HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-09-20NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD September 20 2022 Council Chambers 7 pm Present Were: Sierd DeJong Janeen Calder Crystal Yaki Marg Zwart Regrets From: Barry Carmichael Henry Corvers Granville Anderson Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary Fred Horvath, 1001h Committee Chair 1. AGENDA Motion by J. Calder, seconded by M. Zwart The agenda is accepted as circulated. "Carried" 2. Legacy Project Fred Horvath informed Newcastle Community Hall Board that the 100th Committee has appointed 3 people to look at a Legacy Project for the 100th — T. VanHaverbeke, B. Carmichael and R. McArthur. The Committee reviewed several options and has brought forward a recommendation that the Newcastle Community Hall Board request the Municipality of Clarington review the 2013/2016 A/C study. Timing is of the essence as the Committee would like to announce at New Year's Eve Gala to the public. This would be a Legacy Project over a number of years. Motion by J. Calder, seconded by M. Zwart That the Municipality of Clarington update the 2013/2016 report for air conditioning, including any new designs and efficiencies at the Newcastle Community Hall, and that the Municipality of Clarington make a presentation to the Newcastle Hall Board with updated costs, recommendations and operational impacts as soon as possible. "Carried" F. Horvath reported: -The July 1 Cornerstone event was a great success. -New Year's Eve gala tickets are sold out -Mayors Levee is scheduled for January 8 2023 at Newcastle Community Hall 3. MINUTES Motion by J. Calder, seconded by M. Zwart The minutes of June 14 2022 are accepted as circulated. "Carried" 4. BUSINESS ARISING a) Village Concert G. Bell reported there were 8 concerts over the summer. Committee was pleased to see attendance increase each week with over 125 some nights. Financial statement was given to Board members. We have a resident interested in chairing the Committee for 2023. G. Bell will continue to volunteer as treasurer so that Board receives financial updates. We will need a Board member to be the liaison between Village Concert Committee and the Board. J.Calder has agreed to be the Board member liaison for that committee. b) Accessibility Charging Station — no update c) July 1st Cornerstone update — as per above notes d) Insurance Portal — G. Bell reported portal through Municipality of Clarington is now working well. Insurance certificates are automatically generated and sent to our email. e) Secretary's Office — secretary is now located in room outside of Council Chambers. Durham Lodge was happy to exchange rooms. A thank you note will be sent on behalf of the Board. f) Roof — G. Bell reported R. Groen has informed us that the roof project has been rescheduled for October. When we have dates we should let our clients know that there will be work being done on the building on the dates of their rentals. 5. CORRESPONDENCE a) Butterfly Way Station in garden behind Cenotaph has been recognized in the Orono Times. We have also received certificate of appreciation from Monarch Watch. b) Minutes from Newcastle BIA for June, August and September have been received for information. c) A donation of $4000.00 has been received from the Newcastle's of the World. They have dissolved the Committee and felt Newcastle Community Hall was the best place to donate their funds. Motion by J. Calder, seconded by S. DeJong That the funds be held until a later date when the Board decides where the funds should be directed. It was decided that it would not be put towards general operating costs. "Carried" A thank you letter will be sent to the Newcastle's of the World d) A resident has submitted a letter requesting we consider 30+ dances at the hall monthly as Tyrone Hall does. Board recommends a discussion with resident about how this would work and a more detailed business plan to review. e) Couch family is requesting permission to donate a bench in honor of their family Motion by J. Calder, seconded by M. Zwart That a bench donated in Couch name may be placed in position of the Board's choosing. Bench will be ordered through Municipality and match current benches. "Carried" f) C. Yaki has resigned as Co -Chair but will continue to fill as Chair when needed Motion by J. Calder, seconded by M. Zwart That resignation from Co -Chair is accepted effective July 20 2022 "Carried" g) YMCA evacuation site Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by M. Zwart That Newcastle Community Hall will be evacuation site for Newcastle YMCA located at Newcastle Public School if needed. "Carried" h) Email from Horticultural Society to attend meeting to discuss a memorial shrub and $500.00 donation. The group will be invited to September meeting. 6. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by J. Calder, seconded by S. DeJong The financial report is accepted as presented. 7. INVOICES N/A "Carried" 8. NEW BUSINESS a) Historical Society — request for additional blinds that would go over current blinds so they can let light in. Current blinds are quite old and will probably break if raised. C. Yaki has reached out to Heritage Committee to see about drilling into the brickwork. At this time, we have not received a response. Discussed option of removing blinds and investigating see through film that allows light in but does not cause sun damage. This will be revisited at next meeting when we have response from Heritage Committee. There has also been discussion of Historical Society renting the Centennial Room exclusively. Board questioned if room would be used for storage. Secretary noted the room is currently rented fairly regularly, including by Durham Lodge and Sparks. Motion by J. Calder, seconded by M. Zwart That Board is not in favor of exclusive rental of Centennial Room to the Historical Society. "Carried" b) G. Bell reported the Town (Ken Ferguson) sent a crew into cut branches over gazebo and clean weeds in interlock around gazebo and in patio. c) Things that need to be done: - Montague and Massey pictures needed to be re -hung - Desk and glass case from office no longer needed - No smoking/vaping signs should be posted outside and in washrooms. Motion to adjourn by J. Calder at 8:40 pm "Carried"