HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-21NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD February 212023 Main Hall 7 pm Present Were: Barry Carmichael, Chair (Zoom) Janeen Calder Crystal Yaki, Acting Chair Peter Martin Sharon Grant -Young Willie Woo — Regional Councillor Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary Fred Horvath, Co -Chair 1001" Committee George Acorn, Director, Community Services Tim Welsh, Facility Supervisor Laura Knox, Community Development Coordinator Ken Ferguson, Manager, Facility Services 1. WELCOME NEW APPOINTED BOARD MEMBERS AND INTRODUCTIONS - Peter Martin and Sharon Grant -Young have been appointed by Council for a 2- yearterm. - Willie Woo has been appointed Council Representative for 4-year term. - All Board members and Municipal Staff introduced themselves. 2. WELCOME COMMUNITY SERVICES Director of Community Services G. Acorn explained purpose of coming out to meeting is to put faces to names at Municipal level and support the Hall Boards. It has been a couple of years since the transfer of Hall Boards from Operations Department to Community Services. With COVID19 restrictions in 2020/2021 they had not been able to do this sooner. T. Welsh will be the day-to-day contact for building operations. It is important that we have a two-way communication between the Municipality and Hall Boards. Newcastle Community Hall Board is governed by a Bylaw which includes a Council Representative is appointed to the Board. K. Ferguson reported that the following items have been approved in the 2023 Budget for Newcastle Community Hall: Flat roof replacement, main hall curtains, main hall plaster repairs, main hall window replacement. Total amount in envelope for these items is $56,500.00. Hall Board should communicate with R. Groen and T. Welsh for future Capital Projects. Board asked for clarification on amount allocated to the replacement of main hall curtains. Ken will check this and report back. G. Acorn confirmed snowplowing is included in the Town's Budget. Hall has their own contractor and will submit invoice for reimbursement to the Town Director G. Acorn reported a Hall Board sustainability report will be presented to Council in April. T. Welsh will supply scope of work document for the garden contractor. B. Carmichael who has been working on the gardens the past year felt the contractor covered - trim for appearance, spring and fall clean up. Board Chair C. Yaki requested that access to Clock tower have hand rails and possibly a safer transition from the ladder to the floor to access clock installed. The clock requires manual winding every 3 days. T. Welsh will look into this item. L. Knox will be setting up spring workshop which will be include insurance discussions for clients. K. Ferguson will be scheduling AED Training sessions. Chair C. Yaki thanked staff for their professional relationship and ongoing support from Municipality. Updated list of contacts for contractors and after-hours contacts have been given to all Board members and staff. G. Acorn confirmed that the Hall employees are the first point of contact for fire watch and are responsible for their hall. J. Calder enquired about security camera as we have some vandalism recently. This in item list with T. Welsh to be discussed at monthly meeting. Director G. Acorn will check into a template for employment contract to assist with the hiring of a custodian. 3. CHAIR POSITION 2023 W. Woo chaired election, called for nominations B. Carmichael nominated himself J. Calder nominated C. Yaki — nomination accepted. C. Yaki voted Chair for 2023 There was some discussion of having a vice chair. 4. 100th Committee Co -Chair Report Co -Chair F. Horvath reported on 100th Committee plans for July 29th The following plans are in beginning stages: - Tuesday July 25th Village Concert would like to recommend Swing Shift Band, they are available. Awaiting call back for cost. - July 28th Comedy Night with Darrin Rose - July 291h Long Lunch/Dinner, Indigenous display and activities, entertainment and display inside hall, children's area, Massey tractor display, period costume, headline act to close off evening, possibly fireworks. At this time, it is family oriented with no alcohol. Possibility of Governor General as Vincent Massey was first Canadian born governor. - Meetings held 2nd Tuesday of each month all Board members are welcome to participate Legacy project recommended A/C to the Board. Newcastle Hall Board has requested the Municipality report back with a feasibility report. This should be received in the 1st Quarter of 2023. 5. MINUTES Motion by J. Calder, seconded by B. Carmichael That minutes of November and December 2022 are accepted as circulated. "CARRIED" 6. BUSINESS ARISING a) Historical Blinds — C. Yaki reported quote for film to block UV rays from Home Depot is over $5000.00. This information was shared with Historical Society. We will require 2 additional quotes to consider this project which Historical Society will be asked to obtain. b) Main Hall Curtains — we have 2 quotes International Drapery $39,000.00, True Dry Clean $42,000.00 - 1 more quote to come. Board agreed black would be the color, preferred material Drapery International. c) Roof update —This has been rescheduled April 3 to May 12. There will be minimal scaffolding in the parking lot, taking up 2 spots for a portion of the time. 7. VILLAGE CONCERTS - G. Bell and J. Calder will be meeting with new Committee member Mary Taylor on Feb 22 to discuss bands and start obtaining sponsorship. - Concerts will run from July 5 to August 30th with 9 concerts. - 100th Committee would like to have Swing Shift Band for the July 25th Concert to tie in with the July 29th Celebration - Newcastle BIA has offered to sponsor a cover band up to $2500.00 8. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by J. Calder, seconded by W. Woo That Financial Reports are accepted as circulated. "CARRIED" 9. HOTEL CALIFORNIA - G. Bell reported we have sold 268 tickets of the 275. Would we like to increase ticket sales to 300? Board agreed to increase sales to 300 - Will Davidson LLP has sponsored the munchies for $2500.00 10. INVOICES N/A 11. CORRESPONDENCE a) Readers Choice Award —Thank you to all those who voted and supported Newcastle Community Hall. b) Municipal invite to Board Orientation — received for information, secretary will schedule training session. c) Orono Town Hall invitation to Women on Main and Hall Boards' meeting — received for information d) Gift of Art events flyer - received for information e) Film and TV Industry information meeting on Feb 23 will be attended by C. Yaki and P. Martin f) Early ON has sent an email stating concern about lack of parking for their attendees when other events are scheduled at the hall. A response will be sent that parking lot is for all hall users and there is additional parking in the Municipal lot and on street. 12. NEW BUSINESS a) Upkeep of Gardens —tabled to March b) Repair of Clock —Thank you to Dan Hooper for repairing the Clock. c) Suggested a dinner catered at the hall for S. DeJong's retirement — 42 years of service on Newcastle Community Hall Board. Motion by J. Calder, seconded by P. Martin That dinner is arranged with budget of $600.00 "CARRIED" d) Board schedule of duty was presented and discussed. Some felt we should consider increasing fees to cover the cost of having someone open the hall for small events, rather than Board members being required to assist with this duty if they are scheduled when staff is not on duty. This item will require further discussion. e) Removal of Xmas Lights —J. Calder reported there is a short on the front window lights so they will be removed and plans will be made to repair them. The remaining lights in the parkette will be removed as well. f) In Camera — Personnel, Bowling Alley, October 23 event Motion by J. Calder, seconded by S. Grant -Young That meeting goes in camera "CARRIED" Motion by W. Woo, seconded by P. Martin g) AGCO Lottery License — W. Woo reported he had investigated the possibility of Newcastle Community Hall qualifying for a Lottery License. As this Board is a Board of Council it is ineligible for a license. B. Carmichael felt this this should be investigated further. Motion to Adjourn J. Calder 9:30 pm "CARRIED"