HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 2 - CTFAH North Village Secondary Plan Comments Submitted on July 18,2023**Subject to CTFAH Approval** Clarington Task Force for Affordable Housing North Village Secondary Plan—Draft Policies Section Comments This looks to be a great plan for a new community,all the right buzzwords included,affordability,sustainability,community,parkland and connectivity.In some sections of the document there are solid plans to meet these goals. Overall,the draft policy demonstrates a commitmentto promoting affordable housing and addresses key aspects such as housingvariety,integration,accessibility,and collaboration.These positives lay General Comments the foundation for creating a more inclusive and sustainable community within the North Village Secondary Plan. There is reference in the plan to support ageing in place with a range of accessible housing and the suggestion of partnering with Long Term Care provider for dedicated seniors housing.A defined Long Term Care home is provincially dictated bythe province forfunding.Private groups(e.g.Bowmanville Creek,Seasons)usually have levels of care-independent,supportive and assisted.Stating"Ageing in place'is one thing but to have all the pieces aligned for a workable model is a challenge.I would ask fora more specific plan with a desire fora plan that is practical,helpful and fits with an understanding of the needs of the people. What is the definition of affordable?Please confirm that the definition of affordable used in the secondary plan is the same definition of affordable used in the Clarington Official Plan.With 100 units proposed for this development there would be 330"affordable"units.W hat%of the 330 will be rentals,and what%of those will be RGI?What proportion will be ownership/rental? 21 The draft policy could benefit from specifyingthe types of affordable housing unitsto be provided(e.g.,rental,homeownership)and the income levels targeted(e.g.,low-income,moderate-income). Clear definitions and criteria will help ensure that the affordable housing initiatives effectively serve the intended population.Furthermore,The policy sets a specific target of achieving 30%affordable housing for all new developments in the Urban Areas of the Municipality of Clarington.While this target is commendable,it would be helpful to clarify whether this percentage applies to the total number of housing units or the total floor area of new development.Also,the polity should specify the types of affordable housing units to be provided(e.g.,rental,homeownership)and the income levels targeted(e.g.,low-income,moderate-income).In addition tothis,providing specific metricsfor measuring progresstoward the target would enhance the clarity and effectiveness of the policy. 6 What are the plans to meetthe goals in section 6?In particularfor affordable rentals and senior housing which is the focus ofour committee. 6.1.7 Are these funds to be provided for affordable housing?Describe what a"contribution 17 agreement'is. The accessory dwelling units referenced in 6.2.7 are a great wayto allow adult children who cannot afford market rent,to live independently.Building ADU ready homes is forward thinking.However, these are probably not a practical solution for many seniors and others with accessibility issues. 6.2.1 what%of this plan is"purpose built rentals"4seniors and will those be affordable as defined bythe current CMHC formula?Note:CMHCformula is 30%of household pre tax income highlights the importance of providing a variety of housing forms,sizes,and tenures.This is a crucial aspect of affordable housing policy as it caters to different household sizes and income levels. However,the polity could benefit from further guidance on the specific types of housing forms and sizes that should be prioritized to ensure the needs of the community are met effectively. How will these be prioritized and will any of these be RGI units? 6 2 2 emphasizesthe importance of integrating affordable housing within neighborhoods and combining itwith market housing developments.However,it would be helpful to provide further guidance on how this integration will be achieved in practice.Specific strategies,such as mixed-income housing requirements orthe Municipality's affordable housing toolkit,could be included to promote the integration of affordable housing units. 6.2.3 How will the developer be encouraged to partner with a long-term care providerto incorporate dedicated seniors housing into the neighbourhood? "Aging in Place"Accessible Housing-what%will this be?Is this a mandatory stipulation for the developer or just a gentle ask with the hope that they will comply? rightly encourages the provision of unit sizes suitable for larger households in the apartment and multi-unit buildings.However,it would be advantageous to provide further guidance on the minimum 6.2.4 and maximum size of units to ensure they are adequate and proportionate to the needs of residents.Flexibility in unit design,accommodating diverse household configurations and modular construction methods,can also be explored. Who decides on whether land or fees are provided to the Municipality to facilitate affordable housing—the developer or the Municipality? Will the provision of land or funds be considered to be all or part of the developer's contribution towards affordable housing?If so,how are the land/funds calculated to be equivalent to 30%of the developable area. If these lands/funds are only part of the developer's contribution towards affordable housing,what percentage do they represent? 6.2.8 Will this$1000 per unit be put into a fund specifically for"affordable housing"to be used when Habitat for Humanity and/or Durham Housing Authority decide to build in Clarington? outline the requirement for land or financial contributions from the Landowners Group for the development of affordable,public,or non-profit housing.It is crucial to define the specific criteria,valuation methodologies,and mechanisms for these contributions and determining the values of land and funds,ensuring transparency and fairness in the process for negotiations between the municipality& landowners group.Additionally,provisions for monitoring the implementation and enforcement of these contributions should be included to enable the Municipality to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy,track achievements,and identify areas for improvement. Is this the land that is to be given to the Municipality to facilitate affordable housing? What percentage of the developable area does this represent? Will this land be located in an area that will be serviced in Phase One of the neighbourhood? Will the Municipality request that the developer prepare a draft design for the land that is conveyed so that it is clear what form of development the land is able to accommodate? Will the developer be required to design Phase One of the neighbourhood to provide future connections to this land so that it does not become and isolated island? Is there an opportunity for the same amount of land(1.5 Ha)to be divided into two or more parts and distributed throughout Phase One so that the affordable housing is more evenly integrated 6.2.9 throughout the neighbourhood(see policies 6.2.2 and 6.2.12)? Will this land be sold to the Not for Profits building affordable housing or is any"developer''eligible for this funding"tap in"encouraging the Developer to partner with a"For Profit"long term care provider OR will the Ministry of Health become involved with this step? outline the requirement for land or financial contributions from the Landowners Group for the development of affordable,public,or non-profit housing.It is crucial to define the specific criteria,valuation methodologies,and mechanisms for these contributions and determining the values of land and funds,ensuring transparency and fairness in the process for negotiations between the municipality& landowners group.Additionally,provisions for monitoring the implementation and enforcement of these contributions should be included to enable the Municipality to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy,track achievements,and identify areas for improvement. Are these funds to be provided for affordable housing? Why does it appear the contribution of finds varies per development? 6.2.10 outline the requirement for land or financial contributions from the Landowners Group for the development of affordable,public,or non-profit housing.It is crucial to define the specific criteria,valuation methodologies,and mechanisms for these contributions and determining the values of land and funds,ensuring transparency and fairness in the process for negotiations between the municipality&landowners group.Additionally,provisions for monitoring the implementation and enforcement of these contributions should be included to enable the Municipality to evaluate the effectiveness of the policy,track achievements,and identify areas for improvement. While realizing the wheels of government move slowly,will the municipality have these collaborations solidified to build while the neighbourhood is still"new"?It would be beneficial to outline specific 6.2.11 mechanisms for engagement,such as the establishment of partnerships,joint ventures,or formal agreements,to ensure effective collaboration. Is this subsidy coming only from the Landowners Group or will any be coming from the Durham Region N FP Housing Funding? emphasizes integrating affordable housing with market housing.To enhance clarity,the policy should provide further guidance on the specific strategies and requirements for achieving this integration. 6 2 12 This could include mechanisms such as mixed-income housing requirements,design guidelines that promote integration,or incentives for developersto incorporate affordable units within market housing developments guided by Municipality's affordable housing toolkit. How successful is this type of integration been in other Municipalities/Regions?