HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-06-90TOWN OF NEWCASTLE J rt REPORT File # Res. # By -Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION DATE: MARCH 9, 1990 REPORT #: Cs -06 -90 FILE #: MUNICIPAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That Report No. CS -06 -90 be received; 2. That the level of service for the capital upgrading of Municipal Buildings be established to ensure structural stability and compliance with Building and Fire Codes; and 3. That the level of services for the Preventative Maintenance program be expanded to include the mechanical components of all Municipal Buildings. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 As a result of the 1989 budget deliberations approval was given for staff to conduct seventeen (17) building profiles of Municipally owned buildings which are as follows: .l. Base Line Community Centre 2. Bowmanville Memorial Clubhouse 3. Bowmanville Works Department Yard & Animal Control Building 4. Brownsdale Community Centre " ../2 REPORT-CS -06 -90 - 2 - MARCH 9, 1990 5. Courtice Fire Station #4 6. Hampton Works Department Yard 7. Haydon Community Centre 8. Newcastle Community Hall 9. Newcastle Fire Station #2 10. Newcastle Village Arena 11. Newtonville Hall 12. Orono Arena & Community Hall 13. Orono Fire Station #3 14. Orono Town Hall 15. Orono Works Department Yard 16. Solina Community Centre 17. Tyrone Community Centre 1.2 It should be noted, that these seventeen (17) buildings in addition to the ten (10 ) addressed in 1987 and 1988 represents all buildings of which the Municipality possess ownership, excluding the Newcastle Administration Building and the Bowmanville Recreation Complex. 1.3 The length and detail of these profiles prevents their inclusion in this report, however a copy of these in addition to the ten (10) previous profiles is available to Members of Council through the Mayor's office. 1.4 Each building was reviewed as it relates to its structural, mechanical and electrical components in addition to the overall compliance with both the Fire and Building Codes. 2.0 REPORT FINDINGS: 2.1 For the most part, each of the buildings is reported to be in good to fair condition noting three (3) buildings were listed as very good and just one categorized as poor. Attachment #1 is provided as a summary of the 17 profiles conducted in 1989 outlining the respective buildings condition and estimated capital costs required to upgrade. ../3 REPORT CS -06 -90 - 3 - MARCH 9, 1990 2.2 Attachment #1 also includes figures addressed through the departments 1990 capital budget submission representing the first year of a 5 year upgrading plan for each of the 17 buildings, based on priority. Attachment #2 is provided as a reference to the 10 profiles conducted in 1987 and 1988. 2.3 Coupled with the previous profiles, conducted in 1987, 1988 and those during 1989 capital cost related to upgrading the respective twenty -seven (27) Municipally owned buildings and facilities are estimated at approximately $1,064,400 (1989 dollars). These works are proposed to be accommodated over a period of 5 years. This will be presented in the Department's 1990 budget and 4 year forecast. 3.0 BUILDING SERVICES PROGRAM: 3.1 Recognizing the Municipalities ultimate responsibility through ownership of these buildings, and the substantial capital requirement, staff has developed a Municipal Building Services Program to be addressed during the 1990 budget deliberations. 3.2 For the most part, staff through the proposed Building Services program is recommending an evolution towards a comprehensive preventative maintenance system for the Town's buildings. 3.3 Because of the volume of work required, the Community Services Department's existing staff complement cannot adequately accommodate this increase in responsibility. Staff will be requesting the addition of a Lead Hand and a labourer position to accommodate this need. 3.4 Responsibility for this new division will be to oversee various contracts involving 25 proposed projects in 1990 with an estimated construction value of $372,500. ($228,300 related to 17 buildings listed in Attachment #1; $53,900 related to 10 buildings listed in Attachment #2; $34,300 related to the ../4 REPORT CS -06 -90 - 4 - MARCH 9, 1990 Newcastle Administration Building; $46,000 and $10,000 related to additional work required at the Newcastle Community Hall and the Orono Town Hall respectively) and further to extend our preventative maintenance program, to those Municipal buildings and facilities represented in Attachments #1 and #2. 4.0 FINANCING: 4.1 Assuming Council endorses the Building Services Program a preliminary operating budget for implementation is as follows: Wages $ 50,754 Benefits $ 12,539 Clothing Allowance $ 525 Misc. Operating Supplies $ 3,000 R/M Supplies $ 4,500 R/M Equipment $ 20,000 R/M Fire Equipment $ 1,000 TOTAL $ 92,318 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION: 5.1 Subsequent to receiving approval of Council, staff will initiate a series of meetings with respective Hall Boards, and occupants of the related buildings to explain the Town's role with respect to the Preventative Maintenance Program and share information provided through the various profiles. 5.2 It is anticipated that these meetings will allow for input with respect to the priorization df the capital works required and ultimately assist the Municipal Grant process, resulting in co- ordinated capital upgrading and preventative maintenance programs, to be administered by the Municipality. 6.0 SUMMARY: 6.1 Although the required capital costs recognized through the Building Profiles represents a substantial financial commitment, it is imperative that the Building Services ../5 REPORT CS -06 -90 - 5 - MARCH 9, 1990 Program be initiated to ensure public safety and efficient mechanical operation of the Municipality's structural assets. Respectfully submitted, Joseph P. Caruana, Director Department of Community Services JPC:JDC:sa Recommended for presentation to the Committee, Lawrence E. Kotseff Chief Administrative Officer ATTACHMENT #1 BUILDING GENERAL CONDITION STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL BUILDING & FIRE CODES ESTIMATED CAPITAL COSTS 1990 CAPITAL BUDGET REQUESTS COMMENTS Base Line Community Centre very good very good very good $ 700 $ 700 - well maintained Bowmanville Memorial Park Clubhouse fair very good fair $32,100 $ 2,200 - structural repairs deferred for one year Bowmanville Works Dept. Yard good very good very good $21,600 $ 7,600 - includes Animal Control Bldg. Brownsdale Community Centre fair very good very good $14,200 $ 5,200 - structure shows aging Courtice Fire Station #4 good very good very good $50,700 $50,700 - requires a new roof a.s.a.p. Hampton Works Dept. Yard fair very good very good $40,800 $ 2,500 - cladding of stuccoed building deferred for one year Haydon Community Centre fair good fair $10,900 $ 2,000 - showing signs of age Newcastle Community Hall fair good poor $174,800 $10,500 - repairs related to weather proofing of building Newcastle Fire Station #2 fair good fair $20,700 $16,000 Newcastle Arena fair good fair $88,800 $56,000 - new flat roof required Newtonville Hall poor good good $33,900 $15,000 - showing signs of age Orono Arena & Community Hall good very good good $14,400 $ 8,500 - well maintained Orono Fire Station #3 very good very good very good $ 4,000 $ 4,000 - well maintained Orono Town Hall fair very good fair $48,900 $17,000 - main cost - reinforce floor & replace balcony stairs Orono Works Department Yard good very good very good $37,000 $12,500 - well maintained Solina Community Centre very good very good good $17,000 $13,000 - well maintained Tyrone Community Centre good very good very good $8,500 $ 4,900 - well maintained TOTALS $619,000 $228,300 LOX EL OW •Z .'fie IS (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F1 r ArrrArur�rFnrr � i BUILDING A AGE S GENERAL CONDITION E ESTIMATE 1 1989 CAPITAL COMMEN'T'S RT & FIRE BUILDING 2 22 YEARS G GOOD G GOOD $ $ 31,900 $ $ 16,000 I Items have been prioriz addressed through 1989 ( Budget and 4 year forec. NOTE - These costs are included in the budget as presented by the respective Museum Boards. �d and :apital iSt. �d and :apital (st. �d and ;apital [St. !d and :apital Est. �d and :apital Est. �d and :apital rst. > Museum Museurn �d and :apital ist. i in 1986. majority the Cap - ;t 3 years.