HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-25Clarftwn Electronic Council Communications Information Package Date: August 25, 2023 Time: 12:00 PM Location: ECCIP is an information package and not a meeting. Description: An ECCIP is an electronic package containing correspondence received by Staff for Council's information. This is not a meeting of Council or Committee. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Members of Council: In accordance with the Procedural By-law, please advise the Municipal Clerk at clerks@clarington.net, if you would like to include one of these items on the next regular agenda of the appropriate Standing Committee, along with the proposed resolution for disposition of the matter. Items will be added to the agenda if the Municipal Clerk is advised by Wednesday at noon the week prior to the appropriate meeting, otherwise the item will be included on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the applicable Committee. Members of the Public: can speak to an ECCIP item as a delegation. If you would like to be a delegation at a meeting, please visit the Clarington website. August 25, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) Pages 1. Region of Durham Correspondence 2. Durham Municipalities Correspondence 3. Other Municipalities Correspondence 3.1 Township of Severn - Climate Emergency Just Transition Transfer (JTT) 3 -August 11, 2023 3.2 Township of The Archipelago - Request to Province to establish a 6 regulatory framework for digital platforms suchas Airbnb and VRBO - August 18, 2023 3.3 City of Port Colborne - Short Term Rentals - August 23, 2023 7 4. Provincial / Federal Government and their Agency Correspondence 4.1 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing - Building Faster Fund - August 10 22, 2023 5. Miscellaneous Correspondence Page 2 ° Ono Administration Office 1024 Hurlwood Lane, Severn 9 A0 Mailing address PO Box 159, Orillia, Ontario L3V 6J3 Email info@severn.ca — Township of — Phone 705-325-2315 SEVERN August 11, 2023 Climate Emergency Unit c/o The David Suzuki Institute 201 Pringle Farm Rd Saltspring Island, BC V8 K 2Y2 Dear Erin Blondeau, Director of Communications Re: Climate Emergency Just Transition Transfer OTT) Please be advised that the Council for the Township of Severn received correspondence respecting the Just Transition Transfer OTT) at their recent August 91", 2023 Council meeting. Following discussion Motion C2023-042 was passed: Moved by Councillor - Ward 3 Phil Brennan Seconded by Deputy MayorJudith Cox WHEREAS Canada's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are slowly starting to trend downward, but the reduction trajectory remains incongruent with what science and justice demands; WHEREAS Canada must spend what it takes to confront the climate emergency, and there is an urgent need for Canada to spend more on climate infrastructure that would drive down GHGs and hasten the transition off fossil fuels; WHEREAS Canada needs to make an audacious and hopeful offer to those workers and communities whose employment and economic security is currently tied to the fossil fuel industry (and to a lesser extent the auto, steel, concrete, and agriculture industries, etc., all of which face substantial transition challenges), and to Indigenous communities on the frontlines of fossil fuel extraction; severn.ca Page 3 W 0 o ® to WHEREAS the federal government has introduced a Sustainablejobs Act, but this Act needs to be paired with and backed -up by a substantial investment in the jobs of the future; WHEREAS much of the climate infrastructure needed will come under provincial, municipal and Indigenous jurisdiction (renewable energy, grid upgrades, public transit, zero -emission housing, etc.), and training comes under provincial jurisdiction, but it is the federal government that has the greatest capacity to pay; WHEREAS a new federal Climate Emergency Just Transition Transfer (JTT) specifically linked to funding climate infrastructure projects that would create hundreds of thousands of jobs, along with training and apprenticeships programs for workers and those leaving the oil and gas industry -- would be a transformative program that signals that Canada is indeed entering emergency mode; WHEREAS the JTT would be an annual transfer of approximately $25 billion from the federal government to provincial/territorial, municipal and Indigenous governments, purpose-built to meet the climate emergency imperative to decarbonize our society, ensuring communities can fund the infrastructure and training needed to transition off fossil fuels, while creating thousands of sustainable jobs in a way that is specific to their needs and locale; WHEREAS the JTT's distribution would be based on a formula linked to recent GHG emissions in each province (but fixed from that point onward, so as not to perversely incentivize continued high GHGs), recognizing that some jurisdictions face a more challenging task to transition their local economies; WHEREAS the JTT would transfer federal funds to newly established just transition agencies in each province and territory --jointly governed by the federal government, provincial/territorial governments, municipal governments, and local Indigenous nations -- and in some case directly to Indigenous nations, ensuring the transfer money is not simply absorbed into provincial or municipal budgets or used to displace other infrastructure or severn.ca V 0 O ® p Page 4 training funds, but rather, ensuring the money is used for its intended purpose, and that fund are allocated in a manner sensitive to local climate action plans, the unique GHG profiles of each region, and to local labour market/training needs; WHEREAS a JTT could provide significant, stable, multi -year funding for the climate infrastructure and training/employment needs of municipalities, Indigenous communities, energy utilities, public transit authorities and public housing authorities; WHEREAS the federal government is welcome to title such a new transfer as they see fit (e.g. a Sustainable Jobs Transfer or a Climate Infrastructure Transfer); NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Township of Severn formally endorses the call for a new just Transition Transfer; and THAT the Township of Severn urges the federal government to establish a new just Transition Transfer, starting with a major financial commitment in the next federal budget; and will write to the federal ministers concerned expressing this support; AND THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipalities. Carried Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at (705) 325-2315 x 232 or by email at igray@severn.ca Regards, Alison Gray, BAH, CMO, AOMC Clerk Cc Ontario Municipalities severn.ca 0 @ ® p Page 5 "RN o R A7 vo The Corporation of The Township of The Archipelago Council Meeting Agenda Number: 15.2. Resolution Number 23-131 Title: Request to Province to establish a regulatory framework for digital platforms such as Airbnb and VRBO - Resolution to Support Date: Friday, August 18, 2023 Moved by: Councillor Barton Seconded by: Councillor Cade Fraser WHEREAS the Council of the Township of The Archipelago has received a request for support from the Town of Fort Erie with regards to Controls on Airbnb, VRBO and other global technology platforms which affect municipal rentals; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Township of The Archipelago hereby supports the Town of Fort Erie's resolution and requests the Government of Ontario to establish a regulatory framework requiring digital platforms such as Airbnb and VRBO to: 1. Require owners using the digital platforms to comply with municipal planning and licensing regulations; and 2. Prevent advertising of properties that are not registered with the relevant municipality; and 3. Provide a contact with the platform to ensure ongoing and effective communications for provincial and municipal officials; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Province of Ontario work with municipalities to address situations in which long term housing stock has been lost to corporate ownership of short-term rental properties; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED a copy of the resolution be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario (Hon. Doug Ford), the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing (Hon. Steve Clarke), local MPPs, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) and all municipalities in Ontario. Page 6 �, 4i PORT COLBORNE Legislative Services August 23, 2023 Honourable Doug Ford Premier of Ontario 99 Wellesley St. W., Toronto, ON M7A 1 Al Via Email: premier@ontario.ca Dear Honourable Doug Ford: Municipal Offices: 66 Charlotte Street Port Colborne, Ontario L3K 3C8 • www.portcolborn e.ca T 905.835.2900 ext. 106 F 905.834.5746 E saima.tufail@portcolborne.ca Re: Township of Selwyn — Short Term Rentals Please be advised that, at its meeting of July 18, 2023, the Council of The Corporation of the City of Port Colborne resolved as follows: That correspondence from the Township of Selwyn — Short Term Rentals, be supported. A copy of the above noted resolution is enclosed for your reference. Sincerely, -5�. %u9( a Saima Tufail Acting City Clerk cc. Steve Clark, MMAH - minister.mah@ontario.ca MP Michelle Ferreri - michelle.ferreri@parl.gc.ca Local MP - dave.smithco@pc.ola.org Ontario's Municipal Councils Page 1 of 1 Page 7 Township of Selw� n Nati roll- great. June 29, 2023 Hon. Doug Ford Premier of Ontario Room 4620 99 Wellesley St. W., Toronto, Ontario M7A 1 Al www.selwyntownship.ca Via Email: premier@ontario.ca Please be advised that at its meeting held on the 27th day of June 2023, the Council of the Township of Selwyn passed the following resolution: Resolution No. 2023 — 143 — Notice of Motion — Short -Term Rentals Councillor Brian Henry — Councillor John Boyko — Whereas the demand for alternative accommodations has resulted in an increased prominence of residential properties being advertised for short term accommodations through third party companies such as Airbnb and VRBO; a shift from the `traditional' cottage rental historically managed by a property owner; and Whereas over the past decade a flood of properties have been removed from the ownership and long-term rental market (Canada Research Chair in Urban Governance at McGill University) contributing to housing shortages, increased housing demands and increased housing costs resulting in housing affordability issues, including affordable rentals; and Whereas short term rentals (STR) can be beneficial, when operated appropriately, by providing solutions for the accommodation industry that supports local tourism and small businesses as well as providing an opportunity for property owners to generate income from their residence (permanent or seasonal) using a convenient third -party system; and Whereas STR's can create nuisances including noise, parking, high volumes of visitors attending a property, septic capacity and fire safety, for adjacent residential property owners who wish to experience quiet enjoyment of their property; and Whereas research indicates that demand for STR's is increasing, in part due to vacationers choosing domestic travel options as well as the financial benefits to property owners, demonstrating that STR's are here to stay; and Mailing Address PO Box 270 Bridgenorth Ontario KOL 1HO Page 8 Tel: 705 292 9507 Fax: 705 292 8964 Whereas there are no Provincial regulations in place governing third party STR companies resulting in a variety of regulations/guidelines being implemented at the local municipal level which creates inconsistencies, confusion and frustrations for both consumers and residents across the Province; That the Township of Selwyn request that the Province move forward as soon as possible to legislate that all third party Short Term Rental brokerage companies, for example Airbnb and VRBO, appropriately manage and be responsible for their listings and to compel compliance that the Province establish the requirement for STR companies to require each rental listing to be registered and to pay an appropriate annual fee and that STR company provide this registry along with the collected fees to the municipality in which the STR properties are located which allows the municipality to be aware of all registered STR properties and to have access to funds for municipal expenses to enforce/respond to issues at a STR property; and further That the Province require the STR company to de-list/remove the property from the company's listings so that the property cannot be rented where a municipality has identified and verified life, health and/or nuisance infractions including noise, fire safety, septic, etc... That a copy of this resolution be sent to all Ontario municipalities for support as well as to Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Steve Clark, local M.P.P. Dave Smith and M.P. Michelle Ferreri. Carried. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Megi vv 14 u*i&4- Megin Hunter Office Assistant/Receptionist mhunter@selwyntownship.ca cc: steve.clark@pc.ola.org michelle.ferreri@parl.gc.ca dave.smithco@pc.ola.org All Ontario Municipalities Page 9 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Office of the Minister 777 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto ON M7A 2J3 Tel.: 416 585-7000 Ministere des Affaires municipales et du Logement IL Bureau du ministrem 777, rue Bay, 17e etage o�,tario Toronto (Ontario) M7A 2J3 Tel.: 416 585-7000 234-2023-4206 August 22, 2023 Your Worship Mayor Adrian Foster Municipality of Clarington mayor@clarington.net Dear Mayor Foster, Subject: Building Faster Fund Our government is committed to building at least 1.5 million homes by 2031. To reach this goal, 29 large and fast-growing municipalities, including the Municipality of Clarington, were assigned a Municipal Housing Target in 2022, while an additional 21 municipalities were also recently assigned targets. Municipalities are critical partners for our government as we help communities get shovels in the ground faster and work to build more homes. I applaud you for adopting ambitious and absolutely necessary housing pledges. In doing so, you have demonstrated the importance of that target. The government is also demonstrating its commitment to this goal: on August 21, 2023, Premier Ford announced the new Building Faster Fund, a new three-year-$1.2 billion program to help municipalities meet or exceed the housing targets they have pledged to achieve by 2031. The Building Faster Fund will provide up to $400 million over three years in financial support for municipalities that can be directed toward housing - enabling infrastructure and related costs that support community growth. Funding under the program will be based on two key criteria. First, each municipality's potential share of the $400 million annual allocation will be based on their target's share of the overall goal of 1.5 million homes in Ontario by 2031. Second, each municipality's actual funding will be based on whether their annual housing performance is on track to meet its 2031 target. Municipalities on track to exceed their target based on annual housing performance will receive additional funding. Ontario will be consulting with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, the Housing Supply Action Plan Implementation Team, and the City of Toronto on the program design details of the Building Faster Fund, including eligible expenses and ways to track Page 10 the progress of municipalities. Funding is anticipated to start in 2024-25 based on performance in 2023. 1 look forward to sharing more details in the near future. As Ontario grows, we need to build more homes. I look forward to your continued support in ensuring that everyone — newcomers, young families and seniors — can afford a place to call home. Sincerely, Steve Clark Minister c: Hon. Nina Tangri, Associate Minister of Housing Kirstin Jensen, Deputy Chief of Staff, Minister's Office Martha Greenberg, Deputy Minister Joshua Paul, Assistant Deputy Minister, Market Housing Division Sean Fraser, Assistant Deputy Minister, Planning and Growth Division Caspar Hall, Assistant Deputy Minister, Local Government Division June Gallagher, Clerk, Municipality of Clarington Mary -Anne Dempster, CAO, Municipality of Clarington E Page 11