HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-22 Joint 1 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Joint General Government and Planning and Development Committees Minutes Date: Time: Location: January 22, 2024 5:00 p.m. Council Chambers or Microsoft Teams Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor Bowmanville, Ontario Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor S. Elhajjeh, Councillor L. Rang, Councillor W. Woo, Councillor M. Zwart Regrets: Councillor C. Traill Staff Present: M. Dempster, J. Newman, C. Salazar, L. Backus, A. Tapp, K. Richardson, L. Preston, L. Reck, R. Maciver, M. Machacek, T. Pinn _____________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order Councillor Elhajjeh called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor Rang led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3. Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 4. Announcements Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest. 5. Presentations/Delegations 5.1 Delegation by Patricia Conlin and Terry Rekar, Regarding a Request to Improve Services to Residents Through the Implementation of the Strategic Plan Terry Rekar and Patricia Conlin were present regarding a request to improve services to residents through the implementation of the strategic plan. Joint Committees Minutes January 22, 2024 2 T. Rekar expressed concerns regarding decisions being made without allowing public input. Terry advised Members of Committee that they would be receiving a package of resource information and advised there will be public forums to attend. P. Conlin questioned the Municipality's Strategic Plan regarding the projected population in 2051 and expressed concerns with access to basic services, housing, and healthcare. Suspend the Rules Resolution # JC-001-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the delegation for an additional 30 seconds. Carried Patricia advised additional information will be emailed to Members of Committee in the next few days and requested a follow-up meeting to discuss a path forward. Resolution # JC-002-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Rang That the Delegation by Terry Rekar and Patricia Conlin, regarding a request to improve services to residents through the implementation of the Strategic Plan, be received. Carried 5.2 Delegation by Rick McEachern, Regarding a Request for Proper Maintenance of the Waverley Place/Bowmanville Museum Rick McEachern was present regarding a request for proper maintenance of the Waverly Place/Bowmanville Museum. R. McEachern expressed concern for the lack of proper repair and maintenance, dismissal of volunteers, and cancellation of activities. Rick provided an overview of the history of the building and shared a list of repairs and the avenues taken to have concerns heard. Suspend the Rules Resolution # JC-003-24 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Rang That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the delegation for an additional 2 minutes. Carried Joint Committees Minutes January 22, 2024 3 R. McEachern requested that an ongoing schedule of maintenance be established. Rick answered questions from Members of Committee. Resolution # JC-004-24 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Delegation by Rick McEachern, regarding a request for proper maintenance of the Waverly Place/Bowmanville Museum, be recieved with thanks. Carried 6. Consent Agenda Resolution # JC-005-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Anderson That all items listed in Section 6, with the exception of items 6.4 and 6.6, be approved on consent in accordance with the Agenda. Carried 6.1 FSD-001-24 - 2024 Interim Financing Bylaw Resolution # JC-006-24 That Report FSD-001-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That the By-law attached to Report FSD-001-24, as attachment 1, be approved; and That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-001-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. 6.2 FSD-002-24 - RFP2023-9 Architectural Engineering Services for Renovation of Clarington Fire Station 1 Resolution # JC-007-24 That Report FSD-002-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That the proposal received from Ward99 Architects being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of RFP2023 -9 be awarded the contract for the provision of Architectural/Engineering Services for Renovation of Clarington Fire & Emergency Services Station 1; and Joint Committees Minutes January 22, 2024 4 That the $88,531.20 (Net HST Rebate) required for this project, be funded from the EMS Station #1 Expansion account; and That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-002-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. 6.3 FSD-003-24 - DC and CBC Background Studies and Draft By-Laws Resolution # JC-008-24 That Report FSD-003-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That the proposal received from Hemson Consulting Ltd, being the most responsive bidder meeting all terms and conditions and specifications of RFP2023-7, be awarded the contract for the Development Charge (DC) Background Study, Community Benefits Charge (CBC) Strategy, and corresponding by-laws; That the $135,348.72 (Net HST Rebate) required for this project, be funded from the General Corporate Professional Fees account; and That all interested parties listed in Report FSD-003-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. 6.5 PDS-001-24 - Proposed Heritage Permit Application; Alterations to Designated Heritage Property: 6966 Highway 35/115 Kirby Church, Kirby (Designation By-law 96-164) Resolution # JC-009-24 That Report PDS-001-24 be received; That Heritage Permit Application No. HPA2023-011 to allow for the replacement of windows on the main floor of the Church building at 6966 Highway 35/115, Kirby Church, be approved, subject to the following conditions: provided the replacement of windows and frames in a similar style to the originals and are compatible with the building and in accordance with applicable Designation By- law 96-164, and Section 33(4) of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter 0.18; and That the Ontario Heritage Trust, the Clarington Heritage Committee, the property owners, and all interested parties listed in Report PDS-001-24 be advised of Council’s decision. 6.4 LGS-001-24 - Nuisance Wildlife Feeding Resolution # JC-010-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Rang Joint Committees Minutes January 22, 2024 5 That Report LGS-001-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That the By-law attached to Report LGS-001-24, as Attachment 1, be approved; and That all interested parties listed in Report LGS-001-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 6.6 Correspondence from Brad Smith, Chair, Orono Town Hall Board, regarding a 2024 Funding Request Resolution # JC-011-24 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the correspondence from the Orono Town Hall Board be received; That the request for funding be referred to Staff to gather more information, including the total anticipated cost of the events; and That Staff create a policy to deal with these types of grant requests. Carried 7. Items for Separate Discussion 8. Unfinished Business 9. New Business 9.1 Ontario Works Rate (Councillor Elhajjeh) Resolution # JC-012-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the following resolution from Municipality of Chatham-Kent, regarding Ontario Works Rate, be endorsed by the Municipality of Clarington: “That Council prepare a letter addressed to the Premier of Ontario, the Minister of Children, Community and Social Services, as well as local MPPs to strongly recommend that accommodation rates of social assistance payments increase to the Average Market Rent (for all types of rentals) for recipients of Ontario Works Assistance and the Ontario Disability Support Program. And that a copy of this letter be sent to AMO, ROMA, alPHa and all Councils in Ontario” Carried Joint Committees Minutes January 22, 2024 6 Recess Resolution # JC-013-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Anderson That the Committee recess until 6:30 p.m. Carried The meeting reconvened at 6:32 p.m. with Councillor Anderson in the Chair. 10. Public Meetings 10.1 Public Meeting for a Proposed Temporary Use Zoning By-law Amendment to Permit a Temporary Home Sales Office Manny Dacunha, agent for the applicant, Citywide Homes at Bowmanville Inc., was present electronically to answer questions. M. Dacunha answered questions from Members of Committee. 10.1.1 PDS-002-24 - Application for a Rezoning to Permit a Temporary Home Sales Presentation Office for Three Years Resolution # JC-014-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That Report PDS-002-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received; That provided there are no significant objections that are raised at the Public Meeting, the application to amend the Zoning By-law submitted by Countrywide Homes Inc. be approved. That the Zoning By-law contained in Attachment 1 to Report PDS-002-24 be passed; That the Durham Region Planning and Economic Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PDS -002-24 and Council’s decision; and That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-002-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 10.2 Public Meeting for the Bowmanville East Secondary Plan Update Emily Corsi, Principal Planner, Municipality of Clarington, provided background on the Secondary Plan, the project area, timeline, engagement initiatives, and the technical reports that have been conducted. Joint Committees Minutes January 22, 2024 7 Lucy Ciu, Senior Planner, SVN Consulting, and Mike Hudson, Senior Designer, SVN Consulting, were present electronically, and provided an overview of the draft documents. L. Ciu provided information on the seven guiding principles that were identified to support and inform the policy direction and provided an overview of the Secondary Plan policies. M. Hudson provided an overview of the urban design guidelines. E. Corsi advised the next steps are to incorporate public feedback, revise the draft documents and create a recommendation report. Emily answered questions from Members of Committee. Stacie Kolpak-Field was present electronically to ask if there are plans for the Municipality of Clarington to expropriate any properties near the business district. Andrew Rice was present regarding questions on the medical campus and how it will be implemented moving forward. A. Rice answered questions from Members of Committee. Siohban Bothwell was called upon but was not present. Ryan Guetter, Weston Consulting, was present electronically to seek clarification on the support of commercial retail, the permitted uses, and clarity on the flexibility of the urban design policies. R. Guetter advised additional correspondence will be submitted. Ryan answered questions from Members of Committee. Bill Grainger was present to express concerns regarding the potential impact of development on the nearby retirement residence, noise, traffic congestion, highway interchanges, and the lack of infrastructure to support high density housing. B. Grainger requested that soil sampling be completed with the results available to the public. Bill asked if there is an alternative option for the proposed medical buildings. David Crofton was present to seek clarification regarding sections 5.3.3, 5.3.4, 9.3.3, and 9.3.5 of the Secondary Plan. Mark Jacobs, representative for Lifelong Development, was present to advise the owner is committed to revitalize and develop the Goodyear lands. M. Jacobs answered questions from Members of Committee. Brent Cavalry was present to express concerns regarding the proposed location of a sidewalk located at Church Street and Brown Street. Kristi Sawyer was present to seek clarification on a right of way passage adjacent to Rotary Park and if it and the existing tree line will remain unchanged. K, Sawyer expressed concerns with flooding and if there are provisions in the Plan. Ron Hooper, Chair, Historic Downtown Bowmanville BIA was present to express concerns regarding the communication of the proposed Plan to current businesses. Joint Committees Minutes January 22, 2024 8 10.2.1 PDS-003-24 - Bowmanville East Urban Centre Secondary Plan Update Resolution # JC-015-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Woo That Report PDS-003-24 and any related communication items, be received; That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the proposed Official Plan Amendment, Secondary Plan Update and Urban Design Guidelines; That the proposed Official Plan Amendment (COPA 2023 -0002), Secondary Plan Update and Urban Design Guidelines continue to be reviewed and processed; That staff report back to Council with a Recommendation Report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-003-24 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried Recess Resolution # JC-016-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That the Committee recess for 10 minutes. Carried The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.m. with Councillor Anderson in the Chair 10.3 Public Meeting for the Bowmanville West Urban Centre and Major Transit Area Secondary Plan Update Sarah Allin, Principal Planner, Municipality of Clarington provided an overview of the location and history of the Secondary Plan. Paddy Kennedy, Partner, Dillion Consulting Limited, provided background on policies and how it aligns with Provincial and Regional plans and an overview of the Go Train Expansion. P. Dillion advised there have been five public events to gain feedback. Paddy provided an overview of the land use plan and the plan for public and recreational spaces. S. Allin advised public input is being sought until January 31, 2024, and the feedback will be incorporated into a future report. P. Dillion answered questions from Members of Committee. Andrew Rice was present to ask questions regarding the future Go Train Expansion parking and how it can be accessed by residents who don't live in the immediate area. Joint Committees Minutes January 22, 2024 9 Michael Fry, Land Use Planner, BG Biddle and Associates, representing William Tonno Construction Ltd., was in attendance to express support for the medium density proposal in the Secondary Plan. M. Fry advised they would like the opportunity to have a high-density designation. Michael answered questions from Members of Committee. 10.3.1 PDS-004-24 - Bowmanville West Urban Centre and Major Transit Station Area Secondary Plan Resolution # JC-017-24 Moved by Mayor Foster Seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That Report PDS-004-24 and any related communication items, be received for information; That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the proposed Official Plan Amendment (COPA2021 -0007), Secondary Plan, Streetscape Implementation Plan, and Zoning By -law Amendment (ZBA- 2023-0011); That the proposed Official Plan Amendment, Secondary Plan update, Streetscape Implementation Plan update, and Zoning By-law Amendment continue to be reviewed and processed; That Staff report back to Council with a Recommendation Report; and That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-004-24 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision. Carried 11. Confidential Items 12. Adjournment Resolution # JC-018-24 Moved by Councillor Elhajjeh Seconded by Councillor Rang That the meeting adjourn at 9:43 p.m. Carried