HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-90-96UNFINISHED BUSINESS DN:KAITUN.GPA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT ��{{ Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #,1 L `1'E �), < -` Date: Monday, June 17, 1996 Res. # Report #: PD -90 -96 File #: DEV 96 -004 (X -REF.: 18T- 91004) By -law # Subject: ZONING AMENDMENT APPLICATION AND PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICANTS: THE KAITLIN GROUP LTD. PART LOTS 28,29,30,31, B.F. CONC., FORMER VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE FILE: DEV 96 -004 (X -REF.: 18T- 91004) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -90 -96 be received; 2. THAT Council deem that a new statutory Public Meeting as defined by the Planning Act with respect to the zoning amendment application is not required due to the minor nature of the revisions; 3. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington recommends approval of the draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -91004 dated May 30, 1996 subject to the approval of the Clarington Official Plan as recommended to be modified as per Council's approval of the proposed modifications in Report PD -89 -96 and subject to the conditions contained in Attachment No. 1 to this report; 4. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by By -law, to execute the Subdivision Agreement between the Owner of the proposed draft Plan of Subdivision 18T- 91004 and the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington at such time as an agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development; 5. THAT the attached amendment to By -law 84 -63 be APPROVED and that the Holding (H) symbols be removed by By -law upon the execution of a Subdivision Agreement; and 6. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1�7 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: The Kaitlin Group Ltd. 1.2 Agent: Bousfield, Dale- Harris, Cutler & Smith 1.3 Subdivision: Original proposal - Originally sought approval for the first phase of the Port of Newcastle development representing 260 single detached dwellings, 53 street townhouses and a 50 unit multiple residential block for a total of 363 units. Revised proposal - Seeking approval for the first phase of the Port of Newcastle development representing 92 single detached dwellings, 198 semi - detached /link dwellings, a 56 unit multiple residential block and an 18 unit multiple residential block for a total of 364 units. 1.4 Rezoning: From Agricultural (A) to the appropriate zones in order to permit the above -noted revised development proposal. 1.5 Area: Area subject to Phase One - 22.352 hectares (55.23 acres) Total Area owned by Kaitlin - 88.222 hectares (217.99 acres) 2.1 In April of 1991, Bramalea Limited, then the owners of the subjects lands, applied to amend Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63 (DEV 91 -016) in order to implement a proposed plan of subdivision. 2.2 Subsequently, the Planning and Development Department was advised by the Regional Planning Department of an application submitted by Bramalea Limited 544 for a plan of subdivision (18T- 91004). Bramalea Limited later submitted an application to amend both the Durham Regional Official Plan and the Official Plan for the former Town of Newcastle (OPA 91- 020 /D /N) in order to increase the population allocated to the subject lands. 2.3 Kaitlin obtained ownership of the subject lands in late 1995 and intends to continue with the development applications started by Bramalea Limited. In the time which had lapsed since the original applications were filed by Bramalea Limited, a new Regional Official Plan was adopted by Regional Council and a new municipal Official Plan was adopted by the Council of the Municipality of Clarington. Appropriate land use policies have been included in the 1991 Regional Official Plan and in the newly Council adopted Clarington Official Plan to effectively guide the development of these lands. 2.4 Although, the Regional Planning Department has determined that Kaitlin may proceed with the original subdivision file (18T- 91004) opened by Bramalea Limited, the Municipality of Clarington Planning and Development Department advised Kaitlin that the related zoning amendment application (DEV 91 -016) had been closed following the collapse of Bramalea Limited due to the significant amount of time which had passed since the original Public Meeting. 2.5 As a result, on February 23, 1996, the Planning and Development Department received an application from Kaitlin to amend Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84- 63 in order to implement the first phase of the Port of Newcastle development. 3. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 3.1 A Public Notice sign was installed at two (2) separate locations on the subject lands as well as in the Bond Head Parkette on the east side of the mouth of Graham Creek. 545 .9 3.2 As a result of the public notification process, staff have received numerous written submissions, counter inquiries and telephone inquiries with respect to the proposal. Concerns were expressed regarding issues such as density, the destruction of the valleylands, improvements to the existing underpass on Mill Street, the architectural style, the amount of parkland dedication, the width of the waterfront park and the location of the coastal villas. 3.3 The Public Meeting, as required by the Planning Act, was held on April 1, 1996 at which time 15 area residents addressed Council. The residents expressed essentially the same concerns previously expressed in writing. 3.4 As a result of the direction by Council, staff also attended a Public Information Meeting chaired by Kaitlin on May 23, 1996. The meeting was held at the Newcastle Marina Clubhouse and was attended by about 20 residents. 4. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 4.1 Within the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan, the central portion of the subject site is designated as a Living Area which is surrounded by the Waterfront Major Open Space system. It is one of the three Living Areas which comprise the Newcastle Village Urban Area which has been allocated a population of 27,000. The Regional Official Plan does not allocate population targets on a neighbourhood level and therefore, staff will consider the proposed population in relation to both the existing Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle and the Council- adopted Clarington Official Plan. 4.2 Within the existing Official Plan of the former Town of Newcastle, the subject property has been allocated a population of 1,100 for the residentially designated portion of the lands. 546 ' ••' • •� • 4.3 The Phase One lands proposed by Kaitlin will utilize the entire population allocation with nothing left for the remaining lands. This was a concern for staff in our preliminary discussions with Kaitlin as the proposal did not conform with the intent of the former Town of Newcastle Official Plan. However, this concern is no longer an issue because staff are reasonably satisfied that the approval of the Clarington Official Plan by the Region of Durham is imminent. When that occurs, the issue of non - conformity with the former Town of Newcastle Official Plan will be resolved. Council has been advised previously that the Region of Durham intends to issue notice of approval of the Clarington Official Plan in September 1996. The new Clarington Official Plan allocates units as opposed to population and has allocated a total of 1,075 units for the entire Port of Newcastle neighbourhood which includes small pockets of land not owned by Kaitlin. As a result, Kaitlin has been advised that the entire development of the lands subject to 18T -91004 including future development blocks is not to exceed 1,000 units. 4.4 The Phase One lands contain 364 units which appear to be of reasonable proportion in relation to the balance of Kaitlin's land ownership. 4.5 The Clarington Official Plan identifies the shoreline area as Waterfront Greenway. The extent of the Waterfront Greenway is to be determined through the review of a plan of subdivision. In that regard, based upon the recommendations contained in the previous report PD- 89 -96, staff are satisfied that Phase One of the proposed draft plan of subdivision conforms to the Clarington Official Plan as recommended to be modified. In the event that Council does not endorse the proposed modification contained in Report PD- 89 -96, this plan of subdivision should not be approved. 5. ZONING BY -LAW COMPLIANCE 5.1 The applicant is proposing to amend the zoning on that portion of the subject lands currently zoned Agricultural (A) in order to allow the first phase of residential 547 '• • •� • development which would also include a clubhouse for the area residents. The amending by -law, if approved, is intended to include the provision of special zone regulations to allow for the development of a residential community targeted towards adults and seniors. The requested special zone regulations include: a front yard setback of 3.6 metres to the dwelling while maintaining the 6.0 metre setback at the garage; a rear yard setback of 5.0 metres; an exterior side yard setback of 3.6 metres; a reduced lot area requirement; • a reduced sight triangle requirement to allow for porches on exterior lots; • a special provision to allow projections (chimneys, windows, porches) to encroach into the required front, rear and side yard requirement. 6. AGENCY COMMENTS 6.1 The proposed plan of subdivision was circulated for comments by the Regional Municipality of Durham. Concurrently, the proposed zoning amendment application has been circulated in order to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following provides a brief summary of the comments received to date. 6.2 The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority has advised that Kaitlin has been given a site specific exemption with respect to the provision of a stormwater management facility partially located within the floodplain. Standard policy of the Authority would have required the stormwater management facility to be located within the tableland portion of the subject lands. In addition, following the receipt of a revised stormwater management report which was subsequently found to be acceptable, the Authority has offered no objections to the proposal subject to several regulatory conditions with respect to stormwater management. 548 6.3 The Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation has advised that an archaeological assessment was reviewed in January of 1992. The assessment found that the subject lands contained a site of great significance and recommended further investigation. However, since the site is located outside of the limits of the first phase of the proposed plan of subdivision, the Ministry offered no objection to the first phase of development but did note that future phases would be subject to the Ministry's standard conditions regarding cultural heritage resources. 6.4 The Municipality of Clarington Fire Department has advised that the subject lands are within the response area of Station No. 2 in Newcastle Village. Although the Fire Department did not object to the proposal, it was noted that response times would be in the area of 5 to 6 minutes at best. The recommended urban response times is 3 to 5 minutes. 6.5 The Public Works Department has reviewed the proposed plan of subdivision including both a stormwater management report and a traffic impact study. The Public Works Department has advised that the Stormwater Management Report has been found to be acceptable and that all works and facilities necessary for this development shall be constructed in accordance with Port of Newcastle Stormwater Management Report dated March 1996. With respect to the traffic impact study, the Public Works Department reviewed the report and compared its findings to the existing Wilmot Creek Retirement Community which is similar in nature and has been constructed. The Public Works Department is of the opinion that the traffic volumes experienced at the Wilmot Creek Retirement Community would be comparable to what would be expected from this development if it were truly a unique community of adults and seniors. 549 • • - •� • The report has concluded that the Phase One does not require the reconstruction of the grade separation at Mill Street or Toronto Street. However, it is important to note that the report does not discount the possibility that a grade separation may be required in the ultimate built out of the development. As a result, the Public Works Department will require a traffic monitoring report to determine the actual traffic volumes following construction of Phase One. The Public Works Department has also considered alternatives regarding the existing Mill Street grade separation but these alternatives will be discussed in more detail in Section 10 of this report. 6.6 The balance of circulated department /agencies who provided comments were the Regional Planning Department, the Public School Board, the Community Services Department and Ontario Hydro. None of these agencies provided objectionable comments with respect to the proposal. Comments with respect to the Region's circulation remain outstanding from the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Regional Works Department. 7. STATUTORY PUBLIC MEETING AND PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING 7.1 At the Public Information Meeting held on May 23, 1996, the residents reiterated the concerns previously expressed through correspondence and verbally at the April 1, 1996 public meeting. Staff will take this opportunity to address each of the concerns raised by the residents. 8. DENSITY 8.1 The Council- adopted Clarington Official Plan contains three (3) Medium Density (M) symbols in the Port of Newcastle neighbourhood, two of which will be accounted for through the development of the two Medium Density Blocks 192 and 193 in Phase One. The third Medium Density (M) symbol will be accounted for in the future phases of the subdivision likely through the development of the 550 Local Central Area and the associated Tourism Node. 8.2 Further, the Phase One area consists of 364 units which are within the 1,000 units allocated in the Council- adopted Clarington Official Plan. As a result, the proposed unit count and density are in conformity with the Clarington Official Plan. 9.1 Some of the area residents expressed concerns regarding the possible destruction of the Graham Creek valleylands which are in close proximity to the first phase of development. Staff advise that the Municipality's parkland dedication by -law encourages the gratuitous dedication of valleylands to the Municipality, although staff acknowledge that the Municipality cannot unilaterally impose such a requirement. 9.2 Kaitlin's position is that they wish to retain ownership of the Graham Creek valleylands in order to investigate possible private recreational opportunities associated with the marina and the Tourism Node as contained in the Council- adopted Clarington Official Plan. 9.3 However, staff do note that the plan of subdivision has been reviewed by the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority and that the Authority has offered no objections to the proposal subject to regulatory conditions. In addition, staff note that all lots abutting the Graham Creek maintain a minimum 5.0 metre setback from the top -of -bank as required by the modified Section 14.4.3 of the Council - adopted Clarington Official Plan. As a result, staff are satisfied that every effort has been made, and will continue to be made during the construction process, to ensure the protection of the Graham Creek valleylands. 551 iV_ «r 10. IMPROVEMENTS TO THE EXISTING MILL STREET UNDERPASS 10.1 In consideration of the traffic impact study, transportation improvements should be implemented and constructed utilizing one of the following alternatives: Alternative "A" The Alternative "A" works are as follows: i) Mill Street Grade Separation Reconstruction Works Full reconstruction of the Mill Street grade separation; ii) Mill Street Reconstruction and Construction Works Reconstruction and /or construction of Mill Street from the Mill Street grade separation north to and including the Toronto Street /Mill Street /401 interchange intersection and from the Mill Street grade separation southerly through external lands on an alignment that aligns with Street "A" from this development; and iii) Toronto Street Emergency Access Improvement Works Road improvements to Toronto Street for use as an emergency access. Alternative "B" The Alternative "B" works are as follows: i) Mill Street Grade Separation Improvement Works Improvements to the existing Mill Street grade separation (signalization) to accommodate both vehicular and pedestrian (cyclist) traffic; ii) Mill Street Reconstruction and Construction Works Reconstruction and /or construction of Mill Street from the Mill Street grade separation north to and including the Toronto Street /Mill Street /401 interchange intersection and from the Mill Street grade separation southerly through external lands on an alignment that aligns with Street "A" from this development; 552 iii) Toronto Street Grade Separation Construction Works O Construction of a grade separation at Toronto Street and the Canadian National Railway; and iv) Toronto Street Reconstruction Works Road reconstruction of Toronto Street from this development northerly and easterly to the Toronto Street /Mill Street /401 interchange intersection. In consideration of the development of the entire neighbourhood, the waterfront, the long range potential of the area, the anticipated traffic volumes, the orientation of the road patterns towards Mill Street and the efficiency of the transportation network, the Public Works Department notes that Alternative "A" is clearly the most desirable alternative. Alternative "B" originated after much discussion with the developer and staff and in consideration of concerns raised by area residents to maintain the existing Mill Street grade separation as a landmark. Although, not as desirable as Alternative "A ", Alternative "B" is reasonable. After consideration of the developer's and the resident's concerns, the Public Works Department have agreed to accept Alternative "B" and this is reflected in the Municipality's conditions of draft approval. 11. THE ARCHITECTURAL STYLE 11.1 At the Public Information Meeting held on May 23, 1996 at the marina, a few area residents expressed concerns regarding the architectural style of the dwelling units. 553 f'_ 11.2 Staff note that Kaitlin has advised Council that the development of the site will include architectural styles which would build on and enhance the traditional marina use of the property. In fact, Kaitlin has presented Council with artistic renderings of several residential house styles. Staff are generally satisfied with what was presented, however, the Municipality has no legal power to ensure the developer will build according to the artistic renderings. 11.3 Finally, staff advise that Medium Density Blocks 192 and 193 and Clubhouse Block 194 will be subject to site plan approval and the Municipality would therefore have an opportunity to review architectural drawings including landscaping plans and building elevations. 12. AMOUNT OF PARKLAND DEDICATION AND WIDTH OF WATERFRONT GREENWAY 12.1 Section 42 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, establishes the amount of parkland dedication that the Municipality may obtain through the approval of a plan of subdivision. This amount can be calculated on the basis of 5% of the lands subject to the application or on the basis of 1 hectare per 300 dwellings units whichever is greater. 12.2 Kaitlin intends to provide 1.21 hectares of land for park purposes (Block 195) with the first phase of development which would satisfy the requirements of the Planning Act using both methods of calculation. Staff note that this Neighbourhood Park is required to satisfy the Council- adopted Clarington Official Plan which requires a Neighbourhood Park in the general location of Block 195. In addition, Open Space Block 196 will be dedicated gratuitously to the Municipality. Block 196, located along the Lake Ontario shoreline represents the lands subject to the 100 year erosion limit. It totals 1.497 hectares in size and will be utilized to form part of the Waterfront Greenway Park. 554 12.3 It became apparent at the Public Information Meeting that some of the residents were of the opinion that the Municipality should have requested the 1.21 hectare parkland dedication requirements south of Street "B" adjacent to Open Space Block 196 to supplement the width and size of Waterfront Greenway Park. However, staff are of the opinion that the Neighbourhood Park and the Waterfront Greenway Park serve two different functions. The Neighbourhood Park is intended to be an active park with baseball and /or soccer facilities to serve the needs of the immediate surrounding community. This is quite different from the Waterfront Greenway Park which is not intended to contain active sports facilities and will likely draw visitors from beyond the immediate surrounding community. 12.4 Therefore, in Phase One, the Waterfront Greenway is contained on a strip of land with a minimum width of 35 metres between the Clubhouse /Coastal Villa Blocks and Lake Ontario. This area is sufficient to contain the waterfront trail and provide a connection to Waterfront Greenway lands that the Municipality will require in subsequent phases of development. 13. LOCATION OF COASTAL VILLAS 13.1 The location of the coastal villas on the south side of Street "B" was raised as a concern by the area residents at the Public Information Meeting. This concern had previously been expressed by the area residents and the Bond Head Community Association when Council considered Report PD -69 -96 with respect to Kaitlin's submission to the Regional Planning Department. 13.2 As a result of the Council's consideration of Report PD- 69 -96, staff were directed to discuss the issue with Kaitlin. Subsequently, an Addendum to Report PD -69 -96 was prepared which recommended a compromise to allow limited coastal villa development south of Street "B" within the vicinity of the Local Central Area. The Addendum Report was tabled and this issue was addressed in Report PD- 89 -96. 555 14. DEVELOPMENT CHARGES 14.1 Municipal works and services required for the Port of Newcastle lands are not included in the Municipality's 10 year capital works and services for the purpose of development charges. Staff advise that subdivision proposals are generally considered premature under such circumstances. 14.2 Kaitlin is aware that this situation makes it difficult for staff to recommend approval of the proposed subdivision. In order to alleviate the problem, Kaitlin advised staff that they are prepared to absorb the costs of those services that would normally be considered a responsibility of the Municipality under the Development Charges Act. These works include, but are not limited to: construction of the neighbourhood park, construction or improvements of all external roads including Mill and Toronto Streets, the posting of security for construction of new and /or improvements to the existing railway grade separations as may be required by the Municipality at a later date. 14.3 Based upon the undertaking of Kaitlin, staff are satisfied that our concerns with respect to development charges have been addressed. The conditions of draft approval attached to this report has included the foregoing requirements. 15. STAFF COMMENTS 15.1 The Municipality had received numerous technical documents when the original subdivision and zoning amendment applications were submitted by Bramalea Limited. The documents included: • traffic study, including the Mill Street underpass; • stormwater management report; • archaeological assessment; • tree survey and evaluation; servicing analysis. 556 lo]4*010 • '� •� • Reports such as the traffic study and stormwater management report have been updated to reflect the development as proposed by Kaitlin. 15.2 Being virtually the only landowner in the area, Kaitlin had an opportunity to undertake a comprehensive design of the entire neighbourhood. The proposed plan has attempted to provide a traditional grid pattern of roads, particularly in the future development blocks to the west with axial view corridors to open space areas along the Lake Ontario waterfront and the Graham Creek valley. 15.3 The proposal also envisions a variety of housing types and forms. In addition to single detached dwellings, the applicant would be providing semi - detached /link dwellings and multiple residential blocks which would accommodate coastal villas. Future phases of the development would also include apartment blocks, possibly of condominium tenure. 15.4 Kaitlin is also proposing innovative zoning regulations and engineering standards to promote a sense of community. These would include the special zone regulations detailed in Section 5.2 of this report as well as road allowance widths reduced from 20.0 metres to 18.0 metres. The reduced road allowance, when coupled with a reduced front yard setback and innovative architecture which includes the traditional front porch, results in the development being more people - oriented. 15.5 Staff note that some of the brochures published by Kaitlin tend to indicate the development would be an exclusive community, possibly even a "gated" community with 24 hour security. Staff advise that a "gated community" concept is contrary to the intent of the Clarington Official Plan. Although the Municipality does not have the power to regulate the marketing of a proposed development, it should ensure all road allowances within the plan of subdivision will be municipally owned and no private security gate will be permitted. As such, the 557 public would have the right to use the road allowance for pedestrian or vehicular access to the subdivision including the waterfront. 15.6 Staff advise that the attached By -law would provide the appropriate zone categories in order to facilitate the development of the Port of Newcastle plan of subdivision. However, staff note that the zoning on the Waterfront Greenway Park will remain in the Agricultural (A) zone. In addition, Medium Density Blocks 192 and 193 and the Clubhouse Block 194 will also remain in the Agricultural (A) zone. Staff will prepare an amending By -law to be passed by Council once Kaitlin has entered into site plan agreements with the Municipality to control the development of those sites. 16. CONCLUSION 16.1 In consideration of the comments contained within this report the Planning and Development Department would have no objection to a recommendation to the Region of approval of the proposed plan of subdivision, subject to the conditions as contained in Attachment No. 1 to this report. 16.2 Furthermore, staff would have no objection to the approval of the attached zoning by -law amendment, to implement the plan. The amending zoning by -law would provide for the appropriate zone categories to implement the Phase One of plan of subdivision (18T- 91004). Staff note that the removal of the Holding (H) symbols will require Council approval at such time as the Subdivision Agreement is registered. A rezoning application to remove the holding symbol will be required at a later date. 558 REPORT NO.: PD-90-96 Respectfully submitted, r�, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer WM *FW *df 12 June 1996 Attachment #1: Conditions of Draft Approval Attachment #2: Key Map Attachment #3: By -law Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: The Kaitlin Group Ltd. 1029 McNicoll Avenue Scarborough, Ontario. M1W 3W6 Bousfield, Dale- Harris, Cutler & Smith 3 Church Street Toronto, Ontario. M5E 1 M2 Attachment No. 1 . i I A 0 That draft Plan of Subdivision 18T -91004 prepared by Bousfield, Dale- Harris, Cutler and Smith Inc. dated May 30, 1996, as per the attached plan showing 92 lots for single detached dwellings, 99 lots for semi - detached or linked dwellings, Blocks 192 and 193 for Medium Density, Block 194 for a Clubhouse, Block 195 for park, Blocks 196 -199 all inclusive for Open Space, Block 200 for Stormwater Management facilities, Blocks 201, 203 and 204 for future development and various Blocks for reserves, road widenings, site triangles etc. 2. That all streets shown within the Plan of Subdivision shall be dedicated as public highway and shown as such on the final plan. 3. That all streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the Municipality of Clarington and shown on the final plan. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 4. That the Owner shall retain a qualified landscape architect to prepare and submit a Landscaping Plan to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development for review and approval. The Landscaping Plan shall reflect the design criteria of the Municipality as amended from time to time. 5. That the Owner shall retain a professional engineer to prepare and submit a Master Drainage and Lot Grading Plan to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. All plans and drawings must conform to the Municipality's Design Criteria as amended from time to time. 6. That the Owner shall retain a qualified consultant to prepare and submit a Tree Preservation plan to the Director of Planning and Development for review and approval. 7. The Owner shall transfer to the Municipality, Block 195 for park purposes. 8. The Owner shall transfer to the Municipality, Blocks 196 -199 all inclusive for Open Space. WE 9. That the Owner shall enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Municipality dealing with matters financial and otherwise which the Municipality considers to be appropriate and agrees to perform all terms and conditions of the Municipality's Subdivision Agreement, including but not limited to, the requirements that follow. 10. That all easements, road widenings and reserves as required by the Municipality shall be granted free and clear of all encumbrances. 11. That the Owner shall pay to the Municipality, the development charges in accordance to the Development Charges By -law, as amended from time to time. 12. That the Owner shall provide and install sidewalks, street lights, temporary turning circles etc. as per the Municipality's standards and criteria. 13. That the Owner shall cause all utilities, including hydro, telephone, Cable T.V., etc. to be buried underground. 14. That the Owner shall deposit with the Municipality, unconditional and irrevocable Letters of Credit, acceptable to the Municipality's Treasurer, with respect to Performance Guarantees, Maintenance Guarantees, Occupancy Deposits and other guarantees or deposits as may be required, respecting the particular work or works. 15. That the Owner shall comply with the architectural control requirements of the Municipality. 16. That prior to the issuance of building permits, access routes to the subdivision must be provided to meet Subsection (6) of the Ontario Building Code and that all watermains and hydrants are fully operational. Further, the Owner agrees that during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code, storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subdivision and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. 17. That the Owner agrees that where the well or private water supply of any person is interfered with as a result of the construction or the development of the subdivision, the Owner shall at his expense, either connect the affected party to the municipal water supply system or provide a new well or private water supply system so that water supplied to the affected party shall be of the quality and quantity at least equal to the quality and quantity of water enjoyed by the affected party prior to the interference. Im 18. That the Owner supply on disk, in a CAD format acceptable to the Municipality a copy of the proposed Plan of Subdivision as Draft Approved. 19. Prior to registration of any portion of this draft plan, any portions of existing road allowances between the Broken Front Concession and Concession 1 adjacent to this plan of subdivision, with the exception of lands for municipal purposes (ie. roads, parks, etc.) shall be closed and conveyed in accordance with the Municipality's Road Closure Policy and integrated into the plan of subdivision. The costs for the closure and conveyance of this road allowance and the land costs shall be borne 100% by the developer. 20. The Owner will be responsible for 100% of all costs associated with the road opening by By -law and the reconstruction of the unopened section of the Toronto Street road allowance. The required section will be the portion deemed necessary to serve as a direct connecting roadway access between the existing limit of Toronto Street and the subdivision. 21. The stormwater drainage works and facilities necessary for this development must be constructed in accordance with the Port of Newcastle Stormwater Management Report, dated March 1996 (latest revision) prepared by Cosburn Patterson Mather Ltd. and as finally approved by the Director of Public Works. 22. The Owner must provide the Public Works Department with a Stormwater Management Implementation Report which provides for the sequential construction of the stormwater management works necessary for the entire watershed and addresses the impacts of this plan of subdivision in the absence of the balance of the watershed. This report shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. The Owner must demonstrate through detailed engineering that all external drainage can be adequately accommodated within the proposed road pattern. All overland flow routes must be clearly identified and adequately sized. 23. The lot grading of all lots within this plan of subdivision must be designed with rear to front grading in accordance with the Public Works Department's Lot Grading Guidelines and Design Criteria and Standard Drawings. 24. The Owner will be responsible for providing a functional report which demonstrates that the lands designated for stormwater management facilities have been adequately sized for the ultimate need of the entire watershed. The report must also demonstrate that the facilities can accommodate any anticipated phasing of the subdivision. No temporary facilities located outside of the designated blocks will be permitted. m 25. This plan of subdivision may only be developed provided that the Owner assume full responsibility financial or otherwise for all construction of external and /or oversized services that are required in the opinion of the Director of Public Works to service this development. 26. That the Owner is responsible for the "Mill Street Grade Separation Improvement Works ". This work involves making improvements to the existing Mill Street grade separation to accommodate the traffic anticipated from the development of Phase One. This work shall include but not be limited to the signalization of the underpass for one way operation and for the provision of pedestrian and cyclist traffic. This may require the construction of a separate pedestrian /cyclist tunnel which would be determined at the detailed stage of the development. The final decision on the design for the pedestrian /cyclist tunnel is at the sole discretion of the Director of Public Works. 27. That the Owner is responsible for the "Mill Street Reconstruction and Construction Works ". This work includes: a) the reconstruction and /or construction of Mill Street to a collector road standard from the Mill Street grade separation northerly to the Toronto Street /401 interchange. b) the reconstruction and /or construction of Mill Street to a collector road standard from the Mill Street grade separation southerly to align with Street "A" of this plan of subdivision. This would include all costs involved in the construction of Mill Street (ie. land, relocation of utilities, connection or termination of existing streets, etc.) on a road alignment external to this plan of subdivision and based on a design satisfactory to the Director of Public Works; and c) the reconstruction of the Mill Street /Toronto Street /401 interchange intersection including signals, additional lanes eastbound, westbound and southbound etc. to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 28. That the Owner is responsible for the extension of Toronto Street from the railway crossing southerly to connect to the road network in Phase One, in a manner and to a standard that provides a construction and emergency access for Phase One satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. 29. That the Owner, as a condition for the development of Phase One, shall provide the Municipality with a security deposit in the amount of $750,000.00, for the future construction of the "Toronto Street Grade Separation Construction Works" and the "Toronto Street Road Reconstruction Works ". The value of the security deposit will be increased in relation to the issuance of building permits for Phase 2M One, to a maximum value of $750,000.00. The schedule and amount of the increase in the security deposit shall be determined by the Director of Public Works and included in the development agreement for Phase One. 30. That the Owner shall provide the Public Works Department with a Traffic Monitoring Report prepared by the Owner's transportation engineer. This report shall be required for the duration of the development of the subdivision to determine: a) the actual traffic volumes being generated from this development in comparison to the traffic volumes determined in the Traffic Impact Study; b) the level of service of which the Mill Street grade separation is operating; c) the nature and distribution of the traffic generated from Phase One, in comparison to the assumptions made in the Traffic Impact Study. This Traffic Monitoring Report shall be implemented at the commencement of Phase One and prepared and submitted in a timely manner, satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. 31. That prior to the development of a phase subsequent to Phase One (future development Blocks 201, 203 and 204), the developer shall enter into a construction agreement with the Municipality for the construction of: a) the Toronto Street Grade Separation Construction Works. This work includes the construction of a grade separation at Toronto Street and the Canadian National Railway; and b) the Toronto Street Road Reconstruction Works. This work includes the reconstruction of Toronto Street from this development northerly and easterly to the Toronto Street /Mill Street /401 interchange intersection. This construction agreement shall deal with all items financial or otherwise that are necessary to implement and construct the "Toronto Street Grade Separation Construction Works" and the "Toronto Street Road Reconstruction Works" in a manner satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. 32. A temporary turning circle will be required at the western limit of Street "C ". The turning circle must be constructed in a manner that provides a proper access to the park situated on Block 195. 33. The pavement widths for Streets "A ", "B" and "C" will be determined at the detailed engineering stage. 192M 34. The Owner must provide detailed engineering on the Street islands located on Street "A" and demonstrate that these islands can be safely accommodated within the road allowance and that they will be a useable asset which adds additional value to the overall streetscape and neighbourhood. 35. The Owner is responsible to construct a new access to the existing Newcastle marina. The location of the entrance shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Director of Public Works. The Owner shall be responsible for 100% of the cost of constructing a new connecting access road between the Newcastle Marina and the subject draft plan. 36. All works and services must be designed and constructed in accordance with the Municipality of Clarington Design Criteria and Standard Drawings, the provisions of the Municipality of Clarington Development By -law #92 -015 and all applicable legislation and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 37. This plan of subdivision may only be developed provided that the Owner assumes full responsibility financial or otherwise for the construction of Park Block 195 to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works. 38. The Owner agrees that the Street islands in Street "A" shall be deeded gratuitously to the Municipality and shall not be included for the calculation or satisfaction of the parkland dedication requirements. 39. That the Owner satisfy all the conditions financial or otherwise of the external agencies listed below: a) the Northumberland and Clarington Public School Board; b) the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority; c) the Ministry of Natural Resources; d) the Ministry of the Environment and Energy; e) the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation; f) Ontario Hydro; g) Bell Canada; and h) the Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department. fIli � I /•�— _1--; ' dr it ' ; ,• _; _:�{ '� �� �i ��. �' \ '._ +J' °'61P��.•.' ! ': � _ it �:.o n cr. �� a (1, f ; •; ; Li Oct- i o� 1 �1 � -� _ �•' Std` , �. �' _ �a � �. f I I q tom: :� �[• 3 .t' <p ;;, `� f / �on N3�-'' a '7 .91• 9LI !12 , - eta .. !CL LK• X19. Lo 1!L' je: 16C. 1 ° '�. j K! Log N wn�f`�J Loc �� "' kkkkk ^IL «6 ie -.y ' . «yEU7 Itc ttI flu eS• tre � ' i w. 712. 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THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY -LAW NUMBER 96- being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the former Town of Newcastle WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By -law 84 -63, as amended, of the former Town of Newcastle. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Section 12.4 "Special Exception -Urban Residential Type One (R1) Zone" is hereby amended by adding thereto, the following new Special Exceptions 12.4.39 and 12.4.40 as follows: "12.4.39 URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE ONE EXCEPTION (R1 -39) ZONE Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 12.1 and 12.2, those lands zoned R1- 39 on the Schedules to this By -law shall only be used for a semi - detached dwelling subject to the following zone regulations: a) Lot Area (minimum) i) Interior Lot ii Exterior Lot b) Lot Frontage (minimum) i) Interior Lot ii) Exterior Lot c) Yard Requirements (minimum) i) Front Yard ii) Interior Side Yard iii) Exterior Side Yard iv) Rear Yard d) Special Yard Regulations 614 square metres 715 square metres 23.2 metres 27.0 metres 6.0 metres to attached garage 3.6 metres to front wall of dwelling 1.5 metres to covered porch 1.2 metres 3.6 metres to exterior wall of dwelling 1.5 metres to covered porch 5.0 metres to rear wall of dwelling 2.6 metres to uncovered deck Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.1 i) i) bay windows may project into any yard a distance of not more than 1.0 metre. In addition, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.1 i) iii), covered porches may project 0.3 metres into any interior side yard. e) Building Height (maximum) i) Interior Lot 12.0 metres ii) Exterior Lot 12.0 metres 568 -2- f) Lot Coverage (maximum) 60% "12,4,40 URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE ONE EXCEPTION (R1 -40) ZONE Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 12.1 and 12.2, those lands zoned R1-40 on the schedules to this By -law shall only be used for a semi- detached dwelling subject to the following zone regulations: a) Lot Area (minimum) i) Interior Lot 424 square metres ii) Exterior Lot 583 square metres b) Lot Frontage (minimum) i) Interior Lot 18,0 metres ii) Exterior Lot 22,0 metres c) Yard Requirements (minimum) i) Front Yard 6.0 metres to attached garage 3.6 metres to front wall of dwelling 1,5 metres to covered porch ii) Interior Side Yard 1.2 metres iii) Exterior Side Yard 3.6 metres to exterior wall of dwelling 1,5 metres to covered porch IV) Rear Yard 5.0 metres to rear wall of dwelling 2.6 metres to uncovered deck d) Special Yard Regulations Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.11) i) bay windows may project into any yard a distance of not more than 1.0 metre. In addition, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.1 i) iii), covered porches may project 0.3 metres into any interior side yard. e) Building Height (maximum) i) Interior Lot 12.0 metres ii) Exterior Lot 12.0 metres f) Lot Coverage (maximum) 60% Section 13.4 "Special Exception -Urban Residential Type Two (R2) Zone" is hereby amended by adding thereto, the following new Special Exception 13.4.10: "13.4.10 URBAN RESIDENTIAL TYPE TWO EXCEPTION (R2 -10) ZONE Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 13.1 and 13.2, those lands zoned R2- 10 on the schedules to this By -law shall only be used for a single detached dwelling subject to the following zone regulations: 569 -3- a) Lot Area (minimum) i) Interior Lot ii) Exterior Lot b) Lot Frontage (minimum) i) Interior Lot ii) Exterior Lot c) Yard Requirements (minimum) i) Front Yard ii) Interior Side Yard iii) Exterior Side Yard iv) Rear Yard 365 square metres 424 square metres 13.8 metres 16.0 metres 6.0 metres to attached garage 3.6 metres to front wall of dwelling 1.5 metres to covered porch 1.2 metres 3,6 metres to exterior wall of dwelling 1.5 metres to covered porch 5,0 metres to rear wall of dwelling 2.6 metres to uncovered deck d) Special Yard Regulations Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.1 i) i) bay windows may project into any yard a distance of not more than 1.0 metre. In addition, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3.1 i) iii), covered porches may project 0.3 metres into any interior side yard. e) Building Height (maximum) i) Interior Lot 12,0 metres ii) Exterior Lot 12.0 metres f) Lot Coverage (maximum) 60% 3. Schedule "5" to By -law 84 -63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone category from: "Agricultural (A)" to "Holding -Urban Residential Type One - Special Exception ((H) R1 -39) ". "Agricultural (A)" to "Holding -Urban Residential Type One - Special Exception ((H) Ri -40) ". "Agricultural (A)" to "Holding -Urban Residential Type Two - Special Exception ((H)R2 -10)" 4. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By -law. 5. This By -law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. -970 -4- BY -LAW read a first time this day of 1996. BY -LAW read a second time this day of 1996. BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1996. u. •: CLERK M This is Schedule "A" to By-law 96--, passed this day ofi , 1996A.D. RQAD ALLOWANCE_ B AND CONCESSION 1 LOT 30 I LOT 29 PROPOSED CLUBHOUSE Mayor Clerk 28 ZONING CHANGE FROM "A" TO "(H)R2- 1011 ZONING CHANGE FROM "All TO"(H)RI -3�" ® "ZONING (HHR11 40" LAKE ONTARIO ZONING TO REMAIN "A" ZONING TO REMAIN "EP" LANDS SUBJECT TO DEV. 96 -004 & 18T -91004 ® LANDS SUBJECT TO 18T -91004 ONLY LOT 31 LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 NEWCASTLE VIL_..�_ z 0 V) 07 w v z 0 0 0 z 0 z 0 U_ •z w 572 W ^' 567 L • lima 1� , '-• _i t il, • AF ...... IWO ..............: .. ............... ........... •��.•:•::•::, ,���, min NEWCASTLE VILLAGE � � � � � � KEY MAP • � � 567 REVISED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION ATTACHMENT TO MEMO DATED JUNE 21, 1996 (REVISED JUNE 24, 1996) FROM FRANKLIN WU TO COUNCIL Conditions: 4' 1) That draft plan of Subdivision 18T -91004 prepared by Bousfield, Dale - Harris, Cutler and Smith dated May 30, 1996 as per the attached plan and revised in red showing 92 lots for single detached dwellings, 99 lots for semi - detached or linked dwellings, Blocks 192 and 193 for Medium density development, Block 194 for a Clubhouse, Block 195 for park, Blocks 196- 199 all inclusive and Blocks 205, 206 and 207 for Open Space, Block 200 for Storm Water management facilities, Blocks 201, 203 and 204 for future development, and various Blocks for reserves, road widenings, site triangles, etc. Condition 3 re- number as 3 (a) 3 b) The Owner agrees that no building or structures shall be erected within the municipal road allowance or the abutting private property that would have the appearance or give the impression of a gated community or private development. Condition 8 re- number as 8 (a) 8 b) The Owner shall transfer to the Municipality, Blocks 205 and 206 for Open Space in conjunction with the development of any portion of future development Blocks 203 and 204 respectively, subject to the finalization of the land area requirements of the Region of Durham's water supply plant expansion. C) The Owner agrees to grant a perpetual easement to the Municipality solely for the purpose of allowing public access to Block 207. Said easement shall be 15 metres wide along the southerly limits of Block 207 and shall be connected to the future public road and shall be granted to the Municipality of Clarington with the development of Block 204. d) The Owner agrees to grant to the Municipality a 5.0 metre wide easement \ over Blocks 205, 206 and a 15 metre wide easement over Block 207 in the event the Municipality advances the construction of the Waterfront Trail prior to the waterfront land dedication. 40. The Owner agrees that the maximum height of any building or structure on Blocks 192, 193 and 194 shall not exceed 3 storeys of l 2.0 metres, whichever is greater. .t 11 LLI LA c ♦ 1 it x � / r t�., ./r::�u ''.� . '• "! ,� _ -- -�.T.��+12� _ _°" c_= •. �x;.�" =�_.' - _w_ -�.--- ... ;'SI'" f�, .•� - - -_- -` _✓ � - -- � �- � lki :-i� --+ -- - i !r�� o h' k' L J 151. 1 1 IJ �.nl• .' HI $971 -Ig KL N� y ` p szl A r I - 1 n. � Ir .11 ... Ki is •I/ '^•4 �j �,nl'i '�� ,y �v' « •/1 �L' is .j• pu �.H'� r'� a'D S 'n i� , � ' • � •pLu1. CLi Ki 1111 N •.hj' lbl. •3�n I U •K1 Ref! toll Ll htt i IK•. Cri w 1�'�N7 4 M-r ^a!(�W�lflll fir! ;tr Y.gt.l�� D:,� F�yyn i 'i {I I. r"�IC/l 6rli „V ' -. ._ � � •hut N! 'Tll. 4 PLIy^ lffr.r`f1 • +:l • M;Mi "u ? +g:�` f. .xw • f/l1 �u = ^���tai %r ^�� • rr /rfi ;l! L' z! H r mar. m 1 ' � : ,o+z 1 •C (1 n / � �� ^ A � rtf! Mr.� h'rj �7 .r _ .� � I! „Y.■ w i •� •a � ,( 3yu � ^' ' �`:fii„',A r'�3y ' rrr��e Li « � g �I f 3� `t, �Ii C �^ „ ",! /�4 %8••A -, ;% F UxU �'' g2ran d .■■ $ : ,IL oil cis ! ! ec- S 9: MO is "�y;, -'• .., �. lb z1 133diS o D o t J d f'd m 1�On L - -'- - . .— � 'st33al orwao 1$�Q� — 3.0— NV MOI _ O V02'. - - - -. .._ . .-- .. - -. . I ._...- - ,i mvYi, ` 111111 ace Silt F loon ;acl ari ♦ I F. u ZI u Zm - .;• r` T n a AAAddi 4 jJ , O fl g N " 0 w 0 RIE ° logo 0 ILD I i -i a i 'd RAY P, THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Memorandum To: Mayor Diane Harare and Members of Council From: Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning & Development Date: 21 June 1996 Subject: Report PD -90 -96 Kaitlin Group Subdivision At the last General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting, the Committee approved the modifications to the Clarington Official Plan subject to three (3) conditions, namely: a) building no higher than 3 storey; b) no gatehouse; and c) waterfront land be placed under public ownership. As a result, Committee tabled the subdivision report PD -90 -96 to allow staff to work out the details to implement the three (3) conditions. In this regard, staff revised the recommended conditions of approval of the draft plan of subdivision as attached. In summary: Condition No. 1 has been amended to add reference to three (3) new blocks of lands along the waterfront for identification purpose. Condition No. 3(b) is a new condition to prohibit gatehouse or similar structure. Condition No. 8(b) is a new condition requiring dedication of the waterfront lands west of the Water Supply Plant. Dedication of land will occur in conjunction with the registration of the abutting residential subdivision. .2 DWINAEG REVISED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION ATTACHMENT TO MEMO DATED JUNE 21, 1996 FROM FRANKLIN WU TO COUNCIL Conditions: 1) That draft plan of Subdivision 18T -91004 prepared by Bousfield, Dale - Harris, Cutler and Smith dated May 30, 1996 as per the attached plan and revised in red showing 92 lots for single detached dwellings, 99 lots for semi - detached or linked dwellings, Blocks 192 and 193 for Medium density development, Block 194 for a Clubhouse, Block 195 for park, Blocks 196- 199 all inclusive and Blocks 205, 206 and 207 for Open Space, Block 200 for Storm Water management facilities, Blocks 201, 203 and 204 for future development, and various Blocks for reserves, road widenings, site triangles etc. Condition 3 re- number as 3 (a) 3 b) The Owner agrees that no building or structures shall be erected within the municipal road allowance or the abutting private property that would have the appearance or give the impression of a gated community or private development. Condition 8 re- number as 8 (a) 8 b) The Owner shall transfer to the Municipality, Blocks 205 and 206 for Open Space in conjunction with the development of any portion of future development Blocks 203 and 204 respectively. C) The Owner agrees to grant a perpetual easement to the Municipality solely for the purpose of allowing public access to Block 207. Said easement shall not include public access to any private building, structure, or recreational facilities, and shall be granted to the Municipality in conjunction with the phase one registration. d) The Owner agrees to grant to the Municipality a 5.0 metre wide easement over Blocks 205, 206 and 207 in the event the Municipality advances the construction of the Waterfront Trail prior to the waterfront land dedication. 40. The Owner agrees that the maximum height of any building or structure on Blocks 192, 193 and 194 shall not exceed 3 storeys or 12.0 metres, whichever is greater.