HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-09-12Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) Board of Management Meeting Minutes Tuesday September 12, 2023; 6:30pm Virtual Meeting In Attendance: Ron Hooper, Chair Laura Holmes, Secretary Gerri Lucas, Treasurer Cathy Holmes, Director Edgar Lucas, Director Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT representative (departed 8:OOpm) Laura Knox, Economic Development MOC representative (departed 8:OOpm) Amber Ross, owner Pink Lemon Decor Sarah Gerdy, owner Markets Regrets: Erin Kemp, Director Lloyd Rang, Council Representative Delegations Present: none The Chair read the Land Acknowledgement Statement. The meeting was then called to order. 1. Presentation by Delegations The Chair recognized that no delegations were present. 2. Updates from Community Partners (a) CBOT B. Wrightman shared that the Business Retention and Expansion project is complete. In-depth survey, cross - sector. Results are being compiled and analyzed and will be formulated into a report. Anticipating some action items to arise. Will use the results to help guide community solutions. Expecting report to be available by end of year. CBOT is engaging with students across secondary school and post -secondary co-op programs. This can help fill workforce gaps. Roundtable to address criminal activity was conducted previously with DRPS and MPP McCarthy. Discussions included opportunities to share between businesses such as on Facebook. DRPS advised against using any public forum. CBOT is now exploring a landing page on their website where concerns can be shared confidentially. Fox and Falcon Pub has replaced The Old Country Restaurant. There is a new industrial build south of the 401. CBOT will be rolling out a fall campaign and a holiday campaign. There is no plan to restart the Shop Where You Live Durham Region campaign. (b) Economic Development/Tourism L. Knox shared that her portfolio will include strategic planning for investment attraction. There will be a 5- year CIP review starting shortly. The BIAS will be engaged in this process. There is still interest in CIP, particularly related to fagade improvement. There will also be a review on the Patio Program starting this fall. There is an application fee for patios. The Municipality has several standard size patios available. Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) SEPT 2023 There may be opportunity for marketing a Shop Local campaign ie. Hometown Holiday. Community Services has taken over the role of engaging with sport organizations. Ec Dev can connect the BIAs to interested parties. Regular memos/reports will be presented to Council regarding activities of Ec Dev. 3. Adoption of Minutes Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the minutes of the meeting of June 6, 2023 be approved as circulated. THAT the Secretary will contact Mr. Heathcoate regarding date for Veteran's Square rehabilitation. CARRIED 4. Business Arising from Previous Minutes (a) BMO driveway Email received from Manager of Municipal Law Enforcement on June 8. Public Works was able to confirm a line collapse in the Municipal right of way on King St. Repair work to be scheduled. The Chair will reach out to the Director of Public Works to determine date for when work is to be completed. (b) Banners in construction zone The Chair has received permission for the BIA to use banner stays in the west end of town when not in use for Veterans banners. The Municipality will continue to maintain and use banner stays on bridge across Bowmanville Creek. (c) Downtown benches/planters The Chair and the Director of Public Works conducted a walk -about on June 27. The following items are scheduled. 1.13Iow off the sidewalks and sweep the street. 2. Order 3-4 new benches and replace the two old existing wooden ones. Install others in strategic locations. 3. Remove the old metal planters (approx. 8) and obtain a quote to sandblast and powdercoat. If cost-effective proceed, otherwise dispose of existing containers. 4. Remove the lids from the planters on the benches at the bus stop. S. Remove the checkerboard from the table at the bus stop. 6. Remove the graffiti from the garbage cans. 7. Re -paint the parking stall lines. 8. Re- paint the Orange Crossing. 9. Straighten the traffic signs (street, parking, etc.) 10. Re -install any missing traffic bollards. If they're not available, please remove any existing fasteners (trip hazards) 11. Repair sidewalk trip hazards that been marked. (d) Downtown Parking Historic Downtown Bowmanville 3 SEPT 2023 Business Centre (BIA) August 1 info session for business owners. September 4 start date. Feedback from app customers is mostly positive. There were some concerns raised that the app lists Clarington and not Bowmanville which created some confusion. The Chair will speak to Mr. Maclver to see if there is a way to add Bowmanville to the listing. (e) Graffiti and Homelessness issues The Chair conducted a walk -about with Sgt. Farrugia of DRPS on June 13. Non -reporting of tagging/graffiti is an issue. At the time of the walk -about, DRPS had only 2 recent reports on file but there are numerous new markings. The Chair would like to engage CIP to determine if there is any assistance for business owners for covering up tagging. The Chair attended a DRPS session recently. DRPS occasionally sends foot patrol officers through the downtown core. Homelessness and mental health issues are affecting many local downtowns, including downtown Bowmanville. 5. Correspondence Correspondence was received from i. Planning Department regarding Clarington 5 year Official Plan review (Notice of Special Council Meeting & LTR_Clarington OPR) (via email) ii. Inclusion Officer regarding Clarington Anti -Racism and Discrimination Strategy (Focus Group Invitation & Poster) (via email) iii. Manager Municipal Law Enforcement regarding BMO drainage (via email) iv. Clarington Public Library, Museum & Archives regarding Strategy Plan survey (via email) V. Legislative Services regarding NOA 2023-038 & PD-055-23 re: 204 unit subdivision in Bowmanville (via email) vi. Legislative Services regarding NOA 2023-039, OPA 134 & PD-056-2023 re: residential units in Courtice (via email) vii. Deputy CAO/Treasurer regarding 2024-2027 Budget request (via email) viii. Legislative Services regarding NOA 2023-037 & PD-050-2023 re: subdivision in Newcastle (via email) ix. Legislative Services regarding Staff Report Municipal Parking Payment Modernization (via email) X. Owner of Gather regarding Municipal Parking staff report (via email) xi. Deputy Clerk regarding Municipal Parking Payment Modernization (via email) xii. Legislative Services regarding NOA 2023-047 & C-115-23 re: residential units in Courtice (via email) xiii. Durham Region Clerks Department regarding bylaws 42-2023, 43-2023, & 44-2023 (via email) xiv. Legislative Services regarding HotSpot information session (via email) xv. Legislative Services regarding HotSpot powerpoint presentation (via email) xvi. Concerts in the Park committee inviting BIA representatives to sponsor night xvii. Planning Department regarding Notice of Meeting S-C-2022-0009 and ZBA2022-0018 (via email) xviii. Office of CAO regarding Clarington's Draft Strategic Plan engagement sessions (via email) xix. Planning Department regarding Steering Committee meeting for Bowmanville East Urban Plan (via email) Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by E. Lucas Historic Downtown Bowmanville 4 Business Centre (BIA) THAT the correspondence be received for information. THAT item 5i., 5ii., 5iv., 5ix., 5xiv., and 5xviii. be distributed to BIA members. CARRIED 6. Treasurer's Resort The Treasurer presented the following: i. $174 336 in current account ii. Many invoices will be coming due shortly Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. CARRIED 7. Directors' Reports (a) Council Liaison — No report. (b) Events — SEPT 2023 C. Holmes reported that Applefest vendor spaces are sold out. Planning for Santa Photos is underway, as well as Moonlight Magic. Ladies Night is scheduled for November 2. BMO window wrap may need to be installed prior to Remembrance Day as the installation becomes risky as the weather cools. (c) Membership Relations — The Chair reported that a new tenant is moving into the former Gig's Music location. Salon MAE moved from their upper level space to main level on Division in former Boho Beauty location. (d) Streetscape — E. Lucas reported that the flower vendor will be removing the baskets that are dying. The vendor apologized for the suboptimal quality of some baskets this year. New winter garlands will be arriving in approximately two weeks. Previous garlands will be installed off main street. Apple street banners will be removed prior to Legion installation of Veteran banners. Winter banners will be installed following Remembrance Day and prior to Santa Claus Parade. Will connect with vendor about winter hanging baskets and large stationary planters. LED shooting stars have been inspected for this year. (e) Communications — No report. (f) Website & Social Media — L. Holmes reported that the business directory was updated this summer. Historic Downtown Bowmanville 5 Business Centre (BIA) 8. New Business (a) 2024-2027 Levy Request Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes THAT a 2.5% annual increase to the levy be requested. CARRIED (b) CHFI Advertising SEPT 2023 All -Christmas Music station 98.1 FM quote received at an increase of approximately $200 from last year. Nov 27 x 2 weeks (30 sec ads). Advertising for holiday shopping downtown. Moved by C. Holmes, seconded by G. Lucas THAT holiday shop downtown advertising will include local radio, CHFI, and social media. CARRIED (c) October meeting date Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by E. Lucas THAT the October 2023 meeting be moved to the third Tuesday, namely October 17. CARRIED (d) Suspicious activity downtown Several security incidents have been shared with BIA by business owners in recent months involving suspicious persons and suspicious activity. Business owners have been asked to be vigilant and share any concerns. Criminal activity should be reported to DRPS. (e) Request from Terry Fox Committee Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by L. Holmes THAT the Terry Fox Committee be permitted use of BIA tents for the Terry Fox Run event on September 17, 2023. CARRIED (f) Applefest event entry for OPG Moved by R. Hooper, no seconder. THAT Ontario Power Generation be permitted to set-up a booth at Applefest. FAILED Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) SEPT 2023 There are strict rules outlining eligibility for entry to events in Historic Downtown Bowmanville that have been in place for decades. Vendor spaces are restricted to handmade makers and food vendors. Community Outreach space is restricted to non-profit groups, religious organizations, service clubs, fundraisers, etc. There are no opportunities for corporations or businesses. (g) Santa Claus Parade Route Due to construction, the parade is unable to stage from Roegnik to Hwy 57 this year. The parade committee would like to know if downtown businesses have any input on an alternate route. The committee suggested a reverse route that would end at Scugog & King. Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by E. Lucas THAT it be suggested that staging could occur Scugog & Church or Scugog & Wellington to maintain the standard route as this is preferred as the road reopens to business earlier than if route is reversed. THAT the BIA will support any decision made but would like to be informed as soon as route is finalized. CARRIED (h) Request for extended use of Patio Program The owner of Brewers Pantry reached out to Ec Dev to determine if it would be possible to extend their contract to have the patio remain in place during Applefest. Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by E. Lucas THAT if the neighboring business consents to the walkway blocking frontage during Applefest, the patio contract can be extended this year. THAT patio contracts continue to require removal prior to Applefest and extensions will be considered on a year-to-year basis. CARRIED (i) Shuttle for Applefest AutoPlanet has offered their 500 vehicle lot for parking at Applefest, but is unable to operate shuttle service as originally offered. The lot is available if an alternate shuttle operator is found. Use of this third -party lot will require a contract with Municipality and shared liability. Municipally owned and operated parking lots are preferable as liability is covered. Community Services will be contacted to determine if Clarington Fields would be available for shuttle parking. Pricing for bus shuttles will be investigated. If feasible, shuttle service will be offered at Applefest this year. 9. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on Tuesday October 17, 2023 commencing at 6:30pm, virtually. Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) 10. Adjournment Moved by C. Holmes, seconded by E. Lucas THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 9:20pm. SEPT 2023