HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-12 MinutesI -2 Draft minutes'— Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY JUNE 129 2012 7:OOPM Present: (Voting) Karin Murphy Suzanne Land Jim Cleland Geoff James Michael Goleski Bonnie Seto Staff Present: Peter Windolf Regrets: Councillor Corinna Traill Tim Lizotte Brian Reid (Chair) Pat Mulcahy Melanie McArthur Absent: Warren May — MNR Greg Wells — GRCA 1. Announcements In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair, Peter Windolf chaired the beginning of the meeting and informed the committee that Clayton Morgan had resigned and that Suzanne Land was appointed to the SWNA Management Advisory Committee at the June 4 meeting of Council. Suzanne Land was introduced to the committee and explained that she is a native of Bowmanville who moved back to the area 7 years ago. She regularly visits the SWNA. She is an accountant at UOIT. With Clayton Morgan's resignation the position of Vice Chair was vacant. Jim Cleland nominated Karin Murphy for the position of Vice Chair. There were no other nominations. Karin Murphy agreed to stand and was elected unanimously. Karin Murphy chaired the remainder of the meeting. 2 2. Agenda Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Geoff James, seconded by Michael Goleski THAT the agenda for June 12, 2012 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of May 8, 2012 Approval of Minutes MOVED by Bonnie Seto, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the minutes of May 8, 2012 be approved. CARRIED 4. Updates Spring_ planting project On Saturday May 12 several committee members and some other volunteers planted 30 trees along the west side of Toronto Street and along the Waterfront Trail (10 potted coniferous trees and 20 bare root deciduous trees). Several committee members also met on a separate date to mulch around the base of existing trees in the Foster Meadow. SWNA User /Traffic Survey drop box Peter Windolf brought a sample of the plastic document pockets that would be mounted on the SWNA Kiosks as survey form dispensers-and drop boxes. There would be 3 separate pockets. One pocket for the survey form, another for completed survey forms and a third pocket for re- usable laminated maps that would help people take a self guided tour of the SWNA. The document pockets are made of a hard but flexible plastic that is advertised as "unbreakable ". The pockets will need to be mounted to a backing board before being installed on the kiosks. It was recommended that the Wilmot Woodworkers Club might be able to provide assistance. , The committee discussed the type of drop box that should be used. While the committee liked the transparency of the plastic document pockets there was concern that the document pockets would be exposed to rain. It was suggested that a protective top could be added to the backing board to try to keep the pockets dry. Both the User Survey form and the Traffic Survey form have been revised and are ready for use. Once the drop boxes are installed the User Survey can be left on site. Users will have the option of returning the form by e -mail or by depositing it in a designated pocket 3 on the kiosk. Committee members would need to check the kiosks on a regular basis for completed surveys. Trail Markers At previous, meetings the committee requested additional round markers be ordered. After investigating various materials and methods fifty 4" diameter aluminum SWNA markers have been ordered. These markers will be used to. identify the SWNA along its perimeter or to marls a trail route. Molok Garbage Receptacles Two Moloks (one at each parking lot) have now been installed. They are 5m3 capacity and only need to be emptied a few times per year. This should eliminate the problem of trash being left in the parking lots when the 45 gallon garbage cans are removed for the winter. 5. Other Business Barbed wire removal Some members expressed concern that remnant farm fences and barbed wire still exist at the SWNA. The committee discussed the merits of removing it and decided that it could be a future project undertaken by the committee. Re- routing trail at bluff The wood chip trail leading down to the barrier beach has been impacted by erosion. This trail was re- constructed with the assistance of the MNR Rangers 3 or 4 years ago. If re- constructed too close to the bluff it would continue to erode. A possible solution would be to relocate the barrier beach access trail much farther north, perhaps as far north as the viewing platform. In the interim the committee felt that a warning sign should be installed. Warning Steep Bluff signs Additional signage to warn trail users of steep drops was suggested at two locations. The SWNA already has signs along the bluff to warn users not to approach the edge. The same sign could be used where the wood chip trail leads down to the barrier beach and where the Lake Meadow Trail comes close to the steep creek bank. Peter Windolf will request that Operations order and install these signs. New Trails The committee discussed the merits of installing new trails on the Toronto Street side of the SWNA. One potential location was along the north side of the old apple orchard from Toronto Street connecting to the Waterfront Trail. This route could offer a different option to hikers and birders. Depending on the surface type this trail could possibly be constructed by the SWNA committee or with the assistance of an outside service club. It will be discussed again at a future meeting. M 6. Motion to Adjourn MOVED by Suzanne Land THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:00 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday August 14, 7:00 PM Notes prepared by P. Windolf