HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-59-96DN: ROWE.GPA THE CORPORATION OF THEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #tl C-�l% Ib .Cc f Date: Monday, May 6, 1996 Res. -ce3 — ?�, Report #: PD -59 -96 File #:DEV 96 -007 (X -REF: 18T- 96002) By -law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION AND PROPOSED PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICANT: GREER GALLOWAY GROUP INC. ON BEHALF OF JANE AND CHARLES ROWE - 1560 NASH ROAD, COURTICE PART LOT 32, CONCESSION 3, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF DARLINGTON FILE: DEV 96 -007 (X -REF: 18T- 96002) Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -59 -96 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63 of the former Town of Newcastle, and plan of subdivision 18T -96002 submitted on behalf of Jane and Charles Rowe be referred back to staff for further processing and the preparation of a subsequent report following the receipt of the outstanding agency comments; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Owners: Jane and Charles Rowe 1.2 Agent: The Greer Galloway Group Inc. 1.3 Zoning: from in part "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)" to appropriate zones to permit the development of a plan of subdivision. 1.4 Subdivision: seeking approval of a plan of subdivision consisting of ten (10) single detached dwelling units, and this includes one (1) existing single detached dwelling unit. 1.5 Area: 1.634 hectares (3.985 acres) ....2 - 5� 1 REPORT NO. PD -59 -96 PAGE 2 = ! . i00 NI 2.1 On March 8, 1996 the Planning and Development Department received an application to amend Zoning By -law 84 -63 in order to permit the development of a 10 unit plan of subdivision. On March 18, 1996 the Planning and Development Department was advised by the Region of Durham of an application for a proposed plan of subdivision to implement the development. 2.2 The proposal is situated on a 1.634 hectare (3.985 acre) parcel of land located north of Nash Road, west of George Reynolds Drive and east of Farewell Creek. The more formal location description is Part Lot 32, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington. The municipal address is 1560 Nash Road, Courtice. The subdivision proposal is a cul -de -sac accessed from McLellan Drive. 3. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 3.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner within the prescribed distance. 3.2 As a result of the public notification process, the Planning and Development Department has received seven (7) counter or telephone inquiries. A variety of objections and concerns were expressed but no one questioned the principle of the development of a subdivision on the site. Also, two inquiries were for the possible purchase of property in the new subdivision. The above - mentioned concerns were: • a Blackcreek Trail resident fearing the new subdivision would overlook his backyard; ® a McLellan Drive resident fearing the development of lots 1 and 10 within the proposed subdivision would destroy the stand of tall pines on the north ....3 502 REPORT NO. PD -59 -96 PAGE 3 edge of the site thereby undermining natural habitat and privacy for some McLellan Drive residents, and therefore, asking that the two above lots be deleted from the Plan and that the Plan be redrawn to give the cul -de -sac Nash Road access; • another McLellan Drive resident wanting to see as much tree preservation as possible and some grade preservation; • two McLellan Drive residents concerned with future traffic volumes on their street preferring placing of the cul -de -sac access on Nash Road; • two McLellan Drive residents wondering if the environmental protection areas (both designations and zones) would be reduced or "shaved back "; and • a McLellan Drive resident and a George Reynolds Drive resident both expressing interest in buying a home in the new subdivision. 4. OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 4.1 Within the Durham Regional Official Plan, the subject property is designated primarily as Living Area with indications of Environmentally Sensitive Areas and P marginally (on the south and west edges) as Major Open Space with indications of Environmentally Sensitive Areas. The primary purpose of lands designated Living Area shall be for residential purposes, and so, the application conforms. 4.2 Within the Council- adopted Clarington Official Plan, the subject property is designated primarily as Urban Residential (Low Density) and marginally (on the south and west edges) as Environmental Protection Area. The application conforms. 5. ZONING BY -LAW COMPLIANCE 5.1 Within Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63 of the former Town of Newcastle, the subject property is zoned in part "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)R1)" ....4 5 .03 REPORT NO. PD -59 -96 PAGE 4 which would permit the development of single detached dwellings on lots with 15 metres of frontage and semi - detached /link /duplex dwellings on lots with 18 metres of frontage, subject to the removal of the Holding (H) Symbol. The subject property is also zoned in part "Environmental Protection (EP)" on its south and west sides. Since the applicant is proposing only single detached dwellings with what appears to be appropriate frontage outside the "Environmental Protection" areas, the Zoning By -law needs to be amended only in the sense of having the Holding Symbol or "H" removed subsequent to draft plan approval. 6. AGENCY COMMENTS 6.1 The rezoning and subdivision applications were circulated to various agencies and other departments by the Planning and Development Department. Comments received to date are as follows: The Fire Department had no objection. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing had no comment. The Separate School Board noted the proximity of the proposed subdivision to its proposed elementary school on the west side of Tooley Road and requested a walkway be built along the west edge of Lot 6 in the proposed plan of subdivision. Comments remain outstanding from: • Clarington Public Works Department - Engineering Division • Clarington Public Works Department - Parks Division • Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority • Durham Regional Planning Department • Ministry of Natural Resources ® Durham Regional Works Department • Public School Board • Ontario Hydro Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. k, 504 REPORT NO. PD -59 -96 PAGE 5 7. STAFF COMMENTS 7.1 As the purpose of this report is to give the status of the applications for the public meeting and in view of the outstanding comments, it would be in order to have the applications referred back to staff for further processing. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, e2-_ - Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., W. H. Stockwell Director of Planning Chief Administrative . and Development Officer BR *CP *LDT *FW *cc Attachment No. 1 - Site Location Key Map Attachment No. 2 - Proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T -96002 April 26, 1996 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Charles & Jane Rowe 1560 Nash Road Courtice, Ontario Li E 2K8 David Burnham 39 McLellan Dr., Courtice, Ontario Art Jackson 22 McLellan Dr., Courtice, Ontario Glenn J. Genge The Greer Galloway Group Inc. 973 Crawford Drive Peterborough, Ont. K9V 3X1 Joe Kastner L1 E 1Z9 9 McLellan Dr., Courtice, Ontario L1 E 1Z7 Jurgen Renz L1 E 1Z8 24 McLellan Dr., Courtice, Ontario L1 E 1Z8 George Martin 72 Blackcreek Trail Courtice, Ontario L1 E 1J6 Mary Nicholls 8 George Reynolds Dr. Courtice, Ontario L1 E 1Z7 Andrew and Susan Pigden 49 McLellan Dr., Courtice, Ontario L1 E 1Z9 505 ATTACHMENT #1 506 M \ SO y QiI r � 0 N a Zj a r� w Y Al IAGHMCNI #Z nP A QPN N 4 r Pz m q5 /� z �Q Q Sul all all h C3 21 RJ its a 777 777 �< z arco Ins e "sSh 3 I I I II� � m �'i:; , y•'`x:� 11 � i,i';:�w•� I � I L.i�� (: ��'�;` (,,: �`[7•' 507