HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-68-97THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: PRE- HEAR.GPA REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #� Date: Monday, May 5, 1997 Res. it ,Ai' 1� 7 Report #: Subject: PD -68 -97 File #: PLN 32.13 By -law # INFORMATION REPORT ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD PRE-HEARING CONFERENCE CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN FILE: PLN 32.13 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD -68 -97 be received for information. 1. BACKGROUND AND STAFF COMMENTS 1.1 The Clarington Official Plan was approved in October of 1996 subject to several appeals and referrals as well as numerous deferrals. The Ontario Municipal Board has set Thursday, June 5, 1997 as the date for a pre- hearing conference with respect to the appeals and referrals to the Clarington Official Plan. These appeals and referrals, and the areas to which they apply, are indicated in the attachments to this report. It is noted, however, that Referral No. 7 (S. Roman and J. Holt) is anticipated to be withdrawn shortly. 1.2 The purpose of the June 5, 1997 pre- hearing conference is: • to identify the issues under appeal or referral; • to establish the procedures and witnesses for the hearing; to set a date for the commencement of the full hearing; and to consolidate any other referrals or appeals. 1.3 The Board will require the Municipality to undertake the public notice requirements with respect to the pre - hearing conference. In that regard, the Clerk 677 REPORT NO. PD -68 -97 PAGE 2 is responsible for publishing an advertisement in the local newspapers to advise the residents of the pre- hearing. In addition, all parties who have previously indicated an interest in the lands will receive notice of the pre- hearing from the Municipality via prepaid first class mail. 1.4 In addition, the Ontario Municipal Board has set Friday, June 6, 1997 as the date for a pre- hearing conference regarding Referral No. 16 to the Durham Regional Official Plan made by Mosport Park Limited. The Board has previously convened a conference call with respect to this matter. Since Mosport Park Limited is also the appellant with respect to Appeal No. 1 to the Clarington Official Plan and an appeal of By -law 95 -088, a zoning by -law amendment, the Municipality will be seeking the consolidation of the three matters into one hearing. 1.5 Staff will endeavour to keep Council informed regarding the Ontario Municipal Board hearing process with respect to both the Clarington Official Plan and the Durham Regional Official Plan and will report back to Council at a later date. It is anticipated that the hearing would commence sometime in the fall. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development WM *DC *FW *cc Attachment #1 Attachment #2 Attachment #3 Attachment #4 Attachment #5 Attachment #6 Attachment #7 Attachment #8 April 25, 1997 k W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer - Appeal Request No. 1 - Referral Request No. 1 - Referral Request No. 2 - Referral Request No. 3 - Referral Request No. 4 - Referral Request No. 5 - Referral Request No. 6 - Referral Request No. 7 ME ATTACHMENT #1 LOT 3 2 1 LOT 35 34 33 32 31 30 Q i REGIONAL ROAD 20 CY) in F11- ROAD 00 APPEAL REQUEST NO. 1 MOSPORT PARK ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION Lots 33, 34 and 35, Concession 9, Part of Lot 33, Concession 8, Part of Lot 35, Concession 10, Clarke Matters Requested to be Appealed: ® Land use designations for Mosport Park lands shown on Map Al (Clarke) • Section 16.2.1 and 16.2.2 as they relate to Mosport Park 679 LOT 17 LOT 16 LOT 15 LOT 14 LOT 13 ATTACHMENT #2 LOT 12 1 111 0 a 0 w J O REFERRAL REQUEST NO. 1 GERALDINE CORNISH, EDWARD LEAVER, GEORGE LEAVER 3425 Regional Road 57, Bowmanville Matters Requested to be Referred: m 96 -014 W z 0 w U z 0 U • Land Use designation on Map A3 Tableland Woodlot on Map C1 • Population of Northglen Neighbourhood on Map E2 Population Target for Bowmanville on Table 5 -1 • Housing Target for Northglen Neighbourhood and Bowmanville on Table 9 -2 680 rN LOT 30 U--L I I I I [U ATTACHMENT #3 LOT 29 t REFERRAL REQUEST NO. 2 OTTO PROVENZANO 1678 Highway No. 2, Courtice Matters Requested to be Referred; • Land Use designation on Map A2 m N Z O W U Z O U ATTACHMENT #4 LOT 30 LOT 29 LOT 28 LOT 27 K) z O w U z O U 5 Y J Z REFERRAL REQUEST NO. 3 COURTICE HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENTS Hancock Neighbourhood, Courtice Matters Requested to be Referred: N z O (n V) w U z O U • Population of Hancock Neighbourhood on Map E1 Housing Target for Hancock Neighbourhood and Courtice on Table 9 -2 • Section 14.4.3, specifically minimum setback of 5 metres from natural features designated as Environmental Protection Area. ATTACHMENT #6 REFERRAL REQUEST NO. 5 AGGREGATE PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO Matters Requested to be Referred: • All of Section 4.2 • Sections 4.3.7 and 4.3.8 • All of Sections 4.4, 4.5 and 4.7 • Sections 12.5.2(g), 12.6.3 and 14.2.4 • All of Sections 14.4 and 14.6 • All of Sections 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 with specific reference to Sections 15.3.2, 15.3.3, 15.3.4, 15.3.5, 15.3.7 and 15.3.9 • Sections 23.2.6 and 23.7.1 • The definition of wetlands in 24.12 • The land use designations of "Environmental Protection Areas ", "Greenspace" and "Oak Ridges Moraine" as shown on Map A • All of Map C - Natural Features and Land Characteristics 684 ATTACHMENT #7 LOT 8 . LOT 7 LOT 6 LOT 5 HHBASELINE ROAD o In z OQ W cn MAn�- 1 11� I REFERRAL REQUEST NO. 6 NORTH LAKE ESTATES INC., BENNETT ESTATES INC. AND BENNETT DEVELOPMENTS INC. Part of Lots 5 and 6, Broken Front Concession, Bowmanville Matters Requested to be Referred: Z 0 V) V) W U Z O U O E Z W Y O W M Type C arterial road along Bowmanville waterfront on Map B ® Section 9.5.5(g), 19.5.3 and 23.10.4 of the Official Plan • Designation of Local Trail and Public Elementary School on Map A of the Secondary Plan • Sections 5.4, 11.3 and 11.7 of the Secondary Plan 685 LOT 33 HIGHWAY No. 2 REFERRAL REQUEST NO. 7 S. ROMAN AND J. HOLT 2720 Prestonvale Road, Courtice Matters Requested to be Referred: I J 9 W a ATTACHMENT #8 LOT 32 N Co W U Z O U I 96 -017 • "Urban Residential" land use designation for subject lands on Map A2 686