HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-05December 5, 1984 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING BOARD Minutes of a regular meeting of the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board, held on December 5, 1984 at 7:30 p.m. in the Ontario Hydro Information Centre, Darlington Generating Station Site. Chairman M. Dakin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Mr. Milt Dakin Mrs. Gail Degroot Mr. Brian J. Ferguson Mr. Bernhard Heming Mr. William Humber Mrs. Lorraine Lover Mr. Noel Rivers Mr. Andy Tielemans Mr. Bill Tomlinson (7:40 p.m.) ABSENT Mrs. Mary Clarke Mrs. Francine Newton Mr. Frank Stapleton ALSO PRESENT D. Johnston, Chief Administrative Officer J. Caruana, Deputy Director of Community Services S. Stickley, Ontario Hydro Information Officer Mrs. Janet Mayer, Recording Secretary (7:40 p.m.) Councillor Marie Hubbard Resolution CSB -136-84 Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by N. Rivers THAT the minutes of the November 7/84 meeting of the NCSPB be accepted. CARRIED Resolution CSB -137-84 Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by B. Ferguson THAT we hear the presentation by Bruce Lush of the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Council (hereafter referred to as BMHC). CARRIED page 2 5th December 1984 Resolution CSB -138-84 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by G. Degroot THAT we thank the BMHC for their presentation and place it on the Agenda (this date) under New Business. CARRIED Resolution CSB -139-84 Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by B. Tomlinson THAT we receive for information the report from the BMHC. CARRIED Resolution CSB -140-84 Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by B. Ferguson THAT we accept with regret, Mary Clarke's resignation (letter rec'd Nov. 21/84), and that she be so notified. CARRIED Resolution CSB -141-84 Moved by L. Lover, seconded by B. Tomlinson THAT we receive for information, the report from the Sub -Committee on Soccer Pitches. CARRIED Resolution CSB -142-84 Moved by N. Rivers, seconded by L. Lover THAT Resolution CSB -129-84 be placed on the table for discussion. CARRIED Resolution CSB -143-84 Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by B. Ferguson THAT Recommendation 68 be adopted - (vote held for amendment to motion, CSB -144) - as amended. CARRIED page 3 5th December 1985 Resolution CSB -144-84 Moved by B. Tomlinson, seconded by G. Degroot (Amendment to amendment) THAT Recommendation 68 be amended to read as follows: "That the detailed financial summaries and tables provided in the Town's 5 year capital forecast and both gross and net operating expenditures as well as for capital works funding be updated on an annual basis by the Community Services Department and presented to Town Council and to the NCSPB for comparative evaluations." CARRIED Resolution CSB -145-84 Moved by N. Rivers, seconded by L. Lover THAT Recommendation 69 be accepted. CARRIED Resolution CSB -146-84 Moved by B. Tomlinson, seconded by B. Ferguson THAT we delete Recommendations 70, 71 and 72 from the Master Plan and replace with new Recommendation 70 as follows: "That overall user fees for culture and recreation services be governed by the user -pay concept wherever possible." CARRIED Resolution CSB -147-84 Moved by L. Lover, seconded by B. Heming THAT we accept Recommendation 73. CARRIED Resolution CSB -148-84 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by G. Degroot THAT we accept Recommendation 74. CARRIED Resolution CSB -149-84 Moved by L. Lover, seconded by B. Humber THAT we accept the recommendations contained in the report by the Sub -committee on Soccer Pitches, and forward same to Council for consideration. CARRIED page 4 5th December 1985 Resolution CSB -150-84 Moved by B. Heming, seconded by B. Ferguson THAT the NCSPB form a sub -committee (of three) at the pleasure of the Chairman, and that said committee report on the Minor Hockey requests (File: 208.S.84) at the February meeting. CARRIED Sub -committee on Minor Hockey Requests: G. Degroot, B. Heming, B. Ferguson Resolution CSB -151-84 Moved by G. Degroot, seconded by L. Lover THAT we extend the meeting past 10:00 p.m. this date. CARRIED Resolution CSB -152-84 Moved by B. Ferguson, seconded by L. Lover THAT the next NCSPB meeting be held Tuesday, 8th January, 1985; time: 7:30 p.m. place: 108 Liberty St. N. Forestree Place Bowmanville Meetings will resume as previously scheduled (first Wednesday of the month) in February. Resolution CSB -153-84 Moved by L. Lover, seconded by B. Ferguson THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10.25 p.m. CARRIED CARRIED