HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-4-97THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: ROPA9613.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee Filed Date: Monday, January 6, 1997 Res. # G& Report #: PD-4-97 File #:ROPA 96-013 & ROPA 96-019 By-law Subject: MALONE GIVEN PARSONS/BROOKVALLEY HOLDINGS LTD (ROPA 96-013) REGION OF • (ROPA ., REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT •. ROPA 96-019 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -4 -97 be received; 2. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington has no objection to the application to amend the Durham Region Official Plan submitted by Brookvalley Holdings Ltd. (ROPA 96 -013) on the understanding that planning for a 30 year horizon in the local official plan is permissive rather than mandatory; 3. THAT the Region of Durham be advised that the Municipality of Clarington continues to support the designation of a 30 year supply of employment area lands as proposed in it's application to amend the Durham Region Official Plan (ROPA 96 -019); and 4. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. Two applications related to urban boundary issues are currently before the Durham Region for review and all local municipalities in Durham Region have been required to comment on these applications. 1.1 Brookvalley Holdings Ltd. (ROPA 96 -013) On October 10, 1996 a request for comments was received from the Region of Durham with respect to an application submitted by Brookvalley Holdings Ltd. to '] REPORT NO PD -4 -97 PAGE 2 amend the Regional Official Plan. Brookvalley Holdings Ltd. owns 72 ha (178 acres) of land in Whitby designated Living Area in the Durham Regional Official Plan and Future Urban Development Plan in the Whitby Official Plan. The application proposes to amend Section 5.3.14 and 5.3.15 of the Durham Regional Official Plan the effect of which would eliminate the need for local official plan to distinguish between 20 and 30 year urban boundary. 1.2 CLARINGTON (ROPA 96 -019) At a meeting on September 16, 1996, Council passed a resolution requesting the Region to "initiate an amendment to its Official Plan to delete Section 5.3.14 and /or amend all applicable policies that would require the area municipalities to designate only up to a 20 year supply of Employment Area land ". In a letter dated November 20, 1996 from the applicant to the Region, the applicant clarified that his requested change "would permit (and not required)" the area municipalities to plan to the 30 year time horizon. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 The policies of section 5.3.14 and 5.3.15 of the Regional Official Plan encourages area municipalities to implement phased development. Section 5.3.14 reads in part as follows: "5.3.14 In order to phase development within each area municipality in accordance with the Region's 20 year servicing plan, area municipal official plans shall only designate a 15 - 20 year supply of land for development at any one time. Further, area municipalities are encouraged to implement phased development through the preparation of secondary plans....." Section 5.3.15 states the following: "Regional Council may consider amendments to an area official plan to allow an area municipality to maintain a 15 - 20 year supply of land provided that: M REPORT NO. PD -4 -97 PAGE 3 a) the amendment is only undertaken as part of a comprehensive five year review of the area municipal official plan; b) the amendment is supported by an analysis which evaluates and demonstrates the need for designating the additional lands; and c) the amendment is supported by an analysis evaluating the achievement of the targets and policies of both the area municipal official plan and this Plan, particularly those matters outlined in Section 5.3.13. 2.2 In the Durham Regional Official Plan, a 30 year time horizon was utilized for the urban area boundary. This allowed for the consideration of the longer term service commitments under the Region's authority (sewage treatment plans, water supply plants and arterial roads) while the local Official Plan provided detailed land use designations within a 15 - 20 year time frame. The Clarington Official Plan was prepared based on a 20 year time frame extending to 2016. In addition, Section 5, Growth Management, contains management policies to control the rate, balance, direction and pattern of growth as contemplated and required in the Regional Official Plan. 2.3 The Provincial Policy Statement states that land requirements and land use patterns based on the provision of sufficient land for industrial, commercial, residential, etc. shall accommodate projected growth for a time horizon of up to 20 years. The policy further allows where a longer time period has been established, "that time frame may be used for upper and lower tier municipalities within the area ". In essence, this allows local official plans to provide for the same time horizon of future growth similar to those in the Regional Official Plan. 3. COMMENTS 3.1 The Clarington Application 632 REPORT NO. PD -4 -97 PAGE 4 Through the Council adoption of the Clarington Official Plan, Council promoted and approved the concept of allowing Employment Area lands to maintain a 30 year time frame. Council in adopting their resolution of September 1996, objected to imposing undue restrictions on the development potential and opportunities of employment areas. Furthermore, Council stated they believe the current restriction in the Durham Region Official Plan is contrary to the goals of both the Region and the area municipalities in attempting to promote and develop the Region to its fullest economic potential. In consideration of Council's resolution of September 16, 1996, we recommend to the Region that Section 5.3.14 and 5.3.15 be amended to allow all local municipalities to designate up to 30 year supply of Employment Area lands in their respective official plan. 3.2 The Brookvalley Holding Application As stated earlier, the effect of the Brookvalley Holding application, if approved, would have the effect to allow local municipalities to designate Living Area beyond the 20 year time frame. Staff reviewed the amendment and its potential implication to Clarington and have concluded that Clarington should neither object to nor support such an amendment, for the following reasons. There is no doubt that the proposed amendment would allow Municipalities west of Clarington to designate lands for future development up to a 30 year horizon. The additional residential lands will be consumed as future growth occurs in these municipalities and could be viewed as replacing the anticipated growth in Clarington. In other words, residential land consumption and the resultant population growth in Clarington could slow down as a result with the Courtice urban area being affected to some degree. However, this is neither positive nor negative as Clarington Official Plan emphasizes growth management with Bowmanville urban area being planned and promoted as the dominant centre for IN REPORT NO. PD -4 -97 _ PAGE 5 Clarington. In addition, it has been a long held belief and confirmed by studies that residential growth is a financial liability for any municipality. Therefore, if the westerly municipalities have the ability and desire to add more urban residential development lands by eliminating the 20 year urban boundary in their official plans, Clarington should not be concerned about this. On the contrary, one could argue that residential growth would lead to commercial /industrial growth which will eventually help the Municipality to balance its assessment. Although this argument is valid, one must recognize that it will take a long time for Clarington to reach a fully developed mature stage where residential /non - residential assessment are reasonably balanced. In Clarington, this is unlikely to happen for a long time as the market place to a large extent, dictates that growth will take place gradually easterly from Toronto. In summary, staff are not convinced that eliminating the 20 year urban boundary provision in the Durham Plan would have any noticeable detrimental impact to Clarington. In fact, we are of the opinion that the proposed amendment will provide the flexibility to Clarington should Council decide in the future that there are merits to amend our Official Plan to delete the 20 year urban boundaries. This is an issue that should be dealt with at the 5 year mandatory review of the Official Plan. In consideration of the above comments, staff conclude that the Municipality should take a "no objection" approach to the Brookvalley Holdings proposed amendment. With respect to the deletion of the 20 year urban boundary for Employment Area, this amendment is initiated by Clarington and staff would recommend that this position be confirmed. ME REPORT NO. PD -4 -97 PAGE 6 Respectfully submitted, J //, e3 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development FW *cc Attach. December 23, 1996 Reviewed by, �V/Wtvl/� W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer In