HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-23Clarftwn Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington February 23rd, 2023 Municipal Administrative Centre, Council Chambers 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Preliminary Note This Committee of Adjustment meeting took place in a `hybrid' format. Members listed as being "electronically present," as well as applicants and members of the public, participated though the teleconferencing platform Microsoft Teams, which allows participation through a computer's video and audio, or by telephone. Present: Annette VanDyk Tyler Robichaud Todd Taylor Gord Wallace Noel Gamble Dave Eastman Electronically Present: Acting Chairperson/Meeting Host Acting Secretary -Treasurer Chairperson Member Member Member Jacob Circo Planning Staff Shelley Pohjola Member John Bate Member 1. Call to Order 2. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting. 3. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting, January 26t", 2023 Moved by N Gamble Seconded by S Pohjola "That the minutes of the Committee of Adjustment, held on January 26'", 2023, be approved." "Carried" Minutes from February 2311, Meeting Page 2 4. Applications: 6.1 A2023-0002 Owner: Evan King Applicant: Clinton Dochuk (HOM Drafting and Design) 2011 Brownsville Rd, Part Lot 18, Concession 2, Former Township of Clarke C Dochuk, the applicant, via the Teams application with audio, gave a verbal presentation to the Committee regarding the application. T Taylor asked if there were any questions regarding the application from the committee members or members of the public. No Committee Members had questions or comments. No member of the public spoke in support of or in opposition to the application. Motion to table A2023-0002 up to a period of (90) days as recommended by G Wallace, seconded by J Bate. Full text of decision: "That application A2023-0002 for a minor variance to Section 3.1 c. of Zoning By-law 84- 63 to facilitate the construction of a second storey loft within an existing accessory structure by increasing the maximum total accessory floor area for the subject property from 90 square metres to 145 square metres and to increase the height from 4.5 metres to 5.7 metres be tabled for a period of up to (90) days to allow for further discussion between Staff and the applicant." "Carried" 6.2 A2023-0004 Owner: Alicia Biggs Applicant: Doug Norton (Measurite) 32 Bonathon Crescent, Bowmanville Lot 17, Concession 1, Former Township of Darlington A Biggs, the owner, via the Teams application with audio, gave a verbal presentation to the Committee regarding the application. T Taylor asked if there were any questions regarding the application from the committee members or members of the public. No Committee Members had any additional questions or comments. Minutes from February 2311, Meeting Page 3 No member of the public spoke in support of or in opposition to the application. Motion to approve A2023-0004 as recommended by D Eastman, seconded by N Gamble. Full text of decision: "That application A2023-0004 for a minor variance to Section 3.1 g. iv) and Section 12.4.41 b. iv) of Zoning By-law 84-63, to facilitate the construction of a below grade stairway to a dwelling by increasing the rear yard projection from 1.50 metres to 2.53 metres, leaving a 4.97 metre rear yard setback be approved as it is minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land and maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law, the Durham Region Official Plan and Clarington Official Plan.". "Carried" 6.3 A2023-0005 Owner: Collin Quinlan Applicant: Sheila Perreault 249 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville Lot 10, Concession 2, Former Township of Darlington S Perreault, the applicant, gave a verbal presentation to the Committee regarding the application. T Taylor asked if there were any questions regarding the application from the committee members or members of the public No Committee Members had any additional questions or comments. No member of the public spoke in support of or in opposition to the application. Motion to approve A2023-0005 as recommended by N Gamble, seconded by S Pohjola. "That application A2023-0005 for a minor variance Section 12.2.d.i) and Section 3.1.g.iv) of Zoning By-law 84-63, to facilitate the construction of a semi-detached dwelling by decreasing the minimum permitted front yard setback to a private garage from 6 metres to 1.8 metres, and to the dwelling from 4.5 metres to 1.8 metres. To increase the front porch and porh steps projection from 1.50 metres to 3.15 metres, leaving a 1.35 metres front yard setback be approved as it is minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land and maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law, the Durham Region Official Plan and Clarington Official Plan". "Carried" Minutes from February 2311, Meeting Page 4 6.4 A2022-0006 Owner: Thambirajah Ratnasingam Applicant: Yaso Somalingam & Christina Bamsey (Cantam Group Inc.) 901 Townline Rd North, Darlington Lot 35, Concession 4, Former Township of Darlington Y Somalingam, the applicant, gave a verbal presentation to the Committee regarding the application and that as per previous discussions with Staff that the application be tabled. J Circo clarified that planning staff supports tabling the application until a memo/brief that evaluates environmental features and potential impacts as a result of the proposed development is submitted to the satisfaction of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and Planning Staff. T Taylor asked if there were any questions regarding the application from the committee members or members of the public No Committee Members had any additional questions or comments. No other member of the public spoke in support of or in opposition to the application. Motion to table A2023-0006 as recommended by S Pohjola, seconded by J Bate. "That application A2023-0006 for a minor variance to Section 9.2.g) in Zoning By-law 84-63, to facilitate the construction of a single detached dwelling by increasing the maximum permitted height from 10.5 metres to 13 metres be tabled until such time as the applicant submits a memo/brief that evaluates environmental features and potential impacts as a result of the proposed development to the satisfaction of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Municipality of Clarington" "Carried" 7. Other Business None "Carried" 8. Adjournment Next Meeting: March 30th, 2023, Last Date of Appeal: March 15th, 2023 Moved by D Eastman, seconded by N Gamble. Minutes from February 23,d, Meeting Page 5 "That the meeting adjourned at 7:24 p.m."