for a permit is made, (b) be accompanied by the plans (drawn to scale) specifications, documents and other information prescribed in Section 7 and Schedule C to this By-law; and (c) be accompanied by the appropriate fee calculated in accordance with Schedule B to this By-law. Demolition Permits (4) Every application for a demolition permit under Subsection 8(1) of the Act shall, (a) identify and describe in detail the work to be done and the existing use and occupancy of the building, or part thereof, for which the application for a permit is made, and the proposed use and occupancy of that part of the building, if any, that will remain upon completion of the demolition; (b) be accompanied by the plans, specifications, documents, and other information prescribed in Section 7 and Schedule C to this By-law; (c) be accompanied by the appropriate fee calculated in accordance with Schedule B to this By-law; and (d) be accompanied by confirmation that: i. arrangements have been made with the proper authorities for the safe and complete disconnection of all existing water, sewer, gas, electric, telephone and other utilities; and ii. the owner will comply with the Municipality’s property standards By-law at the completion of demolition. Page 77 Conditional Building Permits (5) Every application for a conditional building permit under Subsection 8(3) of the Act shall, (a) comply with the requirements set out in subsection 6(3) in this By-law; and (b) be accompanied by: i. a written statement from the applicant explaining why the applicant believes that unreasonable delays in construction would occur if a conditional building permit is not issued; ii. a written acknowledgement from the applicant of the necessary approvals which must be obtained in respect of the proposed construction and the time period in which such approvals shall be obtained by the applicant; and iii. a written agreement, in a form provided by the Chief Building Official, executed by the applicant, the owner and such other necessary persons the Chief Building Official determines for the purposes set out in subsection 8(3)(c) of the Act. (6) The Chief Building Official is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington the written agreement referred to in subclause 6(5)(b)(iii) in this By-law as part of the conditional building permit application. Change of Use Permits (7) Every application for a change of use permit under Subsection 10(1) of the Act shall, (a) identify and describe in detail the existing and proposed use and occupancy of the building, or part thereof, for which the application for a permit is made; (b) be accompanied by plans and specifications which show the current and proposed occupancy of all parts of the building, and which contain sufficient information to establish compliance with the building code, including, but not limited to: floor plans and details of wall, ceiling and roof assemblies identifying existing fire resistance ratings and load bearing capacities; (c) be accompanied by the appropriate fee calculated in accordance with Schedule B to this By-law; and (d) be accompanied by the completed documents prescribed in Schedule C to this By-Law. Occupancy Permits for Unfinished Buildings Page 78 (8) Every application for authorization to occupy an unfinished building under Division C, Part 1 Subsection 1.3.3 of the Ontario Building Code shall, (a) identify and describe in detail the occupancy, the date of such occupancy, and the building or part thereof for which the application for a permit is made; (b) be accompanied by plans which show the areas of the proposed occupancy; and (c) be accompanied by the appropriate fee calculated in accordance with Schedule B to this By-law. Permit for a Stage of Construction (Partial Permit) (9) (a) when, in order to expedite work, approval of a portion of the building or project is requested prior to the issuance of a permit for the complete building or project, application shall be made and fees paid for the complete building or project. Every applicant shall submit sufficient plans, specifications, documents, and other information to enable the Chief Building Official to determine whether the proposed building, construction, demolition or change of use will contravene the Act, the building code or any other applicable law. (b) the fee shall be calculated in accordance with Schedule ‘B’ to this By- law. Page 79 Requirements For Plans and Specifications 7. (1) Every applicant shall submit sufficient plans, specifications, documents and other information to enable the Chief Building Official to determine whether the proposed building, construction, demolition or change of use will contravene the Act, the building code or any other applicable law. (2) The Chief Building Official shall determine the plans, specifications, documents, and other information required to be submitted with an application in order to deem it complete according to Division C, Part 1 Section 1.3 of the building code having regard for: (a) the scope of the proposed work; (b) the requirements of the building code, the Act and other applicable law; and (c) the requirements of this Section and Schedule C to this By-law. (3) Plans, specifications, documents, and other information shall be submitted electronically in pdf format through the Municipalities online portal and shall contain text that is legible and drawings that are legible, complete, fully dimensioned and to scale. (4) Site plans submitted by an applicant shall; (a) be referenced to a current plan of survey prepared and certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor, and a copy of the survey shall accompany the site plan submission, except where the Chief Building Official waives the requirement to do so. (5) On the completion of the foundation for a detached, semi-detached, triplex, fourplex or townhouse dwelling, the Chief Building Official may require submission of a survey prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor indicating the location of the building to all property lines and elevations of the bottom and top of the foundation wall, including the garage cut, prior to a framing inspection being undertaken. (6) On the completion of the construction of a building, or part of a building, the Chief Building Official may require submission of a set of plans of the building or part of a building, as constructed, together with a plan of survey prepared and certified by an Ontario Land Surveyor showin g the location of the building. Authorization of Alternative Solutions 8. (1) Where an alternative solution for an equivalent material, system or building design is proposed in either an application for a permit, or in a material change to a plan, specification, document or other information on the basis of which a permit is issued, the applicant shall submit: Page 80 (a) a completed “Alternative Solution Application Form”; (b) a description of the proposed location(s) where the alternative solution is proposed to be installed; (c) a description of the proposed material, system or building design for which authorization is sought; (d) a description of all applicable provisions of the building code in contravention; (e) supporting documentation demonstrating that the proposed material, system or building design will provide the level of performance required by the building code; and (f) payment of the required fee as set out in Schedule B to this By-law. (2) The Chief Building Official or registered code agency may accept or reject any proposed alternative solutions and/or may impose conditions or limitation on their use. (3) Alternative solutions which are accepted under this Section shall be applicable only to the location described in the application and are not transferable to any other building permit. Incomplete Permit Applications 9. (1) An application shall be deemed not to be complete according to Division C Part 1 Sentence of the building code where any of the applicable requirements of Section 6 to this By-law have not been complied with. (2) Except as provided in 9(3), an application deemed to be incomplete shall not be accepted by the Chief Building Official. (3) The Chief Building Official may accept an incomplete application where the applicant acknowledges, in writing, that the application is incomplete and waives the time period prescribed in the building code within which a permit must be issued or refused. (4) Where an applicant declares that an application is complete in all respects and complies with the Act, the building code and applicable law, the Chief Building Official shall issue or refuse to issue a permit within the time period prescribed in the building code. (5) Where an applicant declares that an application is complete in all respects, but the application is determined to be incomplete or does not comply with the Act, the building code or applicable law, an additional fee as prescribed in Schedule B may be applied to the re-examination of documents required to be submitted by an applicant. Abandoned Permit Applications 10. (1) An application for a permit shall be deemed to have been abandoned by the Page 81 applicant where, (a) the application is incomplete according to Section 9 in this by-law and remains incomplete six months after it was submitted; (b) six months have elapsed after the applicant was notif ied that the proposed building, construction, demolition or change of use will not comply with the Act or the building code or will contravene any other applicable law; or (c) the application is substantially complete, and six months have elapsed from the date upon which the applicant was notified that a permit was available to be issued. (2) Where an application is deemed abandoned, all submitted plans, specifications and documents shall be disposed of, or upon written request from the applicant, returned to the applicant. (3) Where a permit holder wishes to re-activate a building permit deemed dormant by the Chief Building Official, the permit holder shall pay the fee set out in Schedule ‘B’ to this By-law. Revision to Permits 11. Should a permit holder wish to make any material change to any plan, specification, document, or other information on the basis of which the permit was issued, the permit holder shall file an application for a revision to the permit which describes the material changes and shall pay the fee set out in Schedule B to this By-Law. Transfer of Permits 12. (1) If the owner of the land changes after a permit has been applied for or issued, the permit may be transferred to the new owner (the “transferee”) of the lands where an application is filed to the Municipality in writing, in accordance with this section. (2) Every application for the transfer of permit shall, (a) include a written statement from the current permit holder authorizing the transfer of the permit to the transferee; (b) include proof of ownership of the lands by the transferee satisfactory to the Chief Building Official; (c) confirm that the work to be done and the existing and proposed use and occupancy of the building or part thereof, for which the application for the transfer of the permit is made, is the same as that identified and described on the application of the permit; Page 82 (d) state the name, address, telephone number of the proposed transferee; (e) state the name, address, telephone number and facsimile number of the proposed architect and/or professional engineer, and their building code qualifications, where they are different from those identified in the application for the permit, and a written confirmation from the architect and/or professional engineer(s), that they have been retained to undertake general review of the construction or demolition where required under the building code; (f) include, where the proposed transferee is a builder as defined in the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act, or any successor thereto, the proposed transferee’s registration number thereunder; (g) be signed by the proposed transferee who shall certify as to the truth of the contents of the application; and (h) payment of the required fee as set out in Schedule B of this by-law. (3) Upon the issuance of transfer of a permit to the transferee, the transferee shall be deemed to be the permit holder and the original permit holder shall have no further rights or obligations under the permit, save and except for any obligations set out in any agreements entered into for the purposes of subsection 8(3)(c) of the Act. Fees and Refunds of Fees 13. (1) A fee is to be paid with every permit application, calculated in accordance with Schedule B to this By-law and the fee shall be due and payable, in full, upon the submission of the application for a permit. The requirements for fees shall not apply to buildings constructed by or for the Corporation for the Municipality of Clarington and Lakeridge Health Bowmanville. (2) The minimum fee payable on any application shall be as indicated in Item 1, Part “A” in Schedule ‘B’. (3) Where the calculation in accordance with the provisions of Schedule B to this By-law of the amount of a fee to be paid as part of a permit application is based upon the building category, floor area and/or value of the proposed construction. The Chief Building Official, or a person designated by the Chief Building Official to do so, shall determine the appropriate building category, floor area and/or value, and that determination shall be final. (4) Where an application for a permit is subject to additional user fees prescribed by the Municipality, the fees so prescribed shall be paid in addition to the fees set out in Schedule B to this By-law. (5) Fees shall be increased by three percent each year effective on the first day of January of each year. Flat rate fees shall be rounded to the nearest dollar amount and increments of half dollar and greater shall be rounded up. All other fees shall be rounded to the nearest cent. Page 83 Re-examination Fee and Alternative Solution Fee (6) (a) where an applicant substantially revises proposed materials, systems or a building design after examination of a previous submission has already been undertaken, a re-examination fee shall apply as set out in Schedule B to this By-law. (b) where an applicant submits an alternative solution to a material, system or design, an examination fee shall apply as set out in Schedule ‘B’ to this By-law. Additional Inspection Fees (7) An additional inspection fee as set out in Schedule B to this By-law shall apply and shall be paid prior to each inspection being undertaken on any building, where: (a) any of the prescribed notice requirements under the building code or the additional notices required under this By-law have not been complied with by a permit holder; (b) more than two inspections are required due to construction being incomplete or not in compliance with the building code; (c) a building is occupied before the notice required under Section 11 of the Act was given to the Chief Building Official; (d) an inspection is requested to confirm that outstanding items have been completed or corrected in respect of a deficient permit; (e) an inspection of the backflow device on a fire main is requested; or (f) an inspection for a liquor licence approval where there is no permit. Document Approval by Chief Building Official (8) Where a request is received for the Chief Building Official to approve an AGCO Agency Letter of Approval, Environmental Compliance Approval for a Sewage Works and the completion of the Statement of the Mu nicipality, Ministry of Education confirmation for daycare license the fee shall be calculated and paid in accordance with Schedule ‘B’ to this by-law. Overtime Fee (9) Where a request is made in writing for work outside of regular business hours, the overtime fee shall be calculated and paid in accordance with Schedule ‘B’ to this By-law. Permit Surcharge (10) A building permit surcharge, in addition to the regular calculated fee, shall be charged in accordance with Schedule ‘B’ to this By-law, where construction has commenced without a building permit and an Order is issued. Page 84 Occupancy Permit (11) The occupancy permit fee for a dwelling is included in the building permit fee, with the exception of Item 6, Schedule B - Part A. Fee Refunds (12) If requested, in writing, by an applicant or permit holder, where, (a) an applicant withdraws, in writing, an application for a permit; (b) an application is deemed to have been abandoned in accordance with Section 10 of this By-law; (c) the Chief Building Official refuses to issue a permit for which an application has been made; or (d) the Chief Building Official revokes a permit after it has been issued, the Chief Building Official shall calculate the portion of any fee paid that may be refunded and authorize the payment thereof, based upon the functions undertaken by the Municipality, in accordance with 13(12) to 13(18) below. (13) Eighty-five per cent (85%) of the permit fee paid in accordance with Schedule B shall be refunded if only application administra tive functions have been performed. (14) Fifty per cent (50%) of the permit fee paid in accordance with Schedule B shall be refunded if the following have been performed, (a) the functions described in 14(12) above, (b) all or part of technical plan review functions, and (c) the permit has not been issued. (15) Twenty-five per cent (25%) of the fee paid in accordance with Schedule B shall be refunded if the permit has been issued. (16) Notwithstanding 13(11) to 13(14) above, no refund of any portion of the permit fee paid in accordance with Schedule B shall be made if any construction or demolition has commenced. (17) No refund shall be payable where the amount calculated in accordance with this section is less than $50.00. (18) Any amount authorized by the Chief Building Official to be refunded shall be paid to the person named on the fee receipt issued by the Municipality upon original payment of the fee, unless that person directs, in writing, that it be refunded to another person. (19) No refund shall be payable in the case of abandonment of a project or the revocation of a permit. (20) Construction deposits may be refunded upon completion of the project to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official. Said construction deposits Page 85 shall be refunded (without interest) to the Permit Holder provided the construction or demolition for which the permit was issued is completed within two years of the date upon which the permit was issued. After two years or if the Permit Holder does not arrange a final inspection, the Municipality may transfer said Construction Deposit to the Building Division Reserve Fund. Registered Code Agencies 14. The Chief Building Official is authorized to enter into service agreements with registered code agencies and appoint them to perform one or more of the specified functions described in Section 15.15 of the Act. Fences at Construction and Demolition Sites 15. (1) Where, in the opinion of the Chief Building Official or inspector, a construction or demolition site presents a hazard to the public, the Chief Building Official or inspector may require the owner to erect such fences as the Chief Building Official or inspector deems appropriate to the circumstances. (2) In considering the hazard presented by the construction or demolition site, the necessity for fences and the height and characteristics of such fences, the Chief Building Official or inspector shall have regard for, (a) the proximity of the building site to other buildings; (b) the proximity of the construction or demolition site to lands accessible to the public; (c) the hazards presented by the construction or demolition activities and materials; (d) the feasibility and effectiveness of site fences; and, (e) the duration of the hazard. (3) Every fence required by this section shall: (a) be erected so as to fully enclose all areas of the site which present a hazard; (b) create a continuous barrier and be sufficient to deter unauthorized entry; (c) have a height not less than 1.2 metres above grade at any point, unless the Chief Building Official or inspector determines that a greater minimum height is necessary; (d) if constructed of plastic mesh, snow fencing or other similar materials, be securely fastened at 200mm on centre to vertical posts not more than 2.4 metres apart, and to horizontal members or a minimum 11- gauge cable at the top and bottom; and Page 86 (e) be maintained in a vertical plane and in good repair. Mandatory Inspection Notices 16. (1) The permit holder shall also give notice to the Chief Building Official or registered code agency of the following stages of construction in addition to the mandatory notices prescribed by the building code; (a) commencement of construction of: i. masonry fireplaces and masonry chimneys, ii. factory-built fireplaces and allied chimneys, iii. stoves, ranges, space heaters and add-on furnaces using solid fuels and allied chimneys, (b) substantial completion of interior finishes; and/or (c) substantial completion of heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and air- contaminant extraction equipment; (d) substantial completion of the pool deck and dressing rooms for a public pool or public spa and readiness for inspection of the emergency stop system for a public pool or public spa; (e) completion and availability of drawings of the building as constructed, and (f) completion of a building for which an occupancy permit is required under Division C Part 1 Article and (2) A notice required to be given by a permit holder to the Chief Building Official or registered code agency pursuant to Division C Part 1 Subsection 1.3.5 of the building code shall be given to the Chief Building Official or registered code agency in accordance with Section 11 of the Act. (3) For the purpose of 16(2) above, the term “day” means any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday other than a holiday as defined in Subsection 2(1) (m) of this By-law. (4) A notice given to the Chief Building Official pursuant to Division C Part 1 Subsection 1.3.5 of the building code may be given orally or in writing to either the Chief Building Official, an inspector or registered code agency and if given to an inspector in accordance with this Section, shall be deemed to have been given to the Chief Building Official. (5) A notice given to the Chief Building Official or registered code agency pursuant to Division C Part 1 Subsection 1.3.5. of the building code and this Section shall not be effective until actually received by the Chief Building Official, inspector or registered code agency as the case may be. Spatial Separation Agreements Page 87 17. The Chief Building Official is authorized to enter into spatial separation agreements, as set out in Division B Part 9, Sentences and (5), and (5), and Part 3 Sentences and (12) of the building code, on behalf of the municipality and the owners of the properties on which the limiting distance is measured. Offences and Penalties 18. Any person who contravenes any portion of this By-law is guilty of an offence and upon conviction is liable to a fine as provided for in Section 36 of the Act. Severability 19. Should any provision of this By-law be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid it shall not affect the validity of this By-law as a whole or any other part thereof, other than the provision declared to be invalid. Interpretation and Implementation 20. Schedules A, B, C and D attached shall form part of this By-law. 21. By-law 2017-086 and 2022-062 are hereby repealed. 22. This By-law comes into force and is effective on March 1, 2024. By-Law passed in open session this 26th day of February, 2024 __________________________________ Adrian Foster, Mayor __________________________________ J. Gallagher, Municipal Clerk Page 88 Schedule A Appointments Under the authority of the Building Code Act, S.O. 1992, Chapter 23, and the Interpretation Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter I.11 The following people, listed in Column 2 of Table A, below, are appointed by Council, under the authority of the Building Code Act, in the positions listed in Column 1. Table A Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Item Provincial Appointment Name Municipal Title Provincial BCIN 1. Chief Building Official Brent Rice Chief Building Official 18720 2. Deputy Chief Building Official Brendan Grigg Deputy Chief Building Official 44638 Page 89 Schedule B – Part A Classes of Permits and Fees Payable Class of Permit Reference Fee Unit Building Permit 6(3) See Schedule B - Part B Demolition Permit 6(4) $130.14 0.33 flat rate for all single detached dwellings and residential accessory buildings per meters squared for all other buildings Conditional Building Permit 6(5) Normal fee for proposed construction plus an additional 20% of that fee. A minimum additional fee of $353.05 shall apply to conditional permits. Permit for Stage of Construction (Partial Permit) 6(9) With respect to phased projects, in addition to the fee for the complete building, an additional fee equal to 10% of building permit fee (min of $353.03) for each phase. Change of Use Permit 6(7) 128.26 each 100 sq. m. of floor area or part thereof Occupancy Permit for Unfinished Building (Division C Part 1 Subsection of OBC) 6(8) 258.99 Flat fee Other Permit Fees Fee Type By-law Reference Fee Unit Alternative Solution Examination Fee 8 $171.58 per hour (minimum one hour for house or four hours for other building) In addition to applicable type of building permit Page 90 Fee Type By-law Reference Fee Unit Resubmission of application found to be incomplete 9(5) 25% of application fee Revision to permit 11 171.58 per hour (minimum one hour for house or four hours for other building) Transfer of permit 12 193.91 flat fee Re-examination - Change in house model 13(6) 758.08 plus the fee prescribed in Part B as a result of any additional area Re-examination - other than 5 13(6) 25% of applicable permit fee minimum of $1,674.32 Additional Inspection 13(7) 193.91 flat fee Overtime Fee 13(9) 193.63 per hour (minimum 3 hours) Permit Surcharge 13(10) Surcharge applies after an Order is issued for building without a permit shall be the greater of: a) Surcharge of 25% of permit fee when construction has begun and a building permit application has been received, and b) Surcharge of 50% of permit fee when construction has begun, and no building permit application has been received. Dormant Building Permit File Reactivation fee 10(3) 260.29 flat fee AGCO Agency Letter of Approval 13(8) 225.00 per letter Review of application for Environmental Compliance Approval for sewage works and completion of 13(8) 350.00 flat fee Page 91 Fee Type By-law Reference Fee Unit the "Statement of the Municipality” Letter to the Ministry of Education confirming conformance with the Ontario Building Code for Daycare Licenses 13(8) 225.00 per letter Fees Payable for Building Permits Building Type Fee Units Assembly Occupancies (Group A) All Recreational Facilities, Schools, Libraries, Places of Worship, Restaurants (Finished), Theatres, Arenas/Gymnasiums/Pools $30.61 per sq.m Restaurants (Shell) 24.79 per sq.m Open Public Swimming Pools 8.28 per sq.m Transit Stations, Subways, Bus Terminals 22.97 per sq.m All other Group A Buildings 30.61 per sq.m Institutional Occupancies (Group B) Institutional, Hospitals, Nursing Homes All other Group B Buildings 33.41 per sq.m Residential Occupancies (Group C) Single Family Dwellings, Semis, Townhouses, Duplexes, Live/Work Units 16.71 per sq.m All other multiple unit buildings and other residential occupancies 17.82 per sq.m Motels above two stories and Hotels 25.48 per sq.m Page 92 Building Type Fee Units Business and Personal Service Occupancies (Group D) Office Buildings (Shell), all other Group D Buildings (Shell) 20.32 per sq.m Office Buildings (Finished), Banks, Medical Clinics, Fire Halls and all other Group D Buildings (Finished) 25.34 per sq.m Mercantile Occupancies (Group E) Mercantile Occupancies, Retail Stores (Shell) 16.41 per sq.m Retail Stores (Finished), Department Stores, Supermarkets 21.71 per sq.m All Other Group E Buildings (Finished) 21.71 per sq.m Industrial Occupancies (Group F) Industrial Buildings (Shell) 12.82 per sq.m Industrial Buildings (Partitioned Area) 17.82 per sq.m Gas stations, Car Washes, 16.14 per sq.m Parking Garages (U/G, Open Air) 7.80 per sq.m Open Mezzanine Construction 7.76 per sq.m Interior alterations (Partitions, Finishings, etc.) Group A, B and D 5.83 per sq.m Group C, E and F 5.17 per sq.m Apartment In-House 6.30 per sq.m Designated Structures Communication Tower or Transmission Towers on Building 620.78 flat fee Crane Runway 620.78 flat fee Exterior Tank and Support 258.99 flat fee Pedestrian Bridge 258.99 flat fee Retaining Wall 12.83 per l. m. Satellite Dish 156.17 flat fee Solar Collector for single dwelling unit 156.17 flat fee Solar Collector for all other occupancies 155.85 per 10 panels (max $9996) Page 93 Building Type Fee Units Wind turbine See Item 11 Schedule B – Part B Stand Alone & Miscellaneous Work a) Permanent Tent, Air Supported Structures 13.38 per sq.m b) Balcony Guards (Replacements) 4.07 per l. m. c) Unfinished Basement (to accommodate a building moved from elsewhere) 7.76 per sq.m d) Repair or Re-Cladding of wall (per wall area) 0.49 per sq.m e) Canopy w/o enclosure 6.47 per sq.m f) Ceilings (Added or Replacement) 0.83 per sq.m g) Demising walls (no other construction) 6.12 per l. m. h) Electromagnetic Locks 93.44 per lock (max $851) i) Emergency lighting 89.79 per storey j) Farm Buildings 4.16 (max $9,998) k) Fire alarms/Fire Code Retrofit 258.99 flat fee l) Fire doors retrofit 51.32 per door m) Fireplaces, Wood Stoves 128.84 each n) Sprinkler systems – new or alteration 0.77 per sq.m o) Repairs to parking garage 3.33 per sq.m p) Portable Classrooms 516.67 flat fee i. Portapack 21.71 per sq.m q) Residential Decks, Porches, Balconies, Carports 156.17 flat fee r) Residential Detach or Attached Garages or Accessory Structure 5.54 per sq.m s) Temporary Structures i. Tent 155.76 up to 2 tents ii. Trailers and Temporary Buildings 258.99 flat fee iii. Sales Pavilions (Construction on Site) 14.20 per sq.m t) Underpinning 12.26 per l. m. u) Shoring 12.26 per l. m. Page 94 Building Type Fee Units v) Window or door Replacements (excluding house) 6.21 per window w) Sign (3.15 of OBC only) 258.99 flat fee Stand Alone Mechanical Work (HVAC and Plumbing) 1) Permit for Heating, Ventilating and A/C (HVAC) a) SDD Type Residential Buildings (HVAC) i. Single Detached Dwelling, Semi-Detached, Duplexes & Townhouses (with or without A/C) 309.74 flat fee b) All Other Group C –Residential Buildings (HVAC) i. Apartments, Hotels, etc. 1.12 per sq.m c) Group E & F – Retail/Industrial (HVAC) i. Small (up to 2500 sq. ft.) 309.74 flat fee ii. All others (>2500 sq. ft.) 1.39 per sq.m d) Group A, B and D (HVAC) i. Assembly, Institutions, Restaurants and Office Buildings 1.94 per sq.m e) Minor Alterations –All Buildings i. Ductwork only or A/C unit addition 182.20 flat fee ii. Add on systems, Space Heater, Make-Up Air Unit, Exhaust Fan 258.99 flat fee f) Special Ventilation Systems i. Commercial Kitchen Exhaust, Spray Booth, Dust Collector, etc. 309.74 flat fee g) Furnace Replacement i. SDD Type Residential, Buildings 182.20 flat fee h) Geothermal system or earth energy system 135.15 flat fee 2) Permit for Plumbing and Drains a) Single Family Dwellings 21.99 per fixture Page 95 Building Type Fee Units b) Groups A, C, E, and F 27.49 per fixture c) Group B and D 27.49 per fixture d) Backflow Preventor 51.32 each e) Manhole, Catch Basin, Interceptor, Sump, etc. 36.65 each 3) Piping a) Single Family Detached or Attached Dwellings i. Water Services, Sanitary, and Storm buried piping 156.17 flat fee ii. Repairs, Replacement, and Additions of buried Plumbing and drainage piping, pooling drains 156.17 flat fee b) All Other Buildings i. Inside Sanitary and Storm Piping 2.52 per l. m. ii. Outside Water Services, Sanitary, and Storm Piping 4.23 per l. m. Alterations, buildings, and structures not provided for in Items 1 to 10 21.99 each $1,000 of construction value or part thereof. For the proper interpretation and application of this Schedule, see the following notes. Fees Payable for Building Permits Notes: The following guidelines for calculating floor areas and fees apply to the specific building types and construction indicated. The occupancy classifications used in this by- law shall be based on the Ontario building code major occupancy classifications. For mixed occupancy floor areas, the service index for the area of each occupancy shall apply. Calculation of Permit Fees Permit fees shall be calculated based on the formula given below, unless otherwise specified in the schedule: Permit Fee = SI x A where SI = Service Index for Classification of the work proposed, and A = floor area in square metres of the work involved Page 96 1. Floor Area Calculation Floor area shall: a) be calculated by measuring to the outer face of exterior walls and to the centre of party walls or demising walls, except when calculating interior partition work, b) where there are no exterior walls, be calculated by measuring to the perimeter of the building and/or structure, (i.e. post or column) c) include all habitable areas, including mezzanines, finished attics, and enclosed balconies, d) include a roof area with an occupancy, e) include interior partitioning, corridors, lobbies, washrooms, service rooms, etc., f) include floor openings for stairs, escalators, elevators, shafts, ducts, etc., g) not include the area of the floor opening found above the lowest floor level in an interconnected floor space or atrium, h) not include the area of an unfinished basement of a house, i) be calculated by measuring the area affected or serviced by the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, the sprinkler system and the fire alarm system. 2. ‘Shell’ Building Definition A shell building is defined as consisting of the structural foundation and framing system and the exterior envelope and does not contain building services such as: heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, sprinkler system, plumbing facilities, etc. 3. Interior Renovations/Alterations For houses the floor area used for the calculation of permit fees for interior renovations/alterations shall be the actual area of the floor being renovated and/or altered. For all other occupancies the area for calculation purposes shall be the greater of the actual area of the floor being renovated and/or altered or 50 square metres. 4. Occupancy Classifications and Fees a) The occupancy classifications used in this by-law shall be based on the building code major occupancy classifications. b) For floor areas with mixed occupancies, the fee shall be calculated based on each major occupancy within the building. 5. Minimum Fee A minimum fee of $127.54 shall be changed unless the fee is a larger amount as otherwise stated in this By-law. Page 97 6. Model House Fee Where the floor area of a new model house is less than the original model house floor area, no fee refund is payable. 7. Permit Fees Not Listed in Fee Table For building permit types not listed, the permit fee shall be calculated on the basis of $21.99 per $1,000 of construction value. a) “construction value,” as used in Item 11 of Schedule B – Part B, means the value of the proposed construction as determined by the Chief Building Official, whose determination of that value shall be final. b) no additional fee shall apply for plumbing and drains, sprinklers, fire alarms, electromagnetic locks, or other mechanical systems or equipment proposed and installed at the same time as the construction they serve. c) site services are included in the fee noted in Schedule “B” provided it is serving a site with only one building and is installed at the same time as the building it serves. Page 98 Schedule C – Part A Documents & Drawings Required for Permit Applications Row Class of Permit Documents and Drawings Required 1(a) Building Permit Residential (Part 9) - Detached houses - Semi-detached houses - Triplexes - Fourplexes - Townhouses Documents a Confirmation of compliance with applicable law b Acknowledgement of incomplete application c Mechanical Ventilation Design Summary d Regional Municipality of Durham Building Permit for Sewage System e Regional Municipality of Durham Residential Development Charges Information Form f TARION Registration Form g Regional Connection Application for Water/Sewer Drawings a Approved Site Plan b Approved Grading Plan c Architectural Drawings d Structural Drawings e HVAC Drawings f Plumbing Drawings (Note 4) g Grading Plan and Occupancy Deposit 1(b) Building Permit Residential as in 1(a) - Alterations - Additions - Accessory Buildings Documents a Confirmation of compliance with applicable law b Acknowledgement of incomplete application c Regional Municipality of Durham Building Permit for Sewage System Drawings a Approved Site Plan b Approved Grading Plan (Note 3) c Architectural Drawings d Structural Drawings e HVAC Drawings f Plumbing Drawings (Note 4) g Grading Plan and Occupancy Deposit Page 99 Row Class of Permit Documents and Drawings Required 2(a) Building Permit Non-residential and other residential not provided for in row 1(a) or 1(b) - New Buildings - Additions Documents a Confirmation of compliance with applicable law b Acknowledgement of incomplete application c Commitment to General Reviews by Architect & Engineers d Ontario Building Code Data Matrix e Land and Building Use Declaration f Flow Control Roof Drainage Declaration g Confirmation of Energy Efficient Design h Regional Municipality of Durham Commercial Development Charges Information form i Regional Connection Application for Water/Sewer Drawings a Approved Site Plan b Approved Grading Plan c Architectural Drawings d Structural Drawings e HVAC Drawings f Plumbing Drawings g Electrical Drawings h Fire Protection Drawings i Geotechnical Report j Specifications 2(b) Building Permit Non-residential and other residential as in 2(a) - Alterations - Renovations - Tenant Occupancies Documents a Confirmation of compliance with applicable law b Acknowledgement of incomplete application c Commitment to General Reviews by Architect & Engineers d Ontario Building Code Data Matrix e Confirmation of Energy Efficient Design Drawings a Location Plan b Architectural Drawings c Structural Drawings d HVAC Drawings Page 100 Row Class of Permit Documents and Drawings Required e Plumbing Drawings f Electrical Drawings g Fire Protection Drawings 3 Change of Use Permit Documents a Confirmation of compliance with applicable law b Acknowledgement of incomplete application Drawings a Location Plan b Architectural Drawings 4 Building Permits - Other than rows 1 to 3 Documents a Confirmation of compliance with applicable law b Acknowledgement of incomplete application c Documents from rows 1 to 3, or other documents which are applicable to the scope of work proposed Drawings a Drawings from rows 1 to 3 which are applicable to the scope of work proposed 5 Demolition Permit Documents a Confirmation of compliance with applicable law b Acknowledgement of incomplete application c Commitment to General Review by Engineer d Demolition Agreement – Property Standards e Demolition sign-off sheets f Structural Drawings as required g General review demolition commitment certificate Drawings a Location Plan b Site Plan Page 101 Notes: 1. The documents described in this schedule are available from the Chief Building Official. 2. A description of the information required on drawings is contained in Part B of this schedule. 3. The Chief Building Official may waive the requirements for any specified documents or drawings where the scope of work, applicable law, or building code requirements does not necessitate its submission. 4. Plumbing drawings are waived from plumbers licensed by the Municipality of Clarington in rows 1(a) and 1(b). Page 102 Schedule C- Part B Information Required on Drawings Drawing Type Information Required Class of Permit – Part A Row Number 1(a) 1(b) 2(a) 2(b) 3 4 Site Plan a. Legal description, survey property dimensions, compass orientation, location, and name of adjacent roads X X X N/A N/A X b. Outline of all existing and proposed buildings and structures, building dimensions and their distance to property lines X X X N/A N/A X c. Dimensions and location of parking and vehicle access and fire routes N/A N/A X N/A N/A X d. Dimensions and location of barrier-free parking, curb cuts, path of travel to building and building access N/A N/A X N/A N/A X Grading Plan a. Signature and seal of professional engineer X X X N/A N/A X b. Property lines, easements sidewalks, driveways, building location, curb cuts, retaining walls X X X N/A N/A X c. Existing and proposed elevations within the site and at property lines, retaining wall elevation, slopes of driveways, drainage flow and swales X X X N/A N/A X d. Location of catch basins, above and below ground utilities, and connections to services N/A N/A X N/A N/A X Architectural a. Existing plans showing construction and room and space identification of all floors in the area of proposed work or occupancy N/A X X X X X b. Plans of all floors including basements complete with all rooms and room names X X X X X X Page 103 Drawing Type Information Required Class of Permit – Part A Row Number 1(a) 1(b) 2(a) 2(b) 3 4 c. Roof plan showing roof slope, drainage, roof, and roofing construction details X X X X N/A X d. Building elevations showing grade, floor and ceiling heights, overall building height, exterior finish materials, window heights and sizes and spatial separation requirements X X X X N/A X e. Construction details including proposed wall section from footing to roof, specifications of all wall, floor and roof assemblies and all building materials and construction specifications X X X X N/A X f. Stairs, guards and handrail dimensions and floor details, window sizes and height above floor level, location, and fuel type of all fireplaces X X X X N/A X g. Mezzanine plan showing construction, guardrails, egress N/A N/A X X N/A X h. Location and details of barrier free entrances and barrier free washrooms N/A N/A X X N/A X i. Reflected ceiling plans, bulkhead details, horizontal service shaft details N/A N/A X X N/A X j. Roof equipment screening, anchorage for window washing, roof access N/A N/A X N/A N/A X k. Building cross sections showing grade, floor and ceiling heights, horizontal and vertical fire separations X X X X N/A X l. Enlarged sections and detail plans of washrooms and exit stairs N/A N/A X X N/A X m. Wall sections, plan, and section construction details N/A N/A X X N/A X n. Exit stair enclosure, wall N/A N/A X X N/A X Page 104 Drawing Type Information Required Class of Permit – Part A Row Number 1(a) 1(b) 2(a) 2(b) 3 4 construction details, fire separations and listed design numbers, door numbers referenced to a door schedule o. Door and hardware schedule, door and frame details, window schedule, room finish schedule N/A N/A X X N/A X Structural a. Foundation plans, floor and roof framing plans, footing, column and beam schedules, structural details, and material specifications X X X X N/A X b. Design specifications, live and dead loading, wind and snow loading, earthquake loading, geotechnical report design basis N/A N/A X X N/A X c. Structural drawings sealed by a professional engineer for all structural elements not within the scope of Part 9 of the building code X X N/A X N/A X d. Roof and floor truss drawings sealed by a professional engineer X X N/A X N/A X HVAC a. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning plans, service shafts, equipment layout and schedules X X X X N/A X b. Heat loss and gain calculations, ventilation design summary X X N/A N/A N/A X c. Fire damper locations, kitchen exhaust equipment N/A N/A X X X X Plumbing a. Plumbing and drainage plans; location and sizing of under and above ground storm, sanitary and water supply piping and appurtenances X X X X N/A X b. Location of fire stopping; specifications of plumbing and N/A N/A X X N/A X Page 105 Drawing Type Information Required Class of Permit – Part A Row Number 1(a) 1(b) 2(a) 2(b) 3 4 firestopping materials Electrical a. Electrical supply and distribution plans; location of power and lighting outlets; equipment schedules; transformer locations N/A N/A X X N/A X b. Location and specification of emergency lighting, emergency generators and exit signage N/A N/A X X N/A X Fire Protection a. Fire hydrant locations, sprinkler and standpipe distribution plans and schedules; sprinkler head layout; fire hose cabinet locations N/A N/A X X N/A X b. Location and specification of emergency lighting, emergency generators and exit signage; fire alarm system annunciator, diagrams, and specifications N/A N/A X X N/A X c. Location of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors X X X X N/A X Notes 1. Where indicated by an X, the information described is required to be included on the drawings for the class of permit specified. 2. Required information may be located or consolation on other drawings rather than as specified in this schedule. 3. The Chief Building Official may waive the requirement for any required information specified in this schedule due to limited scope of work, applicable law or building code requirements. Page 106 Schedule D Code of Conduct for Building Officials Purpose 1. To promote appropriate standards of behavior and enforcement actions by the Chief Building Official and inspectors in the exercise of a power or the performance of a duty under the Building Code Act or the building code. 2. To prevent practices which may constitute an abuse of power, including unethical or illegal practices, by the Chief Building Official and inspectors in the exercise of power or the performance of a duty under the Building Code Act or the building code. 3. To promote appropriate standards of honesty and integrity in the exercise of a power or the performance of a duty under the Building Code Act or the building code by the Chief Building Official and inspectors. Enforcement Guidelines The Chief Building Official, Deputy Chief Building Official, and inspectors appointed by the Chief Building Official under section 3 of this By-law shall comply with this code of conduct. Any appointed Chief Building Official or inspector who fails to act in accordance with the provisions of this code may be subject to disciplinary action appropriate to the seriousness of the breach. All allegations concerning a breach of this code shall be made in writing. Any person who has reason to believe that this code of conduct has been breached may bring the matter to the attention of the Chief Building Official. Where the allegation concerns the actions of the Chief Building Official, the matter may be brought to the attention of the senior staff person to whom the Chief Building Official reports. Any Chief Building Official or senior staff person who receives information, in writing, concerning a significant breach of this code shall investigate the matter, and where appropriate shall commence disciplinary action in accordance with the employment standards of the place of work. All communications received by a Chief Building Official or senior staff person concerning a breach of this code shall be held in confidence. The Chief Building Official or senior staff person shall advise Council in writing about the particulars of the alleged breach, its investigation, and the final disposition of the matter upon its conclusion. Code of Conduct In exercising powers and performing duties under the Building Code Act, the Chief Building Official and inspectors shall: 1. Exercise powers in accordance with the provisions of the Building Code Act, the building code, and other applicable law that governs the authorization, construction, occupancy, and safety of buildings and designated structures, and the actions, duties, and qualifications or Chief Building Official s and inspectors; Page 107 2. Act to identify and enforce compliance where significant contraventions of the Act or regulations are known to exist; 3. Apply all relevant building laws, regulations, and standards in a consistent and fair manner, independent of any influence by interested parties; 4. Not accept any personal benefit which may create a conflict with their duties, or perform duties where a personal interest may create a conflict; 5. Obtain the counsel of persons with expertise where the Chief Building Official or inspector does not possess sufficient knowledge to make an informed judgment; and 6. Act honestly, reasonably, and professionally in the discharge of their duties. Page 108 Notice of Public Meeting A land use change has been proposed, we want to hear from you! The Municipality is seeking public comments before making a decision on an application for a proposed application for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment. Proposal GHD on behalf of Your Home Developments (Bowmanville) Inc. submitted applications for official plan and zoning by-law amendment to permit the development of 446 dwelling units in the form of one 10-storey apartment building, one 12-storey apartment building and two 4-storey townhouse buildings. The subject lands are located along the east side of Bowmanville Avenue and have a total area of 1.39 hectares Property 1525 - 1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Bowmanville Find Out More Information and materials submitted in support of this application are identified and/or available for viewing at the following website: https://www.clarington.net/1525BowmanvilleAvenue/ or at the Planning and Infrastructure Services desk located at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville ON L1C 3A6; 3rd Floor, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. during regular business days. For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact Lucy Pronk, Principal Planner, Planning and Infrastructure Services at 905-623-3379, extension, 2314 or by email at lpronk@clarington.net Page 109 Public Meeting Information A Public Meeting has been scheduled for this application. Written comments are encouraged to be submitted prior to the Public Meeting. You can also request to be added to the interested party list to receive updates regarding this application. Public Meeting Date: February 12th, 2024 Time: 6:30 p.m. How to Attend the Meeting You may provide comments at the Statutory Public Meeting either in person, by Microsoft Teams, or by telephone. In Person: Council Chambers Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Virtually: To participate electronically, please pre-register by completing the online form at http://www.clarington.net/delegations or contact the Clerk’s Division at 905-623-3379 ext. 2109 or clerks@clarington.net by Friday, February 9th, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. A link and telephone number will be provided to you once registered. This meeting will also be live-streamed for public viewing at https://www.clarington.net/en/town-hall/council-meeting-calendar.aspx You do not need to pre-register as a delegate in order to speak in person. Please submit your written comments on the proposed application to Lucy Pronk, Principal Planner, Planning and Infrastructure Services at lpronk@clarington.net or by mail to 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 prior to the date of the public meeting. File Numbers: COPA2023-0005 & ZBA2023-0017 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act The personal information you submit will become part of the public record and may be released to the public. Questions about the information we collect can be directed to the Clerk’s Department at 905- 623-3379, extension 2102. Accessibility If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats of this document or other accommodations, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Appeal Requirements If you do not speak at the public meeting or send your comments or concerns to the Municipality of Clarington before the by-law is passed: a) you will not be entitled to appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal; and b) you will not be able to participate at a hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Carlos Salazar, MCIP, RPP Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure Services Page 110 Statutory Public Meeting COPA2023-0005 & ZBA2023-0017 Owner: Your Home Developments Applicant: GHD Application Details: •Two apartment buildings (10- and 12-storeys) •Two blocks of townhouses facing Rhonda Park •Total of 446 dwelling units •Central Amenity Area •Underground Parking Public Comments: Since writing the Staff Report, four members of the public have submitted written requests for information and one resident has provided their concerns via phone call.Page 111 Public Meeting Your Home Developments (Bowmanville) Inc. Proposed Residential Development 1525-1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Bowmanville, Clarington February 12, 2024 Untitled Map Write a description for your map. Legend 400 ft N➤➤N Page 112 Public Meeting I 1525 - 1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Clarington I 2024.02.122 Location and Context RHONDA BOULEVARDTREWIN LANE DOREEN CRESCENT GLEN RA Y C T BONNYCASTLE DRIVECANDLER CT HARTWELL AVENUE ASPEN S P RI N G S D RI V E WAVERLEY ROADREG. ROAD No. 57SUBJECT LANDS 1 6 4 5 3 7 2 LAWRENCE CRESCENT 1 LEGEND: RHONDA PARK 4 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING DETACHED DWELLINGS 2 3 4 COMMERCIAL PLAZA FUTURE GO TRANSIT STATION SITE BLAISEDALE MONTESSORI SCHOOL 5 6 7 TOWNHOUSE AND SEMI-DETACHED SUBJECT LANDS DWELLINGS RHONDA BOULEVARDTREWIN LANE DOREEN CRESCENT GLEN R A Y C T BONNYCASTLE DRIVECANDLER CT HARTWELL AVENUE ASPEN S P RI N G S D RI V E WAVERLEY ROADREG. ROAD No. 57SUBJECT LANDS 1 6 4 5 3 7 2 LAWRENCE CRESCENT 1 LEGEND: RHONDA PARK 4 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING DETACHED DWELLINGS 2 3 4 COMMERCIAL PLAZA FUTURE GO TRANSIT STATION SITE BLAISEDALE MONTESSORI SCHOOL 5 6 7 TOWNHOUSE AND SEMI-DETACHED SUBJECT LANDS DWELLINGS RHONDA BOULEVARDTREWIN LANE DOREEN CRESCENT GLEN RA Y C T BONNYCASTLE DRIVECANDLER CT HARTWELL AVENUE ASPEN S P RI N G S D RI V E WAVERLEY ROADREG. ROAD No. 57SUBJECT LANDS 1 6 4 5 3 7 2 LAWRENCE CRESCENT 1 LEGEND: RHONDA PARK 4 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING DETACHED DWELLINGS 2 3 4 COMMERCIAL PLAZA FUTURE GO TRANSIT STATION SITE BLAISEDALE MONTESSORI SCHOOL 5 6 7 TOWNHOUSE AND SEMI-DETACHED SUBJECT LANDS DWELLINGS RHONDA BOULEVARDTREWIN LANE DOREEN CRESCENT GLEN RA Y C T BONNYCASTLE DRIVECANDLER CT HARTWELL AVENUE ASPEN S P RI N G S D RI V E WAVERLEY ROADREG. ROAD No. 57SUBJECT LANDS 1 6 4 5 3 7 2 LAWRENCE CRESCENT 1 LEGEND: RHONDA PARK 4 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING DETACHED DWELLINGS 2 3 4 COMMERCIAL PLAZA FUTURE GO TRANSIT STATION SITE BLAISEDALE MONTESSORI SCHOOL 5 6 7 TOWNHOUSE AND SEMI-DETACHED SUBJECT LANDS DWELLINGSRHONDA BOULEVARDTREWIN LANE DOREEN CRESCENT GLEN RA Y C T BONNYCASTLE DRIVECANDLER CT HARTWELL AVENUE ASPEN S P RI N G S D RI V E WAVERLEY ROADREG. ROAD No. 57SUBJECT LANDS 1 6 4 5 3 7 2 LAWRENCE CRESCENT 1 LEGEND: RHONDA PARK 4 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING DETACHED DWELLINGS 2 3 4 COMMERCIAL PLAZA FUTURE GO TRANSIT STATION SITE BLAISEDALE MONTESSORI SCHOOL 5 6 7 TOWNHOUSE AND SEMI-DETACHED SUBJECT LANDS DWELLINGS Page 113 Public Meeting I 1525 - 1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Clarington I 2024.02.123 Site Plan Prepared by: Kirkor Architects & Planners DN DN N 123.722-99999.000125.332124.688124.413124.426124.573124.573124.589124.487124.451124.178124.174124.436124.518124.614124.742124.773124.688124.630124.580124.546124.536124.515124.344124.358124.351124.438124.599124.735124.730124.624124.465124.273124.097124.050124.048124.030124.029123.905123.851123.459123.558123.285123.216123.081123.139123.331123.496123.686123.849124.019124.255124.445124.590124.717124.790124.848124.879124.732124.728124.754124.777125.109125.019124.693124.044124.069124.071123.964124.057124.446124.791124.838125.162125.123125.138124.973124.783124.746124.737124.763125.245125.235125.173124.834124.702124.603125.076125.077124.825124.769124.754124.775125.038125.038124.041123.983123.924123.924125.031125.028124.801124.708124.610124.608123.855124.816124.877124.748125.181125.157124.689124.485124.531124.530123.709123.709123.692123.692124.144124.699124.719124.552124.519124.695124.723124.554124.481124.719124.656124.466124.495124.438124.438124.449124.606124.544123.662124.071124.343124.329124.208124.155123.526123.381123.474123.582124.064124.177124.195124.492124.492124.240124.732124.619124.145124.203124.521124.551124.681124.702124.497124.129124.039124.067124.065124.172124.428124.284124.252124.290124.363124.839124.082123.804123.794123.335123.918123.948123.804123.805123.061123.060123.023123.182123.574123.622123.834124.086124.065124.125124.195124.321124.299124.191123.788123.772123.770123.669123.669123.735124.046123.868122.986123.455123.483123.235123.193122.821123.582123.179122.481122.994123.067123.179123.541123.607123.577123.662124.359124.367124.386124.459123.884124.034124.347124.325124.330124.416124.361124.395124.392124.401124.413124.402124.386124.613124.819124.785124.937124.538124.565124.631124.594124.784124.728124.840124.717124.557124.731124.700124.955124.964124.840125.145124.726123.899124.579124.366124.437124.686124.920124.954124.840124.517124.435124.421124.414124.386-99999.000124.090124.212123.165123.337123.389123.179123.142123.293123.006122.920122.889123.048123.032123.257123.688123.707123.684123.983123.990123.828122.988122.442122.346121.954123.164123.347122.450122.433121.676121.499121.669121.235120.969120.489120.627122.005121.667121.007120.720119.491119.908119.193118.168122.809122.872123.190122.952123.076122.792122.716122.617122.079121.532121.148120.844120.595121.083122.600124.624123.786124.033123.310122.899122.899123.157123.157123.880124.230123.446122.161122.046121.955121.134121.119121.148120.925121.454121.238120.655120.782120.779120.760120.768120.844120.906120.916121.991122.447122.676123.675124.299123.589122.517122.298124.429124.004123.846123.370124.141124.332124.263124.252124.517123.441124.173123.746122.708121.712121.215121.310121.273121.485121.641121.656121.876120.637120.763121.290120.841121.030120.993120.805122.000122.249124.073123.477122.792121.809121.716121.519121.518121.267121.528121.578121.418120.706120.308119.401119.749118.659118.256117.931117.597119.392121.528121.068120.905120.689120.288121.256122.046122.432123.498123.892122.135121.938120.940123.539122.638122.643122.636122.669122.643122.632122.693122.728122.719122.681122.632122.671124.078124.134-99999.000125.871125.076124.889-99999.000124.159124.882125.158125.158124.761124.455125.068125.199125.038124.903125.078125.044124.481124.994124.734124.363125.009124.732124.714124.514124.060124.000123.435122.611124.010124.703124.325112.080112.956113.829115.321116.827117.883119.405120.209120.457120.363120.062119.914118.998118.822119.650117.866115.659116.193117.965119.172118.703117.750116.436116.160114.365121.566121.955121.942121.366121.232120.919121.352121.601121.590122.123122.200122.580122.410122.504121.581121.194121.302112.677111.841112.962112.246112.767113.016112.404113.017114.379112.970112.569112.069112.614112.265113.091114.399115.841117.130115.429114.217114.082113.525116.316124.353124.096122.619123.708124.071124.110124.250123.839123.665123.722122.818122.815123.913122.661122.956123.724122.223122.927122.925123.942124.055124.029124.113124.185124.151124.188124.415124.363124.368124.098124.183124.186124.080124.043124.085123.368123.501124.115124.243123.868123.821123.103122.710122.393122.275122.694122.513122.374122.419121.714121.492121.711121.799120.238120.321120.389120.604118.993118.941118.850118.837118.654118.906120.299120.225121.593122.739122.674122.098122.168122.070121.960121.792121.734121.658121.629121.694120.288117.316117.272117.186115.626114.342113.021112.262112.994112.488114.125115.376116.755117.681117.499117.741112.408117.851118.089115.697113.845113.197111.975117.583116.116116.006113.985112.975112.103112.692113.767113.017112.088110.415109.294108.863107.699109.016109.017110.218110.279108.517107.895110.420109.918107.760108.025110.228110.603109.224109.881110.289111.740113.979116.502118.513FCLFSIBCT020B 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ORP A ORP B SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT AS SET OUT IN INST. No. LT673695 SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT AS SET OUT IN INST. No. LT671856 SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT AS SET OUT IN INST. No. DR1801504HEDGEEDGE OF GRAVELGRAVEL GRAVELEDGE OF ASPHALTGRAVELEDGE OF GRAVELEDGE OF ASPHALTGRAVELEDGE OF ASPHALTEDGE OF ASPHALTDRIVEWAY ASPHALT EDGE OF ASPHALTEDGE OF ASPHALTEDGE OF ASPHALTEDGE OF ASPHALTGRAVEL ASPHALT DRIVEWAY ASPHALT DRIVEWAY ASPHALT DRIVEWAY GRAVEL DRIVEWAYCONCRETE CURBCONCRETE CURBCONC R E T E C U R B CONCRETE CURBCONCRETE CURB CONCRETE CURBCONCRETE CURBWOOD G A R A G E DECK WOODTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKTOP OF BANKBOARD FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCECHAIN LINK FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCE CHAIN LINK FENCECHAIN LINK FENCE DRIPL INE DRIPLINEDITCHDITCHDITCHDITCHDITCHDITCHDITCHBOT T O M O F B A N K BOTT O M O F B A N K CROWNCROWNBRICK RETAINING WALLCROWN P L A N 4 0 R - 2 1 2 6 9125.1 8 124.7 3 124.3 6 WV POOL BXC BXC N70°58'20"E N18°58'20"WN71°01'10"E N67°50'05"E N26°32'05"WN71°04'15"E BOWMANVILLE AVENUELS LS LS LS 1130 1272 1269 1253 BXT CT02 0 X 2 DT06 0 X 2 TOP O F B A N K TOP O F B A N K P A R T 4 P A R T 3 P A R T 2 P A R T 1 P A R T 6 P A R T 7 P.I.N. 26931 - 0770 P.I.N. 26931 - 0243 P.I.N. 26931 - 0245 P.I.N. 26931 - 0246 P.I.N. 26931 - 0247 P.I.N. 26931 - 0768 P.I.N. 26931 - 0767 P.I.N. 26931 - 0249P.I.N. 26931 - 0252P.I.N. 26931-0278(ROAD ALLOWANCE BETWEEN LOTS 14 AND 15, CONCESSION 1)P.I.N. 26931 - 0001(KNOWN AS)(REGIONAL ROAD No. 57)BLOCK 10PART 10, PLAN 40R-16306B L O C K 9 BLOCK 99BLOCK 100P L A N 1 0 M - 8 3 3PART 3, PLAN 40R-14845P L A N 4 0 M - 1 7 4 1 BLOCK 8PLAN 15, PLAN 40R-15554PART 35 P.I.N. 26931-0281 P.I.N. 26931-0279 P.I.N. 26931 - 0282PART 37 PLAN 36P.I.N. 26931-0280P A R T 7 P A R T 4P A R T 3PART 2 P. I. N. 2 6 9 3 1 - 0 7 9 4 P.I.N. 26931-0791 P L A N 4 0 R - 3 0 7 9 2 P.I.N. 26931 - 0793 LOT 14, CONCESSION 1 L O T 1 4, C O N C E S S I O N 1P L A N 4 0 R - 1 5 2 8 9 P A R T 5 P.I.N. 26931 - 0769 PART 1SPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKESPIKE SIGN SIGN SIGN SIGN SIGN SIGN BELL P E D BELL P E D BELL P E D TELE - B O X IB IB IB IB IB IB IPIPIP IP IP SIB SIB SIB SIB SIB SIB SIB SIB SIB SIB SIBSIBSIB SIB SIB SIB CC CP CP 1279 1280 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1289 1290 1291 1294 13391340 1342 1343 1357 1418 1419 1420 1471 1481 1483 1499 1503 1504 1505 1506 1510 1615 1616 1359 1360 1362 1366 1131 1175 1240 1176 1239 1026 1027 102810291030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 10401041 10421043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1298 1301 1302 1304 13051306 1318 1325 1327 1328 1329 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1355 1625 1395 1399 1400 149114921017 1397 1401 1414 1590 1412 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SSIB (JDB)IB (JDB)SSIB (JDB) SSIB WOOD DECKNo. 1 5 4 5 BRIC K 1 ST O R E Y DWE L L I N G (1005)SIB0.05 EAST IB (1005) SIB(1790) IB (1790) PL2,D1&MEAS WOOD SHED WOOD SHED WOOD SHED TREEHOUSE N72°29'30"E PL2 MEAS IB (1005) No. 1 5 6 5 BRIC K 1 ST O R E Y DWEL L I N G No. 16 0 5 BRICK 1 STOR E Y DWELLI N G SIB(1005) IP PL2,PL5,PL6&MEASN72° 34' 40"E PL2 MEAS 0.04 EAST0.03 SOUTH (NI) B.F.0.93 NORTH 0.07 NORTH SIB(1005) 0.03 WEST0.09 SOUTHPL2&SET IB (1790) SIB(1005) SIB (1790) SIB (1005) 2.22 180°00'00" PL1&SET 0.88 SOUTHWALL 4.01 20.14 PL8&MEAS 7.77 4.556.33 14.23 PL8&MEAS 8.76 11.42 16.37 16.85 7.72 NO FENCE N72° 32' 50"E PL5,PL6 55.29 MEAS 0.03 NORTH0.02 WEST NO ACCESS 11.35 MEAS11.24 PL711.28 PL8&MEAS11.19 PL70.05 SOUTH 0.92 PL1&SET (NI)SIB SOUTHWEST ANGLE OF BLOCK 100, PLAN 10M-833 11.34 PL8PL8&MEAS PL8&MEAS SEE DETAIL 55.33 PL6 123.9 0 124.4 4 124.6 9 124.9 2 124.9 5 124.8 4 124.4 4 124.4 2 124.4 1 122.8 1 122.8 7 122.9 5 123.0 8 123.7 9 121.0 3 120.9 9 120.8 1 124.1 3 125.0 8 124.7 3 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ROOF FFE= 122.90 BUIDLDING HEIGHT=12.35 FIRE ROUTE 15 SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING PATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOEXIT EXIT@ Level 1 EXIT EXHAUST SHAFT TRANSFORMER EXIT EXTENT OF U/G PARKINGPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPEDESTRAIN WALKWAYWALKWAYPATIOPATIOPATIOPATIOPEDESTRAIN WALKWAYPEDESTRAIN WALKWAYPATIOWALKWAYWALK WAY WALKWAYWALKWAYWALKWAYWALKWAY6% SLOPE 6.6% SLOPE WALKWAY6% SLOPE W A L K W A Y LOADING AREA @ LEVEL 16.25 m x 15m 7.5m O.H CLEARANCEBUILDING C 4 STOREY TOWNHOUSES FFE=113.50 8 UNIT BUILDING D 4 - STOREY TOWNHOUSE FFE=113.50 8 UNIT BUILDING B 10 STOREY 195 UNIT FFE=125.00 BUILDING HEIGHT = 35.04m BUILDING A 12 STOREY 235 UNIT FFE=124.50 BUILDING HEIGHT 40.44m EXIT STAIR B EXIT STAIR G3.10 m TERRACE @ LEVEL 9 10-STOREYBALCONY @ Level 9 3-STOREY 8-STOREY 3-STOREY8-STOREYR 9. 0 0 m R 9 . 0 0 m R 9.00 m 4.76 m 3.00 m 1.35 m 1.51 m 1.00 m R 9 . 0 0 m R 9.00 m8.16 m7.00 m8.42 m@ Level 123.58 m4.76 m 13.70 m 4.76 m 2.08 m 6.50 m 1.60 m 3.50 m 12-STOREY 3-STOREY 3-STOREY CANOPY CANOPY 3-STOREY 6.00 m6.00 m9-STOREYTERRACE @ LEVEL 11 TERRACE @ LEVEL 10 6.48 m6.35 mR 9 . 0 0 m R 9.00 mR 6.00 m RAMP DN 5.70 m7.00 m2.75 m4.50 m +125.00 +124.50 +124.21 15 SHORT-TERM BICYCLE PARKING 3.00 mTERRACE @ LEVEL 93-STOREY8-STOREY8-STOREY11-STOREY 7.56 m3.00 m7.72 m OUTDOOR AMENITY 250 sqm. OUTDOOR AMENITY 125 sqm.LOADING AREA @ LEVEL 16.25 m x 15m 7.5m O.H CLEARANCECANOPY TERRACE @ LEVEL 4TERRACE @ LEVEL 2TERRACE @ LEVEL 4TERRACE @ LEVEL 22 dA4.01 2 dA4.01 WALK WAYWALKWAY WALK WAYWALK WAYWALK WAYCEMENTITIOUS COATING ON RETAINING WALL FACE CEMENTITIOUS COATINGON RETAINING WALL FACE CEMENTITIOUS COATING ON RETAINING WALL FACE CEMENTITIOUS COATINGON RETAINING WALL FACE TERRACE @ LEVEL 4TERRACE @ LEVEL 3TERRACE @ LEVEL 4TERRACE @ LEVEL 3TERRACE @ LEVEL 3ROOF FFE= 122.90 BUIDLDING HEIGHT=12.35 PATIOPATION Drawing Title: Scale: Drawn by: Checked by: Project No.: Date: Drawing No.: No.:Revision:Date:Plot Date:Plot Date:File Path:File Path:Client: All Drawings, Specifications, and Related Documents are the Copyright of the Architect. The Architect retains all rights to control all uses of these documents for the intended issuance/use as identified below. Reproduction of these Documents, without permission from the Architect, is strictly prohibited. The Authorities Having Jurisdiction are permitted to use, distribute, and reproduce these drawings for the intended issuance as noted and dated below, however the extended permission to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction in no way debases or limits the Copyright of the Architect, or control of use of these documents by the Architect. Do not scale the drawings. This Drawing Is Not To Be Used For Construction Until Signed ByThe Architect. Date: Authorities Having Jurisdiction Revisions: Proposed Residential Development No.: 1 Issued For: Rezoning Date: 2022-12-07 No.: 2 Issued For: Rezoning Resubmission Date: 2023-10-19 1 : 250 2023-10-31 3:17:16 PM2023-10-31 3:17:16 PMC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvtC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvt1525 - 1586 Bowmanville Ave, Bowmanviile, ON A.R. J.A. 21075 October 31, 2023 dA1.02 Site Plan Your Home Development dA1.021 : 2501 : 250 Site Plan 1 Page 114 Public Meeting I 1525 - 1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Clarington I 2024.02.124 Landscape Plan Prepared by: Strybos Barron King Landscape Architecture Page 115 Public Meeting I 1525 - 1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Clarington I 2024.02.125 3D Rendering - View from Bowmanville Ave Drawing Title: Scale: Drawn by: Checked by: Project No.: Date: No.:Issued For:Date: Drawing No.: No.:Revision:Date:Plot Date:Plot Date:File Path:File Path:Client: All Drawings, Specifications, and Related Documents are the Copyright of the Architect. The Architect retains all rights to control all uses of these documents for the intended issuance/use as identified below. Reproduction of these Documents, without permission from the Architect, is strictly prohibited. The Authorities Having Jurisdiction are permitted to use, distribute, and reproduce these drawings for the intended issuance as noted and dated below, however the extended permission to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction in no way debases or limits the Copyright of the Architect, or control of use of these documents by the Architect. Do not scale the drawings. This Drawing Is Not To Be Used For Construction Until Signed ByThe Architect.Date:Authorities Having Jurisdiction Project:v.2021.11.03Revisions:2023-10-31 3:19:23 PM2023-10-31 3:19:23 PMC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvtC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvt1525 - 1586 Bowmanville Ave,Bowmanviile, ON dhrenedering J.A. 21075 October 31, 2023 dA6.02 LandValue - 1525-1585 Martin Ave., Bowmanville Rendering - View from West (Entrance) Your Home Development 1 NTSNTS Rendering - View from West (Entrance) dA6.02 Prepared by: Kirkor Architects & Planners Page 116 Public Meeting I 1525 - 1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Clarington I 2024.02.126 3D Rendering - View from Rhonda Park Prepared by: Kirkor Architects & Planners Drawing Title: Scale: Drawn by: Checked by: Project No.: Date: No.:Issued For:Date: Drawing No.: No.:Revision:Date:Plot Date:Plot Date:File Path:File Path:Client: All Drawings, Specifications, and Related Documents are the Copyright of the Architect. The Architect retains all rights to control all uses of these documents for the intended issuance/use as identified below. Reproduction of these Documents, without permission from the Architect, is strictly prohibited. The Authorities Having Jurisdiction are permitted to use, distribute, and reproduce these drawings for the intended issuance as noted and dated below, however the extended permission to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction in no way debases or limits the Copyright of the Architect, or control of use of these documents by the Architect. Do not scale the drawings. This Drawing Is Not To Be Used For Construction Until Signed ByThe Architect.Date:Authorities Having Jurisdiction Project:v.2021.11.03Revisions:2023-10-31 3:19:22 PM2023-10-31 3:19:22 PMC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvtC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvt1525 - 1586 Bowmanville Ave, Bowmanviile, ON dhrenedering J.A. 21075 October 31, 2023 dA6.01 LandValue - 1525-1585 Martin Ave., Bowmanville Rendering - View from East Your Home Development 1 NTSNTS Rendering - View from East dA6.01 Page 117 Public Meeting I 1525 - 1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Clarington I 2024.02.127 Shadow Diagrams - March 21st Prepared by: Kirkor Architects & Planners N Drawing Title: Scale: Drawn by: Checked by: Project No.: Date: Drawing No.: No.:Revision:Date:Plot Date:Plot Date:File Path:File Path:Client: All Drawings, Specifications, and Related Documents are the Copyright of the Architect. The Architect retains all rights to control all uses of these documents for the intended issuance/use as identified below. Reproduction of these Documents, without permission from the Architect, is strictly prohibited. The Authorities Having Jurisdiction are permitted to use, distribute, and reproduce these drawings for the intended issuance as noted and dated below, however the extended permission to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction in no way debases or limits the Copyright of the Architect, or control of use of these documents by the Architect. Do not scale the drawings. This Drawing Is Not To Be Used For Construction Until Signed ByThe Architect. Date: Authorities Having Jurisdiction Revisions: Proposed Residential Development No.: 1 Issued For: Rezoning Date: 2022-12-07 No.: 2 Issued For: Rezoning Resubmission Date: 2023-10-19 2023-10-31 3:19:15 PM2023-10-31 3:19:15 PMC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvtC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvt1525 - 1586 Bowmanville Ave, Bowmanviile, ON T.T. J.A. 21075 October 31, 2023 dA4.02 Sun Shadow Study - March Your Home Development 10 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 18:18 dA4.02 9 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 17:18 dA4.02 5 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 13:18 dA4.02 6 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 14:18 dA4.02 7 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 15:18 dA4.02 8 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 16:18 dA4.02 4 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 12:18 dA4.02 3 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 11:18 dA4.02 2 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 10:18 dA4.02 1 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 9:18 dA4.02 0 20010050 Meters LEGEND: Property Line Proposed Building N Drawing Title: Scale: Drawn by: Checked by: Project No.: Date: Drawing No.: No.:Revision:Date:Plot Date:Plot Date:File Path:File Path:Client: All Drawings, Specifications, and Related Documents are the Copyright of the Architect. The Architect retains all rights to control all uses of these documents for the intended issuance/use as identified below. Reproduction of these Documents, without permission from the Architect, is strictly prohibited. The Authorities Having Jurisdiction are permitted to use, distribute, and reproduce these drawings for the intended issuance as noted and dated below, however the extended permission to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction in no way debases or limits the Copyright of the Architect, or control of use of these documents by the Architect. Do not scale the drawings. This Drawing Is Not To Be Used For Construction Until Signed ByThe Architect. Date: Authorities Having Jurisdiction Revisions: Proposed Residential Development No.: 1 Issued For: Rezoning Date: 2022-12-07 No.: 2 Issued For: Rezoning Resubmission Date: 2023-10-19 2023-10-31 3:19:15 PM2023-10-31 3:19:15 PMC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvtC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvt1525 - 1586 Bowmanville Ave, Bowmanviile, ON T.T. J.A. 21075 October 31, 2023 dA4.02 Sun Shadow Study - March Your Home Development 10 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 18:18 dA4.02 9 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 17:18 dA4.02 5 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 13:18 dA4.02 6 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 14:18 dA4.02 7 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 15:18 dA4.02 8 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 16:18 dA4.02 4 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 12:18 dA4.02 3 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 11:18 dA4.02 2 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 10:18 dA4.02 1 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 9:18 dA4.02 0 20010050 Meters LEGEND: Property Line Proposed Building N Drawing Title: Scale: Drawn by: Checked by: Project No.: Date: Drawing No.: No.:Revision:Date:Plot Date:Plot Date:File Path:File Path:Client: All Drawings, Specifications, and Related Documents are the Copyright of the Architect. The Architect retains all rights to control all uses of these documents for the intended issuance/use as identified below. Reproduction of these Documents, without permission from the Architect, is strictly prohibited. The Authorities Having Jurisdiction are permitted to use, distribute, and reproduce these drawings for the intended issuance as noted and dated below, however the extended permission to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction in no way debases or limits the Copyright of the Architect, or control of use of these documents by the Architect. Do not scale the drawings. This Drawing Is Not To Be Used For Construction Until Signed ByThe Architect. Date: Authorities Having Jurisdiction Revisions: Proposed Residential Development No.: 1 Issued For: Rezoning Date: 2022-12-07 No.: 2 Issued For: Rezoning Resubmission Date: 2023-10-19 2023-10-31 3:19:15 PM2023-10-31 3:19:15 PMC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvtC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvt1525 - 1586 Bowmanville Ave, Bowmanviile, ON T.T. J.A. 21075 October 31, 2023 dA4.02 Sun Shadow Study - March Your Home Development 10 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 18:18 dA4.02 9 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 17:18 dA4.02 5 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 13:18 dA4.02 6 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 14:18 dA4.02 7 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 15:18 dA4.02 8 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 16:18 dA4.02 4 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 12:18 dA4.02 3 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 11:18 dA4.02 2 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 10:18 dA4.02 1 NTSNTS Spring_March 21 @ 9:18 dA4.02 0 20010050 Meters LEGEND: Property Line Proposed Building Page 118 Public Meeting I 1525 - 1585 Bowmanville Avenue, Clarington I 2024.02.128 Prepared by: Kirkor Architects & Planners Shadow Diagrams - September 21st N Drawing Title: Scale: Drawn by: Checked by: Project No.: Date: Drawing No.: No.:Revision:Date:Plot Date:Plot Date:File Path:File Path:Client: All Drawings, Specifications, and Related Documents are the Copyright of the Architect. The Architect retains all rights to control all uses of these documents for the intended issuance/use as identified below. Reproduction of these Documents, without permission from the Architect, is strictly prohibited. The Authorities Having Jurisdiction are permitted to use, distribute, and reproduce these drawings for the intended issuance as noted and dated below, however the extended permission to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction in no way debases or limits the Copyright of the Architect, or control of use of these documents by the Architect. Do not scale the drawings. This Drawing Is Not To Be Used For Construction Until Signed ByThe Architect. Date: Authorities Having Jurisdiction Revisions: Proposed Residential Development No.: 1 Issued For: Rezoning Date: 2022-12-07 No.: 2 Issued For: Rezoning Resubmission Date: 2023-10-19 2023-10-31 3:19:19 PM2023-10-31 3:19:19 PMC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvtC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvt1525 - 1586 Bowmanville Ave, Bowmanviile, ON T.T. J.A. 21075 October 31, 2023 dA4.04 Sun Shadow Study - September Your Home Development 10 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 18:18 dA4.04 9 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 17:18 dA4.04 5 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 13:18 dA4.04 6 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 14:18 dA4.04 7 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 15:18 dA4.04 8 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 16:18 dA4.04 4 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 12:18 dA4.04 3 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 11:18 dA4.04 2 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 10:18 dA4.04 1 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 9:18 dA4.04 0 20010050 Meters LEGEND: Property Line Proposed BuildingN Drawing Title: Scale: Drawn by: Checked by: Project No.: Date: Drawing No.: No.:Revision:Date:Plot Date:Plot Date:File Path:File Path:Client: All Drawings, Specifications, and Related Documents are the Copyright of the Architect. The Architect retains all rights to control all uses of these documents for the intended issuance/use as identified below. Reproduction of these Documents, without permission from the Architect, is strictly prohibited. The Authorities Having Jurisdiction are permitted to use, distribute, and reproduce these drawings for the intended issuance as noted and dated below, however the extended permission to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction in no way debases or limits the Copyright of the Architect, or control of use of these documents by the Architect. Do not scale the drawings. This Drawing Is Not To Be Used For Construction Until Signed ByThe Architect. Date: Authorities Having Jurisdiction Revisions: Proposed Residential Development No.: 1 Issued For: Rezoning Date: 2022-12-07 No.: 2 Issued For: Rezoning Resubmission Date: 2023-10-19 2023-10-31 3:19:19 PM2023-10-31 3:19:19 PMC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvtC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvt1525 - 1586 Bowmanville Ave, Bowmanviile, ON T.T. J.A. 21075 October 31, 2023 dA4.04 Sun Shadow Study - September Your Home Development 10 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 18:18 dA4.04 9 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 17:18 dA4.04 5 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 13:18 dA4.04 6 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 14:18 dA4.04 7 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 15:18 dA4.04 8 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 16:18 dA4.04 4 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 12:18 dA4.04 3 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 11:18 dA4.04 2 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 10:18 dA4.04 1 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 9:18 dA4.04 0 20010050 Meters LEGEND: Property Line Proposed Building N Drawing Title: Scale: Drawn by: Checked by: Project No.: Date: Drawing No.: No.:Revision:Date:Plot Date:Plot Date:File Path:File Path:Client: All Drawings, Specifications, and Related Documents are the Copyright of the Architect. The Architect retains all rights to control all uses of these documents for the intended issuance/use as identified below. Reproduction of these Documents, without permission from the Architect, is strictly prohibited. The Authorities Having Jurisdiction are permitted to use, distribute, and reproduce these drawings for the intended issuance as noted and dated below, however the extended permission to the Authorities Having Jurisdiction in no way debases or limits the Copyright of the Architect, or control of use of these documents by the Architect. Do not scale the drawings. This Drawing Is Not To Be Used For Construction Until Signed ByThe Architect. Date: Authorities Having Jurisdiction Revisions: Proposed Residential Development No.: 1 Issued For: Rezoning Date: 2022-12-07 No.: 2 Issued For: Rezoning Resubmission Date: 2023-10-19 2023-10-31 3:19:19 PM2023-10-31 3:19:19 PMC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvtC:\Revit\2023\21075P11_ 34-46 Martin Rd Bowmanville_RVT2023_Master_jastonBQWBG.rvt1525 - 1586 Bowmanville Ave, Bowmanviile, ON T.T. J.A. 21075 October 31, 2023 dA4.04 Sun Shadow Study - September Your Home Development 10 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 18:18 dA4.04 9 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 17:18 dA4.04 5 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 13:18 dA4.04 6 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 14:18 dA4.04 7 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 15:18 dA4.04 8 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 16:18 dA4.04 4 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 12:18 dA4.04 3 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 11:18 dA4.04 2 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 10:18 dA4.04 1 NTSNTS Fall_September 21 @ 9:18 dA4.04 0 20010050 Meters LEGEND: Property Line Proposed Building Page 119 Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 12, 2024 Report Number: PDS-005-24 Submitted By: Carlos Salazar, Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure Services Reviewed By: Mary-Anne Dempster, CAO File Number: COPA2023-0005 & ZBA2023-0017 Resolution#: Report Subject: Proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment for 446 residential units in Bowmanville Purpose of Report: The purpose of this report is to provide information to the public and Council. It does not constitute, imply or request any degree of approval. Recommendations: 1. That Report PDS-005-24 and any related communication items, be received for information only; 2. That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications; and 3. That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-005-24 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Page 120 Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report PDS-005-24 Report Overview The Municipality is seeking the public’s input on application s for proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted on behalf of Your Home Developments (Bowmanville) Inc. to permit a total of 446 residential units, including 430 apartment dwelling units and 16 townhouse dwelling units. The proposal includ es two (2) apartment buildings, one (1) 10- storeys and one (1) 12-storeys in height and two (2) blocks of townhouses that are 4-storeys in height. The conceptual site plan illustrates a right in, right out access from Bowmanville Avenue and a secondary access to the signalized intersection of Bowmanville Avenue and Hartwell Drive via the property to the south at 1505 Bowmanville Avenue. The majority of parking is proposed in an underground parking area, with 11 surface visitor parking spaces. A centralized , at- grade, common outdoor amenity area is also proposed. The subject lands are located east of Bowmanville Avenue and west of Rhonda Park and are within the boundaries of the proposed Bowmanville West Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan. 1. Application Details Owner: Your Home Developments (Bowmanville) Inc. Page 121 Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report PDS-005-24 Figure 1 – Location of Subject Lands Page 122 Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PDS-005-24 2. Background 2.1 On December 19th, 2023, GHD submitted applications for an Official Plan and Zoning By- law Amendment to permit the development of 446 residential units consisting of 430 apartment dwelling units and 16 townhouse dwelling units (refer to Attachment 1). The applications were deemed complete on January 8th, 2024. 2.2 The applicant has submitted the following studies in support of the applications which have been circulated to departments and agencies for review. The studies are available upon request and will be summarized in a future recommendation report.  Stage 2 Pre-consultation Comment Response Matrix;  Architectural Drawing Set (inclusive of site plan, floor plans, sect ion plans and sun/shadow diagram);  Planning Rational Report;  Landscape Analysis;  Urban Design Brief;  Environmental Sustainability Plan;  Transportation Impact Study;  Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report;  Tree Inventory and Tree Preservation Plan;  Conceptual Landscape Plan;  Hydrogeological Investigation;  Geotechnical Investigation;  Environmental Impact Study;  Stage 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment;  Site Screening Questionnaire; and,  Arborist Report. Page 123 Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PDS-005-24 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The subject lands are located on the east side of Bowmanville Avenue and directly west of Rhonda Park in Bowmanville. The lands currently function as four (4) separate single detached dwellings with associated driveways, accessory structures and build ings. The eastern perimeter of the Subject Lands is heavily treed, and the subject lands feature a significant slope towards Rhonda Park. 3.2 The surrounding uses are as follows: North: Existing low density residential; East: Rhonda Park featuring a baseball diamond and play structure, Rhonda Boulevard beyond; South: Existing 4-storey residential apartment building; and, West: Bowmanville Avenue and commercial plaza beyond featuring a variety of convenience commercial and service uses. 4. Provincial Policy Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 4.1 The PPS provides policy direction on land use planning and development for matters of provincial interest. This includes the protection of provincial resources, public health and safety, and the quality of the natural and built environment. These objective s are to be achieved through efficient land use planning. Through land use designations and policies, municipal official plans and secondary plans seek to implement the PPS. 4.2 The PPS focuses growth and development within urban and rural settlement areas. Development within these areas must meet the full range of current and future needs of the population by employing efficient development patterns and avoiding significant or sensitive resources and areas which may pose a risk to public health and safety. Land use patterns should promote a mix of housing, including affordable housing, employment, recreation, parks and open spaces, and transportation choices that increase the use of active transportation and transit before other modes of travel. 4.3 The proposal is consistent with the PPS. A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2019 (Growth Plan) 4.4 The Growth Plan provides guidance on where and how to grow within the Greater Golden Horseshoe (GGH). This includes requiring Municipalities to maintain a three -year supply of serviced land for residential development. Page 124 Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report PDS-005-24 4.5 Building on the direction of the PPS, the Growth Plan supports the achievement of complete communities, a thriving economy, a clean and healthy environment, and social equity. These goals will be achieved by promoting access to transit and active transportation and increasing the amount and variety of housing that is provided. 4.6 The Growth Plan recognizes transit as a first priority for major transportation investments. It sets out a regional vision for transit and seeks to align transit with growth by directing growth to major transit station areas and other strategic growth areas. The Growth Plan directs that upper-tier municipalities, in consultation with lower-tier municipalities, will delineate major transit station areas through their municipal comprehensive reviews. The new Durham Region Official Plan (“Envision Durham”, adopted May 17th, 2023, and yet to be approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing) delineates a Protected Major Transit Station Area (PMTSA) which surrounds the proposed GO Station north - west of the subject lands, and includes the subject lands within its boundary. The Growth Plan directs that major transit station areas that are served by the GO Transit rail network will be planned for a minimum density of 150 residents and jobs combined per hectare. 4.7 The subject lands are within the Bowmanville Built-Up Area as defined by the Growth Plan. The proposed development will contribute to the intensification targets of the Growth Plan. 4.8 The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Growth Plan. 5. Official Plans Durham Region Official Plan (ROP) 5.1 Per Schedule ‘A’ - Map ‘A5’ of the ROP, the subject lands are designated "Living Areas”. Each community within this designation shall be developed to incorporate the widest possible variety of housing types, sizes, and tenure to provide living accommodations that address various socioeconomic factors. Further, the ROP identifies a future “GO Station” north-west of the subject lands. 5.2 Per Schedule ‘C’ - Map ‘C1’ of the ROP, the subject lands are adjacent to Bowmanville Avenue (also known as Regional Road 57) which is identified as a “Type ‘A’ Arterial Road”. Further, Schedule ‘C’ – Map ‘C3’ of the ROP identifies a future “Transportation Hub” north-west of the subject lands. Page 125 Municipality of Clarington Page 7 Report PDS-005-24 5.3 The ROP policies for Local Corridors call for mixed-use areas, with appropriate densities to support frequent transit service. Portions of Local Corridors with an underlying Living Areas designation, which are identified as appropriate for mixed-use development, shall support an overall, long-term density target of at least 30 residential units per gross hectare and a floor space index of 2.0. The built form should be a wide variety of building forms with mid-rise predominating, as detailed in area municipal official plans. The portion of Bowmanville Avenue that is adjacent to the subject lands is identified as a “Local Corridor” in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan. 5.4 The subject lands are within the built-up area of the ROP. Until Envision Durham is approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and in effect, the annual minimum intensification target contained in the ROP will continue to apply. Policy 7.3.9 of the ROP directs that a minimum of 40% of all residential development across the Region occur through intensification within built-up areas. Further, Schedule ‘E’ – Table ‘E9’ directs that the Municipality of Clarington allocate 6,181 units or 32% of the total residential units to intensification. 5.5 The proposed development will contribute to the intensification targets of the ROP and appears to be consistent with the ROP. Clarington Official Plan (COP) 5.6 Per Map ‘A3’ of the COP, the subject lands are designated “Urban Residential”. The Urban Residential designation is predominantly intended for housing purposes. A variety of densities, tenure and housing types are encouraged, generally up to 3 storeys in height. 5.7 Per Map ‘B’ of the COP, Bowmanville Avenue (Regional Road 57) is identified as a “Loca l Corridor”. Local Corridors shall provide for intensification, mixed -use development and pedestrian and transit-supportive development. The development of Local Corridors aims to improve the public realm and establish walkable, transit-supportive corridors through high-quality streetscaping and built form. The minimum density is 40 units per net residential hectare. The standard building height is 2-6 storeys. Low rise is 2-4 storeys, mid-rise is 5-6 storeys. The building form can be mixed-use buildings, apartments and townhouses. 5.8 The proposed height of the 10-storey and 12-storey apartment buildings is not in conformity with the 6-storey height restriction of the “Local Corridor” designation, and therefore, an Official Plan Amendment is required. A draft Official Plan Amendment prepared by the applicant is included as Attachment 1. Further analysis will be completed through subsequent processing of the application for Official Plan Amendment. Page 126 Municipality of Clarington Page 8 Report PDS-005-24 6. Zoning By-law 6.1 Zoning By-law 84-63 zones the subject lands as “Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone”. A Zoning By-law Amendment is required to permit and regulate the proposed built form. A draft zoning by-law prepared by the applicant is included as Attachment 2. 7. Public Notice and Submissions 7.1 Public Notice of this Statutory Public Meeting was mailed to each landowner within 120 metres of the subject lands, and a public meeting sign was installed on the subject lands fronting Bowmanville Avenue. 7.2 As of writing this report, staff have not received comments from the public. Comments received from the public at this Statutory Public Meeting will be considered and included in the recommendation report. 8. Departmental and Agency Comments 8.1 The application was circulated to internal departments and external agencies for review and comments. At the time of writing this report, no adverse comments had been received related to the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments. A subsequent comment letter coordinating all internal and external comments will be sent to the applicant once they are received. 9. Discussion Envision Durham – New Durham Region Official Plan 9.1 The subject lands are within a “Protected Major Transit Station Area” (PMTSA) as delineated by ROPA 186 and further through Envision Durham. There are a number of proposed policies for PMTSA’s within Envision Durham, however, these policies are not in effect until Envision Durham has been approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Bowmanville West Urban Centre and Major Transit Station (GO Train) Area Secondary Plan Update 9.2 The Municipality is in the process of updating the existing Bowmanville West Urban Centre Secondary Plan. Part of this update includes the expansion of the Secondary Plan boundary to match the boundary of the PMTSA, therefore including the subject lands. Page 127 Municipality of Clarington Page 9 Report PDS-005-24 9.3 The draft Official Plan Amendment, inclusive of the Secondary Plan, was presented at a Statutory Public Meeting on January 22 nd, 2024. The subject lands are proposed to be designated “Residential Medium Density”, in which this designation permits low-rise apartment buildings and limits the permitted height to 6 -storeys. The planned function of this designation is to provide for development along the edges of the Secondary Plan that will provide a transition in height from taller buildings in the plan area to the surrounding lower density residential areas. 9.4 A Zoning By-law amendment to implement the entirety of the Bowmanville West Urban Centre and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan was drafted and presented at the statutory public meeting held on January 22nd, 2024. As presented, the draft implementing zoning by-law zones the subject lands as the “Residential – Medium Density (R-MD) Zone” with a holding symbol and height permissions ranging from 6 to 12 storeys. Staff has acknowledged and discussed the error with the applicant, as unfortunately these height permissions are not aligned with the with the proposed Secondary Plan designation. 9.5 As the intent of the accompanying zoning is to implement the Secondary Plan, staff will address the height discrepancy as part of the recommendation report for the Secondary Plan. Staff anticipate that the recommendation report will be presented to Council for consideration prior to summer recess. Page 128 Municipality of Clarington Page 10 Report PDS-005-24 Figure 2 – Draft Land Use Map – Bowmanville West MTSA Secondary Plan Sunlight and Shadow Compatibility 9.6 The COP contains infill development policies that need to be considered when reviewing the application, such as lot size, transition and impacts to surrounding uses (specifically refer to Section 5.4 of the COP). Careful attention and consideration of these policies will contribute to the overall success of the project and assist in creating a development that cohesively ties in with the surrounding neighbourhood. 9.7 The draft Bowmanville West Urban Centre and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan includes draft sunlight and shadow policies that articulate the priorities of the COP, Staff will consider these policies through the review of the submitted sun / shadow diagram. Page 129 Municipality of Clarington Page 11 Report PDS-005-24 Other Considerations 9.8 Affordable units are encouraged to be provided within the proposal. The COP encourages a minimum of 30% of all units within the Urban Areas to be affordable. 9.9 Ontario government recently passed legislation known as the GO Transit Station Funding Act (Bill 131) that would allow municipalities to collect a transit station charge to pay for costs related to the construction of a new GO transit station from new nearby developments in exchange for reduced parking rates/expedited approval . As more details on the GO Transit Station Funding Act are released, the Municipality will explore the use of this tool. 9.10 The applications for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments are required to permit and regulate the proposed built form. Future applications for site plan approval and draft plan of condominium will also be required. 9.11 Staff will continue to review the submitted applications for official plan and zoning by -law amendments and will work with the applicant to address all technical matters. Agency and public comments will be addressed in a subsequent recommendations report to Committee and Council. 10. Financial Considerations 10.1 On April 14, 2022, Bill 109, the More Homes For Everyone Act, 2022, received Royal Assent. Among other matters, Bill 109 amended the Planning Act to require municipalities to refund Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval application fees in a phased approach if no decision is made or no approval is issued within the legislative timelines. Zoning by-law amendment applications are required to have a decision made within 120 days if concurrent with an official plan amendment. These changes came into effect on July 1, 2023, for new applications submitted after that date. Complete applications COPA2023-0005 & ZBA2023-0017 were submitted on December 19th, 2023, the following refunds will apply if a decision is not made by the prescribed date: Decision Date Refund Required April 17th, 2024 50% June 16th, 2024 75% August 15th, 2024 100% Page 130 Municipality of Clarington Page 12 Report PDS-005-24 11. Strategic Plan 11.1 The proposed development will be reviewed against the pillars of the Clarington Strategic Plan 2024-27. Staff will give special attention to the priorities of growing resilient, sustainable and complete communities and connecting residents through the design of safe, diverse, inclusive and vibrant communities. An analysis of the proposed developments interaction with the specific priorities of the Strategic Plan will be included in the future recommendation report. 12. Concurrence 12.1 This report has been reviewed by the Deputy CAO, Finance and Technology/Treasurer, who concurs with the recommendations. 13. Conclusion 13.1 The purpose of the Public Meeting report is to provide background information on the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications to permit a total of 446 residential units for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act. Staff will continue processing the applications including preparation of a subsequent recommendation report. Staff Contact: Lucy Pronk, Principal Planner, (905) 623-3379 x 2314 or lpronk@clarington.net or Amanda Tapp, Manager, Development Review, (905) 623-3379 x 2427 or atapp@clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1 – Architectural Materials Attachment 2 – Draft Official Plan Amendment Attachment 3 – Draft Zoning By-law Amendment Attachment 4 – Schedule ‘A’ Draft Bowmanville West Zoning By-law Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. Page 131 '1 '1 586°'.+*-+-8'<+2 -8'<+2+*-+°5,°'96.'2:'96.'2:+*-+°5,°'96.'2:+*-+°5,°'96.'2:+*-+°5,°'96.'2:-8'<+2 *8/<+=' ? '96.'2: *8/<+='? 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Location: The amendment to the Official Plan applies to the property at 1525 – 1585, Bowmanville Avenue, in Bowmanville. Basis: This amendment is based on applications by Your Home Developments (Bowmanville) Inc. to permit 440 units, two apartment buildings and two townhouse buildings, on lands on the east side of Bowmanville Avenue, South of Aspen Springs Drive. Actual Amendment: The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended by adding an exception to Section 23.19.xx “Residential Exceptions” as follows: ix.Notwithstanding Table 4-3 “Summary of Urban Structure Typologies”, lands identified by Roll Number xxxx shall, in addition to the permitted uses within a local corridor, be used for an apartment building(s) with a maximum height of 12 storeys Attachment 2 to PDS-005-24 Page 135 Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the Municipality of Clarington Official Plan regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Page 136 Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law Number 2023-XXXX being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By- law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA-2023-XXXX; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1.Section 15.4 ‘Special Exceptions – Urban Residential Type Four (R4) Zone’ is amended by adding Special Exception Zone 15.4.XX as follows: “15.4.XX Urban Residential Type Four Exception XX (R4-XX) Zone Notwithstanding Sections XXXX and XXXX, those lands zoned R4-XX on the Schedule A to this By-law shall subject to the following: a.Permitted Uses Apartment Building, link townhouse dwelling b.Density (Maximum)340 units per net hectare c.Yard Requirements i)Front Yard 2.5 metres ii)Interior Side Yard 6.0 metres for apartment building, 3.0 metres for link townhouse dwelling iii)Rear Yard 6.0 metres d.Notwithstanding the above, the minimum yard setbacks to an underground parking structure located below established grade shall be 0.0 metres e.Notwithstanding the above, the minimum yard setbacks to an underground parking structure projecting above grade but below finished ground floor elevation shall be 0.5 metres f.Lot Coverage (Maximum)40 percent g.Landscaped Open Space (Minimum) 20 percent h.Building Height 12 storeys (41.0 metres) for apartment building, 4 storeys (13.0 metres) for link townhouse dwelling Attachment 3 to PDS-005-24 Page 137 i. Parking (Minimum) 1.0 spaces per dwelling unit for residents, 0.2 spaces per dwelling unit for visitors j. Street Façade Length (Minimum) 70% to Bowmanville Avenue k. Buildings six storeys or taller shall setback all floors above the fourth storey that face a public street (Minimum) 1.2 metres 2. Schedule 3 to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from Residential 1 (R1) Zone to Urban Residential Type Four Exception XX (R4-XX) Zone as illustrated on the attached Schedule ‘A’ hereto. 3. Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. By-Law passed in open session this _____ day of ____________, 2023 __________________________ Adrian Foster, Mayor __________________________ June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk Page 138 G:\662\12568476\Tech\Planning\Zoning\12568476-ZONING.dwgCad File No:10 February 2023 - 4:28 PMPlot Date:Holly Templeton-BelliPlotted by: SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW NO. XX-23 MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON AMENDMENT TO SCHEDULE 3D TO ZONING BY-LAW 84-63 LEGEND: THIS IS SCHEDULE A TO BY-LAW NO.XX-23 PASSED THIS XX DAY OF XXXX, 2023 MAYOR: CLERK: SUBJECT LANDS N 0 75m2550 SCALE 1:2500 AT ORIGINAL SIZE Re-Zone from 'Residential' [R1] Zone' to: Urban Residential Type 4 Exception XX [R4-XX] Zone Page 139 1525-1585 Bowmanville Avenue Attachment 4 to PDS-005-24 Page 140 Notice of Public Meeting A land use change has been proposed, we want to hear from you! The Municipality is seeking public comments before making a decision on an application for a Zoning By-law Amendment and proposed plan of subdivision. Proposal Courtice Glade Holding Inc. has submitted a Zoning By-law Amendment application and Subdivision application to permit 43 townhouse units. The townhouse units are proposed to be within a future common element condominium block, which means that the units will share common elements, such as a private lane, visitor parking, and an outdoor amenity area. The proposed rezoning would change the zoning on the subject lands from an Agricultural (A) Zone and Urban Residential Exception (R1-1) Zone to an appropriate Urban Residential Exception (R3) Zone. The rezoning also proposes to refine the Environmental Protection Zone on the east side of the lot to define the limits of the environmental features and the associated minimum vegetation protection zone. Property 3051 Courtice Road, Courtice Find Out More Information and materials submitted in support of this application are identified and/or available for viewing at the following website: www.clarington.net/3051CourticeRoad or at the Planning and Infrastructure Services desk located at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville ON L1C 3A6; 3rd Floor, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. during regular business days. For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact Nicole Zambri, Senior Planner, Planning & Infrastructure Services at 905-623-3379, extension, 2422 or by email at nzambri@clarington.net Page 141 Public Meeting Information A Public Meeting has been scheduled for this application. Written comments are encouraged to be submitted prior to the Public Meeting. You can also request to be added to the interested party list to receive updates regarding this application. Public Meeting Date: Monday February 12th, 2024 Time: 6:30 p.m. How to Attend the Meeting You may provide comments at the Statutory Public Meeting either in person, by Microsoft Teams, or by telephone. In Person: Council Chambers Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Virtually: To participate electronically, please pre-register by completing the online form at http://www.clarington.net/delegations or contact the Clerk’s Division at 905-623-3379 ext. 2109 or clerks@clarington.net by Friday, February 9th, 2024, at 3:30 p.m. A link and telephone number will be provided to you once registered. This meeting will also be live-streamed for public viewing at https://www.clarington.net/en/town-hall/council-meeting-calendar.aspx You do not need to pre-register as a delegate in order to speak in person. Please submit your written comments on the proposed application to Nicole Zambri at nzambri@clarington.net or by mail to 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 prior to the date of the public meeting. File Numbers: ZBA2023-0018 and SC-2023-0001 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act The personal information you submit will become part of the public record and may be released to the public. Questions about the information we collect can be directed to the Clerk’s Department at 905- 623-3379, extension 2102. Accessibility If you have accessibility needs and require alternate formats of this document or other accommodations, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Appeal Requirements If you do not speak at the public meeting or send your comments or concerns to the Municipality of Clarington before the by-law is passed: a) you will not be entitled to appeal the decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal; and b) you will not be able to participate at a hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Carlos Salazar, MCIP, RPP Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure Services Page 142 Owner: Courtice Glade Holding Applicant: The Biglieri Group Application Details: To permit a Block of 43 Townhouse Units within a Common Elements Condominium. The site also includes a private lane, visitor parking, a private outdoor amenity space and a pedestrian walkway to access a future public trail along the creek. Statutory Public Meeting S-C-2023-0001 ZBA2023-0018 Location: 3051 Courtice Road, Courtice Meeting Date: February 12, 2024 Page 143 We should learn from past experience of developing surrounding areas located at the same aquifer to protect safety and health Settlement S-C-2022-0006 Courtice Road 10.3.1 PDS-006-24 Block of 43 Townhouse Units versus 87 three -storey units Page 144 Excerpts from Tribunal: [3] The Subject Lands contain Natural Heritage Features including a Provincially Significant Wetland and woodlands along the eastern and northern portions and watercourse. Subject Lands are in close proximity to schools, parks and commercial facilities by using cars. The Owner shall pay the Municipality an amount in lieu of conveying land for park or other public recreational purposes under section 5.1. of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13. The Owner acknowledges that this amount, represents 5% of the lands included in the draft plan. There is no Park or trail planned at any neighborhoods within Harmony/Farewell/nor Black Creeks watershed. Can this money be kept by CLOCA for restoration of Block 2 and 3 by them instead of letting the owner to do so? This would fulfill Agreement of CLOCA with the owner.All other parts of Clarington will have their own trails/Parks. Even PPS require subdivisions to contain Parks or trails. There will be a lot of boredom.Page 145 Regarding Schools by Kawartha Board: “Accommodation within a public school in the community is not guaranteed and students may be accommodated in temporary facilities; including but not limited to accommodation in a portable classroom, a “holding school”, or in an alternate school within or outside of the community.” This means overcrowded classes and difficulties for families. “School buses should be located on the same street” This will be difficult to do so on busy Courtice Road. 7.6 Chain Link Fencing along EP prior to construction is required.This fencing must be located on the public portion of the abutting land and will be maintained by the Municipality after the developer has been released from any further responsibility for the fence.” This was required in other subdivisions, but it wasn’t provided. Point 6.2 and 2.7 Site Alteration regarding CLOCA’s involvement and Director of Planning is good, especially grading, drainage, SWM requirements, groundwater monitoring, quality of fill, wildlife passages, light and noise. All wildlife around Nash development disappeared and now we just have rodents ruining our properties. Regarding fill, Plan for controlling dust and dust emissions is required. Again, even though it was required to do so by surrounding subdivisions, no control was monitored. For example, the Nash development made Hancock Road unwalkable. We couldn’t pick up our mail during weekdays. Dust was in our eyes, mouth, lungs. etc. After precipitation, runoff was everywhere –mosquitoes and ticks were plentiful, even in winter. Courtice Road is even busier than Hancock –no such thing should happen here. Page 146 Please, explain this to us: 3.2 The Owner shall transfer to the Region (for nominal consideration, free and clear of encumbrances and restrictions) the following lands and easements: (a) Road Widenings • A 8.0-8.2 metre road widening across the entire frontage of Courtice Road North shown as Block 4 on the draft plan. Email from Region states: Currently, there are no current plans to widening Courtice Road (Reg. Rd. 34) in the 9-yr Capital Project Forecast. Regarding Point 5.6 Existing Structures The Owner shall obtain demolition permit(s) to remove all existing buildings and structures from the Lands. Please, do not make the same mistake as it was done by Nash development and Headgate. Deconstruction, not demolition, is easier. Site Alteration, fill, etc. would take a shorter time. Reuse of siding, windows, etc. could also help smaller companies to construct homes for people who cannot afford to buy new homes. Contact Region, City of Oshawa, Trent University for advise who could do so. Broken pieces of sharp objects make soil unsafe. Please, do not use tank-like machines for Site Alteration, etc. It will affect soil compression, esp. CLAY that will form the base of subdivision and may affect fault line below us, as it happened in Nash development –vibration may affect surrounding buildings. Using fill instead of deep digging could help. Page 147 Courtice Glade Residential Development Municipality of Clarington –Public Meeting 3051 Courtice Road, Courtice Municipal File #: ZBA2023 -0018 & SC -2023-0001 February 12, 2024 1Page 148 CONTEXT 2 3 BV Courtice Partners Ltd. Residential Development Faith United Church Courtice North Public School1 2 3 1 5 4 Macourtice Stormwater Management Pond4 2 5 Moyse Parkette 6 SUBJECT SITE N 6 Courtice Secondary School 7 7 Courtice Community Complex Google Maps (2023) Page 149 SUBJECT SITE ➢Area: 1.59 hectares (3.93 acres) ➢Frontage: 72 metres ➢Depth: Approx. 173 metres ➢Currently occupied by a Chiropractor clinic and residential dwelling ➢Rear of property occupied by woodland and wetland features and a watercourse 3 SUBJECT SITE Municipality of Clarington (2022) Page 150 SURROUNDING CONTEXT 4 3 2 4 4 3 2 1 1 North of Subject Site ▪87-unit approved townhouse development East of Subject Site West of Subject Site South of Subject Site Google Maps (2023) Page 151 PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT ➢Durham Regional Official Plan (2020): Living Areas ➢Durham Region Adopted Official Plan (2023): ▪Community Areas ▪Within Delineated Built Boundary ➢Municipality of Clarington Official Plan (2018): ▪Urban Residential, Special Study Area 1, and Environmental Protection Area ▪Within the Built-Up Area ▪Courtice Road is a Type A Arterial Road ▪Table 4-3 permits Townhouses up to 3 storeys adjacent to Arterial Roads 5Courtice RoadNash RoadTrulls RoadHarry Gay DriveMunicipality of Clarington Official Plan Map A (Municipality of Clarington, 2018) SUBJECT SITE Page 152 PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT ➢Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan: ▪Medium Density Residential, Special Study Area 7 & Green Space 6Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan (Municipality of Clarington, 2013) SUBJECT SITE Page 153 PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT ➢Municipality of Clarington Zoning By-law #84-63: ▪R1-1 –Residential Type One, A –Agricultural, and EP –Environmental Protection Zone ▪Amendment required to implement appropriate zoning ➢EP –Environmental Protection Zone ▪Maintained and increased in size ➢Proposed R3-XX –Urban Residential Exception Zone ▪Lot Area (minimum) –120 square metres ▪Lot Frontage (minimum) ▪maximum of 50 percent of the lots –5.5 metres ▪maximum of 20 percent of the lots –5.8 metres ▪minimum of 30 percent of the lots –6.0 metres ▪Building Height (maximum) –12.0 metres ▪Lot Coverage (maximum) ▪Dwellings –50% ▪All buildings and structures –55% ▪Shared Outdoor Amenity Space –minimum 4.0 square metres per unit ▪Landscaped Open Space (minimum) –30% 7Page 154 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ➢Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications ➢0.58-hectare Environmental Protection block ▪Woodland, wetland and watercourse maintained with appropriate Vegetation Protection Zones ▪Limits of Natural Heritage Features confirmed with CLOCA ▪Future Recreational Trail ➢Courtice Road Widening block ▪Future Sidewalk ➢43 Common Element Condominium townhouses ▪9 dual-frontage and 34 standard units ▪3-Storeys ▪5.5 metre –6.45 metre units ▪2 parking spaces per unit ▪Access via private road aligned with Westmore Street ▪11 visitor parking spaces ▪346 square metre central outdoor amenity space ▪Pedestrian connections to Courtice road and future recreational trail8 Site Plan (John G. Williams Limited Architect, 2023) Page 155 ➢Standard Townhouse ▪Buildings 3 - 8 ➢Dual Frontage Townhouse ▪Buildings 1 & 2 Elevations (John G. Williams Limited Architect, 2023) CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS 9Page 156 LANDSCAPING 10Landscape Plan (Marten-Nikzad Landscape Architects Inc., 2023) Page 157 OUTDOOR AMENITY AREA 11Park Area Landscape Plan (Marten-Nikzad Landscape Architects Inc., 2023) Page 158 ➢Existing Water & Sanitary Services ➢Underground stormwater management tank proposed under amenity area ➢Drainage to existing Macourtice Stormwater Management Pond (Courtice Road and Nash Road) 12 SITE SERVICING Page 159 13 NATURAL HERITAGE ➢Woodlands, wetlands and watercourse on site assessed & staked ➢Required buffers applied ▪30 m from Wetland and watercourse ▪15 m from Woodland ➢Replacement for tree removal outside of Environmental Protection Block Existing Conditions (GeoProcess Research Associates, 2023) Page 160 14 TRANSPORTATION & PARKING ➢Minimal impact on local transportation network ▪One vehicle trip every 2 minutes during peak periods ➢2 parking spaces per unit ➢11 visitor spaces including 2 accessible spaces ➢Serviced by DRT routes 411, 421 & 902A ➢Pedestrian connections ▪Internal sidewalks ▪Future sidewalk along Courtice Road ▪Recreational trail ➢Nash Road bicycle lanes SUBJECT SITE Durham Region Transit (2023) Page 161 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ➢Boundary Survey ➢Draft Plan of Subdivision ➢Conceptual Block Plan ➢Concept Site Plan ➢Building Elevations ➢Planning Rationale Report ➢Draft Zoning By-law Amendment ➢Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Report ➢Urban Design Brief ➢Transportation Impact Study ➢Environmental Impact Study ➢Environmental Noise Assessment ➢Phase One and Two Environmental Site Assessments ➢Stage One and Two Archaeological Assessments ➢Tree Inventory & Preservation Plan and Report ➢Landscape Plans ➢Geotechnical Investigation ➢Preliminary Hydrogeological Assessment ➢Civil Engineering Package ▪Servicing and Stormwater Management Report ▪Servicing Plan ▪Grading Plan ▪Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and Details 15Page 162 QUESTIONS? 16Page 163 Public Meeting Report If this information is required in an alternate accessible format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Planning and Development Committee Date of Meeting: February 12, 2024 Report Number: PDS-006-24 Submitted By: Carlos Salazar, Deputy CAO, Planning and Infrastructure Services Reviewed By: Mary-Anne Dempster, CAO Authored By: Nicole Zambri, Senior Planner File Number: SC-2023-0001 and ZBA2023-0018 Resolution#: Report Subject: Information and Recommendation on a Draft Plan of Subdivision and Rezoning to permit a Block of 43 Townhouse Units within a Common Elements Condominium for Lands at 3051 Courtice Road Purpose of Report: The purpose of this report is to provide information and gather input from the public and Council, as well as recommend approval if there are no major concerns raised from the public . Recommendations: 1. That Report PDS-006-24 and any related communication items, be received; 2. That the rezoning application submitted by Courtice Glade Holding Inc., be approved and the By-law in Attachment 1 to Report PDS-006-24 be approved; 3. That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2023-0001 submitted by Courtice Glade Holding to permit a townhouse block be supported subject to the conditions approved by the Deputy CAO of Planning and Infrastructure Services; 4. That any Council and/or Public concerns regarding the subdivision be addressed through the conditions of draft approval or through the subsequent Site Plan application process; 5. That once all conditions contained in the Official Plan with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol and the conditions of the Subdivision and Site Plan are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Hold Symbol be approved; 6. That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PDS - 006-24 and Council’s decision; and Page 164 Municipality of Clarington Page 2 Report PDS-006-24 7. That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-006-24 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Page 165 Municipality of Clarington Page 3 Report PDS-006-24 Report Overview The Municipality is seeking public input on applications for a proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment submitted by Courtice Glade Holding to permit a Block of 43 Townhouse Units within a Common Elements Condominium at 3051 Courtice Road in Courtice. The site also includes a private lane, visitor parking, a private outdoor amenity space and a pedestrian walkway to access a future public trail along the creek . Should there be no significant concerns from the public, Staff recommend that the zoning by- law amendment be approved. 1. Application Details 1.1 Owner: Courtice Glade Holding 1.2 Applicant: The Biglieri Group 1.3 Proposal: Draft Plan of Subdivision The proposed draft plan of subdivision would create a block to facilitate the development of a common element condominium townhouse block. It also would create two additional blocks for the conveyance of a road widening and open space lands. Zoning By-law Amendment To rezone the lands from “Agricultural (A)”, “Urban Residential Exception (R1-1)”, and “Environmental Protection (EP)” to an appropriate “Urban Residential Exception (R3)” zone in order to facilitate the development of 43 townhouse units. The rezoning also proposes to reflect the limits of the Environmental Protection Zone in accordance with the Clarington Official Plan policies. 1.4 Area: 3.93 acres (1.6 ha) 1.5 Location: 3051 Courtice Road, Courtice 1.6 Roll number: 1817-010-090-11300 1.7 Within Built Boundary: Yes Page 166 Municipality of Clarington Page 4 Report PDS-006-24 2. Background 2.1 On December 4, 2023, the Biglieri Group, on behalf of Courtice Glade Holding, submitted applications for a draft plan of subdivision and rezoning for 43 townhouse units with a height of three storeys. The proposal also includes common elements such as an outdoor amenity area, a private street, visitor parking and a pedestrian trail connection (Figure 1). The site is proposed to have a vehicle entrance off of Courtice Road, with the flexibility to have a future private road con nection to adjacent lands to the south and to 3079 Courtice Road, should those lands redevelop. Figure 1 – Proposed Site Plan Page 167 Municipality of Clarington Page 5 Report PDS-006-24 2.2 The applicant has submitted the following supporting documents which have been circulated to various departments and agencies for review. They are available upon request and are summarised in Section 9 of this report.  Planning Rationale Report  Urban Design Brief  Environmental Impact Study  Sustainability Report  Noise Impact Study  Geotechnical Investigation  Hydrogeological Assessment  Transportation Impact Study  Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report  Archeological Assessment – Stage 1  Archeological Assessment – Stage 2  Phase One Environmental Site Assessment  Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment  Tree Inventory & Preservation Plan Report 3. Land Characteristics and Surrounding Uses 3.1 The subject property is located at 3051 Courtice Road in Courtice, close to the intersection of Nash Road and Courtice Road. The site has approximately 72 metres of frontage along Courtice Road. 3.2 The site area is approximately 4 acres (1.6 ha) and contains a detached dwelling, accessory buildings and a parking area for the existing chiropractic office. Natural heritage features are located towards the back of the property, on the east side of the site and some mature trees are scattered throughout property. 3.3 The Surrounding uses are as follows: North – A proposed residential development subject to an Ontario Land Tribunal decision. East – A watercourse that is a tributary to the Black Creek, vegetation, and a wetland. To the southeast is Faith United Church. 3.4 South and west- Mainly single detached dwellings. To the very far southwest corner is the Courtice Secondary School. There is also a stormwater management pond on the south side of Nash Road. Page 168 Municipality of Clarington Page 6 Report PDS-006-24 Figure 2 – Subject Site and Surrounding Context Page 169 Municipality of Clarington Page 7 Report PDS-006-24 Figure 3 – Subject Lands Existing Conditions – Looking East 4. Provincial Policy Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) 4.1 The Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) policies direct growth to settlement areas and promote compact development forms. The subject lands are proposed within the Courtice Settlement boundary. Planning authorities are to facilitate a variety of housing forms and promote residential intensification to achieve efficient development patterns, especially along public transit and active transportation routes. 4.2 The PPS requires Planning authorities to identify appropriate locations and promote opportunities for intensification and redevelopment. It also requires Planning authorities to identify the availability of suitable existing or planned infrastructure and public service facilities required to accommodate these projected needs. Page 170 Municipality of Clarington Page 8 Report PDS-006-24 4.3 Settlement Areas shall encourage opportunities for infill where it can be accommodated, taking into consideration the character of the neighbourhood and the existing or planned infrastructure. The proposed townhouses are a form of infill development and would be appropriate for the neighbourhood. 4.4 The PPS also provides for the protection of natural heritage features to ensure ecological diversity and connectivity, and to ensure long-term ecological functions are maintained. Development is not permitted within natural heritage features or adjacent to the features unless it has been demonstrated that there will be no negative impacts on the natural heritage features or their ecological functions. 4.5 The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement. A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe 2019 (Growth Plan) 4.6 The Growth Plan is a long-term planning framework that manages growth, mainly within the urban areas of the Greater Golden Horseshoe. It provides policies to encourage complete communities, which includes a diverse mix of land uses, a mix of employment and housing types, high quality public open spaces, and convenient access to local stores and services. New transit-supportive and pedestrian-friendly developments will be concentrated along existing and future transit routes. The objective is to protect the natural environment, make use of existing public infrastructure, and encourage compact development within the already built-up areas of the municipality. 4.7 The subject lands are within the defined Built Boundary and within the Urban Boundary of Courtice. Growth is to be accommodated by directing development to the existing built-up areas of Courtice through intensification. The proposal will provide medium density residential units in proximity to two arterial roads and will contribute to the Municipality of Clarington’s annual intensification target. 4.8 The applications satisfy the objectives of the Growth Plan. 5. Official Plans Durham Region Official Plan (ROP) 5.1 The subject site is designated "Living Areas” in the ROP. Living Areas are to be developed in a compact form through higher densities and by intensifying and redeveloping existing areas, particularly along arterial roads. The site is also adjacent to Courtice Road and in proximity to Nash Road, designated as Type ‘A’ and Type ‘B’ arterial roads respectively in the ROP. 5.2 Schedule ‘B’ Map ‘B1e’ of the ROP identifies Key Natural Heritage and Hydrologic Features (KNHHF) within and adjacent to the subject site. Any proposed development in proximity to a KNHHF shall be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Study (EIS). Page 171 Municipality of Clarington Page 9 Report PDS-006-24 5.3 An EIS was prepared by GeoProcess Research Associates Inc. and was submitted in support of the development. The EIS stated that the proposed development is unlike ly to have measurable effects on the surrounding Natural Heritage System (NHS) and the ecological system that it supports. The EIS made recommendations which the Region encourages the Municipality of Clarington to consider as conditions of final approval of a future Site Plan application. 5.4 The proposed development will provide 43 medium density housing units and will intensify and redevelop an existing area adjacent and in proximity to two arterial roads and will contribute to the allocation of units for intensification as outlined in Schedule E – Table ‘E9’ of the ROP. As such, the proposed development conform s to the policies of the ROP. 5.5 The subject site is designated “Community Area” in the recent “Envision Durham” Official Plan. The ROP was adopted by Regional Council on May 17, 2023. Community Areas are to be planned for a variety of housing types, sizes and tenures. 5.6 Envision Durham policies also require natural heritage features and the associated minimum vegetation protection zones to be protected from development impacts. The Region of Durham relies upon the local municipality’s policies to determine the minimum distance to the features for the sufficient protection of the feature and its functions. 5.7 The proposal conforms to the recently adopted Regional Official Plan. Clarington Official Plan (COP) 5.8 The Clarington Official Plan designates the property “Urban Residential”, “Environmental Protection” and “Special Study Area 1”. It is also located within the Built - Up Area of the Municipality. The proposal for 43 townhouse units would contribute towards the Municipality’s Residential Intensification Target and utilize existing public services and infrastructure. Intensification within the Built-up Areas is encouraged and is to be given priority. 5.9 Table 4-3 of the Plan provides the Urban Structure Typologies for specific areas of the Municipality. These identified areas are where growth and higher intensity-built forms are to be directed. The site is located at the edge of a neighbourhood and is adjacent to a Type A Arterial Road, Courtice Road. The site is also adjacent to a DRT bus route, and therefore has access to public transit. No on street parking is permitted along Courtice Road. 5.10 The subject lands are required to meet a minimum net density of 19 units p er hectare. Proposal is for about 45 units per net hectare. The built form shall be between 1 to 3 storeys and primarily used for ground related units including limited apartments, townhouses, semi-detached, or detached dwellings. The proposal is for linke d townhouses with a height of 3 storeys. Page 172 Municipality of Clarington Page 10 Report PDS-006-24 5.11 Any intensification or infill development, such as the one being proposed, must also consider and respect the surrounding context. Consideration will be given to:  Pattern of lots  Size and configuration of lots  Building types of nearby properties  Height and scale of buildings  Setback of buildings from the street  Rear and side yard setbacks 5.12 Multi-unit residential development will be developed on the basis of the following site development criteria:  Suitability of the size and shape of the site;  Compatibility with the surrounding neighbourhood;  Minimize impact of traffic on local streets;  Multiple and direct vehicular accesses from public streets, without reliance on easements;  Variety of unit designs;  Townhouses sited on blocks shall generally not exceed 50 units. 5.13 The proposal is for 43 townhouse units up to three storeys and one vehicle access off of Courtice Road, with potential future vehicle connections to the south. There is also sufficient setbacks and transition to the lower density dwellings surrounding the subject lands. The proposal is generally in conformity with the intensification and multi -unit policies of the Clarington Official Plan 5.14 There are also natural heritage features located on the east side of land s and a tributary that transverses the property contained within these features. 5.15 Special Study Area 1 is shown to identify the significance of the tributary that is considered indirect fish habitat, and which lies adjacent to the Provincially Significant Wetland and forms part of the hydrological function of the neighbourhood. 5.16 An Environmental Impact Study was prepared to define the development limits and meet the requirements of the Official Plan. No development is permitted within the natural heritage features or their minimum vegetation protection zone. The applicant has demonstrated that the proposal is consistent with the Official Plan policies. As per Clarington’s Parkland and Open Space By-law, lands in the NHS and MVPZ may be dedicated to the municipality, free and clear of all encumbrances as part of the development application process in order to meet the Municipality’s long-term goals or their protection and conservation. Dedication of open space lands do not count towards parkland dedication. Page 173 Municipality of Clarington Page 11 Report PDS-006-24 5.17 The proposal generally conforms to the Clarington Official Plan. Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan 5.18 The subject lands are also within the Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan. The plan identifies the subject lands as a medium density block and the Special Study Area. The proposal is consistent with the Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan. Page 174 Municipality of Clarington Page 12 Report PDS-006-24 Figure 4 – Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan Page 175 Municipality of Clarington Page 13 Report PDS-006-24 6. Zoning By-law 6.1 The property is zoned “Urban Residential Exception (R1-1)”, “Agricultural (A)”, and “Environmental Protection (EP)” in Zoning by-law 84-63. The Agricultural Zone is a common zone category for underdeveloped lots located within Settlement Areas. All three zone categories do not permit the proposed townhouses, and as such, a rezoning application is required. The proposed zoning by-law amendment would permit the development of 43 townhouses and recognize the extent of the environmental features and the associated minimum vegetation protection zone. A Holding (H) Symbol would be place on the zoning until the Draft Plan of Subdivision is registered and the Site Plan Agreement is finalized. 7. Public Notice and Submissions 7.1 Public notice was mailed to approximately 35 residents within 120 metres of the subject lands on January 18, 2024. Signage was also posted on the property, alo ng Courtice Road, advising of the complete application received by the Municipality and details of the public meeting. Details of the application were also posted on the Municipality’s website. 7.2 At the time of writing this report, no public comments were re ceived. 8. Department and Agency Comments 8.1 A list and summary of the agency and internal department comments received, at the time of writing this report, can be found in Attachment 3. 9. Summary of Background Studies 9.1 The applicant has submitted several studies in support of the development applications which have been circulated to various agencies and departments for review and comment. Planning Rationale Report, Biglieri Group, May 2023 (revised November 2023) 9.2 A Planning Rationale was submitted in support of the application. The proposal is for 43 townhouse dwelling units with access off a private road. The proposed townhouse units vary in size, between 5.5 and 6.0 metres wide and consist of nine dual frontage townhouse units with rear yard garages. The remaining units are standard townhouse units. The private road will be built to a width of 6.5 metres in order to facilitate Regional waste pick-up. Page 176 Municipality of Clarington Page 14 Report PDS-006-24 9.3 The report concludes that the proposal is in conformity with the upper-level policies, the Clarington Official Plan, and the Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan, and represents good planning. Urban Design Brief, Biglieri Group, December 2023 9.4 An Urban Design Brief was prepared to demonstrate how the proposed development complements the existing low-density land uses, while meeting the objectives of the Official Plan policies in terms of density and pedestrian scaled built forms. The report also identifies priority lots which would have upgraded architectural features to e nhance the design given their prominent visibility. Below is an excerpt from the report which shows the conceptual elevation drawings. It is important to note that the width of the townhouses shown on the elevations for the dual frontage townhouses is 6 me tres, however this is not consistent with the site plan which shows a width of 5.8 metres for the lots which front Courtice Road. No elevations were provided for the standard townhouses that have a width of 5.5 metres. Figure 5 – Conceptual Elevations Page 177 Municipality of Clarington Page 15 Report PDS-006-24 Environmental Impact Study, GeoProcess Research Associates, May 2023 (revised November 2023) 9.5 An Environmental Impact Study was completed to determine the extent of the natural heritage features and evaluate the presence of any species at risk or significant wildlife habitat. In order to determine the extent of the features, CLOCA, Municipal Staff, and Terrastory attend the site on September 2022 to stake the dripline. Since then, GeoProcess was retained to evaluate other natural heritage features on site and complete the EIS. The features were re-staked on July 2023 to confirm these limits. Staff and CLOCA are generally satisfied and have accepted the extent of the features and buffer areas shown on the figures within the EIS. 9.6 In order to achieve a consistent development limit from north to south for the rear property lines and a more efficient site layout, the report indicates a reduction to the minimum vegetation protection zone (MVPZ) for the south portion of 26 m 2. The reduction is offset by an increase of 134 m2 towards the north. The Clarington Official Plan policies state that any modification to the MVPZ must be supported by the EIS and must have an overall net gain. The report has indicated support for the minor adjustment. It also proposes a number of mitigation measures, such as revegetation of the MVPZ with native plant species, the installation of a fence along the proposed easterly property boundary, directing lighting away from the surrounding natural areas, and an information package for homeowners which will be implemented through the appropriate agreements. Sustainability Report, Biglieri Group, May 2023 (revised November 2023) 9.7 A Sustainability Report was prepared to demonstrate how the development will achieve the Municipality’s main environmental sustainability objectives. It includes a checklist from the Municipality’s Priority Green Development Framework and Implementation Plan. The report indicates that each unit will be designed to accommodate a future electric vehicle supply equipment within the private garage, an additional 35 new trees will be provided throughout the site, and regional waste pick up will be accommodated, among others. Noise Impact Study, YCA Engineering Ltd., April 2023 (revised November 2023) 9.8 A Noise Impact Study was prepared to examine the noise levels from road traffic on Courtice Road and Nash Road. The study recommended several noise abatement measures, including mandatory air conditioning units and upgraded windows for Buildings 1 and 2, which face Courtice Road. It also recommends warning clauses for home buyers affected by high noise exposure. These warning clauses will be included in the applicable agreements. Page 178 Municipality of Clarington Page 16 Report PDS-006-24 Geotechnical Investigation, Haddad Geotechnical Inc., April 17, 2023 (revised Nov. 7, 2023) 9.9 The Geotechnical Investigation indicated that the upper fill materials are not suitable for the support of foundations. However, the subsoils below grade are satisfactory for the support of shallow foundations. The report recommends excavation of th e upper fill materials. 9.10 The report indicates the presence of shallow groundwater and recommends several mitigation measures including a fully water-tight foundation to protect basement flooding during the highwater table season. A dewatering assessment was also conducted as part of the Hydrogeological Study. Hydrogeological Assessment, Haddad Geotechnical Inc., Nov. 22, 2023 9.11 The Hydrogeological Assessment indicates that dewatering of the site may be required during the construction phase due to the highwat er table. The property is also within a highly vulnerable aquifer zone but not identified as an area of significant groundwater recharge. There are several mitigation measures outlined in the report that will be further investigated and addressed through the site plan approval process in order to ensure a high-quality building and site design and limit any potential impacts on the tributary and wetland features. Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, SITEPLANTECH Inc., April 28, 2023 (revised Nov. 20, 2023) 9.12 The Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management report identifies how the site would be serviced and how the stormwater will be managed post development. 9.13 The proposed sanitary sewer system will be constructed within the development’s private lane and outlet to the existing sanitary sewer on Courtice Road. The watermain will extend into the site from the existing 300mm diameter watermain on Courtice Road to the above ground water meter room located on the south side of Building 1. From the meter room the watermain will be constructed within the private lane to service each individual unit. 9.14 The report indicates that the site will be drained to the future storm sewer to be constructed on Courtice Road as part of the Hancock Neighbourhood development proposal to the north, however, the Region has indicated that they will not support the development’s uncontrolled storm conveyance to the proposed storm sewer on Courtice Road given that the pre-development flows do not currently drain to Courtice Road. The Region has indicated that the development will need to convey all post-drainage to the tributary and shall control the conveyance to pre-development limits as per Clarington’s stormwater management criteria. Further discussions will be requ ired in order to manage the stormwater on site post development. This can be achieved through the site plan process. Page 179 Municipality of Clarington Page 17 Report PDS-006-24 Transportation Impact Study, LEA Consulting Ltd., May 2023 (revised November 2023) 9.15 A Transportation Impact Study was prepared to analyze existing and future traffic conditions in relation to the proposed development. The report concludes that the site is expected to generate 36 to 39 trips during the weekday peak hours and will have minimal impacts on the surrounding road network. The amount of traffic generated by the proposed development does not warrant any road improvements or intersection improvements. 9.16 The proposed site access is proposed to align or minimize the offset from Westmore Street to allow for improved functionality. However, the radius of the proposed private lane crosses the east-west projection of the south property line and creates a conflict with the south property entrance. Further discussion and requirements will need to be addressed through the site plan process to reconcile this issue. Tree Inventory & Preservation Plan Report, Kuntz Forestry Consulting Inc., April 24, 2023 9.17 A tree Inventory and Preservation Plan and Report was prepared to assess the existing trees on site in relation to the proposed development. There are a number of trees that are proposed to be removed along the periphery of the site boundaries. The report and response to Staff comment to preserve these trees indicated that due to the grading between the roads and buildings, the trees will need to be rem oved. Further discussion in this regard is included in Section 10 (Discussion) of this report. Archeological Assessment – Stage 1 and Stage 2, TMHC Inc., Feb. 16, 2023, and May 30, 2023 9.18 A Stage 1 and 2 Archeological Assessment was completed for the subject lands to determine whether there were archaeological resources present within the subject property. The Stage 1 assessment indicated that a Stage 2 assessment is recommended for the areas of the site that were not previously disturbed. It also indicated that the area that has been disturbed could also be confirmed during the stage 2 survey. A Stage 2 assessment was completed for the areas that were not disturbed using test pit surveys and found that no further archaeological assessment of the property was required because the test pit survey did not identify any archeological resources on the property. 9.19 Both the Stage 1 and Stage 2 Archaeological Assessments were submitted to the Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism and entered into the Ontario Public Register of Archaeological Reports. Page 180 Municipality of Clarington Page 18 Report PDS-006-24 Phase One and Two Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Haddad Geotechnical Inc., Mar. 31, 2023 (revised April 13, 2023) and April 28, 2023 9.20 A Phase One ESA was submitted to determine if there were an y potential contaminants located on the subject lands which are proposed to be redeveloped for residential uses. The ESA indicated that a Phase Two is recommended in order to assess the imported fill material on a portion of the property. 9.21 The results of the Phase Two testing indicated that conditions of the site met the Ontario Ministry of Environment standards and no further mitigation measures are required. The report did find elevated concentrations of sodium adsorption ratio, but it is believed that this is attributed to the existing and historical use of salt and de -icing measures used on the vehicle parking lot for the patron’s safety. 9.22 A Record of Site Condition (RSC) will be required as a condition of approval for the Site Plan. The proponent will also have to satisfy the Region’s Site Contamination Protocol to address any other site contamination matters. 10. Discussion 10.1 The site is situated in the Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan Area and is a form of infill development within the Courtice Built Boundary. The proposed units would contribute towards the Municipality’s intensification targets. The site to the north of the subject lands is also proposed for redevelopment. Coordination between the two developments would be essential to ensure orderly deve lopment of construction timing and services. If approved, Staff will encourage the applicant to continue to work with adjacent landowners throughout the site plan and building permit process. 10.2 The site is designated Urban Residential in the Clarington Official Plan, which permits townhouses. It is also located at the edge of a neighbourhood and is adjacent to a Type A Arterial Road, Courtice Road. The Neighbourhood Design Plan contemplates medium density blocks within this area to utilize higher order transit routes and to limit individual vehicle access on roads which have higher traffic volumes. T he approved policy framework not only approves, but encourages this type of development, and the technical limitations along arterial roads on limiting private driveways also support townhouse blocks. 10.3 The Neighbourhood Design Plan also identifies this area as a Special Study Area due to the environmental features located on the east side. 10.4 The site is proposed to contain 43 common element townhouse units with visitor parking, a private lane, and an outdoor amenity area. The proposal has also been revised to incorporate a pedestrian walkway which connects to a future trail adjacent to the open space lands. Page 181 Municipality of Clarington Page 19 Report PDS-006-24 Figure 6 – Conceptual Site Plan 10.5 A rezoning is required to rezone the lands from “Urban Residential Exception (R1-1)”, “Agricultural (A)”, and “Environmental Protection (EP)” to “Urban Residential Exception (R3-73)” in order to facilitate the proposed development. It also proposes to rezone the east portion of the site from “Agricultural (A)” to “Environmental Protection (EP)” in order to recognize and protect the environmental features. A Zoning By-law Amendment has been prepared which would zone the subject lands to the “Holding – Urban Residential Exception (R3-73) Zone”. The proposed zone would better align with the approved vision for the Hancock Neighbourhood Design Plan. 10.6 A hold symbol is proposed for the subject lands and will be removed once the Applicant provides satisfactory evidence which addresses all concerns listed in this report and fulfills conditions of the site plan with the Municipality of Clarington. The draft conditions of the subdivision and site plan application will be prepared at a later date, provided Council supports the recommendations in this report. Density 10.7 The subject lands are required to meet a minimum net density of 19 units per hectare. The proposal is for approximately 45 units per net hectare. The built form shall be between 1 to 3 storeys and primarily used for ground related units including limited apartments, townhouses, semi-detached, or detached dwellings. The proposal is for linked townhouses with a height of 3 storeys. The density proposed is in conformity with the policy direction and vision for the Hancock Neighbourhood. Page 182 Municipality of Clarington Page 20 Report PDS-006-24 10.8 Given the minimum parking requirements and the layout of the floor plans for these types of townhouse units, adding or converting to allow for a future Additional Dwelling Unit would be difficult to achieve. Minimum Width of Townhouse Units with Access from a Private Road 10.9 The minimum width of townhouse units has been debated by Municipal Staff and Council for many years in order to ensure appropriate growth and density can be accommodated while still meeting other demands, such as parking and landscaped open space. Typically, as a result of a Council Resolution from 1999, townhouses which have access from a public road are recommended to have a frontage of 7 metres, while townhouses which are accessed by a lane are recommended to have a minimum width of 6 metres. 10.10 In more recent years, Council has approved a reduction to the minimum widths for townhouses, specifically for townhouse blocks accessed by a private lane, since these types of developments are required to have visitor parking spaces internal to the site, as well as provide an outdoor amenity space. 10.11 The original proposal for this site showed 5-metre-wide townhouses. After further discussions through the process, the applicants have increased the frontages to 5.5 metres for the townhouse units that are towards the rear of the site and 5.8 metres for the dual frontage townhouses that face Courtice Road. The interior townhouse units are proposed to be 6 metres (see Figure 6). From completed projects, Staff have found that there is essentially little difference between the 6 metre and 5.5 metre towns, however anything closer to, or below 5 metres starts to create challenges in terms of parking spaces, landscaping, utility coordination and overall aesthetics. 10.12 Given the knowledge that has evolved with the approval of common element condominium townhouse developments in the Municipality, Staff are supportive of the reduction for a portion of the townhouse units on this site to be below the 6 metres in order to balance the need for intensification units with other important technical and aesthetic components which make the development a success. This creates a range of housing options on the site and creates different price points for the homebuyers to meet their individual needs. Vehicle Access and Traffic 10.13 The site is proposed to have vehicle access off of Courtice Road and aligns with Westmore Street on the west side in order to minimize conflict with the vehicle turning movements. The Transportation Impact Study determined that the site is expected to generate 36 to 39 trips during the weekday peak hours and will have minimal impacts on the surrounding road network. The study indicated that the am ount of traffic generated by the proposed development does not warrant any road improvements or intersection improvements. 10.14 The applicants were asked to prepare a Master Block Plan to demonstrate how the proposal will connect to other infill sites in the event that the adjacent sites redevelop, Page 183 Municipality of Clarington Page 21 Report PDS-006-24 especially because the adjacent sites would have limited access given their close proximity to the main intersection of Courtice Road and Nash Road (see Figure 7). Figure 7 – Master Block Plan 10.15 The Master Block Plan demonstrates that there is a possible future connection available for the adjacent property to the north that is situated in between the two current development applications (3079 Courtice Road). It also shows a potential future connection to the lands immediately to the south. The adjacent sites will need to obtain permission to access this site through a secured formal easement. It is important to protect for this through the development process to ensure the orderly development of infill sites and that the proposed development doesn’t preclude the potential redevelopment of an adjacent site. Page 184 Municipality of Clarington Page 22 Report PDS-006-24 Parking 10.16 The proposal provides two parking spaces per dwelling unit, one outdoor and one inside the garage, plus eleven visitor parking spaces which complies with the minimum required visitor parking spaces for linked townhouse dwellings in Zoning By-law 84-63. It should be noted that Staff have asked the applicant to provide additional visitor parking spaces given that there is no on-street parking allowed on Courtice Road, however the applicant has submitted the minimum parking requirements. Through the site plan process, Staff will continue to work with the applicant to address any parking space needs to ensure parking does not overflow to the road or block traffic within the private laneway, which is also a proposed fire route. Pedestrian and Trail Connections 10.17 The proposal integrates with the surrounding context by providing a 1.5 metre internal sidewalk connection from Courtice Road that carries on through the site and connects to the proposed future trail on the east side, adjacent to the open space lands. This future trail along the open space lands is shown on Map K of the Clarington Official Plan and is proposed to be one of the main north-south pedestrian connections to Highway 2. The trail linkage to the north and south of the property is also shown on Figure 7. This is an important objective of the Official Plan as the Municipality develops an active transportation network of trails, bike lanes and sidewalks. Tree Removal 10.18 A tree Inventory and Preservation Plan and Report was prepared to assess the existing trees on site in relation to the proposed development. There are a number of trees that are proposed to be removed along the periphery of the site boundaries. The report and response to Staff comment to preserve these trees indicated that due to the grading between the roads and buildings, the trees will need to be removed. 10.19 Mature trees are important to protect given the amount of tree canopy and other environmental benefits, which take younger trees a lot longer to achieve. Staff are of the opinion that greater effort is needed to protect the existing trees on the north side of the property, which are within the rear yards of the proposed townhouse lots. This area should be more closely evaluated to determine if they can be preserved, especially given the adjacent site is also proposed for redevelopment. Greater coordination between the two property owners shall be achieved to ensure the grades can be reconciled to preserve these trees. Staff will continue these discussions with the applicant through the anticipated site plan application process. Page 185 Municipality of Clarington Page 23 Report PDS-006-24 Parks 10.20 The subject site proposes a private outdoor amenity space for the new development, at a minimum ratio of 4 square metres per unit. This is reflected as a minimum requirement in the proposed zoning by-law amendment for the subject site and is in accordance with Clarington’s Amenity Guidelines for Medium and High-Density Residences. 10.21 Buildings 3 and 4 have backyards facing the private amenity space area which is not supported. The plan will need to be revised to have the main entrances for the townhouses face the parkette area. These elevations should also have architectural elements to visually enhance the active space. Figure 8 – Proposed Common Outdoor Amenity Space 10.22 Payment-in-lieu of parkland dedication will also be required for this development as the private outdoor amenity space is only intended for the residents of the site, given the lack of private outdoor space for each of the individual units. Private outdoor amenity space does not count towards the public park contributions. 10.23 Municipal parkland dedication for this site will be calculated in accordance with the Planning Act under Section 42, as well as the Municipality’s Parkland Dedication By-law 2022-043. Currently, the greater rate is the Standard Rate of 5% of the value of the lands. This would result in a payment equivalent to the value of lands for 0.048 ha. Page 186 Municipality of Clarington Page 24 Report PDS-006-24 10.24 Prior to the recent Bill 23 changes to the Planning Act, the requirement was 1 ha per 500 units, which would have resulted in 0.086 ha. At a value of approximately $4,000,000 per ha for residential lands, this results in approximately $150,000 of loss revenue, given the recent changes to the alternative rates. 10.25 The final parkland calculation will be determined at the site plan stage, and payment is required prior to issuing a building permit. Stormwater Management 10.26 The applicant has proposed drainage of the stormwater to Courtice Road which will not be accepted by the Region of Durham. This was also indicated to the property owners to the north. Coordination between the owners may be required to manage the stormwater on each of the sites and ensure the grades are designed appropriately to address the drainage. The final design details of infiltration areas and other stormwater management features will be confirmed at the site plan approval stage. Appropriate conditions for future maintenance and operation of stormwater management elements will be included in the site plan and condominium agreements. The future condominium corporation will be responsible for not only any on-site stormwater structures proposed but the outlets to any tributary as well. Site Plan application 10.27 Staff will continue to collaborate with the owner and review the site plan applicatio n. Detailed site design refinements will occur through the Site Plan approval process, such as technical issues that deal with grading, stormwater management, traffic, and emergency response. 11. Financial Considerations 11.1 On April 14, 2022, Bill 109, the More Homes For Everyone Act, 2022, received Royal Assent. Among other matters, Bill 109 amended the Planning Act to require municipalities to refund Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Approval application fees in a phased approach if no decision is made or n o approval is issued within the legislative timelines. Zoning by-law amendment applications are required to have a decision made within 90 days. These changes came into effect on July 1, 2023, for new applications submitted after that date. The complete application was submitted on December 2nd, 2023, the following refunds will apply if a decision is not made by the prescribed date: Page 187 Municipality of Clarington Page 25 Report PDS-006-24 Table 1: Refund Requirement Table 12. Strategic Plan 12.1 The proposed development has been reviewed against the pillars of the Clarington Strategic Plan 2024-27. Clarington’s Strategic Plan prioritizes applications the creation of growing resilient, sustainable and complete communities and connecting residents through the design of safe, diverse, inclusive and vibrant communities. The proposal conforms with Clarington’s Strategic Plan. 13. Concurrence 13.1 This report has been reviewed by the Deputy CAO , Finance and Technology/Treasurer who concurs with the recommendations. 14. Conclusion 14.1 In consideration of all comments, it is respectfully recommended that the applications by Courtice Glade Holding to amend Zoning By-law 84-63 for a townhouse block and common amenities be approved, with a holding symbol. The holding will be removed once the conditions of the subdivision and the anticipated site plan application are satisfied. The conditions for the subdivision will be issued after Council makes a decision on the rezoning application. Staff Contact: Nicole Zambri, Senior Planner, 905-623-3379 ext. 2422 or nzambri@clarington.net. Attachments: Attachment 1 – Zoning By-law Amendment Attachment 2 – Draft Plan of Subdivision Attachment 3 – Department and Agency Comments Interested Parties: List of Interested Parties available from Department. Decision Date Refund Required March 3rd, 2024 50% May 2nd, 2024 75% July 1st, 2024 100% Page 188 Attachment 1to PDS-006-24 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington By-law 2024-XX being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for ZBA 2023-0018; Now Therefore Be It Resolved That, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 14.6 “Special Exceptions – Urban Residential Type Three (R3) Zone” is hereby amended by adding thereto, the following new Special Exception Zone 14.6.73 as follows: “14.6.73 Urban Residential Exception (R3-73) Zone Notwithstanding Sections 3.1 b. c., and g. iv), 14.1 a., and 14.4, those lands zoned R3-73 on the Schedules to this By-law shall only be used for Link Townhouse dwellings. For the purpose of establishing regulations for each Link Townhouse Dwelling unit, the following specific regulations shall apply as if each unit is located on a lot: a. Lot Area (minimum) 120 square metres b. Lot Frontage (minimum) i) maximum of 50 percent of the lots 5.5 metres ii) maximum of 20 percent of the lots 5.8 metres iii) minimum of 30 percent of the lots 6.0 metres Page 189 c. Yard Requirements (minimum) i) Front Yard 4.5 metres to a dwelling 2.0 metres to an unenclosed porch 6 .0 metres to a garage door ii) Exterior Side Yard 1.5 metres to a dwelling iv) Interior Side Yard 1.5 metres, nil where building has a common wall with any adjacent building on an adjacent lot 1.2 metres where building is adjacent to a pedestrian walkway and/or trail v) Rear Yard 6.0 metres vi) Rear Yard Adjacent to a Private Street 4.5 metres to a dwelling 2.0 metres to an unenclosed porch 6.0 metres to a garage door d. Building Height (maximum) 12.0 metres e. Number of Storeys (maximum) 3 f. Lot Coverage (maximum) i) Dwelling 50 percent ii) All buildings and structures (maximum) 55 percent ii) Notwithstanding the above lot coverage provision, a covered and unenclosed porch up to a maximum of 12 square metres shall be permitted and shall not be calculated as lot coverage. g. Regulations for Entire Block i) Private Lane Width (minimum) 6.5 metres ii) Private sidewalk width (minimum) 1.5 metres iii) Shared Outdoor Amenity Space (minimum) 4.0 square metres per unit iv) Landscaped Open Space (Minimum) 30% v) No garage shall be located in yards adjacent to a public street vi) All garage doors shall not be located any closer to the street line or private street than the dwelling wall or covered porch projection. Page 190 g. Special Regulations i) Steps may project into the required front or exterior side yard, but in no instance shall the front or exterior side yard be reduced below 1.0 metre ii) Height of floor deck of unenclosed porch above finished grade (maximum) 1.0 metre iv) No parking space shall be located in any exterior side yard v) The following minimum yard setbacks shall apply to utility buildings: i) From Public Street 7 metres ii) From Private Street 2 metres vi) Unenclosed porches, decks or balconies may project up to a maximum of 2 metres into the required rear yard.. vii) The provisions of Section 3.1 g. (iv) continue to apply, except where they are in conflict with the requirements in this zone.” viii) Were a link townhouse dwelling has frontage on both a public street and a private street, the lot line adjacent to the Public Street shall be the front lot line. 2. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 and Section 36 of the Planning Act. 3. Schedule ‘4’ to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: “Urban Residential Exception (R1-1) Zone” to “Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-73) Zone” “Agricultural (A) Zone” to “Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-73) Zone” “Environmental Protection (EP) Zone” to “Holding - Urban Residential Exception ((H)R3-73) Zone” “Agricultural (A) Zone” to “Environmental Protection (EP) Zone” as illustrated on the attached Schedule ‘A’ hereto. Page 191 3. Schedule ‘A’ attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 4. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of the passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 and Section 36 of the Planning Act. By-Law passed in open session this _____ day of February, 2024 __________________________ Adrian Foster, Mayor __________________________ June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk Page 192 Page 193       ! ! !   ! ! ! t | !       ! ! !   % %% %%   x|     y|      . "      #  . hØ          !   # . 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"'ØY²¿­ÌÃÁØ~Ü¥ ،ÃÆÿÐØ ØY³Á­Ø„ÎÈÎؗ؄Ӵ¨Ø$ØOœ¼²¹ÎÃÀØ "%Ø%* *$$Ø Î¯¨ž²­¶²ÖÏ­ÇÃÓÄ¡¼Ø $WWDFKPHQW WR3'6 Page 194 Attachment 3 to PDS-006-24 Attachment 3 – Agency and Department Comments The following agencies and internal departments were circulated for comments on the applications. Below is a chart showing the list of circulated parties and whether or not we have received comments to date. Department/Agency Comments Received Summary of Comment Durham Region Planning Department ☐ Durham Region Works Department ☐ Preliminary comments were received regarding stormwater management. Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLCOA) ☐ Preliminary comments were received regarding Environmental Impact Study and proposed development limits. Kawartha Pineridge District School Board ☐ Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland, Clarington Catholic District School Board ☐ Clarington Engineering Development Division ☒ No objection to proposal. Detailed design comments related to access, retaining walls, traffic impact volumes, servicing, grading, and stormwater management were provided and will need to be addressed prior to finalization of the site plan application. Clarington Emergency Services ☒ No objection. Clarington Building Division ☐ Enbridge Gas ☐ Hydro One ☒ No objection. Page 195