HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-155-97THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON DN: PD- 155.97 REPORT Meeting: eneral Purpose and Administration Committee File # 6�-Z, 9 � ca Date: Monday, October 20, 1997 Res. # � o __ ! -/ Report #: PD- 155 -97 File #: PLN 31.5.5 By -law # Subject: THE PREPARATION OF A NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD SUB - WATERSHED PLAN FOR BROOKHILL TRIBUTARY OF THE BOWMANVILLE CREEK FILE: PLN 31.5.5 Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD- 155 -97 be received for information; 2. THAT Staff be authorized to engage consultants to undertake a sub - watershed plan for the Brookhill tributary of the Bowmanville Creek and to secure the necessary funding from the developer group in the Brookhill Neighbourhood; and 3. THAT the interested parties listed in this report and the delegations be informed of Council's decision. 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 The Clarington Official Plan requires that prior to the consideration and approval of a plan of subdivision, the preparation of a neighbourhood design plan is generally required. Although these plans do not require Council approval, they are used by staff in reviewing subdivision applications for specific neighbourhoods. The design plans are intended to detail the following: ® all road alignments within a neighbourhood, including right -of -way widths and required widening; • any walking or cycling trail system should be identified, as well as future transit routes; 699U -)4 REPORT NO.: PD- 155 -97 PAGE 2 • location of school, park, open space blocks and other public facilities including stormwater management blocks; lotting patterns and densities; conceptual servicing plans; phasing and implementation plans. In January 1997, Council approved Guidelines for the preparation of Neighbourhood Design Plans. The Guidelines have been prepared in accordance with Section 9.5 of the Clarington Official Plan. 1.2 The Clarington Official Plan includes policies on storm water management. Prior to approval of any draft plan of subdivision, the Municipality will prepare a sub - watershed plan in consultation with the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Conservation Authority and other agencies. The preparation of a sub - watershed plan (formerly referred to as Master Drainage Plans) shall be subject to satisfactory cost - sharing arrangements with the benefitting landowner(s). 2. BROOKHILL NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN PLAN 2.1 The Brookhill Neighbourhood is located north of the West Main Central Area and west Regional Road 57. The majority of the area is vacant, with the exception of an established residential neighbourhood east of Regional Road 57. Attachment #1 shows the limit of the Brookhill Neighbourhood. An application to process a Neighbourhood Design Plan has been submitted by The Kaitlin Group. They have also submitted a preliminary neighbourhood plan concept for a portion of the Brookhill Neighbourhood. See Attachment #2. 2.2 The Garnet B. Rickard Recreation Complex is located immediately south of the Brookhill Neighbourhood. The Neighbourhood Design Plan will include consideration of the required expansion to the Community Park. 6 99uj 3. BROOKHILL TRIBUTARY SUB - WATERSHED PLAN ZEE 3.1 The Clarington Official Plan requires the Municipality to prepare a sub - watershed plan prior to development approvals subject to cost sharing arrangement with the benefitting landowner(s). In a pre - consultation meeting with Mr. Daniels of The Kaitlin Group and Mr. Tonno of Tonno Construction Ltd., they indicated that in principle, they were willing to provide funds to the Municipality towards the preparation of a sub - watershed plan for the Brookhill Neighbourhood. Should Council authorize the preparation of the sub - watershed plan, Public Works staff will request a consultant to prepare a written proposal including cost estimates for undertaking the study. Once the Municipality is advised of the costs for the study, the developer group would be required to provide funds by a combination of cash and a Letter of Credit. 4. CONCLUSION 4.1 The sub - watershed plan is a pre- requisite to consideration of the Neighbourhood Development Plan. Once the plan has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Municipality and its consulting agencies, staff will proceed with the preparation of a Neighbourhood Design Plan for Brookhill. Until then, Staff will provide Council with progress reports on the sub - watershed plan. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, t, 14UK� Stephen A. Vokes, P. Eng. W. H. Stockwell Director of Public Works Chief Administrative Officer Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P., R.P.P. Director of Planning and Development CS *FW *SV *jip October 10, 1997 699u-)6 REPORT NO.: PD- 155 -97 Interested Parties list to be notified of Council's decision: Mr. Bill Daniell The Kaitlin Group Inc. 1029 McNicoll Avenue Scarborough, Ontario M1W 3W6 Mr. Bill Tonno Tonno Construction 121 Marica Oshawa, Ontario L1 G 3G9 6 9')U� 1 1-9-1TIci 41V Al I AC HMEN 1 #1 1 10 NOR GL ,(3-50) , 0 200 400 600 800 m � 200 m CONCESSION ROAD 3 I � 14LY 1 I ` 0 (2300) I 9 8 W 1 y 1 ( KNO 13 ( W FENWI i o W (540) In (5500 3 I z (4 0) M MEMORIAL w t W ( o c� ( 0 00) I > 1 w � I w BASELINE ROAD , , m N I :. IHIGHWAY J Z C e :''� :�.� w w C � CNR r ...may'',:.....1 1. '::`:' :. ELGIN rl V BROOKHIL :::: ' (4000) APPLE BLO SOM .. .'• :..: ? ........... 5200 m � 1 (4800 (3200) LAKE ONTARIO MAP E2 1 .::.::•�•:•: :•:.. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING UNITS CONCESSION STREET 0 � OFFICIAL PLAN MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON CENTRAL 2 KING'st.''" 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