HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-43-97DN:QUA- CORP.GPJHE CORPORATION OF THEE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # �� I � __70 Date: Monday, April 7, 1997 Res. #(-� X09— '// 7 Report #: Subject PD -43 -97 File #: 18T -87021 By -law #— REVISION • DRAFT APPROVED PLAN OF • Q ,DRILLIUM CORPORATION PART LOT 11, CONCESSION 2, FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE FILE: 18T-87021 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -43 -97 be received; 2. THAT the Plan of Subdivision 18T -87021 draft approved and dated March 22, 1991 be amended as per Attachment No. 1 to this Report; 3. THAT a copy of the Report and Council's decision be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department; and 4. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Plan of Subdivision (18T- 87021) was granted draft approval by the Region of Durham on April 26, 1990 and the draft approval was later amended by the Region to allow the development of the 194 single family dwelling lots, 9 semi- detached lots and Block 217 for future development. 1.2 Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject lands and the adjacent land to the south are designated Medium Density within the Liberty Longworth Local Central Area. Block 217 in this plan is very small, only 0.169 ha in area. Due to its size, it would be difficult to develop a medium density proposal independently from other lands. Therefore, in order to ensure the efficient development of land, in 639 . 001 . I .�•_ keeping with the Clarington Official Plan, we need to provide for the development of these lands with the adjacent lands. In order to implement this, Staff are requesting to revise the Conditions of Draft Approval to include a provision whereby these lands shall develop in conjunction with the adjacent lands. Since the adjacent lands are currently being recommended for Draft Approval (PD- 44 -97), Staff feel this is the appropriate time to amend the draft conditions of this plan. The proposed amendment will only affect Block 217 on Plan 18T- 87021. The amendment provides the foundation by which this block may develop as part and parcel of the medium density component of the Liberty Longworth Local Central Area. More specifically, the proposed amendment requires that Block 217 in this plan and Block 17 in Plan 18T -89070 be developed in a comprehensive fashion (Attachment #2). This will provide for the creation of a larger medium density site which can accommodate a maximum of 48 residential units, 6 of those units have been allocated to Block 217. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 The purpose of requesting an amendment to draft approval is to ensure that Future Development Block 217 in Plan 18T -87021 is developed in coordination with Medium Density Block 17 on Plan 18T -89070 (Attachment #2). Inclusion of this Block in the development of Medium Density Block 17 is essential in ensuring the efficient development of the land. Without this revision, medium density development of this block would be very difficult as the land area is too small to develop the site independently. Staff note that authorization to proceed with this revision has been received from Mr. Konopny, owner of Quadrillium Corporation. 640 • .r • . , , . 4.2 In that this amendment to the conditions of draft approval directly impacts the adjacent landowner, Staff note that the agent for the abutting lands, G.M. Sernas, has agreed to the wording of this condition. This same condition has been included in the proposed draft conditions for 18T -89070 (PD- 44 -47). Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development HB *LT *FW *df 24 March 1997 Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 - Revised Conditions of Draft Approval Attachment #2 - Map of Block 217 and Block 17 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Harold Konopny Quadrillium Corporation Suite 205 5300 Yonge Street Willowdale, Ontario M2N 5R2 Donald Prins in Trust 3291 Liberty Street North Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3K6 G.M. Sernas and Associates Limited 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 Whitby, Ontario L1 N 8Y7 T 641 ATTACHMENT #1 AMENDED CONDITIONS OF DRAFT APPROVAL 1. THAT Condition #1 of Amendment (2) to conditions of Draft Approval for Plan of Subdivision 18T- 87021, dated March 22,1991, be amended as per the attached redlined plan and to state as follows: Ill. That this approval applies to draft plan of subdivision 18T- 87021, prepared by Tunney Planning Inc., identified as project number Tun 150 -2, revised in red and dated April 1997, showing 194 single detached residential lots, 9 semi - detached lots for 18 dwellings, Block 217 for future medium density development of 6 units, 8 blocks for future residential development, a block to be developed as part of a convenience commercial facility, and various road widenings, site triangles, reserves and roads." 2. THAT a new Condition #19 be added to state: "19. That Block 17 in Plan of Subdivision 18T -89070 and Block 217 in Plan of Subdivision 18T -87021 shall be planned in a comprehensive fashion and that the two blocks be developed in accordance with a Site Plan Agreement entered into by both landowners. 642 Red -lined Revised Plan of Subdivision i UI L-L U 41-J,I _ J — D r ° — - �--- -- °�-_- __ - -_._- R O A D A L L O W A N C E B E T W E E N C O N C. 2 8e 3 BLOCKK 2224 .ur,fb BI 226 e te BLOCK 227 — 3.0m ROAD VADENIN0 ( ..off v! P• , s ,a° ,a$o COECI€/1 COMMERCIAL m ° & y 4 m C k V _ 8 o y I li0 42 r9 y s e n 8. 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