HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-91-96THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: OSH- OP.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # ='} 6 Date: Monday, June 17, 1996 Res. #'`� - t Report #: PD -91-96 File #: PLN By -law #_ Subject: OSHAWA OFFICIAL PLAN REVIEW DISCUSSION PAPER POLICY DIRECTIONS OF THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN FILE: PLN Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -91 -96 be received for information; and 2. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Durham Regional Planning Department and the City of Oshawa Department of Development and Planning Services. 1. The existing Oshawa Official Plan was approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs on February 12, 1987. In 1992, after the adoption of the new Regional Official Plan, the City commenced a review of the existing Official Plan. The City is undertaking an "update" rather than preparing a new Official Plan. A status report was presented in June of 1995 which outlined future actions including the preparation of three (3) Discussion Papers dealing with the following matters: • policy directions of the Durham Regional Official Plan • economic development • environment 2. The first Discussion Paper on the policy directions of the Durham Regional Official Plan was completed in November 1995. The Discussion Paper notes that the primary goals of the Durham Regional Official Plan are: • to manage growth so that it occurs in an orderly fashion; 573 • to live in harmony with the natural environment and heritage of the Region; • to develop the Region to its economic potential and increase job opportunities for its residents; • to establish a wide range of housing opportunities commensurate with the social and economic needs of present and future residents; • to create liveable urban environments for the enjoyment of present and future residents; • to provide opportunities for a variety of cultural, health and community services; and • to manage the resources in the Region in an orderly, efficient and responsible manner. 3. In order to achieve these goals, the Durham Regional Official Plan established a number of specific directions. The Discussion Paper identifies these directions as they apply to the City of Oshawa. These are highlighted in the City of Oshawa staff report 96 -95 (see Attachment #1). 4. It is anticipated that the second Discussion Paper will be published shortly. Staff intend to provide comments directly to the City of Oshawa on each of the Discussion Papers. However, at such time as this background work has been developed into a proposed amendment to the Oshawa Official Plan, staff will report to Committee and Council. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, r- t Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development WM *DC *FW *cc W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Attachment # 1 - City of Oshawa staff report 96 -95 June 10, 1996 574 _ Attachment #I rs Item No.: Dale of Report: TO: Planning and Development Committee 96 -95 November 6, 1995 1 j FROM Commissioner, Department of 5 File No.: Date of Meeting: I Development and Planning Services 8- 3 -13 -3 November 13, 1995 SUBJECT: Review of the Oshawa Official Plan - ' ALL WARDS Discussion Paper � — Policy Directions of the Durham Regional Official Plan 1.0 BACKGROUND The purpose of this report is to present to the Planning . d Development Committee and City Council the Oshawa Official Plan Review Discussion Paper on the Policy Directions of the Durham Regional Official Plan (DROP). The objective of this Discussion Paper and future discussion papers is to identify and describe key issues which are anticipated to have potential implications for the policies of the Oshawa Official Plan. Attachment No. 1 to this report is a copy of the Discussion Paper dated November 1995. Owing to the length of the Discussion Paper, Attachment No. 1 has been included as an attachment to only a portion of the Department's normal distribution list, but is available in the Department on request. On June 19, 1995, City Council received a report providing a status update of the review of the Oshawa Official Plan. That report gave an overview of the progress on the review process as originally approved by Council in 1992 and summarized the future steps in the review including the anticipated timing of the release of proposed discussion papers. The Discussion Paper on the policy directions of the DROP is the first of three discussion papers to be prepared for the Official Plan Review. The other two Discussion Papers on economic development and the environment will be presented in the first half of 1996. The Discussion Paper approach serves several purposes. It helps to organize, describe and explain the numerous and complex issues making them easier to understand and analyze. The Discussion Papers include proposed directions for policy amendments allowing early input from Council on the shaping of this important policy document. The Discussion Papers are presented in advance of the actual Official Plan Amendments and the necessary statutory public meeting which may encourage more informed contributions from the public at that time. 2.0 INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES No formal circulation of this Discussion Paper was undertaken in advance of its preparation. However, preliminary discussions were conducted with staff of the Region of Durham.. It is Intended that,the Discussion -Paper•be circulated to the normal `commenting agencies for their information. Any comments received regarding the Discussion Paper will be considered during the preparation of the subsequent Official Plan Amendments. -2- 3.0 COMMENT 3.1 The Durham Regional Official Plan 53 The review of the former DROP (1976) was a significant undertaking_ by the Region of Durham. The review was initiated in 1986 and the new plan was approved by Regional Council on June 5, 1991, and subsequently by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs on November 23, 1993, subject to referrals and deferrals. The existing Oshawa Official Plan was approved by Ministry of Municipal Affairs in 1987, and was structured to conform to the former DROP (1976). Since the current DROP retains much of the structure and focus of the 1976 plan, the basic structure and policy thrust of the Oshawa Official Plan is unaffected by the DROP. A number of specific detailed aspects of the policy directives of the DROP are not dealt with in this Discussion Paper. These include such matters as changes to the mapping schedules. These and other organizational and technical matters will be discussed in a future staff report when proposed Official Plan Amendments are presented to City Council for consideration. 3.2 Discussion Paper Overview The highlights of the Discussion Paper are summarized in this section and organized by major theme. 3.2.1 Housinz and Residential Development • The DROP has a number of new policies requiring a more compact urban form through higher residential densities and residential intensification. Amendments to the Oshawa Official Plan are proposed based upon an assumption that the City plan for a gross residential density of 17.3 units per hectare (7 u /ac.) in new "Living Areas" as established by the DROP. The gross residential density of the existing urbanized portion of the City is estimated to be approximately 11 units per hectare (4.5 u /ac.). 3.2.2 Urban Land Needs Analysis A 20 -year urban land needs analysis (1996 -2016) has been undertaken as required by the DROP. (a) Living Areas • In order to meet the future 20 year residential urban lands needs of the City, it is necessary to extend the City's Major Urban Area boundary to include all the Living Area designations in the DROP. In addition, it is necessary to resolve Deferral No. 12 to the DROP (Columbus Living Area) and have these lands appropriately designated in the Oshawa Official Plan. It will also be necessary for the Region to designate additional lands as Living Area in the DROP to meet both the 20 year and 30 year Living Area land need requirements of the :City.; (b) Employment Areas In order to meet the 20 year Employment Area land needs of the City, it will be necessary to extend the City's Major Urban Area boundary and to designate as Industrial certain Employment Areas identified in the DROP in north Oshawa. Additional Employment Area lands as designated in the DROP should be identified W -3- 54 In the Oshawa Official Plan as being required to meet the 30 year industrial land needs of the City. 3.2.3 Cultural, Health and Community Facilities, Services and Utilities • New or updated policies and land use designations are necessary to reflect the special opportunity recognized in the DROP for Parkwood and the Oshawa General Hospital Area, a future university and a future Regional Arts Centre. 3.2.4 Central Areas • A new Main Central Area at Simcoe Street North and Winchester Road is designated in the DROP. The Urban Land Needs Analysis confirms that the development of this new Main Central Area will begin during the 20 year life of the Oshawa Official Plan. This Main Central Area should be designated in the Oshawa Official Plan. • The maximum floor space allocations for existing Central Areas must be updated in response to the new allocations in the DROP. 3.2.5 Agricultural Areas and Rural Settlements • The Oshawa Official Plan must be amended to reflect an increased restrictiveness in the DROP on development beyond the Major Urban Area boundary in Agricultural Areas and Rural Settlements. 3.2.6 Regional Nodes • Policies and land use designations are proposed which encourage and enable implementation of Regional Node "e" relating to Durham College and a future university. 3.2.7 Transportation System • The road designations, standards and other transportation policies must be to reflect policies in the DROP. 3.2.8 Resource Extraction Areas Using Regional policy directions, the Ministerial deferral.of policies in the Oshawa Official Plan is should be resolved. 4.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS There are no financial implications as a result of pursuing the course of action outlined in this report. '5-.0 CONCLUSION - .. ' . n The attached Discussion Paper represents a compilation and review of numerous considerations in response to the policy directives of the DROP. It is intended that this Discussion Paper be made available to the public upon request. The discussion Paper will also be forwarded to external agencies for information prior to circulation of any necessary Official Plan Amendments. 577 -4- 6.0 RECOMMENDATION 51� ki It is recommended that the report of the Commissioner of Development and Planning Services, dated November 6, 1995, Item No. 96 -95, be received for 4nformation and that this report and Discussion Paper on the Policy Directions of the Durham Regional Official Plan serve as a general basis for the preparation of related Official Plan Amendments as part of the Oshawa Official Plan review process. Ted W. Goodehild, M.C.I.P p Commissioner Department of Development and Planning Services BH /AD /jn Attachment 578