HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-14 Minutes C40 O� Draft minutes—Not vet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY AUGUST 14, 2012 7:OOPM Present: (Voting) Karin Murphy Suzanne Land Jim Cleland Pat Mulcahy Michael Goleski Bonnie Seto Brian Reid (Chair) Melanie McArthur Staff Present: Peter Windolf Regrets: Councillor Corinna Traill Tim Lizotte Geoff James Absent: Warren May—MNR Greg Wells— GRCA 1. Agenda Acceptance of Agenda Jim Cleland requested that frequency of meetings be added to the agenda MOVED: by Melanie McArthur; SECONDED by Karin Murphy THAT: the agenda for August 14, 2012 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of June 12, 2012 Approval of Minutes MOVED: by Pat Mulcahy; SECONDED by Michael Goleski THAT: the minutes of June 12, 2012 be approved. CARRIED 2 4. Updates Spring Planting project Michael Goleski inspected the trees planted on May 12 along the west side of Toronto Street and along the Waterfront Trail. The tall vegetation surrounding the trees made it difficult to see all of the trees but most of the potted coniferous trees were doing well but several of the bare root maples and oaks have not survived. The willow stakes planted on the bank leading down to the creek have survived but the dogwood stakes have died. SWNA User/Traffic Survey drop box The Wilmot Woodworkers have mounted the plastic document pockets to a backing board and they are now ready for installation. Brian Reid and Michael Goleski will arrange to install them on kiosks. The committee recommended sending a thank-you letter to Ervin Carr at the Wilmot Woodworkers Club for his assistance. Pat Mulcahy will provide his address. Each kiosk will have 3 separate pockets. One pocket for the survey form, another for completed survey forms and a third pocket for re-usable laminated maps that would help people take a self guided tour of the SWNA. The committee requested that both the User Survey form and the Traffic Survey form be send with the August minutes. Brian Reid discussed a potential process and schedule for the Traffic Survey. He will bring a draft schedule/grid for the Traffic Survey to the September meeting for input by the committee. It was also suggested that a link to the User Survey be available on the SWNA blog and Facebook page. Trail Markers Thirty 4" diameter aluminum SWNA markers have been received and will be used to replace missing markers and to identify the SWNA along its perimeter and mark trail routes. Brian Reid also has some remaining 8" diameter markers. Invasive Species update Michael Goleski reported the presence of Himalayan Balsam in the old growth forest and elsewhere at the SWNA. While it was acknowledged that eliminating this invasive plant from the SWNA would be very difficult the committee decided to remove it in the old growth forest to prevent it from outcompeting native vegetation in that area. 3 Trail erosion and reconstruction The wood chip trail leading down to the barrier beach has been impacted by erosion. Committee members who are available will meet on site at 3:00 PM on Monday August 20 to assess the possibility of relocating the trail further from the bluff. Members will also assess other potential trail improvement projects for The Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund. 5. Other Business Graffiti on viewing platforms It was reported that both the north and east viewing platforms have been spray painted with graffiti. Operations will be asked to inspect and remove if possible. Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund A new grant program coordinated through the Ontario Ministry of the Environment has been announced. The program provides grants of up to $25,000 for projects to protect and restore the ecological health of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basin. The program will fund a variety of projects, from planting projects to building trails, boardwalks or other recreational infrastructure to help protect ecosystems while allowing more people to enjoy and connect with the Great Lakes. The committee suggested two possible projects that would meet the funding criteria. Re- constructing the trail that leads to the lake from the Cobbledick parking lot, and re- routing the trail leading down to the barrier beach on the west side of the creek. Both potential projects will be reviewed on site on August 20. The deadline for the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund is October 12 but grants are reviewed and awarded as soon as they are received so there is benefit to submitting an application in advance of the deadline. SWNA Map It was suggested that a large map of the SWNA be available at future meetings to assist in discussions. The map produced for the Toronto Street kiosk will be printed for this use and brought to future meetings. Frequency of Meetings Jim Cleland expressed concern that the committee wasn't meeting as frequently as in past years. Some winter meetings had been cancelled due to a lack of discussion items but the regular schedule remains the second Tuesday of each month unless otherwise determined by Committee. 4 6. Motion to Adjourn MOVED: by Pat Mulcahy; SECONDED by Melanie McArthur THAT: the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:20 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday September 11, 7:00 PM Notes prepared by P. Windolf