HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-01-12Clarftwn Electronic Council Communications Information Package Date: January 12, 2024 Time: 12:00 PM Location: ECCIP is an information package and not a meeting. Description: An ECCIP is an electronic package containing correspondence received by Staff for Council's information. This is not a meeting of Council or Committee. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Members of Council: In accordance with the Procedural By-law, please advise the Municipal Clerk at clerks@clarington.net, if you would like to include one of these items on the next regular agenda of the appropriate Standing Committee, along with the proposed resolution for disposition of the matter. Items will be added to the agenda if the Municipal Clerk is advised by Wednesday at noon the week prior to the appropriate meeting, otherwise the item will be included on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the applicable Committee. Members of the Public: can speak to an ECCIP item as a delegation. If you would like to be a delegation at a meeting, please visit the Clarington website. Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) January 12, 2024 Pages Region of Durham Correspondence 2. Durham Municipalities Correspondence 3. Other Municipalities Correspondence 4. Provincial / Federal Government and their Agency Correspondence 5. Miscellaneous Correspondence 5.1 Association of Ontario Road Supervisors (AORS) - Potential Municipal 3 Equipment Operator Course - January 8, 2024 Page 2 A OHS �•� $' PROMOTING KNOWLEDGE. PURSUING EXCELLENCE January 8, 2024 Dear Head of Council, Deputy Head of Council and Councillors, Your local Public Works department provides invaluable services within your community. Without the dedicated public works employees that you are fortunate to have, many basic functions in your community would not be able to happen. Without maintained roads, your emergency services (police, fire, and ambulance) would not be able to respond to calls, school buses could not run to get children to school, and your residents would not be able to leave to work, school, appointments, children's extra-curriculars and any other activity important to them. Additionally, as you work with the provincial government to tackle the housing crisis, your communities require more core infrastructure to handle the growth. For the health and safety of our communities it is important we keep our Public Works department staff complement full, and well trained. Public Works departments across the province have already begun to feel the impacts of labour shortages, and as we will begin to see many retirements across the province, the shortage will become even more exasperated. From a recent survey that AORS completed with public works departments from across Ontario, we know that 91.5% of respondents will be hiring entry level positions in the next three to five years. However, we are already seeing the start of the labour shortage. From our survey, we found that 70% of respondents already reported getting less than five applications for entry level positions when posted, and the top three challenges municipalities are currently facing is a lack of applicants, applicants that do apply not meeting the required qualifications and municipalities having to compete with private sector positions. Over the last year, AORS has been dedicating much of our advocacy to encouraging youth to consider careers in public works through career fairs, local government presentations to students, developing printed resources for guidance counsellors and much more. AORS has also been working closely with Fanshawe College Corporate Training Solutions to develop a Municipal Operator Course that would train potential municipal equipment operators to come to your municipality with the basic knowledge they need to begin maintaining your core infrastructure. This would be the first course of its kind that would attract potential students from across the Province of Ontario. To fund this endeavor, AORS has applied for a Skills Development Fund through the Province's Ministry of Labour, Training, Immigration and Skilled Trades. We are reaching out to you for your support in our application and your advocacy to the province on why having more — and qualified — applicants to our public works departments are so imperative. We would ask that you consider passing the following motion: WHEREAS, municipal public works departments from across the Province of Ontario provide invaluable services to our communities ensuring the health and safety of all residents; AND WHEREAS, if it was not for our municipal public works employees from across the Province of Ontario maintaining our public roads systems, our communities would not be able to function as 268 Maiden Lane, Suite 2 ®c 2669, St. Marys, ON N4X 1A4 Tel:226.661.2002 • Fax: 226.661.2063 • admin@aors.on.ca • www.aors.on.ca emergency personnel could not respond to calls, school buses could notget our children to school, residents would not be able to get to work, school or appointments and many more basic functions would not be able to happen; AND WHEREAS, municipal public works departments are already feeling the impacts of a labour shortage, which will only be exasperated over the next three to five years, which will cause levels of service municipalities are able to provide to ensure the health and safety of our residents to decrease; AND WHEREAS, there is currently no provincial -wide course that properly trains potential municipal public works employees, specifically relating to municipal heavy equipment. THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that (INSERT MUNICIPALITY NAME) supports the work of the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors to develop a Municipal Equipment Operator Course to address this issue; AND THAT, (INSERT MUNICIPALITY NAME) calls on the Province of Ontario's Ministry of Labour, Training, Immigration and Skilled Trades to fully fund the Municipal Equipment Operator Course in 2024 through the Skills Development Fund, AND THAT, a copy of this resolution be sent to the Minister of Labour, Training, Immigration and Skilled Trades David Piccini, (INSERT MUNICIPALITY'S NAME)'s Member of Provincial Parliament (INSERT LOCAL MPP NAME) and the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors. We appreciate your on -going support and should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact AORS for all things municipal public works! Best regards, John Maheu AORS Executive Director Christie Little AORS Training and Programming Coordinator Dennis O'Neil AORS Member Services Coordinator Kelly Elliott AORS Marketing and Communications Specialist Page 4 Notice of Motion — Municipal Equipment Operator Course WHEREAS, municipal public works departments from across the Province of Ontario provide invaluable services to our communities ensuring the health and safety of all residents; AND WHEREAS, if it was not for our municipal public works employees from across the Province of Ontario maintaining our public roads systems, our communities would not be able to function as emergency personnel could not respond to calls, school buses could not get our children to school, residents would not be able to get to work, school or appointments and many more basic functions would not be able to happen; AND WHEREAS, municipal public works departments are already feeling the impacts of a labour shortage, which will only be exasperated over the next three to five years, which will cause levels of service municipalities are able to provide to ensure the health and safety of our residents to decrease; AND WHEREAS, there is currently no provincial -wide course that properly trains potential municipal public works employees, specifically relating to municipal heavy equipment. THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, that (INSERT MUNICIPALITY NAME) supports the work of the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors to develop a Municipal Equipment Operator Course to address this issue; AND THAT, (INSERT MUNICIPALITY NAME) calls on the Province of Ontario's Ministry of Labour, Training, Immigration and Skilled Trades to fully fund the Municipal Equipment Operator Course in 2024 through the Skills Development Fund; AND THAT, a copy of this resolution be sent to the Minister of Labour, Training, Immigration and Skilled Trades David Piccinni, (INSERT MUNICIPALITY'S NAME)'s Member of Provincial Parliament (INSERT LOCAL MPP NAME) and the Association of Ontario Road Supervisors. Page 5