HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-86-97DN; PD -86 -97 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT PUBLIC MEETING Meeting: eneral Purpose and Administration Committee g' File #6 /`/ Date: Monday, July 7, 1997 Res. Report #: PD -86 -97 File #: DEV 97 -035 By -law # Subject: REZONING APPLICATION - APPLICANT: WOLFRAM H. KLOSE PART LOT 25 & 26, CONCESSION 5, FORMER TOWNSHIP OF CLARKE 3667 CONCESSION ROAD 6 FILE: DEV 97 -035 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -86 -97 be received; 2. THAT the application to amend the former Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -Law 84 -63 submitted by Wolfram H. Klose be referred back to Staff for further processing and preparation of a subsequent report pending receipt of all outstanding comments; and, 3. THAT Durham Region Planning Department and all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be advised of Council's decision. 1. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Wolfram H. Klose 1.2 Rezoning: "Agricultural Exception (A -15)" to an appropriate zone to permit the establishment of a camping establishment in conjunction with existing permitted uses. 1.3 Area: 5.12 ha 2. LOCATION 2.1 The subject property is located in Part of Lots 25 & 26, Concession 5, in the former Township of Clarke and is municipally known as 3667 Concession Road 6. 608 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 Application for rezoning was received by the Municipality's Planning De artmen on May 22, 1997. This sub1 ject ro ert P t P p y previously received Council approval on April 28, 1987, for a rezoning for the Orono Exotic Cat World (or Jungle Cat World) for the animal enclosures and existing single detached dwelling. 3.2 The applicant is proposing to expand the existing Orono Exotic Cat World in the number of uses. The current application proposes the development of a camp ground area upon which three (3) trailers for accommodations, one (1) trailer for washrooms and one (1) trailer for education purposes, have already been located. Total persons housed within the accomodation trailers, is 69 at any one time. These camping accommodations are designed specifically for visitors to the Orono Exotic Cat World. 4. EXISTING AND SURROUNDING USES 4.1 Existing Uses: Orono Exotic Cat World 4.2 Surrounding Uses: East: Tamblyn Road North: existing 38 ac agricultural lot West: existing 17 ac residential lot South: existing 10 ac residential lot 5. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES 5.1 'Within the Durham Region Official Plan, the subject property is designated Permanent Agricultural Reserve ", g d However, an exception was passed (Amendment #102 to the Durham Region Official Plan in October 1983), and as per Section 20.11.2 this exception has remained in effect under the 1991 Durham Regional Official Plan. This exception, in Appendix No. 1, Section, of the Durham Region Official Plan, states: "recreation facilities, as deemed desirable by REPORT NO. PD -86 -97 PAGE 3 the Council of the Municipality of Clarington, in association with a private zoo may be permitted subject to satisfactory agreements with the Municipality of Clarington ". The proposal would conform with this policy. 5.2 Within the Clarington Official Plan, the subject property is designated "Tourism Node ". This designation permits the introduction of new tourist- related uses provided certain criteria are met such as compatability with adjacent uses and in compliance with various provincial and local standards. 6. ZONING BY -LAW CONFORMITY 6.1 The site is currently zoned "Agricultural Exception (A -15) ". This zone permits a single detached dwelling and buildings and structures accessory thereto, fitness centre, dog kennel, private zoo, pet cemetery, souvenir shop and snack bar. The proposed campground is not currently permitted. 7. PUBLIC NOTICE AND SUBMISSION 7.1 Pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate signage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. In addition the appropriate notice was mailed to each landowner and tenant within the prescribed 120 metres (400 ft) distance of the subject property. 7.2 As of the date of the drafting of this report, no inquiries with respect to the application have been received. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS 8.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. The following 610 REPORT NO. PD -86 -97 PAGE 4 department /agencies in providing comments, offered no objection to the application as filed: Clarington Public Works Department. 8.2 The Clarington Fire Department has advised that they have no objection to the proposed zoning, however they require the following improvements be made prior to the passing of the by -law. 1) Access to firefighting apparatus be provided to the trailers. Access must be able to withstand the weight of apparatus through all seasons. Route to be approved by fire chief. 2) Two exits shall be provided from each trailer 3) Flame spread rating in the trailers not to exceed 200. 4) Emergency and exit lighting shall be provided in the trailers. 5) Interconnected smoke alarms shall be installed. 9. STAFF COMMENTS 9.1 With the introduction of camping facilities on the site, three (3) additional parking spaces are required. This has been discussed with the applicant and will be provided prior to the passing of the by -law. 10. CONCLUSION 10.1 The purpose of this report is to facilitate the Public Meeting as required by the Planning Act, to provide Committee and Council with some background on the application submitted and for staff to indicate issues or areas of concern regarding the subject application. It is recommended the application be referred back to staff for further processing and subsequent report upon resolution of the above issues and receipt of all outstanding comments. p 611 1 Respectfully submitted, -s3 Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development SL *FW *km Attachment #1 - Key Map June 23, 1997 Reviewed by, W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Wolfram H. Klose 3667 Concession Rd. 6 ORONO, Ontario LOB 1 MO 61? F- SUBJECT SITE Ii Z 0 00 �h Y U TON ROA 0 CESSIO RD. .{ Q AML I it 17 II Lo II � II Z it 0 II it m U) II N W it II z II 0 II U ii II LOT 28 LOT 27 LOT 26 LOT 25 LOT 24 CLARKE S 0 KEY MAP DEV. 97 -035 613