HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-11-21**Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 21, 2023 - 1 - If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility . Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting were held as a hybrid meeting in person at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, and via Microsoft Teams on November 21, 2023, at 7:00 PM. Members Present: Peter Vogel, Steve Conway, Ron Hooper, Jason Moore (ACO), Ron Sproule, Heather Graham, Noel Gamble, Laura Thiel-Convery (Museum), Steven Lawson, Joseph Dalrymple, Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS), Regrets: Councillor Elhajjeh, Victor Suppan, Sher Leetooze (NVDHS) Colin Maitland Staff Present: Lisa Backus, Sarah Allin, Jane Wang, Planning and Infrastructure Services Guests: Robin O’Connell, Marie Nelson, 1 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement P. Vogel read aloud Clarington’s Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 23.37 Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by R. Sproule That the Agenda be adopted “Carried” 4 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 23.38 Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by S. Conway That the minutes of October 17, 2023, the Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted. “Carried” 5 Delegations/Presentations: 5.1 Robin O’Connell: 39 Beech Avenue, Bowmanville R. O’Connell spoke about the proposed alteration at 39 Beech Avenue, within the Heritage Conservation District. The proposal is to remove the unheated mudroom **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 21, 2023 - 2 - and chimney and build a two-storey addition on the back with limited visibility from Beech Avenue. The windows on the main floor would be replaced with large panels. Existing bricks will be preserved as much as possible. The brickwork of the addition will be compatible with existing bricks in style and colour. Proposal drawings and pictures were circulated to the Committee members for review. Committee members asked a few questions and suggested double-hung windows for the new addition. 5.2 Marie Nelson: 6966 Highway 35/115 (Kirby Church) The proposal is to replace the main floor windows. The property is designated by By-law 96-164. Windows on the main floor are designated heritage attributes. Windows were broken due to the weather and vandalism. M. Nelson presented the current status of windows and proposed work to replace window frames and glass. They have not been able to find someone willing to restore the woodwork and glass panes. The original stained glasses would not be reserved due to the cost. Committee members offered suggestions on the way of window restoration. Salvaging the original materials was discussed. 6 Business Arising 6.1 Newcastle Toll House plaque The Region had agreed with the proposal of embedding the plaque into the sidewalk. However, the engineering team noted that the plaque would not stand the snow plowing and foot traffic. Staff will continue to contact the Region for other options. 6.2 Bill 23 – Municipal Register Assessment Updates S. Allin updated the progress of evaluating properties on the Municipal Register, responding to Bill 23 policy changes on the Municipal Register. The consultant ARA was working on the reports on seven properties to determine whether to pursue the designation of those properties. Staff will review those reports and report back to the Committee on further progress. 7 Project Reports 7.1 Municipal Inventory/Register: The Committee members discussed a few projects that have been evaluated and will potentially be evaluated in future. The sub-committee will bring forward evaluations at a subsequent meeting. 7.2 Outreach/Education Sub-committee: Heritage Information Station Project: No update **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 21, 2023 - 3 - Heritage Barn Project: No update 8 Correspondence and Council Referrals: No update 9 New Business: 9.1 Heritage Permit Application: 39 Beech Avenue The property is located within the Beech Avenue Heritage Conservation District, but not individually designated. The property owner proposed to remove the mudroom and build an addition on the back of the existing house, illustrated with drawings. The Committee members discussed the proposal, and considered the impact on the view from Beech Avenue to be relatively minor and does not change the roofline significantly. Staff is undertaking the circulation of the application to the Beech Avenue Heritage Conservation District Committee as well. 23.39 Moved by J. Dalrymple, Seconded by R. Sproule That recommends support for the proposed alterations for 39 Beech Avenue, as a minor application, including the removal of the mudroom, and a two-storey addition on the back of the dwelling, compatible with the original house, as presented. “Carried” 9.2 Heritage Permit Application: 6966 Highway 35/115 (Kirby Church) Committee members discussed the application. M. Van Dyke provided background information about the property’s history. Committee members were supportive of the proposed alterations to replace the main floor windows in efforts to continue to maintain the designated building. The proposed work would have significant impacts as it proposes to remove designated attributes. 23.40 Moved by N. Gamble, Seconded by R. Sproule That recommends (i) support for the proposed alteration for 6966 Highway 35/115 (Kirby Church) as a major application, including the replacement of windows and frames on the main floor that are designated heritage attributes by the current by- law 96-164, as presented; and (ii) that staff communicates the process and the Committee’s support to the applicant. “Carried” 9.3 2228 Baseline Road, Bowmanville Metrolinx retained Stantec to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment for the property 2228 Baseline Road. The property was identified as Merit in the **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 21, 2023 - 4 - Clarington Heritage Resource List. It is identified as interim Provincial Heritage Properties (PHP). Stantec is looking for input for the HIA. The final report will be circulated to the Committee for review. 9.4 1816 Nash Road, Courtice Farmhouse Ms. Libby Racansky brought the issue of the property to S. Conway. This property was discussed for its potential cultural heritage significance. The Committee directed the sub-committee to conduct an evaluation of the heritage value or interest of this property. 9.5 CHC December Meeting 23.41 By Consensus That the Committee will not hold a meeting on December 19th. The next Heritage Committee meeting will be held on January 16, 2024. “Carried” 10 Other Committee Updates: None 10.1 Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle CIP: Bowmanville and Newcastle CIP liaison group meetings had been held, and Orono CIP liaison meeting had been scheduled. A few heritage façade CIP grant applications in Bowmanville. Jury Land Foundation held a few fundraising events. 10.2 ACO – Clarington Branch: J. Moore updated that ACO has not held meetings lately; the next meeting is scheduled for November 23. 10.3 NVDHS: M. Van Dyke gave updates on activities NVDHS held. 10.4 Museum: Staff gave updates on various upcoming Programs and Events in December. Orono Library Branch renovation is ongoing; will refinish the original front doors. 10.5 Heritage Conservation District: 23.42 Moved by R. Hooper, Seconded by S. Conway That appoint Joseph Dalrymple to sit on the Beech Avenue Heritage Conservation District Committee as a liaison from the Heritage Committee. “Carried” **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes November 21, 2023 - 5 - 10.6 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park: The Committee request to review the landscaping design of the Heritage Park. 11 Standing items: 11.1 81 Scugog Street: No update 11.2 Fletcher Tree: No update Adjournment: 9:00 p.m. Next Meeting: January 16, 2023, 7:00 p.m.