HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-17-97DN;NAM- CHNG.GPJHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # Date: Monday, February 3, 1997 Res. Report #: PD -17 -97 File #: PLN 25.1.15 By -law # Subject: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON PROPOSED STREET NAME CHANGE PORTION OF REGIONAL ROAD 14 FROM TAUNTON ROAD (REGIONAL ROAD NO. 4) NORTHERLY TO REGIONAL ROAD NO. 20 FILE NO.: PLN 25.1.15 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -17 -97 be received; 2. THAT By -law 86 -112, being a by -law to establish a Street Name Map and Street Name Inventory in the Municipality of Clarington, be amended to change the street name "Regional Road 14" from Taunton Road (Regional Road 4) northerly to Regional Road 20 to: Option A: i) "Historic Manvers Road ", or Option B: ii) that portion of "Regional Road 14" northerly from Taunton Road to Concession Road 7 to "Liberty Street North "; and, that portion of "Regional Road 14" easterly and within lots 9 and 10, former Township of Darlington to "Concession Road 7"; and, that portion of "Regional Road 14" northerly from Concession Road 7 to Concession Road 8 to "Clemens Road "; and, that portion of "Regional Road 14" easterly and within lots 7 and 8, former Township of Darlington to "Concession Road 8 "; and, that portion of "Regional Road 14" northerly from Concession Road 8 to Regional Road 20 to "Bethesda Road ". 3. THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a by -law to amend By -law 86 -112 being a by -law to establish the Street Name Map and Street Name Inventory in the Municipality of Clarington. 601 REPORT PAGE 2 4. THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department be advised of Council's decision. 5. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and any delegations be advised of Council's decision. li 2,0110901 1.1 As Committee may recall, Regional Council on June 5, 1996 adopted the recommendation of the Regional Works Committee staff report 96 -W -67 and transferred jurisdiction of a portion of Regional Road 14 to the Municipality of Clarington. 1.2 As a result of the transfer of that portion of what was previously called "Regional Road 14 ", north of Taunton Road to Regional Road 20, it became necessary to rename the various sections of this roadway. 1.3 By resolution, staff was authorized to take the appropriate action and advertise a Public Meeting for the following proposed street name changes: i) that portion of "Regional Road 14" northerly from Taunton Road to Concession Road 7 to "Liberty Street "; and, ii) that portion of "Regional Road 14" easterly and within lots 9 and 10, former Township of Darlington to "Concession Road 7 "; and, iii) that portion of "Regional Road 14" from Concession Road 7 to Concession Road 8 to "Clemens Road "; and iv) that portion of "Regional Road 14" easterly and within lots 7 and 8, former Township of Darlington to "Concession Road 8 "; and 6 02 v) that portion of "Regional Road 14" northerly from Concession Road 8 to Regional Road 20 to "Bethesda Road ". 1.4 Council in considering Staff Report PD- 152 -96 and the submissions made at the Public Meeting held on November 18, 1997, endorsed the following resolution: THAT Report PD- 152 -96 be received; THAT the street renaming matter be referred back to staff for preparation of a subsequent recommendation report; THAT staff make the necessary research to the possible renaming of this road to Historical Manvers Road; and THAT the Region of Durham Planning Department and Mr. P. Vaneyk, lead petitioner, be advised of Council's decision. 1.5 With the intention of investigating the use of the name Historical Manvers Road, the Region of Durham Planning Department was contacted to confirm its acceptance. Regional staff advised that they would have no objections to the use of the name "Historic Manvers Road" and accordingly have reserved its use for the Municipality. 2. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS 2.1 In order for Council to change the street name to "Historic Manvers Road ", a second notice advertising Council's intent to consider changing the name was placed in the local newspaper for four (4) consecutive weeks as required under the provisions of the Municipal Act. Additionally the notice was mailed to all landowners abutting that portion of Regional Road 14 to which the name change would apply. 2.2 As a result of the second public notification process, four (4) written submissions and six (6) telephone inquiries were received by staff. 6n3 2.3 Five (5) of the telephone inquiries and three (3) of the written submissions (see attachments 3, 4, 5 and 6) objected to the use of the name "Historic Manvers Road ". A summary of their concerns are as follows: • the road was not in Manvers Township nor did it touch the Township's boundary; • there were too many ninety degree turns to allow for the use of just one name; introducing a new name would create confusion, a critical matter for emergency service drivers; • the likely need for the issuance of new house numbers; • difficulty in spelling the name; • the lead petitioner and others that signed the petition requesting Historical Manvers Road do not live on the road that would be subject to the name change; and • there are other ways to recognize the historical significance of the site and route ie: plaques and monuments. 2.4 Five inquiries stated that if the road were to be given one name, perhaps "Liberty Street North" would be more appropriate as the road is the continuation of Liberty Street North, especially the first segment up to Concession Road 7. In addition, Liberty Street was viewed as implying direct linkage to Highway 401, from a customer and supplier vantage point. 2.5 One individual favoured the use of Historic Manvers Road, while another preferred the most northerly portion of the former Regional Road 14 to be called Long Sault Road rather than Bethesda Road. Their rationale was of historical relevance and common usage amongst the residents in the immediate area. 4 REPORT NO.: PD -17 -97 PAGE 5 3. STAFF COMMENTS 3.1 Municipal House Numbering Policy One of the objectives of implementing a consistent house number policy throughout the Municipality was the assistance it provided the various emergency services ie: fire, ambulance and police in identifying any particular property within the Municipality. The Municipality's House Numbering Policy, established in 1985, recognized a continuous house numbering scheme following either a north -south or east -west road alignment. Staff would note that the municipal house numbers currently assigned for the north -south and east -west portions of Regional Road 14 implemented this principle. Should Council approve Option B of this Report, there would be no need to change any house number. 3.2 Extension of Existing Street Names When staff initially was considering the need for a new street name for that portion of Regional Road 14 being transferred to the Municipality, staff concluded that the use of one name could be confusing. This was due to the fact that this portion of Regional Road 14 is neither a continuous or straight stretch of roadway but rather consists of four ninety degrees turns, two separate east -west and three separate north -south alignments. Consequently, it was recommended through staff report PD- 152 -96 that the extension of the existing local road names be used. This is illustrated on Attachment No. 2 to this report. 3.3 Historic Manvers Road As noted earlier in this report, the Region of Durham has indicated that they would have no objection to the Municipality's use of the name Historic Manvers Road. However, staff in researching the implications of using "one name" for the entire portion of former Regional Road 14, would note its use would necessitate 6053 REPORT .D PAGE 6 changing the street names as well as the house /property numbers for over 50 properties abutting the former Regional Road 14. In addition, the use of "one name ", for the entire length will result in a situation where Concession Roads 7 and 8 will be interrupted with a stretch of road named Historic Manvers Road. This could be confusing to emergency vehicles and visitors alike when attempting to identify a property in the area. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 The purpose of this public meeting was to consider the possibility of a street name change to Historic Manvers Road as directed by Council. As there is considerable opposition to Historic Manvers Road, staff recommend Committee to choose either Option A or B in recommendation 2 of this Report. Two separate by -laws have been prepared to implement either option. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development BR *LT *FW *df 27 January 1997 Attachment No. 1: Attachment No. 2: Attachment No. 3: Attachment No. 4: Attachment No. 5: Attachment No. 6: Attachment No. 7: Attachment No. 8: Reviewed by, W.H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Map for Regional Road 14 to Historic Manvers Road Map for Proposed Road Name Changes Letter from Fred Archibald Letter from John and Jacqueline Vaneyk Letter from Camilla and Kris Vaneyk Letter from Sandy Brittain Department's Proposed Street Names By -law "Historic Manvers Road" Name By -law 696 .� i Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Jacqueline and John Vaneyk Audrey Rosevear 6613 Clemens Road R. R. #5 Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3K6 Paul Vaneyk 3008 Concession Road 7 R. R. #5 Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3K6 Grace Smith 3017 Regional Road 20 R. R. #5 Bowmanville, Ontario L1 C 3K6 607 PAGE 7 ATTACHMENT #1 PROPOSED ROAD NAME CHANGE REGIONAL ROAD 14 TO HISTORIC MANVERS ROAD 96 -037 'e m MENT-2 PROPOSED ROAD NAME CHANGES REGIONAL ROAD 14 TO LIBERTY STREET NORTH ®.. REGIONAL ROAD 14 TO CONCESSION ROAD 7 ®• -- REGIONAL ROAD 14 TO CLEMENS ROAD ••••••••••••• REGIONAL ROAD 14 TO CONCESSION ROAD 8 ®•• REGIONAL ROAD 14 TO BETHESDA ROAD ev FACSIMILE COVER PAGE Date: 12/30/96 Time: 16:25:02 Page: 1 To: FRANKLIN WU Company: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON, PLANNING Fax #: 9056234169 From: FRED & SANDY ARCHIBALD Company: ARCHIBALD ORCHARDS Fax #: 19052634263 Message: RE: RENAMING OF REGIONAL ROAD #14 I2/:IU/9b 16.25.14 Page I of I DEC 3 MUNICIFALI;Y OF CLARIIVGTON f'Lp___ "A...... Ci pC�Ftfi'i': "vielVT I HAVE RECEIVED THE RECENTLY CIRCULATED NOTICE FOR A PROPOSAL TO AMEND BY -LAW #86 -112. THIS PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE "STREET NAMING BY-LAW" WOULD CHANGE THE STREET NAME OF THAT PORTION OF REGIONAL RD. #14 BETWEEN REGIONAL RD, #4 AND REGIONAL ROAD #20 TO "HISTORIC MANVERS RD ". THIS NOTIFICATION AT FIRST CONFUSED ME BECAUSE I HAD RECENTLY SEEN A NOTICE IN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN THAT PROPOSED THAT THE FORMER REGIONAL ROAD #14 BE RENAMED AS EXTENSIONS TO EXISTING LOCAL ROADS. MY INITIAL CONFUSION WAS CLEARED UP WHEN I CONTACTED PLANNING STAFF. IT IS MY UNDERSTANDING THAT COUNCIL IS NOW CONSIDERING IGNORING THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN REPORT PD- 126 -96, WHICH WAS THE BASIS FOR THE EARLIER NOTICE, AND PROCEEDING WITH THE "HISTORIC MANVERS ROAD" PROPOSAL. I WISH TO INFORM YOU THAT I STRONGLY SUPPORT THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN THE STAFF REPORT PD- 126 -96. I AGREE WITH STAFF THAT, GIVEN THE NUMBEROUS TWISTS AND TURNS, ONE NAME WOULD BE VERY CONFUSING. I FEEL THAT MY CUSTOMERS AND BUSINESS CONTACTS ARE CONFUSED ENOUGH BY THE FACT THAT I HAVE A BOWMANVILLE ADDRESS (R,R. #5), A HAMPTON TELEPHONE # AND I AM LOCATED IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON! ARE THEY NOW TO BE FACED WITH THE CHALLENGES OF NAVIGATING A ROAD THAT CHANGES NAMES AT TAUNTON, WITHOUT CHANGING DIRECTION? LET US GIVE THEM A BREAK BY EXTENDING LIBERTY STREET TO AT LEAST CONCESSION #7. PLEASE RECONSIDER THE VERY LOGICAL & CONSUMER FRIENDLY RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN STAFF REPORT PD- 126 -96, THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME & CONSIDERATION... FRED ARCHIBALD 6275 "LIBERTY STREET NORTH" R. R. #5, BOWMANVILLE, ONT, L1C3K6 cc: FRANKLIN WU, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING • ATTACHMENT 3 ATTACHMENT 4 December 9,1996 Mr. A.L. Georgieff Commissioner of Planning Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas St. East 4th Floor, Lang Tower, West Building P.O. Box 623 Whitby, Ontario UN 6A3 Dear Mr. Georgieff Re: Proposed Name Change for Regional Road 14 In spite of your receiving a petition on the subject, please bear in mind that not everyone in the Tyrone area wishes this road to be named Manvers Road. While it may be historically correct, I do not believe that name reflects the realities of the present or the practicalities of the future. Traffic patterns on the road have changed in the last twenty years so that the line of Road 14 is not as clear as it was. A great deal of traffic going north now uses #57 and #20 because it is a better road with fewer twists and curves. Much of the traffic coming to Tyrone on 14 now goes on to the east to the newer homes built there. I believe the same is true for Concession 8. People go north on 57 and come across the 8th. Therefore more of grid pattern seems to be established. In my opinion, Clarington Planning Staff were quite correct in their original suggestion that each section should be named separately. I do disagree with their designation for section five (from Concession 8 to Concession 9). This section is locally known as the Sault Hill, and the new name should reflect that. The Long Sault school was at Concession 8 and Road 14 and the Long Sault church and cemetery were at the top of this road on Concession 9. I am unwilling to have to explain to visitors that Liberty Street from Bowmanville turns into Historical Manvers Road, and that Clemens Road turns into Historical Manvers Road, and the Sault Hill is also Historical Manvers Road. This is doubly difficult when traffic patterns seem to dictate otherwise. What will happen to the addresses of the residents of Tyrone village if that piece of Concession 7 becomes Historical Manvers Road? Will they then live on Concession 7 Historical Manvers Road, or just Historical Manvers Road? Will emergency vehicles be able to find them as easily? I ask you to consider this matter carefully, so that future generations do not have to deal with an outdated and confusing designation. Jacqueline Vaneyk 6613 Clemens Road Bowmanville ON L1C 3K6 611 1JAN X08 R' 97 na11: 04nM DURh1'h PLANNING DEPT 6543 Regional Road 14 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K6 December 9,1996 Mr, A,L, Georgieff Commissioner of Planning Regional Municipality of Durham 1615 Dundas Street East 4`a Floor, Lang Tower, West Building P.O_ Box 623 Whitby, Onto LIN 6A3 Dear Mr. Georgieff. V" Vivbu lan -o" P. 2/3 `�+•,v� ATTACHMENT 5 °, _ _ •1. _... 1 ida�ucr. u Regional Road 14 Name Change My family and I have lived at 6543 Regional Road 14 for ten years. We have been pleased with the service provided by the Region, especially the prompt snow removal. As a resident of this road, I would like to express my desire to accept the proposal of our Planning Department and have our section of Regional Road 14 officially named 'LMERTY STREET'. Liberty Street is definitely well marked south of Taunton Road and it is only common sense to continue the name north of Taunton Road. We would like emergency vehicles to find us as easily as possible, and there are many small businesses on this corridor that need to direct customers /suppliers as easily possible. The name change of our road seems to have become a community concern. I realize you have received a petition to change the name to "Manvers" for historical purposes. My family was also asked to sign the petition, but we declined. Please note that many people who signed this petition DO NOT reside on the roads that are in question. For these reasons we would like you to give this matter the attention it deserves and consider the best interest of the residents of the Road in question. Historical sites are frequently noted in various ways, such as historical plaques, placards etc. It seems that this would be a more cost effective and sensible means by which to document the historical route that was established during a time when the main corridor between townships was limited. Sincerely, 9, Ua4 Camilla Toy Vaneyk Kris Vaneyk '90M Sandy Brittain 7303 Liberty St. Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K6 Mr. Franklin Wu Director of Planning & Development Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance St. Bowmanville, ON L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Franklin: N. RE: Proposed name change of Regional Road 14 ATTACHMENT 6 1 � x � (:N4 I have read the newspaper adds and your letter dated December 12, 1996 regarding the proposed name change of Regional Road 14 to that of Historic Manvers Road. Both my husband, Dave, and I are not in favor of this change and would like to see the road called Liberty St. all the way from the 401 to Regional Road 20. We just moved to the municipality this summer from Manvers Township were we lived on the Manvers 3rd Line. We lived there for over three years and every time we gave out our address we had to spell the word ' Manvers'. It is not an easy word to understand over the phone or even in person. The 'v' is often mistaken for a 'b' and typically everyone asked to have it spelled out. Dave and I decided that we would call our address Liberty St. when we moved. It is easy and we have not been asked to spell it yet. Liberty is just one word. Why come up with a name that is two words long? We have two young children who will have to learn their address. It would be considerably easier to teach them one word, 'Liberty'. On a day to day basis living along this road we don't want to have to make our place of residence complicated by using a complicated road name. Presently when we tell individuals how to find our house we direct them up Liberty St. We don't have to tell them that the road changes into Historic Manvers Road, or anything else. Avoid the unnecessary complications. Leave something that is potentially easy alone so that it will stay easy. I don't think all those people who signed that petition realized just how this name change will effect them. They probably don't know how many change of address cards they will have to fill in when the name is finally settled, or how many people they will have to tell over the phone. Someone said to me that Liberty St. seemed to be equated with Bowmanville and that because of all the bends in the road it did not flow enough to be called Liberty St. I have driven along this road for years now and the only place where the road does not naturally curve to make the 900 bend is in Tyrone. By virtue of its construction the bends in the road suggest that you are following the same road and that it has not changed names. The only thing the bend in the road at Tyrone needs is a sign. Good signs would solve this problem. Please consider the simple choice of 'Liberty St.' and for many years to come we will be pleased to have an easy, one word, road name. Sincerely, Sandy Brittain 614 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY -LAW NUMBER 97- being a by -law to amend By -law 86 -112, a by -law to establish a Street Name Map and Street Name Inventory in the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it expedient to amend the Street Map and Street Name Inventory for ads in the Municipality of Clarington; AND WHEREAS such a Street name Map and Street Name Inventory establishes an official name for all improved roads and those unimproved roads with summer maintenance only for the Municipality of Clarington; NOW THEREFORE be it enacted as by -law for the Municipality of Clarington as follows: 1. Schedule "A" the Street Name Map, and Schedule "B" the Street Name Inventory, be amended to: a) change the name of that portion of "Regional Road 14" from Taunton Road northerly to Concession 7 to "Liberty Street North "; b) change the name of that portion of "Regional Road 14" easterly and within Lots 9 and 10, former Township of Darlington to "Concession Road 7 "; and, c) change the name of that portion of "Regional Road 14" northerly from Concession Road 7 to Concession Road 8 to "Clemens Road "; and, d) change the name of that portion of "Regional Road 14" easterly within Lots 7 and 8, former Township of Darlington to "Concession Road 8 "; and, e) change the name of that portion of "Regional Road 14" northerly from Concession Road 8 to Regional Road 20 to 'Bethesda Road BY -LAW read a first time this day of 1997. BY -LAW read a second time this day of 1997. BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1997. MAYOR CLERK 615 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY -LAW NUMBER 97- being a by -law to amend By -law 86 -112, a by -law to establish a Street Name Map and Street Name Inventory in the Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it expedient to amend the Street Map and Street Name Inventory for ads in the Municipality of Clarington; AND WHEREAS such a Street name Map and Street Name Inventory establishes an official name for all improved roads and those unimproved roads with summer maintenance only for the Municipality of Clarington; NOW THEREFORE be it enacted as by -law for the Municipality of Clarington as follows; 1. Schedule "A" the Street Name Map, and Schedule "B" the Street Name Inventory, be amended to; a) change the name of "Regional Road 14" from Taunton Road northerly to Regional Road 20 to "Historic Manvers Road" BY -LAW read a first time this day of BY -LAW read a second time this day of BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 616 1997, 1997. 1997. MAYOR CLERK