HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-14 Minutes Newcastle Memorial Arena Management Board Municipality of Clarin ton Minutes of Meetin,-- Tuesday August 14, 2012 (Not vet approved by committee) In Attendance-Gord Lee, Chair Larry Burke, Vice- Chair Carol Little, Jo Anne Raymond, Gary Oliver, Gord Blaker, Regional Councillor Willie Woo, Councillor Wendy Partner. Re,-rets Bob Holmes, Bryan Wiltshire. 1. Call to Order- 7.•10 P.M. 2. Adoption of Minutes Motion#12-123 was proposed. THAT.• The minutes of July 10, 2012 is approved, as presented, with no additions, deletions or, changes. Moved by:Jo Anne Raymond Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED 3. Arena Mana,-er's Report-In Bryan's absence, the chair advised of the ongoing preparations taking place to have everything ready for our September start-up. Painting was being done, staff had been hired and all ice user contracts were signed and returned to Bryan. The new flooring for the change rooms and hallway was in process by Gym- Con. Concerns over the costs of installing the Brine Pump was discussed. At$8 to $10,000.00 for installation, Gord had made arrangements to meet with Fred Horvath to discuss further. The board members felt uncomfortable proceeding with the installation at this time, without another opinion and quotation. Follow-up from meeting with Mr. Horvath will be brought to our next meeting. Ice plant start-up was scheduled for September 4`h, with a completion date of September 15`h, 2012 for our first ice rental. 4. Financial Report-An income statement was provided showing YTD revenue at $166,648.51 -51%of budget forecast. Payroll expense of$80,315.92 was running at 53%of budget.Ttotal expenses at 46%of budget did not reflect the flooring costs of$25,000.00 or the renovation loan payment of$30,000.00, yet to be paid. Accounts receivable were at$10,868.09-$6,776 18 over 90 days. Follow-Up was required on Durham Region Water Account and Veridian, as to their current billing and an awaited rebate from Veridian. The chair would follow-up on both. (2) 5. Business Follow-Up—do Anne advised; money was owing to one of her volunteers for the purchase of a new white board, broken by our staff. The invoice had been submitted to Bryan for payment. Follow-Up required. Also brought to our attention was the need to replace the towel rack in the ladies washroom. Gord Blaker reported that the Lobby Bleacher Seats were completed. Installation was scheduled for Tuesday August 21 s`. He and Bryan were going to assist, as 40 plus holes had to be drilled into the floor to secure the structure. 6 New Business- Nothing to report or proceed with. 7. Next Meeting- Tuesday September ]], 2012 7:00 P.M. 8. Adjournment-Motion#12-124 THAT.• The meeting is adjourned. Moved by: Gary Oliver Seconded by: Carol Little CARRIED