HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-94-96THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN:OSHAWA REPORT g: General Purpose and Administration Committee � ? Meeting: p File # Date: Monday, June 17, 1996 Res. #� Report #: PD -94 -96 File #: By -law # Subject: AMENDMENT NO. 44 TO THE CITY OF OSHAWA OFFICIAL PLAN FILE: LO PA -0 -96 -001 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -94 -96 be received; 2. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington has no objection to Amendment No. 44 to the City of Oshawa Official Plan; and 3. THAT the Durham Region Planning Department and the City of Oshawa, and all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 On April 23, 1996 the Planning Department received a correspondence from the Region of Durham requesting comments on Amendment No. 44 to the City of Oshawa Official Plan. (Attachment #1) 599002 ../2 REPORT PAGE 2 1.2 The Official Plan Amendment application was submitted to the City of Oshawa by Cambridge Shopping Centres in early 1995. The application is required for establishing the appropriate retail and office floor space distribution for the Oshawa Centre, in the context of the allocation for the Oshawa Main Central Area (Simcoe St. and King St.). The amendment will facilitate the long -term implementation of a master plan which would enhance the recent renovations to the mall and add to the mix of uses at the Oshawa Centre. The master plan proposes additional retail space, office towers, residential units, a hotel and parking decks. The amendment to the Oshawa Official Plan was approved by Oshawa City Council on April 1, 1996. 2. APPLICATION DETAILS 2.1 Applicant: 2.2 Owners: 2.3 Area: 2.4 Oshawa OPA: 3. LOCATION: Cambridge Shopping Centres Limited -Urban Group Cambridge Leaseholds Ltd. OMERS Realty Corp. 31.6 hectares (78 acres) Total floor space allocation for the Oshawa Main Central Area (Simcoe St. and King St.) be increased from 400,000 sq.m. to 600,000 sq.m. and allocate 185,000 sq.m. to the Oshawa Centre with thresholds for the establishment of office space. 3.1 The subject lands are located at 419 King Street West and are bounded by King Street West on the north, Stevenson Road South on the west, Gibb Street on the south, being Part Lot 14, Concession 1, in the City of Oshawa. 4. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 Existing Uses: Regional Shopping Centre ../3 599003 REPORT PAGE 3 4.2 Surrounding Uses: East - residential community West - commercial /residential North - commercial South - vacant, proposed GO TRAIN Station and proposed food warehouse store 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 Within the Durham Region Official Plan, the subject lands are designated Main Central Area. The Regional Plan recognizes the Oshawa Centre as an important component of the Oshawa Main Central Area (Simcoe St. and King St.) and is encouraged to develop for a wide variety of uses. The Regional Official Plan allocates 600,000 sq.m. (6.5 million sq. ft.) for the Oshawa Main Central Area. The floor space allocation for the retailing of goods and services of 185,000 sq.m. (2.0 million sq.ft.) is assigned to the Oshawa Centre. 5.2 Within the City of Oshawa Official Plan the site is designated as Planned Commercial Centre within the Main Central Area. The Oshawa Main Central Area serves the City and is identified as be the dominant Central Area in the Region. It shall contain office, business and administrative services and serve as a focal point of public transit. Such areas shall be encouraged as any part of redevelopment schemes. The uses proposed in the master plan for the Oshawa Centre site is consistent with the uses permitted within the Oshawa Official Plan and therefore do not require an amendment. 5.3 Amendment No.44 5.3.1 The Oshawa Official Plan currently allocates 400,000 sq.m. (4.3 million sq.ft.) for the Main Central Area. Amendment No. 44 would permit the increase in floor space for the Oshawa Main Central Area to 600,000 sq.m. (6.4 million sq.ft.) consistent with the Regional Official Plan. The amendment allocates 185,000 sq.m. (2.0 million sq.ft.) of total retail floor area and office space to the Oshawa ../4 REPORT ., ., PAGE 4 Centre, 125,000 sq.m. (1.4million sq.ft.) for retail floor space, the balance shall be used for office floor space to be implemented as follows: 1996 - 21,000 sq.m. (226,000 sq.ft.) 2001 - 37,000 sq.m. (398,000 sq.ft.) 2006 - 52,000 sq.m. (560,000 sq.ft.) 2011 - 60,000 sq.m. (646,000 sq.ft.) 6. STAFF COMMENTS 6.1 The amendment establishes the floor space allocations for the Oshawa Main Central area both the downtown area and the Oshawa Centre. It also provides for the long term distribution of office space on the Oshawa Centre site. The amendment is supported by extensive reports and studies including a Market Analysis, Transportation Analysis and Urban Design studies. The City of Oshawa conducted a peer review of the market studies. Staff have not reviewed any of the supporting documentation. 6.2 Staff note that to address concerns regarding impacts on the Oshawa downtown, the office floor space is tied to a time - related threshold. A similar approach was used in Clarington in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan where future increases in retail floor space would be triggered by a population threshold. The method used in the Bowmanville West Main Central Area Secondary Plan is, in staff's opinion, a more appropriate and accurate measure for thresholds since population growth cannot be guaranteed within specified timeframes. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Amendment No. 44 is consistent with the floor space allocations provided for in the Regional Official Plan. It supports the role of the Oshawa Main Central Area as the dominant Central Area of the Region. As such, staff have no objection to the amendment. •••/5 NXI In Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development CS*DC*FW*km *Attachment 6 June 1996 ? W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer •M PAGE 5 PART I:. Amendment No. 44 to the City of Oshawa Official Plan INTRODUCTION Purpose Location Basis PART n: ACTUAL AMENDMENT PART III: IMPLEMENTATION PART IV: INTERPRETATION Notes: Parts I, III, and IV do not constitute the legal parts of this Amendment but serve only to provide background information. 599007 PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to permit the phased long term expansion and redevelopment of the Oshawa Centre for a wide variety of uses. 2. LOCATION The subject lands to which this Amendment applies are located at 419 King Street West and are bounded by King Street West on the north, Stevenson Road South on the west, Gibb Street on the south, and the eastern property limit of the shopping Centre on the east. The property subject to this Amendment is approximately 31.6 hectares (78 ac.) in size. 3. BASIS The Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa is satisfied that this Amendment to the Oshawa Official Plan is appropriate. This Amendment permits the phased expansion of the Oshawa Centre in accordance with the Durham Regional Official Plan. PART II: ACTUAL AMENDMENT This Amendment to the Oshawa Official Plan consists of the following text. The Oshawa Official Plan is hereby amended by: 1. Amending Section by deleting the figures "400,000 square metres (4,300,000 sq. ft.)" and substituting therefore the figures "600,000 square metres (6,459,000 sq. ft.) ". 2. Adding a new Section as follows: "The Oshawa Centre, located at the southeast corner of King Street West and Stevenson Road South, is an important component of the Main Central Area (Simcoe Street and King Street) and is encouraged to develop for a wide variety of uses. Within the floor space allocated to this Main Central Area, 185,000 square metres (1,991,000 sq. ft.) shall be assigned to the Oshawa Centre. 3. Amending Table 1 - Classification of Shopping Centres by deleting the upper floor space figures for Regional Shopping Centres of "93,000m2" and "1,001,075 sq. ft." and substituting therefore the figures "185,000m2" and "1,991,000 sq. ft." respectively. 5. Adding a new Section as follows: • •"$ " Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan to the contrary, the Oshawa Centre located at 419 King Street West shall be permitted to develop for a wide variety of uses in accordance with this Plan and the following: (a) Within the floor space allocation for the Oshawa Centre specified in Section, a total retail floor area of 125,000 square metres (1,346,000 sq. ft.) shall be permitted on the Oshawa Centre site. (b) The cumulative development of office floor space on the Oshawa Centre site shall be permitted over time as follows: 1996 - 21,000 square metres (226,000 sq. ft.) 2001 - 37,000 square metres (398,000 sq. ft.) 2006 - 52,000 square metres (560,000 sq. ft.) 2011 - 60,000 square metres (646,000 sq. ft.) (c) City Council may pass a zoning by -law providing for the use of a holding symbol `h' which only permits the development of future office floor space in accordance with the dates and floor areas outlined in Section A by -law to remove the holding symbol `h' may be passed by City Council in advance of the dates in if adequate market and/or other necessary studies are submitted to the satisfaction of the City and City Council is satisfied that an alternative phasing of office floor space can occur in a manner that implements the intent of this Plan. PART III: IMPLEMENTATION The provisions set forth in the City of Oshawa Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment. PART IV: INTERPRETATION The provisions set forth in the City of Oshawa Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan shall apply in regard to this Amendment.