HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-12-2023Newcastle Memorial Arena Manazement Board Municipality of Clarin,aton Minutes ofMeetin,- - Tuesday, September 12, 2023 (Via Microsoft Teams) Not vet approved by the Board In Attendance — Dave Bouma - Chair Gary Oliver — Vice Chair Shea -Lea Latchford, Todd Taylor, Councillor Margaret Zwart Regrets — Sue White Absent: Omar Patel, Jim Vinson Meeting opened at 7:03 p.m. with the Land Acknowledgement 1. Agenda - Motion #23-020 Moved by Todd Taylor, seconded by Councillor Margaret Zwart THAT: The Agenda be accepted. CARRIED 2. Acceptance of Minutes - Motion #23-021 Moved by Gary Oliver, seconded by Todd Taylor THAT: The minutes of August 8, 2023 be approved as presented. CARRIED 3. Financial Report — Todd reported we will have a positive balance for when we reopen. 4. Risk Management — No report at this time. 5. New Business: Construction Update — Ken Ferguson has scheduled a meeting for September 18, 2023, for an update. The meeting will take place at the Tourism Building and for those unable to join in person there will be an opportunity to join virtually. 4 Advertising: Deferred until the next meeting. Ice Rates: Motion #23-022 Moved by Councillor Margaret Zwart, seconded by Gary Oliver THAT: The ice rates will increase by 2.5% for the 2023-2024 season. CARRIED "In Camera" — An "In Camera" session was held, and the minutes forwarded to the Clerks Department under separate cover. 6. Round Table Discussion- A round table discussion followed. 7. Adiournment - The meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 8:35 p.m. Next Board Meeting — Tuesday, October 10, 2023 - (Location to be determined)