HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-98-96THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: ARTERIAL.GPA C REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # .(���� one Date: Tuesday, July 2, 1996 Res. 0C4�L °13`x;— Cry Report #: File #ROPA 96 -008 By-law # OTHER Subject: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN TO PERMIT • TO ALLOW DEVIATIONS FROM THE RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH REQUIREMENTS -•• •. Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -98 -96 be received; 2. THAT Report PD -98 -96 be approved as the comments of the Municipality of Clarington on the proposed amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan on Sections 11.3.10 and 16.3.14; and, 3. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department. 1. PURPOSE 1.1 The Durham Region Planning Department has proposed to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan to permit other employment uses in addition to prestige uses along freeways, Type A and Type B arterial roads within Employment Areas; and, to allow deviations from the right -of -way width requirements for arterial roads within Central Areas and Hamlets. 1.2 The Region has circulated the proposed Official Plan Amendment (Attachment #1) to all local municipalities for comments. A Public Meeting is to be held by Regional Planning Committee on June 25, 1996 to solicit public opinion on the proposed amendment. The purpose of this report is to provide comments on the proposed Regional amendment. 5138 REPORT NO. PD -98 -96 PAGE 2 2.1 On December 6, 1995, Regional Council adopted a recommendation that requested Staff to bring forward an amendment to delete the requirement for only prestige employment uses along freeways, Type A and Type B arterial roads in Section 11.3.10; and, exempted historic Central Areas from right -of -way width requirements for arterial roads provided in Section 16.3.14. 2.2 Employment Areas Policy 2.2.1 Section 11.3.10 of the Durham Regional Official Plan allows only prestige employment uses with high employment generating capacity along freeways, Type A and Type B arterial roads. It became apparent while reviewing the General Industrial designations from the Town of Whitby Official Plan, that the policy was too restrictive and imposed a serious development constraint on a sizeable portion of industrial land in Whitby. This also became an issue in the Clarington Official Plan. Although it is beneficial for the Region to encourage higher density employment uses along the frontage of main arterial roads and freeways, the location and extent of these areas should be determined in area municipal official plans. 2.2.2 The proposed amendment to the Durham Official Plan would change section 11.3.10 to "encourage" rather than require prestige employment uses with high generating capacity and greater architectural, landscaping and sign controls along Highways 401 and 407, Type A and Type B arterial roads. This section has also been amended to add "although other employment uses may also be permitted." 2.3 Transportation System Policy 2.3.1 Section 16.3.14 of the Regional Official Plan specifies that right -of -way widths apply to all arterial roads. It was determined through Whitby's Official Plan, that 5109 REPORT NO. PD-98-96 PAGE 3 the implementation of designated right -of -way widths for Brock Street in downtown Whitby and Baldwin Street in Brooklin should be sensitive to existing building locations and urban design policies. 2.3.2 Clarington has also experienced problems with implementing designated right -of- way width requirements, particularly in Bowmanville where the stores front on a narrow corridor. The implementation of designated right -of -way width requirements causes problems in any historical downtown area where arterial road standards cannot be met because of historical circumstances. Deviations from the right -of -way width requirements is considered appropriate for certain arterial roads within Central Areas and Hamlets elsewhere in the Region. 2.3.3 Section 16.3.14 has added the following changes (highlighted in bold). "The right -of -way widths, speeds and access spacing requirements of Sections 16.3.13 shall generally apply to the arterial roads shown on Map 'B" outside of Central Areas and Hamlets. "......... The right -of -way width requirements of Section 16.3.13 shall apply to arterial roads located within Central Areas and Hamlets. Deviations from the right -of -way width requirements may be considered in consultation with the Region for specific sections of arterial roads within Central Areas and Hamlets, provided these deviations are incorporated in the area municipal plan." 3. STAFF COMMENTS 3.1 Staff are generally supportive of both proposed modifications to the Durham Region Official Plan since they will provide greater flexibility and will allow polices in the Clarington Official Plan to be in conformity with the Regional Plan. 3.2 Section 11.3.10 (Employment Areas Policy) Section 11.3.10 is to be modified to allow uses other than prestige employment along freeways and arterial roads. Staff note that the Regional Official Plan does 510 REPORT NO. PD -98 -96 PAGE 4 not differentiate between types of employment activity. While the proposed wording does provide more flexibility, it may be inappropriately interpreted to allow other employment uses on lands designated prestige employment in area municipal plans. Staff would suggest that the proposed wording be expanded to read as follows: "although other employment uses, as designated in local area municipal official plans, may also be permitted." This wording would ensure that the designation in the local official plan dictates the use of the land. 3.3 Section 16.3.14 (Transportation System Policy) The Region proposes to amend Section 16.3.14 to acknowledge that the right -of- way widths contained in the Regional Plan should not automatically apply to Central Areas and Hamlets. Although Staff agree with this modification, it should be expanded to provide exemption from operating speeds and access spacing as well. Allowing slower operating speeds and more frequent access spacing are key issues in ensuring a higher quality environment in Central Areas or Hamlets. This would also be consistent with other aspects of the Durham Plan which encourage safe pedestrian environments and a grid system of roads. Staff suggest that the proposed amendment to Section 16.3.14 be expanded as follows: The right -of -way width requirements of Section 16.3.13 shall apply to arterial roads located within Central Areas and Hamlets. Deviations from the right -of -way width, operating speed and access spacing requirements may be considered in consultation with the Region for specific sections of arterial roads within Central areas or Hamlets, provided these deviations are incorporated in the area municipal official plans. 511 REPORT NO. PD-98-96 PAGE 5 3.4 Impact of the Clarington Official Plan The proposed amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan will impact on two proposed deferrals to the Municipality of Clarington's Official Plan - D14 (Section 19.5.4) and D20 (Maps A2, A3, A4) which are discussed below. 3.4.1 Arterial Road Design Standards (Proposed Deferral 14) D14 (Section 19.5.4 of Clarington Official Plan) is related to the proposed Regional amendment in that Section 19.5.4 proposes to alter right -of -way widths to allow the desired urban environment. Approval of the Regional initiated OPA 96 -008 would lift Deferral 14 of the Clarington Official Plan, 3.4.2 Employment Areas - Permitted uses along Type A and B arterials and freeways (Proposed Deferral 20 (Maps A2, A3, A4) The Region of Durham is proposing to defer those areas designated Light Industrial Area and General Industrial Area which are located along Type A and Type B arterial roads along freeways. As stated earlier, the Regional Official Plan currently permits only prestige employment uses in these locations. Proposed deferral 20 affects some strategic lands designated Light Industrial or General Industrial Area in the Clarington Official Plan. It is noted that portions of Whitby's Employment Area lands have also been deferred for the same reason. The attached proposed amendment to the Regional Plan (OPA 96 -008) would permit other employment uses to locate along these roads. Approval of the amendment would also lift Deferral 20 of the Clarington Official Plan. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 Staff are in support of the proposed amendment to Sections 11.3.10 (Employment Area Policy) and 16.3.14 (Transportation System Policy) of the Durham Regional 1 REPORT NO. PD -98 -96 PAGE 6 Official Plan, but also suggest expanded wording to these sections. 4.2 Durham Region is holding a public meeting on June 25th to present the proposed amendment to the public. Once the Region has obtained comments from all local municipalities and has approved the amendment, it will forward a copy to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval. Upon approval from the Ministry, the Region can in turn lift proposed Deferrals 14 and 20 of the Clarington Official Plan. 4.3 It is recommended that a copy of this report be sent to the Region of Durham as the Municipality of Clarington's comments on the proposed amendment (OPA 96- 008) to the Durham Regional Official Plan. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development TH *DC *FW *cc Attach. June 20, 1996 W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer MAY 27 '96 12:02PM DURHAM PLANNING DEPT P. 6/7 Attachment No_ 1 Proposed Amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan _ Purpose: The purpose of this amendment to the Durham Regional Official Plan is to permit other employment uses in addition to prestige uses along freeways, Type A and Type B arterial roads within Employment Areas; and to allow deviations from the right-of- way width requirements for arterial roads within Central Areas and Hamlets. Bas4r It has been determined that opportunities for other employment uses, rather than only prestige employment uses, in certain locations along freeways, Type A and Type B arterial roads within the Employment Areas would be beneficial. In recognition of existing building locations and area munio -1pal urban design policies, it was considered appropriate to consider deviations from the right- of-way width requirements for specific sections of arterial roads within Central Areas and Hamlets. Actual The Durham Regional Official Plan is hereby amended by: Amendment: i) adding the fallowing changes (highlighted in oold) to Section "It is the intent of this Plan to encourage prestige employment uses with high employment generating capacity and greater architectural, landscaping and sign controls along Highways 401 and 407, and Type A and Type B arterial reads, sithough other employment uses may ciao be permitted. In addition, area municipal official plans shall designate areas for prestige development and specify design and landscaping controls for such areas." ii) adding the following changes (highlighted in bold) {to Section 16,3.14: "The right -of-way widths, speeds and access spacing , requirements of Sections 16.3.13 shall generally apply to the arterial roads shown on map 1B, outside of Central Areas and Hamlets. However, if the intent of this Plan is adhered to, and following adequate study to the effect that such provisions are impractical and cannot be implemented precisely, the authority having jurisdiction on such roads 5 14 MAY 27 '96 12 :02PIv1 DURHAM PLANNING DEPT P.7/7 r7 may deviate from these provisions without the need for an amendment to this Plan. The right -of -way width requirements of Section 16.3.13 shall apply to arterial roads located within Central Areas and Hamlets. Deviations from the right -of -way width requirements may be considered in consultation with the Region for specific sections of arterial roads within Central Areas and Hamlets, provided these deviations are incorporated in the area municipal official plan." Implementation: The provisions set forth in the Durham Regional Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. Interpretation: The provisions set forth in the Durham regional Ofi icial Man, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Flan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. 515 it t