HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-163-97THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN, PD- 163.97 REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File #'o Date: Monday, December 8, 1997 Res. # : - � Report #: PD- 163 -97 File #: COPA 97 -009 & DEV 97 -047 By -law # �' Subject: CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: FAITH UNITED CHURCH PART LOTS 27 & 28, CONCESSIONS 2 & 3, DARLINGTON FILE: COPA 97 -009 & DEV 97 -047 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 163 -97 be received; 2. THAT the official plan amendment application submitted by Faith United Church (Copa 97 -009) be APPROVED as Amendment #4 to the Clarington Official Plan; that the necessary by -law to adopt the Official Plan Amendment be passed and further that the Amendment be forwarded to the Region of Durham; 3. THAT the rezoning application DEV 97 -047 submitted by Faith United Church be APPROVED and that the amending by -law attached hereto be forwarded to Council for approval; 4. THAT the "H" - Holding Symbol in the amending by -law be removed at such time as the applicant has entered into a site plan agreement with the Municipality meeting all requirements of the government agencies, including payment to the Municipality on behalf of the front - ending developer for an appropriate share of the costs for existing oversized storm sewer works and future stormwater facilities in accordance with Section 8.6 of this report; and 5. THAT all interested parties listed in this report and any delegation be forwarded a copy of this report and a copy of Committee and Council's decision. APPLICATION DETAILS 1.1 Applicant: Faith United Church 1.2 Owner: Ontario South Finance Inc. 4 J REPORT NO. PD-163-97 PAGE 2 1.3 Official Plan Amendment: To move the Hancock Neighbourhood Separate Elementary School symbol on Map A2 from its current location on the north side of Nash Road to south of Nash Road, immediately east of the existing Neighbourhood Park and backing onto Black Creek (Attachment #1) 1.4 Zoning Amendment: To rezone 1.56 hectares of a 3.718 hectare parcel to an appropriate zone to permit a 1997 sq. metre place of worship, and to define the limits of the Environmental Protection zone (Attachment #2) 1.5 Land Area: Separate Elementary School - 2.4 hectares Place of Worship - 1.56 hectares 2. LOCATION: 2.1 Legal Description (Rezoning application): 1778 Nash Road, Part Lot 28, Concession 3, former Township of Darlington (Attachment #3) 3. LAND USES: 3.1 Existing Uses: The area identified by the Separate Elementary School symbol has partially developed in the form of single detached residential lots fronting on Nash Road. The proposed school location appears to be used agriculturally and contains a wooded area adjacent to Black Creek. 3.2 Surrounding Uses: Proposed Separate Elementary School North - agricultural South - Black Creek East - large lot residential West - neighbourhood park IJ °�� REPORT PD-163-97 .. Proposed Place of Worship North - tributary of Black Creek South - linked and townhouse units East - single detached large lot residential West - single detached large lot residential 4. BACKGROUND: 4.1 In December of 1996 the Clarington Planning Department staff received an inquiry into the possibility of locating a place of worship at 1778 Nash Road. This property is part of an area which had been identified in the Official Plan as the location for a Separate Elementary School site. Upon review of the request it was determined that there was insufficient land to accommodate both the required school site and the proposed place of worship. If the United Church wished to locate on the Nash Road property the school symbol would have to be relocated. 4.2 The location of the Separate Elementary School was discussed at an inter - agency meeting and two issues were raised. The School Board noted that the current location of the Separate Elementary School symbol may pose a potential problem due to fragmented land ownership in the area. The second issue was raised by the Durham Region Public Works staff. The neighbourhood plan showed the school fronting onto Nash Road, which is a Type B arterial. Regional staff stated that the Region would require the school to be located with frontage on an internal collector. Several options were discussed and a tentative site was chosen south of Nash Road, adjacent to the existing neighbourhood park and Black Creek. 4.3 A draft Neighbourhood Design Plan has been prepared by WDM Consultants on behalf of Claret Investments Ltd. and Uvalde Investment Co. for the Hancock Neighbourhood. It shows a relocated school site south of Nash Road. This was forwarded on to the Separate School Board and on February 10, 1997, they REPORT • PD-163-97 PAGE 4 confirmed that the site was acceptable. The Regional Works Department has also confirmed that they support the relocation of the Separate Elementary School symbol to south of Nash Road as it would result in the frontage being on an internal collector. 4.4 In order to proceed with the relocation of the school site, Faith United Church filed an application for an Official Plan Amendment. In addition, the Church has also filed a rezoning application to permit a church on the Nash Road property. 5. PUBLIC NOTICE: 5.1 In accordance with the Municipality's procedures and the requirements of the Planning Act, written notice was given as follows: • the appropriate signage acknowledging the Public Meeting for both applications was installed on the subject Nash Road lands; and • written notice was circulated to all assessed property owners within a 120 metre radius of the existing school site, the proposed school site, and the area subject to rezoning. 5.2 A Public Meeting on these applications was held on September 8, 1997. A written submission (Attachment #4) was presented to Council outlining the concerns of two residents of Fewster Street, which is directly across the street from the proposed church site. Their concerns were the possibility of an increase in traffic through Moyse Drive and Fewster Street, the possibility of church attendees parking on the residential streets, and any safety hazard this may present to children. 5.3 Staff have received two verbal inquiries into the development. REPORT PD-163-97 PAGE 5 6. OFFICIAL PLAN POLICIES: 6.1 Durham Region Official Plan Both the proposed school site and the proposed place of worship site are designated Living Area in the Durham Regional Official Plan. The predominant use within the Living Area designation is for housing purposes. The Official Plan also permits certain public uses which are compatible with their surroundings. The Regional Plan indicates that some of the lands north of Nash Road are environmentally sensitive. The Regional Official Plan also contains policies about development with regard to the cumulative impact on the environment, particular ground and surface water resources, the maintenance of connected natural systems, and the impacts on environmental features and functions. Environmental Impact Studies are to be undertaken by the Region to evaluate the impact of development on sensitive features (see Section 9.2.2). 6.2 Clarington Official Plan The Clarington Official Plan identifies the school symbol on the north side of Nash Road, west of the future north -south collector. However, the underlying designation for both the proposed school site and the proposed place of worship is Urban Residential. The valley lands associated with Black Creek, and the tributary of Black Creek just north of the proposed place of worship, are designated Environmental Protection Area. The predominant use within the Urban Residential designation is for housing purposes. The Official Plan also permits other uses which by the nature of their activity, scale and design are supportive of, compatible with and serve residential uses. These include schools and community facilities. 0144 REPORT .. PAGE 6 The Environmental Protection Area, and its ecological function, are to be preserved and protected from the effects of human activity. No development is permitted on these lands. Map C1 of the Clarington Official Plan shows both sites as falling within the Lake Iroquois Beach. Hazard lands and a small portion of Tableland Woodlots are also shown associated with Black Creek, its tributary, and the valleylands of both. The Lake Iroquois Beach is identified in recognition of its extensive forested areas and wildlife habitat, and its locally significant functions of ground water discharge and recharge. 7. ZONING BY -LAW: The lands proposed for a place or worship are currently zoned "Agricultural (A)" and "Environmental Protection (EP)" within the former Town of Newcastle Comprehensive Zoning By -law 84 -63, as amended. Only existing places of worship are permitted within the Agricultural zone. Therefore, a rezoning is required. The Environmental Protection zone does not permit the construction of any buildings or structures and all development must be set back a minimum of 3 metres from the Environmental Protection boundary. 8. AGENCY COMMENTS: 8.1 A request for comments on both applications were circulated to the applicable departments and agencies. Their responses are summarized below. 8.2 The Region of Durham Planning Department has noted that the proposed place of worship is within 500 metres of an identified waste disposal site associated with the Courtice Auto Recycling facility on Hancock Road. They request that the applicant demonstrate that there will be no adverse impact on the church site from the waste disposal site. The applicant has submitted a Phase I u �t J REPORT PAGE 7 Environmental Site Assessment which is discussed under Section 9.2 of this report. Part of the site has been identified as an Environmental Sensitive Area within the Durham Region Official Plan. To this effect, Regional Planning references the environmental features identified in 1994 Environmental Impact Study of the Courtice Urban Area and requests that the applicant determine if there will be any impact on the Environmental Sensitive Area. The applicant has submitted an environmental report which is addressed in Section 9.1 of this report. 8.3 The Region of Durham Public Works Department states a road widening of 5.18 metres on the Region's behalf will be required along the total frontage on Nash Road, as it will be a future Regional road. The entrance to the development is considered to be in conflict with the intersection of Fewster Street and Nash Road. They require the entrance to be either aligned with Fewster Street or moved easterly to the east limit of the parking area to minimize conflicts with traffic flow (See Attachment #3). 8.4 The Region of Durham Health Department and the Clarington Community Services Department had no objection to the rezoning application. 8.5 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation requires that the rezoning recognize only those areas outside of the floodplain of the tributary of the Black Creek as suitable for the place of worship. They have completed an investigation of the watercourse and recommend that the Environmental Protection zoning be expanded to include those areas where the floodplain extends beyond what had been depicted by the applicant. Specifications for erosion and sedimentation controls, stormwater management controls, and minimum opening elevations for new structures will be reviewed upon application for site plan approval. ;r REPORT PAGE 8 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation has no objection in principle to relocation of the school site. However, they state that the proposed new location contains dense cedar forest associated with the Black Creek Valley. Partial removal of the forest could be problematic in that opening through tree removal may result in wind throw and sun scald of remaining trees. Prior to development of the school site, corridor functions and other significant attributes would have to be addressed through an appropriate environmental study. 8.6 The Clarington Public Works Department has no objection to approval of the official plan amendment. They also have no objection to approval of the rezoning application subject to a number of standard requirements and the following conditions: • A 5.18 metre road widening along Nash Road is to be dedicated to the Municipality. • The applicant will be required to make a payment to the Municipality on the behalf of the downstream front ending developer, for an appropriate share of the cost of the existing downstream oversized Storm Sewer Outfall works in the east (Macourtice) tributary of the Black Creek watershed area. • The applicant will be required to demonstrate that this development can proceed in the absence of a stormwater management facility. In the event that a stormwater management facility is deemed necessary by the Director of Public Works, or by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, this development will be deemed premature in nature. • The applicant will be required to provide a financial contribution for the subject lands share of the cost of future stormwater management works within this watershed. The amount of the financial contribution shall be determined by the Director of Public Works in accordance with the East (Macourtice) Tributary Master Drainage Study and in accordance with the Front End Agreement which is currently being prepared and executed by the Municipality. • The applicant will be required to meet all the requirements of the Public Works Department, financial and otherwise. b,o / REPORT NO. PD- 163 -97 PAGE 9 8.7 The Clarington Fire Department had no objection to approval of the official plan amendment and requested that access routes comply with the Ontario Building Code in regards to turn around facilities for the place of worship. This issue will be addressed through the site plan approval process. 8.8 The Separate School Board has notified staff that they are in full support of the relocation of the elementary school site, and also do not object to the proposed rezoning for a place of worship. 9. STAFF COMMENTS: 9.1 Environmental Impact Section 4.3.8 of the Clarington Official Plan requires an Environmental Impact Study (EIS) be conducted for development applications adjacent to or containing natural features identified in the Plan. As previously noted, the area subject to rezoning is within the Lake Iroquois Beach, contains Hazard land and a small portion of Tableland Woodlot. In 1994 Ecological Services for Planning conducted a study of the north portion of the Courtice major urban area for the Region of Durham in order to identify issues which must be addressed prior to site development. The applicant of each new development proposal is responsible to ensure that noted issues are researched and the appropriate mitigation measures are taken. This study identified the area subject to rezoning as being a F3 environmental unit with a moderate sensitivity ranking, and as being part of a significant recharge area. It recommended the following issues to be addressed: • hydrogeological impacts • surface water impacts • vegetation removal impacts • wildlife REPORT .D PAGE 0 The applicant has provided a report prepared by Niblett Environmental Associates Inc. which addresses environmental impacts. The mitigation measures and recommendations were as follows: • to ensure the long term preservation of the mature fencerow trees along the northern property line and the pine plantation immediately adjacent to the proposed development site, restrictive constructions practises are to include: installation of protective fencing outside the drip line prior to construction - storage of construction material, fuel and topsoil away from the root zone avoidance of cutting and filling in the drip line • silt fencing should be installed along the edge of the Environmental Protection boundary in the northwest corner of the property to mitigate and offsite sedimentation • straw bails should be placed in the ditch along Nash Road to prevent runoff and sediment during construction from entering feeder streams to Black Creek • potential impacts to groundwater recharge functions are to be mitigated by infiltration trenches 9.2 Potential On -site Contamination The Region of Durham requested confirmation that there will be no adverse impact on the proposed place of worship from Courtice Auto Recycling, an identified waste disposal site by the Ministry of Environment. In order to address the concern regarding potential soil contamination, a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) has been submitted. The report concludes that no evidence of contamination or environmental concerns could be detected at the subject property. The consulting engineers were not able to verify that the site or adjoining lands did contain hazardous materials beyond that detected or REPORT NO. PD-163-97 PAGE 11 observed through the assessment. It is noted that a possibility may exist for the migration of contaminants through the groundwater. Further study would be required to identify any potential contaminates through borehole drilling, subsurface soil sampling, analyzing soil vapour concentrations and the chemical analysis of sediment samples. Regional staff are satisfied that a Phase 2 ESA is not required. The area subject to rezoning will be largely covered with the church structure and a parking area to accommodate the facility. The property is to be serviced by municipal water and sewer. Any potential contamination to soils or groundwater as a result of migration from the Courtice Auto Recycling site, would not appear to have a detrimental impact on this property. 9.3 Stormwater Management Section 20.2.4 of the Clarington Official Plan requires that a stormwater implementation report be prepared to identify how stormwater management concerns will be addressed. Geo -Logic Inc. provided an analysis of hydrogeological and stormwater issues within the Niblett Environmental Associates environmental impact report. It was recommended that more detailed drawings be submitted and reviewed by a hydrogeologist to ensure that proper site drainage and infiltration are maintained. These drawings would be required as part of the site plan approval process. The Public Works department has raised two key financial issues related to the place of worship development, those being contribution to the oversized storm sewer outfall works and the future stormwater management works required. These will be addressed at the time of site plan approval. REPORT PAGE 119 A condition of lifting the Holding symbol on the zoning will be the payment of the required contributions for existing over -sized storm sewers and the future storm water management pond. It is also noted that the application for a place of worship would be premature if it can not be demonstrated that the church could proceed prior to the construction of the storm water management pond. Again, this is addressed in the rezoning by the placement of a Holding symbol. The Holding symbol will be lifted at such time as the stormwater pond is built or the Public Works Department and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority are satisfied that the place of worship can proceed by an alternate means. 9.4 Access to Nash Road The traffic and parking concerns raised by the two residents of Fewster Street can be addressed through the site plan approval process. The Region of Durham has requested that the entrance to the church site either be aligned with Fewster Street or located further east along the lot frontage. Fixing the location at the eastern end of the property will discourage traffic from exiting the church lot and driving due south onto Fewster Street. Staff anticipate that attendees will be using Courtice and Nash Roads to get to the church and will not be cutting through the subdivision development. 9.5 Parking As to the residents concerns with on- street parking, the church will be required to provide on site parking spaces based on the size of the building and the uses of the structure. There is sufficient lot area to accommodate the church addition and any parking requirements. 9.6 Open Space Link As a condition of site plan approval, the lands associated with the tributary north of the church site will be required to be dedicated to the Municipality in o REPORT PAGE 13 accordance with the parkland dedication by -law. This land will become part of the open space link which is to run through -out the neighbourhood, connecting the woodlots and the Black Creek tributaries. 9.7 Site Plan Faith United Church has informed staff that they wish to maintain the house located on the property. This building is architecturally interesting in that it is a large masonry dwelling built in a semi - circular shape. The church intends to incorporate the existing building into their plans for a larger facility. A preliminary site plan has been submitted (Attachment #5). Prior to the house be used for a church facility, and prior to any expansion to the building, an application for site plan approval must be submitted and approved by the Municipality. 9.8 Relocation of the Separate School Site Section 18.4.2 of the Clarington Official Plan requires a minimum of 2.5 hectares for an elementary school site. This minimum may be reduced if the site is adjacent to parklands and is accepted by the school board. The relocation of the school site to south of Nash Road provides for a site adjacent to the Black Creek open space corridor and away from the arterial road. Although the detailed location would be addressed through the Neighbourhood Design Plan, the proposed site would be approximately 2.4 hectares and is adjacent to the existing Moyse Parkette. Given the other constraints within the neighbourhood, the revised location is considered a more suitable alternative. The application for relocation of the Separate Elementary School symbol is a favourable proposal as it addresses both the concerns of the Separate School Board and the Regional Works Department. The existing site on the north side of Nash Road covers a minimum of three property owners. This presents a problem for the school board as they would be forced to acquire at least three 0 J� REPORT PAGE 14 separate properties and demolish the related homes before the school could develop. The proposed site south of Nash Road belongs to a single owner, thereby making ease of acquisition more feasible. 9.9 Zoning By -law Amendment The application for rezoning for a place of worship would be in conformity with the Clarington Official Plan once the school symbol is relocated. The Urban Residential designation permits community facilities and Section 18.5.2 of the Official Plan encourages places of worship to locate in urban areas to enable easy accessibility by the majority of the population. The Nash Road location is easy to access as it is part of the arterial road system for Courtice. The property is proposed to be rezoned to "(Holding) Urban Residential Type One (H)R1 ", which would permit a place of worship, subject to a successful application to remove the Holding symbol. The zoning schedule attached to this report shows the area allotted to a place of worship as being zoned "(H)R1 ". The lands to be reserved as "Environmental Protection" have been delineated in consultation with the conservation authority and are identified by the "EP" zoning. 10. CONCLUSION: 10.1 In consideration of the comments contained within this report the Planning and Development Department recommend the approval of Amendment #4 to the Clarington Official Plan which would relocate the separate elementary school symbol to a location south of Nash Road. 10.2 Staff would also have no objection to the approval of the attached zoning by -law amendment which would approve the location for the place of worship with a Holding symbol. The applicant would be responsible to satisfy all agency REPORT NO. PD-163-97 PAGE 15 concerns and enter into a site plan agreement prior to the Holding symbol being removed by Council. Respectfully submitted, Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P., Director of Planning and Development IL *FW *jip Reviewed by, IZA�_ W. H. Stockwell Chief Administrative Officer Attachment #1 - Official Plan Amendment No. 4 Attachment #2 - Proposed rezoning by -law Attachment #3 - Site Map Attachment #4 - Public submission Attachment #5 - Preliminary Site Plan Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Mark Roper Mrs. T. Givelas 101 Kingswood Drive 7 Fewster Street Courtice, Ontario Li E 1 G3 Courtice, Ontario L1 E 2V7 Ontario South Finance Inc. Bruno Harilaid 601 Dundas Street East Unit 501 Whitby, Ontario L1 N 7138 Dennis Bryan Barry -Bryan Associates 11 Stanley Court, Unit 1 Whitby, Ontario L1 N 8P9 Stan & Libby Racansky 3200 Hancock Road Courtice, Ontario L1 E 2M1 Mrs. K. Miller 5 Fewster Street Courtice, Ontario L1 E 2V7 Ms. Myra Deitch 59 Moyse Drive Courtice, Ontario L1 E 2V7 Mr. Bill Manson WDM Consultants 20 Clematis Road Willowdale, Ontario M2J 4X2 J4 1• Lolk, K i 12 2 LIM F PURPOSE: To amend the Official Plan of the Municipality of Clarington by relocating the 'Separate Elementary School' designation. BASIS: The Amendment is based on an application submitted by Faith United Church - File No. COPA 97 -009 ACTUAL The Clarington Official Plan is hereby amended by relocating AMENDMENT: the Separate Elementary School symbol within the Hancock Neighbourhood on Land Use Map A2 from the north side of Nash Road, west of the collector road, to south of Nash Road, adjacent to Black Creek as shown on Schedule W. Schedule 'A' attached hereto shall form part of this amendment. IMPLEMENTATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the implementation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this amendment. INTERPRETATION: The provisions set forth in the Clarington Official Plan, as amended, regarding the interpretation of the Plan, shall apply in regard to this amendment. ATTACHMENT Al THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY -LAW NUMBER 97- being a By -law to adopt Amendment Number 4 to the Clarington Official Plan. WHEREAS Section 17(22) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, authorizes the Municipality of Clarington to pass by -laws for the adoption or repeal of Official Plans and Amendments hereto. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend the Clarington Official plan to permit the relocation of a Separate School symbol from the north side of Nash Road to south of Nash Road, adjacent to the Black Creek valleylands. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows; 1. That Amendment Number 4 to the Clarington Official Plan being the attached Explanatory Text and Map is hereby adopted. 2. That the Clerk of the Municipality of Clarington is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the regional Municipality of Durham for approval of the aforementioned Amendment Number 4 to the Clarington Official Plan. 3. This by -law shall come into force and take effect on the date of the passing hereof. BY -LAW read a first time this day of 1997. BY -LAW read a second time this day of 1997. BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1997. MAYOR CLERK 6_)0 SCHEDULE "A" AMENDMENT No. 4 TO THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON OFFICIAL PLAN, MAP A2, LAND USE, COURTICE URBAN AREA SPECIAL • • STUDY i AREA 5 : "SEPARATE SEPARATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" SYMBOL 61-)7 ATTACHMENT #2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY -LAW NUMBER 97- being a By -law to amend By -law 84 -63, the Comprehensive Zoning By -law for the Corporation of the former Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it advisable to amend By -law 84 -63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington for DEV 97 -047. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "4" to By -law 84 -63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from "Agricultural (A)" to "(Holding) Urban Residential Type One (H(R1)) ", from "Environmental Protection (EP)" to "(Holding) Urban Residential Type One (H)R1" and from "Agricultural (A)" to "Environmental Protection (EP) ", as illustrated on the attached Schedule "A" hereto, 2. Schedule "A" hereto shall form part of this By -law. 3. This By -law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the approval of Amendment #4 to the Clarington Official Plan, in accordance with the provisions of Section 24 of the Planning Act. BY -LAW read a first time this day of 1997. BY -LAW read a second time this day of 1997. BY -LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1997. Tur-1vic.11 CLERK 6 8 b_') I This is Schedule "A" to By —law 97— , passed this day of 1997 A.D. LOT 2 8 N6849'30 "E N74'50'50 "E 14.271 N72'28'20 "E 106.14 1 30.34 1 N71'37'20 "E 81.17 Z Z + , t :., 0 ++++ + + + + + + �s^r'' Z + + + N72'25'20 "E 60,35 +++' ++++4 + + . . + + + + + + + + + ++ + + p + + + + + + O + + + + + +++++++++++++ + + Map +Z Z + + + t + + + + + + + + O O + + + + + + + + + + + . . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 00 + + + + + + + + + + + + + Z + + + + + + + + + + + 00 + Z + + + + + + + + + + + N72'20'20 "E 141.20 NASH ROAD ZONING TO REMAIN "A" ® ZONING TO REMAIN "EP" + + + ++ ZONING CHANGE FROM "A" TO " (H)R 1 " ZONING CHANGE FROM "EP" TO "(H)R1" ZONING CHANGE FROM "A" TO "EP" Mayor Clerk ® SUBJECT SITE LOT 28 LOT 27 M Z O cr W U Z O U NAS W U O N Z 0 4 0 N W W U AY 0 2 COURTICE b_') I NASH ROAD 00 BLA CK CREEK TRIBUTARIES IN c N ATTACHMENT #3 10 F- - --I - -- - - - - - - - - - - STORM DETENTI N FACILITY T- u- -------- - - - - -J F; J--! I II 97-05k 660 ENMAVE TO PROPOSED CHURCH PROPOSED COURTICE HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT FAITH UNITED CHURCH PROPERTY WOODLOTS SITE MAP ---------- ------------ to CJ QI \of w UJ El 0 1,7 F NASH ROAD 00 BLA CK CREEK TRIBUTARIES IN c N ATTACHMENT #3 10 F- - --I - -- - - - - - - - - - - STORM DETENTI N FACILITY T- u- -------- - - - - -J F; J--! I II 97-05k 660 ENMAVE TO PROPOSED CHURCH PROPOSED COURTICE HEIGHTS DEVELOPMENT FAITH UNITED CHURCH PROPERTY WOODLOTS SITE MAP ���0,GENERAL MEETING FOR NEW CHURCH FACILITY ON NA GENERAL CONCERN S OF LOCAL RESIDENTS IN THE AREA ell As residents of Fewster St, we have concerns regarding the increase of traffic in our community due to the new church facility on Nash Rd. Our community is not opposed to providing the residents of Courtice with a place to worship or conduct community meetings. Our concern lies in two areas; the increase in traffic through Moyse ave and Fewster St and possible problems with parking on Fewster st. Firstly, with the development of the new community center on Courtice street and the new medical facility off Courtice st and King st, the traffic volume has increased dramatically. As Moyse and Fewster streets offer a cut through to the church facility, we forsee an- increase in traffic. Approximately 26 children under the age of eight live on Fewster street alone and play daily in front of the houses. Several more children live on the adjacant street. Their safety should be of greatest concern. Secondly, we would like to avoid an increase in parking on these streets as parked cars often obstruct a driver's vision. Often a child may run out from between a parked car. We would like to ensure that adequate parking is available to facilitate the residents who use the church facility. We offer a number of suggestions to reduce the risk of injury to our children. * WATCH FOR CHILDREN signs posted. * SPEED BUMPS on the entrances of these through streets * creating a dead end street * making Fewster St a ONE -WAY STREET * Posting SPEED SIGNS *ensuring Adequate PARKING AT THE FACILITY THE RESIDENTS OF COURTICE DESERVE SERVICES TO ENHANCE THEIR COMMUNITY. THE CHILDREN DESERVE THE RIGHT TO GROW IN COURTICE IN PEACE AND SAFETY LU `R LE I C�,J . ,.J 21 NNING �l %f'pil1II�I�Iv m -v Ln w CA c cads �AM ATTACHMENT #5 00 ------------- or 0u U o as c cads �AM ATTACHMENT #5 00 6 62 Z 0u U o O z 62