HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-28-97 BRecommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report WD -28 -97 be received; 2. THAT traffic By -law 91 -58 be amended to include a reference to prohibit parking along any private roadway designated as a fire route and the ability of enforcement personnel to issue such parking infractions without the signature of a property owner or occupant; and 3. THAT the by -laws attached to Report WD -28 -97 be approved by Council. REPORT 1.0 ATTACHMENTS No. 1: Sample of Parking Infraction No. 2: Proposed By -law amending Traffic By -law 91 -58 No. 3: Proposed by -law designating Randy Reinert, Fire Prevention Officer, as a Parking Enforcement Officer. 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 The Fire Department has been concerned that posted fire routes on private roadways are often ignored by residents and visitors. 1105 7H S IS P��IfYED IXJ RtGVGLEU PhPER REPORT NO.: WD -28 -97 PAGE 2 3.0 REVIEW AND COMMENT 3.1 At present, illegally parked vehicles in fire routes are issued parking infractions under By -law 91 -58, Section 4 (7) (A) (i): "No person shall park or leave any motor vehicle on private property without the consent of the owner or occupant of such property. ": This violation requires a signature of the private property owner or occupant for each parking infraction, which is often a time consuming process. The present system is ineffective and should be changed to improve public safety in the event of an emergency. 3.2 The Fire Department has a program to review and approve proposed fire routes on private roadways. Once the owner or occupant and Fire Department agree on the designated fire route and the area is properly posted, it is redundant and counter productive to require a signature for each parking infraction. 3.3 By -law Enforcement and the Fire Department have reviewed and recommend the inclusion of the following into Traffic By -law 91 -58: Section 4 (7) (C) "No person shall park any vehicle, other than an emergency vehicle, along any private roadway designated by the Fire Department and posted as a fire route." Section 4 (7) (C) (i) "Notwithstanding section 4 (7) (A) (iii) , the driver or owner of a motor vehicle parked along any fire route contrary to such conditions or prohibitions is liable to a fine and such vehicle may be removed or impounded without the written complaint of the owner or occupant of the private roadway." 3.4 A sample of an existing Certificate of Parking Infraction (Attachment No. 1) shows the present method requiring the signature 1106 REPORT NO.: WD -28 -97 PAGE 3 of the owner or occupant and the applicable fines. If the required revisions are made, the fine is moved to a higher classification and will not require a signature of the owner or occupant. 3.5 The proposed amendments will provide a number of benefits to enforcement personnel, including: 1) By -law Enforcement Officers (including the six (6) Fire Department staff sworn in as parking enforcement officers) will be able to issue violations on designated fire routes during regular inspections without having to locate an owner or occupant to provide a signature; 2) The set fine for parking in a fire route is $45 ($30 early payment). This classification of fine is higher than the standard parking fine of $23 ($15 early payment) to reflect the seriousness of the infraction; 3) The increased enforcement capabilities combined with the higher fine structure will act as a deterrent and allow emergency vehicles the access they require; and 4) Improved compliance with the Fire Code under Section 2.5 "Fire Department Access to Buildings" by maintaining access free of obstructions; (1) "Fire access routes and access panels or windows provided to facilitate access for fire fighting operations shall not be obstructed by vehicles, gates, fences, building material, vegetation, signs or any other form of obstruction." 3.6 Discussions between By -law Enforcement and the Fire Chief, regarding the enforcement of the fire routes, have determined that it would be advisable to include the Fire Prevention Officer as a Parking - Ii07 REPORT NO.: WD -28 -97 PAGE 4 Enforcement Officer. Accordingly, a proposed by -law has been attached to appoint Randy Reinert as a Parking Enforcement Officer. 4.0 CONCLUSIONS 4.1 From the above, it is concluded that the proposed amendments to Traffic By -law 91 -58 enabling enforcement personnel to issue fire route parking violations without the need to obtain a signature from a property owner or occupant will improve enforcement efforts and public safety. 4.2 Designating the Fire Prevention Officer as a Parking Enforcement Officer will complement his responsibility of building and fire route inspections. Respectfully submitted, Stephefa A. Vokes, P.Eng. Director of Public Works RDB *ph April 30, 1997 Attachments Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer 1108 a ------------------------------ CERTIFICATE OF PARKING INFRA ON _�j far g N 0 9 10 1,01 OWAPNO REGIONAL Ml1 OFN- TYOFDLN*" PRONNCtALOF/ArT ONTARIO COURT fRakidd DW*bN Rwkw. d O"Wb DATE OF INFRACTION: ME OF INFRACTIO YEAR MONTH DAY HRS. PLATE N0, PROV. EXPIRY DATE LOCATION VIN (IF UNPLATED) IT IS ALLEGED THAT ON TE SHOWN, THE OWNER OF THE VEHICLE UPON WHI W DIS YE THE NUMBER PLATE OR VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NU ESCR E ABOVE COMMITTED THE PARKING INFRACTION MAR X I believe fro ens al owledge and certify that the parking Infraction d cribed be s committed and that I served a Parking Infraction otice on the o er of the vehicle identified herein by affixing It to the v icle in a cons* ous place at the time of the alleged Infraction, SIGNATUR OF ISSUING OFFICER OFFICER NO. Being the Owner/Occupant of the private property noted above, I hereby authorized the tapping and/or towing of the veNcle described above which Is parked without consent. Signature of Private property Owner /Occupant 1109 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 WD- 28 -97., PARKING INFRACTION X EARLY PAIM34T SET RNE 2. PARKED P�q D Cfl STANDING IN DESIGNA� DISABLED (100.00 $15 0.00 a, PARKED AT E)TIRED METER I $ 10.00 $ 15.00 4. ' PARKED IN PROHIBITED AREA $15.00 L 23.00 5. PARKED OWOYER ANY BOULEVARD $ 15.001$23.00 6. PARKED LONGER THAN 3 HOURS $15.00 $ 23.00 7. PARKED WITHIN 3 METRES OF. FIRE HYDRANT $ 16.00 $ 23.00 8. PARKED ON PRIVATE PROPERTYWITHOUT OWNERS CONSENT $15.00 $23.00 9. :PARKED ON MUNICIPAL PROPERTY WITHOUT CONSENT; $15.00 $23.00 10. PARKED WITH RIGHT WHEELS MORE THAN 15 CM FROM CURB $ 15.00 $ 23.00 11. PARKED IN LOADING ZONE $ 15.00 $ 23.00 12, STOPPED IN PROHIBITEDAREA $ 20.00 $ 30.00 13. STOPPED ON SIDEWALKifOOrPATH I $ X0.00 Is 30.00 14. STOPPED $0 AS TO INTERFERE WrTH TRAFFIGSNCW CLEARING $ 15.00 $ 23.00 15. PARKED IN FIRE ROUTE $ 30.00 S 45.00 r 1109 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 WD- 28 -97., THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY -LAW 97- Being a By -law to amend By -law 91 -58 being a By -law to Regulate Traffic on Highways, Municipal and Private Property in the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it desirable to amend By -law 91 -58. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipality Clarington enacts as follows: 1) By -law 91 -58, General Parking and Stopping Regulations, is amended by: Adding the following references: Section 4 (7) (C) "No person shall park any vehicle, other than an emergency vehicle, along any private roadway designated by the Fire Department and posted as a fire route." Section 4 (7) (c) (i) "Notwithstanding Section 4 (7) (A) (iii) , the driver or owner - of a motor vehicle parked along any fire route contrary to such conditions or prohibitions is liable to a fine and such vehicle may be removed or impounded without the written complaint of the owner or occupant of the private roadway." 2) This By -law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing thereof. BY -LAW read a first and second time this 12th day of May, 1997. BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of May, 1997. MAYOR CLERK T 1110 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY- LAW, 97- Being a By -law to appoint a By -law Enforcement Officer WHEREAS Section 20 of The Police Services Act, RSO 1990, Chapter 10, Section 15(1), authorizes a Council of any Municipality to appoint one or more By -law Enforcement Officers, who shall be Peace Officers for the purpose of enforcing the By -laws of the Municipality; and WHEREAS it is desirable to appoint RANDOLF REINERT as a By -law Enforcement Officer by By -law for the sole purpose of enforcing the Traffic By -law as amended; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT RANDOLF REINERT is hereby appointed as a By -law Enforcement Officer for the purpose of enforcing the Traffic By -law within the Municipality of Clarington. BY -LAW read a first and second time this 12th day of May, 1997. BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of May, 1997. MAYOR CLERK ATTACHMENT N0. 3 WD -28 -97