HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-09-11 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarin ton Minutes of Meetin,-- Tuesday September 11, 2012 (Not vet approved by committee) In Attendance-Gord Lee, Chair Carol Little, Robert Holmes, Gord Blaker, Gary Oliver, Bryan Wiltshire, Councillor Woo Re,-nets-Councillor Partner, Joanne Raymond, Larry Burke 1. Call to Order- 7:05 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes-Motion #12-125 THAT.• The minutes of August 14, 2012 is approved as presented, with no additions, deletions or, changes. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED 3. Arena Mana,-er's Report- The obvious best news was that the installation of our lobby bleachers was complete. Both Gord Blaker and Bryan assisted in the installation. Great comments had been received from our early patrons, visiting the arena. Hats- Off to Gord Blaker for his undertaking and patience of this project. As they were donated to the arena, the following motion was proposed. Motion #12-126- THAT.•An acknowledgement plaque of the donation and construction of the lobby bleachers be attached to the visual side of the benches, for all to see. Moved by: Bob Holmes Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED Gord Blaker also advised us that:An additional set of bleachers for the north side window area would come at a cost of$1,750.00. This was taken under advisement for future consideration. The flooring project for the hallway and change rooms was completed and the members were advised of the additional$2,147.00 invoiced for skimming the floor. As our quotation from Gym-Con Ltd. made no reference to this cost and nothing was said to us until after the installation, the board members were in agreement to dispute the additional$1,900.00 plus HST of$247.00. (2) The chair offered to follow-up with the contractor and report back to the board members. Bryan advised: The ice plant was up and running with our current Brine Pump. No action had been taken regarding the replacement pump, we now had in stock. The chair had met with Mr. Horvath regarding the Cimco quotation to install it. At a$10,000.00 Installation cost, it was decided we would send out for another quote from Black& McDonald but, carry on with the existing unit until problems were evident or a breakdown occurred. The new alarm system was now installed monitoring was now taking place at$20.00 monthly and it included alarms on the Ice Plant Temperature Control and Gas leaks. Emergency call set up included Bryan, Gord Blaker and Gord Lee, in that order. The chair advised that the Newcastle Family Connection Dance Group had requested a Hand Sanitizer for their entrance door; upstairs. They had a child member with peanut allergies. This situation may be an area that we need to address at the snack bar. However, nothing further will be done, at present. The hand sanitizes was deemed to be sufficient, at this time. Newcastle Minor Hockey, our major tenant, was up and running registrations down slightly from 2011-12. However, the contracts were signed and returned for their ice allocations. All other user groups had returned signed copies of their ice contracts. 4. Financial Report- The chair reminded the board that Newcastle Skating Club was carrying over a debt of approximately$6,000.00 from last season. Their executive members were diligently working on fund raising projects and additional registrations to get caught up. An income statement was provided showing a ETD. (Sept. 11th) net income of $7,191.81 However, a budget comparison was not available, as the statement was received to late for preparation. Accounts receivable were at$10,83 6 93 - $5,998.56 being N.S.C. 5. New Business—Concerns over arena staff not being recognizable in the arena and lobby areas were discussed and it was suggested there was a need for nylon jackets or windbreakers to be worn. ARENA STAFF boldly printed on the back of the jacket. Bryan has offered to acquire pricing on these jackets and printing. Black with yellow lettering was the suggested colours. Gary brought attention to the down pipe on the south-west corner of the building needing attention and the outside lights on and off schedule. Bryan will follow-up. 6 Next Meeting- Tuesday October 9, 2012 — 7:00 P.M. (3) 7. Adiournment—Motion to adjourn#12- 127—9:22 p.m Moved by: Gord Blaker Seconded by: Bob Holmes CARRIED