HomeMy WebLinkAboutOPD-011-12 Clarftwn REPORT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: October 15, 2012 Resolution#: 6/0/9- By-law#: N/A Report#: OPD-011-12 File#: Subject: MOBILE STAGE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report OPD-011-12 be received; 2. THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the Collaborative Agreement; and 3. THAT all interested parties listed in the report be advised of Council's decision. { ,A Submitted by: Reviewed by: ' A c Ll Fr eric J. Horvath �v Franklin u, t" B.A., R M.R., R.R.F.A. Chief Administrative Officer Director of Operations FH/kr October 9, 2012 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: OPD-011-12 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND The Rotary Club of Bowmanville intends to undertake the purchase of a mobile portable stage with the cooperation of the Municipality of Clarington. The project's intent is to assist the many community events throughout the municipality by utilizing the features of the stage. Community events includes but not limited to Business Improvement Areas, Santa Claus parades, cultural activities, Terry Fox Run, Rotary Ribfest, Orono fair, Newtonville Day, Tyrone Spirit Day, sporting events etc. Consideration can also be given to renting it out to private events when there are no community events going on. Requests would be made through the Operations Department and include a fee that includes delivery, set up, tear down and use of the stage. 2.0 CURRENT PRACTICES The Operations Department over the many years has provided a wooded stage for use at community events.. The Department has facilitated over 25 community events annually by assisting with tables, garbage receptacles, etc. This stage was booked continuously to help showcase the formal part of the event. The existing stage deteriorated and was not replaced n 2008. Mobile Stage The mobile stage (Attachment 2) is an all aluminum mobile unit that offers a fully hydraulic set up stage with lights, banners etc (Attachment 3). The stage is approximately 24 feet long and 20 feet high (Attachment 4). One of the features will include a barrier free access to the stage. The stage is estimated to cost $125,000. The Rotary Club of Bowmanville is prepared to commit up to $50,000 towards the purchase of the unit with the remaining to be requested through an OTF capital grant. The Rotary does request priority use of the stage during their annual ribfest event which usually does not conflict with any other major community event. Ontario Trillium Foundation The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) one of Canada's leading grant making foundation, is an agency of the Ministry of Culture, and distributes $100 million of government funding each year. The Foundation will support the building of healthy and vibrant communities through community based initiatives that strengthen the capacity of organizations in the arts, culture, environment, human and social services, and sports and recreation sectors. REPORT NO.: OPD-011-12 PAGE 3 In order to qualify for funding, a collaborative of two or more organizations that are working together to achieve a common goal must be created. The collaborative must include at least one eligible member. The eligible member normally acts as the lead applicant and accepts responsibility for any approved grant. Each member of the collaborative will represent their own area of responsibility and will be part of the decision making process as it affects the grant. (Attachment 1) 3.0 COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT The Operations Department has been involved in various collaboratives in the past. The Municipality has entered into collaborative with the Newcastle Skating Club and the Newcastle Memorial Arena Board for the construction of a figure skating room and storage area; the Kendal Lions Club and the Kendal Community Centre Board for the construction of a kitchen facility , the Hampton Community Association and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority for the construction of the Hampton Pond and the Newcastle Horticultural Society, Newcastle Community Hall for the heritage gardens. The Municipality's involvement will be to provide to assistance throughout the grant request including but not limited to assisting with the Request for Proposal. Once the stage is purchased, the Municipality will be responsible for the maintenance, storage, insurance and the permitting for special events. The cost for maintenance and insurance is estimated at $3,000 annually. The members of the collaborative are as follows: Kevin Anyan, Rotary Club of Bowmanville Fred Horvath, Municipality of Clarington. 4.0 TIMELINE The grant deadline for this cycle is November 1St with notification in early 2013. It is the intention of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville to submit a completed application in this cycle. 5.0 CONCURRENCE Not applicable. 6.0 CONCLUSION If the grant request application is successful, the portable stage will assist in showcasing special events with the community and tourism partners REPORT NO.: OPD-011-12 PAGE 4 CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN -- The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives Investing in infrastructure X Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Fred Horvath, Director of Operations Interested Parties: Rotary Club of Bowmanville Attachment One: Collaborative Agreement Attachment Two: Picture of Mobile Stage Attachment Three: Picture of Mobile Stage set up Attachment Four: Specifications of Mobile Stage OPD-011-12; Attachment 1 COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT This Agreement dated the day of October, 2012 Between The Rotary Club of Bowmanville and The Municipality of Clarington WHEREAS The Rotary Club of Bowmanville intends to undertake the Mobile Stage Project, hereinafter called the Project, and has requested the cooperation of the Municipality of Clarington therewith; NOW THEREFORE WITNESSETH that in consideration of the covenants contained herein, the parties mutually agree as follows: COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT 1. Background The collaborative was officially formed in September 2012 and will remain in existence until the Project is complete. All the parties in the collaborative will be available at any time thereafter should questions or concerns arise. 2. Representatives Each member of the collaborative will represent their own area of responsibility in the decision making process. Kevin Anyan will represent the Rotary Club of Bowmanville and Fred Horvath will represent the Municipality of Clarington. 3. Project Purpose and Results The results of the Project will be barrier free mobile stage, available to community events across Clarington. 4. Communication Communication among the collaborative is facilitated by holding regular meetings, and are available to meet in person or converse by phone or email as needed. 5. Decision Making The decision making process will be an agreement by consensus of the collaborative members, namely Kevin Anyan and Fred Horvath. 6. Funds Management All funds received from the Trillium Foundation will be held in trust by the Municipality of Clarington. Funds will be dispersed by the Municipality after agreement by consensus of the collaborative. All transactions will be accounted for and approved invoices paid through the Municipality of Clarington. The Municipality will record all expenditures and any revenues and present a monthly report to the collaborative. The Purchasing Department will be responsible for the procurement of the stage. Kevin Anyan, the Rotary Club of Bowmanville will, in turn, forward a final copy to the Trillium Foundation. 7. Operation of Mobile Stage The Rotary Club of Bowmanville will have first right of refusal for use during their annual Ribfest held in June. The Municipality will permit the stage for every other time consistent with municipal permit procedures. The Municipality will maintain, store and insure the vehicle and will be responsible for transporting, setup and take down of the stage. COLLABORATIVE AGREEMENT Kevin Anyan Adrian Foster, Mayor Rotary Club of Bowmanville Fred Horvath, Director of Operations Patti Barrie, Municipal Clerk F r - r - 7 a I,�'1,f� � 1�� �•k if i rl T ELI E 100 1 4 i f ' '� ilfjtlk5lf_ ' I ► .. �� LEADING DESIGNER AND MANUFACTURER m OF MOBILE STAGES AND PR MO UNITS ,. a ■ CONFIGURATION- ■ WIND RESISTANCE; Suapher 24' X20' ( 7.32 m x ,6.10 n1 ) 80 rAPH (120 KN/H) WITHOUT YINDWALLS 40' x 24' ( 12.19 IIIn 7.32 rn1 60 h1PH (97 Krn/H) VAIH WINONA:LLS WIIPI Lk ruisi fir# NLArl-OVIWIS ■ SET UP TIME: ■ FULL HEIGHT RAINPROOF- VVINDWAALLS ON 3 SIDES 30 MINUTES (LESS VAT14 IT YONDY LLS) ■ CERTIFIED BY PROFE5510Na1L IENGINFERS IN 1 CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN EVERY STATE AND PROVINCE 1 STAGEHAND 1p NJ W %V . S T A G E L I N E C 0 M OPD-011-12: Attachment 4 N rr ■Load bearing capacily!SAM 6(2poelg)no mere ■Roof lifting capacity! aGm Its(1,7'25 kp) ■Roof mexImurn height:W-11' (4.65 no tromdock +t: *ir1e► ■Side overhang rlgging beems:r.v nggng sound CepeClty:€M[I IA al 3Ci(lB3 kg al O 4 i cm)per side Height: 17 W(1302 m)rrnmgri inA ■Overall height from ground;24'(7Z2m)vAthbannu I;r.ai.# .I�� ■Roar: �r SIte:94'n90'(7.32mxWOrn) J o Cepaclly:Rawd at 100Ib/s$It(Q9DWn-P) ff I Ier'•e Height:T_d*to 4L2r(l.t7y m 6a 1.30 m) ■Roof:hhmiffaan t ondad to 9"{x08 mm);duminum lining ilt` yy ■4 rigging points,trusses and rigging bar: f �._ ■'►-" 1 d I 9'n.hlnrl,(.rift fa mm, ■II stairway with hared rai Is 34¢e.la rn5 ■Storage aapaciity:4000l4 up IV 24'to a 1H y� - 1;133*1;133* up to 40` - •- ■Stage option:"Mix Position"(SLID-0 Mix) Set up Time: Manpower ■Fire retardant wlndwalls on 3 sines: vrnyioe Mash 112 hour 2 x I kill calnr graphic printinq ■Sklrttng 1 Why 2 Front overhang extensions �r i1 Incitlslry chooses Sta3g'elline products t 9 4'Of15nn)-195Ihw.34`rarZ07kcI atO86nQ wMarlulaeturInfl:41ageirle has built cn>Y 500 units ■Sound wing extensions: nExperb se:1;kj.g0me has been des�qnrg 4nobi'b slrpcs r 8 i9 44 m x g 44 nr rlth IXwdrars for&n-r 95 y'ew& ■Additional decks: i ■100%fail proof!history;Seri saioty record in the inelrrbrf. up t4 a(r■14'(17.15 m K UP m) r Reliability In engineering,Highest wind resisiancl,with or will■A's A'(1.99-fo■9A4 on)oxlo"nn fdalfrvms r wilttoul vrindwall::. ■1 Rooftop banner sapport: up 033?•x 3'11"0IA1 m■1 91)m) wNde range of models: SL50,SL IOU,5L I00-Mix, SI 2 Lateral banner supports: :51-3211.Srk+1t555,rl°cnlobft-Caymind rirrgu A tilac;Iu WU*. ■Rein or shine;Complelc rainproolirlg with flrtl I q up to 4' x Ifi'(183mx4Mmo) h1 w nrlrrslts ruxl Stage r ve ibilityt downslage canopies. Publkityr space: I a,Single trafler.All surge cornpor-onb:irs:ri in me slclye bailer unii. Rurirq bilbuwd lu maoriaim%ieibilllo dullug ira.nWvhsliuln mQuality;Designed and iluill to last umi'k' yr lr!:. rdulttple lx vws of various aims edt ch to olf idurc l At units bu ilt 14 d*W urn siill in opryatim, lur optimum%isibillI r Quality conbmiled Mh a 600-point in:d^.c:t,iltrl. -Guardrails mSte ndords:All unil5 arc engirx.errsl to withstand 2 Urne-i the •Sound wing covers pormitlod load. Tel:+1 454.599.1069 Fax:+1 40-569-1711 i Milli AI111ska 1 1300.267-8243 '7��t: w+rv�r.stagal'ine.cam rar�7rbsrraaadscar�a�rear..S7aCrr�wiFxr+,l�w?ew■rrx.�r.duzv,n�l'„tj'IC�cdty,cvc��c±�a t'� P.wreisi_niri 14!r64i1'644:M063 ar}terr 15051 d-Nuinin.)Pd--d..%A V.&A ar.r lur dlvuunal 9utt�5fbr■fCM$�.S rM.nA m9rl ?tiUrrY{'S GALlr j'N:IMm:rn• �t.a fmdu:St ani rrru�4�ir1',h f rILLQF M LS 1!�1 Y1�fsr:5y 3h14r�fd. �,`,.�n.s•ws�re• 1 u■■rm Yt��^■S pealwc7 ryrvtnnlpi rly ln�•4N YA+iGltltd+.•v�yri+vi.�••x 1'.er.xdrr