HomeMy WebLinkAboutAttachment 1 - CTFAH June 14 Minutes "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" cl aftwil Clarington Task Force for Affordable Housing Committee Meeting Minutes June 14, 2023 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility. Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Task Force for Affordable Housing Meeting held in person at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville on June 14, 2023, at 7:00 PM. Members Present: Councillor Woo, Wendy Partner, Hawa Mire, Mary Taylor, Paul Wirch, Debra Rose, Janice Conroy, Regrets: Sally Barrie, Ron Hooper, Nakul Roy, Alan Robins, Councillor Rang, Councillor Anderson, Staff Present: Morgan Jones, Principal Planner, Planning & Infrastructure Services. Hebah Masood, Staff Liaison, Planning & Infrastructure Services 1 Opening Wendy Partner welcomed everyone and Committee members and staff made self- introductions. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement Wendy Partner read the Land Acknowledgement statement and followed up with a description of what the statement means. 3 Business arising - Housing Accelerator Fund Application 3.1 Hebah Masood read Justin Maclean's update to the taskforce: Justin is currently working with the Region of Durham to prepare for a potential submission to the new Housing Accelerator Fund. It is a $4 billion fund created by the Government of Canada, administered through the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The primary objective of the program is to create more housing supply, with an expected goal of 100,000 housing unit permits being issues (that would not have occurred without the HAF). At this point the application window has not opened are details are not totally clear, but staff are working to determine which type of projects might fit the criteria, including those related to affordable housing. Justin will present to this group at our next meeting once the process is further along as it is expected that any potential application will include an affordable housing element. 3.2 No members had any comments or questions on the update. - 1 - "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" cl aftwil Clarington Task Force for Affordable Housing Committee Meeting Minutes June 14, 2023 4 Business Arising — Review of the Terms of Reference 4.1 Regarding Section 4.1 of the ToR: W. Partner raised concern about non-residents being on the committee, particularly developers. P. Wirch raised the value of diversity on the committee, assuming council still vets who joins the committee. W. Partner stated developers have been invited in the past to speak, but not as committee members. H Mire Stated there's value in having this committee made of members who are residents. There's a difference in having developers come speak versus getting a vote. W. Partner noted that developers' definition of affordable housing is going to be very different from the committee'. D. Rose stated we should define affordable housing for Clarington and how to achieve that. It would be valuable to have the developers' input. W. Partner acknowledged this but stated developer's don't have to sit on the committee. M. Jones suggested looking at other advisory committee's requirements, and that members likely have to be residents. M. Jones and H. Masood to verify if a non-resident would be allowed to sit. Councillor Woo to look at resume of a current member that may work with a developer and is not a resident. W. Partner asked if a shorter version of the test that can be taken for potential candidates. M. Jones and H. Masood looked into the matter following the meeting. At the time of appointments, there was no requirement for committee members to be residents. However it is possible to update the ToR to state members are required to be residents. The Municipality's boards and committees do have this requirement. However, even if the committee's ToR is updated, it will not remove existing committee members that are non-residents. Removal can only be done through Council or if non-resident committee members resign of their own accord. - 2 - "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Clarington Task Force for Affordable Housing ciffboon Committee Meeting Minutes June 14, 2023 4.2 Regarding Section 4.3 of the ToR: The committee came to a consensus to keep this. The term will conclude at the end of 2026. This is when emails will go out to reapply. 4.3 Regarding Section 4.6.4 of the ToR: M. Taylor asked how often the committee would meet with other taskforces W. Partner stated the committee has never met with the other taskforces referenced. Either the Municipality of Clarington's CAO reaches out or A. Robbins coordinates Councillor Woo shared a Durham Region powerpoint regarding targets put together by A. Robbins Brief discussion on this powerpoint. H. Masood has circulated the powerpoint slides. M. Jones mentioned the taskforces referenced still exist, however it is unclear if the CAO is still coordinating between the committee and the referenced taskforces. W. Partner mentioned Councillor Woo should ask Councillor Woo stated it is also an option to designate a person to coordinate such as A. Robbins. The committee came to a consensus to designate a person to coordinate. 4.4 Regarding Section 6.1 of the ToR: W. Partner stated she thought quarterly was decided. Previously the committee met monthly except for the summer. However nothing came out of it and many members were frustrated. P. Wirch stated quarterly didn't seem often enough W. Partner mentioned there was also some frustration from committee members that there wasn't a consistent staff person M. Jones stated H. Masood and Amanda or himself will always be here moving forward. - 3 - "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Clarington Task Force for Affordable Housing ciffboon Committee Meeting Minutes June 14, 2023 Thursday evenings were posed as an option because R. Hooper cannot make Wednesdays. M. Taylor stated she will not be able to make Thursdays due to a prior commitment however she encouraged the committee to pick Thursdays if they work for everyone else. The committee came to a consensus to meet bi-monthly on Thursdays at 7pm. 4.5 Regarding Section 8 of the ToR: D. Rose asked whether the committee should have an annual report or just report when they have an item? W. Partner asked Councillor Woo what council would want? Councillor Woo stated in his opinion the committee should report at least once a year. P. Wirch asked whether it should be more flexible — i.e. just the committee reporting to council in person and giving an update as opposed to something written? Councillor Woo stated it does not have to be written. Or it could be a PowerPoint W. Partner liked this idea and asked Councillor Woo if Council reviews suggestions for initiatives and activities from the committee whether they would be acted upon? Councillor Woo stated it would depend on what the committee is reporting on and how Council can act. He stated it would be good to suggest to council and if it can't be done by council then it would be good to work with A. Robbins to see what can be done at the Regional level. H Mire stated if the committee continues to report on movement over the years and set targets that are measurable it might give a push. If the committee says over the course of 4 years that there's been no movement then it would reflect poorly. Councillor Woo directed towards W. Partner that it was not good that previous members were frustrated by the lack of movement. W. Partner stated there was a point many members thought the committee should dissolve. - 4 - "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Clarington Task Force for Affordable Housing ciffboon Committee Meeting Minutes June 14, 2023 D. Rose stated they would think council would want to see change. W. Partner yes and in a timely fashion The committee came to a consensus to present to council annually. 4.6 Regarding Section 2 of the ToR: P. Wirch asked the other members whether for the first bullet should it say "advocacy" rather than "support." W. Partner stated the committee wants to support council in their decisions P. Wirch stated it is possible to make it more direct W. Partner stated the more direct the better. P. Wirch stated for the fourth bullet they were not sure what the committee would be doing to foster a greater understanding? He was trying to think what actions each of these bullets would lead to and it wasn't clear to him for this one. He also stated he wasn't sure what providing opportunities meant in the fifth bullet. W. Partner stated that it is referring to when the committee previously had booths at festivals and raising awareness about seniors housing and rentals because they were very limited. She stated R. Hooper and herself would go to Beaverton, Coburg and other places where different types of housing were built to see how something similar could be done in Clarington. She stated there will be opportunities like this that arise if any committee members would like to join. P. Wirch stated perhaps the fifth bullet should say "address barriers to affordable housing" W. Partner stated perhaps "to remove barriers to accessible, affordable housing." J Conroy stated the simpler language the better. Councillor Woo stated he liked those changes. The Committee came to consensus on the above changes. - 5 - "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Clarington Task Force for Affordable Housing ciffboon Committee Meeting Minutes June 14, 2023 5. Other Items — North Village Secondary Plan P. Wirch stated that given that there's a window until July 18, the committee should not mis the opportunity to comment on it W. Partner agreed the committee should comment on it P. Wirch stated the committee can comment on both the policy and whether new developments are meeting affordable housing standards. He also stated there is a meeting regarding the secondary plan June 27tn and comments can be submitted until July 18tn P. Wirch sharing screen with North Village Secondary Plan P. Wirch asked whether the committee should compile comments at this meeting or via email. W. Partner stated comments could be emailed to H. Masood who can then consolidate and circulate. H. Masood to circulate relevant information on North Village Secondary Plan. D. Rose suggested before comments are formally sent that they are circulated to the committee. Discussion among committee members on definitions of affordable, ADUs and lack of diversity of housing options. W. Partner noted that by July 4th all of comments on the North Village Secondary Plan will be submitted to H. Masood to be compiled, circulated, and then submitted. M. Jones will explore the possibility of us being circulated on other commenting opportunities. H. Masood compiled the comments following the meeting and submitted to the Community Planning Department on July 18th. Adjournment: 9:00 P.M. - 6 - "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Clarington Task Force for Affordable Housing ciffboon Committee Meeting Minutes June 14, 2023 Next Meeting: September 14, 2023 — 7:00 pm Following this meeting the Terms of Reference were updated based on the discussion that took place. Following the meeting it was highlighted by the Municipal Legislative Services Department that Section 4.2 should not have the language from the template and the committee should decide if there are specific qualifications they'd like to include. Following this meeting M. Taylor formally resigned from her position on the committee as she cannot make Thursday meetings. Following this meeting H. Masood compiled the committee's comments on the North Village Secondary Plan, which are to be submitted to the Community Planning Department by July 18th. They are subject to approval of the task force at the September 14th meeting. - 7 -