HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-08Newcastle BIA MINUTES June 8th, 2023 www.vi I lageofnewcastle.ca Attendance: Janeen Calder, Marni Lewis, Lina Schmahl, Tracy Yates, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Jim Norwood, Doug Sirrs, Sherry Zwetsloot, Michelle Cook Regrets: Greg Lewis, Bonnie Wrightman, Jane Black, Valentine Lovekin, Willie Woo, Carolyn Brooks 1. Meeting called to order at 9:00a.m. Land Acknowledgement read by Theresa Vanhaverbeke 2. Approval of May 2023 Minutes Motion by: Janeen Calder Seconded by: Tracy Yates 3. Business Arising from Minutes: Marni will purchase the payment system that can be used at the various events for onsite payments. It will be stored with Lina at Studio 37. 4. President's Report: n/a 5. Treasurer's Report: The current bank balance is $104,393.90. Harvest Festival vendor fees are starting to come in. 6. Council Report: Willie will arrange to have a presentation about waste collection in the BIA area by Kevin Burden, By-law Compliance Officer, Regional Municipality of Durham. We will confirm if he is available to come to our October meeting. 7. Committee Reports: Safety & Decor: Following up on the banner pole discussion at the last meeting, Willie Woo had Mike Weatherbee, Managing Director from Oshawa Power come and inspect the banner poles and hardware at Mill St., just north of the 401 and. King Ave just east of Ruddell, as requested by James Printing. From a visual perspective, he noted that all poles, wire, anchors and associated hardware installed are of typical utility grade and have been constructed to typical standards for this type of installation. All wires and hardware have been installed correctly and the anchor points have been placed in the appropriate locations. Theresa received a quote from James Printing to instal the banners. It is $2625 +tax for 2 event banners. A motion was made to spend $2625 to install the banners. Made by: Theresa Vanhaverbeke Seconded by: Doug Sirrs moved Bloomfield Gardens donated the planters at King and Mill and will be changing out the flowers each season. There is graffiti on the planter boxes in front of Benjamin Moore. Marni will report to the Municipality. Advertising: INSTAGRAM May 1-30 Accounts reached 2144 (826 followers & 1318 non -followers) Accounts engaged 209 Total followers 1484 Content reach 2605 Impressions 6028 Top posts Ice Cream truck reel -895 accounts reached Farmers market reel -643 accts reached Welcome to the BIA -352 accts reached How to support small business - 316 accts reached FACEBOOK May 8-June4 Followers 3156 Post reach 4032 Post Engagement 1447 New followers 16 Top posts How to support small business - 1562 reach Ice cream truck reel- 1531 reach We love our BIA - 1103 reach Farmers Market reel - 914 reach Special Events: Harvest Festival - October 7th. Planning is coming along, vendors are filling up and entertainment is being booked. Canada Day - July 1 st. A Gift of Art is planning the daytime family activities at the Library and a street dance, food, music and fireworks at Diane Hamre in the evening. Community Hall Lighting - November 17th. Getting a quote from Steve Foster to do something a little different this year. 100th Celebration - July 29th, 2023. They are in the final planning stages. The refreshment garden is going ahead, in the late afternoon in a roped off area. There will be an Indigenous display and drum circle, live entertainment, a drama skit, local food and fireworks. The comedy night on July 28th, will have pizza and cash bar, for tickets email communityhallnewcastle@gmaii.com They are looking for adult volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering during this event, the commitment would be a 2-3 hour shift. Please email Jane Black at jgblack@rogers.com Santa Parade - November 19, 2023. The theme this year is "Deck the Hall" to celebrate the Community Hall's 100th The Breakfast with David Piccini on June 30th, 7:30-9am is being held at the Newcastle Community Hall. CBOT is offering member pricing for the event. Email bonnie@cbot.ca to register. Newcastle Dentistry is opening June 15th at 45 King Ave.W 9. Chamber News: Tickets are now on sale for their 50th anniversary celebration on September 23, 2023 at BOAR. The theme of the event is a Night on Broadway, there will be a dinner, 50/50 draw and a silent auction with proceeds going to the Hospice. The Chamber business directory is now available, by mail and various businesses. 10. CIP: n/a i1A0M", l:. IR 111 - The Newcastle Community Hall Board sent a letter to the BIA, thanking us for the 100th street banners that line the streets. As well, our continuous support and effort all year long. 12. Next meeting, Thursday, August 10th, 2023, 9:OOam at the Community Hall (NO MEETING IN JULY) 13. Motion to adjourn meeting Motioned by: Doug Sirrs Seconded by: Janeen Calder