HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-03David dohnston, M.C.I.P., Chief Administrative Officer David W. Oakes, B.A., A.M.C.T., Town Clerk April 3, 1984 Procedure Respecting the Conducting of a Meeting. Prepared for use by: The Newcastle Community Services planning Board (N.C.S.P.B.) Fi 1 e: 35.50.105. ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Rules of Procedure: Soucces - Robert's Rules of Order Ts= of Newcastle By-law 78-53 (Procedural By-law)* Special Reference To: Municipal Conflicts of Interest Act., 1983 The object of Rules of Order or Procedure is to assist an assembly to accomplish in the best possible manner the work for which it was designed. It is important therefore, that every deliberative assembly adopt some Rules of Order or Procedure for the conduct of its business. The Newcastle Community Services Planning Board (N.C.5.P.B.) was es established pursuant to the recommendations contained in the Town of Newcastle Culture and Recreation Master Plan and the members o e March 12 a were appo n e y Council OC -179-84, passed on The Town of Newcastle has in place a Procedural By-law. By-law 78-53 as amended, being, "a by-law to govern the proceedings of the Council of the Town of Newcastle, any of its Committees, the conduct of its members and the calling of meetings." Continued /2 David Johnston A P r 1 11, � � 1283 4 a Council appointed aoard� it Is m=mended, that the Procedur I Yth he usald b., the as the authority; *hick noverns MPP Rules and Procedures of the ri*eetings of the Scar ,6 A copy the Procedural By-law is attached for each meraber's infomiation. The `Nrst mketin� of tlNe 'N.CdYS,P.8 is scheduled for April lsts� 19S4� and the Agenrin for this Inaugural -meeting has been distributed. The Minus ens of this mne�tina should naralell the qrinui:es of Council and eta Coi=lttee (G.P.J1%0 in s-,Z-yle and sll.'roctura. (See additional comients in see"Cion deal inn 0t� S'trurtvre of Minutes). The Agenda for each wetinv of the N.C,,S.P,S. should be structured as fall t,*?S! T9 -le Corporation of the Tam of Newcas-t-le Newcastle Co unity Services PlanrinC Board AG- E N D A Rall Ca I I 'Minutes of pre vssCus 4. Consunications Reports of Sub-Conni-64ee 6, Unfinished Business 7. Other Business AdJourrmnt DATE -. TIMEO- ILACE: it would be appropriate, that the recording secretary follow the form;kt for minutes presently used by Council. In that regard, it should be noted. that only resolutions should be recorded in the minutes,, It is also recommended that all ;i*tions be seconded. This process will prevent time being consumed in considering a question that "only one person favoums , Any actions requiring Council's attention twuld be detailed in a separate report of the Chairman and forwarded to the Clerk's btpartment for inclusion In, the next Council Agenda. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Planicipal Conflict of Interest Act, 1983, requires that all persons having pecuniary interest in any matter before the Cowittee of which he is a member declare a conflict prior to consideration of the item and disclose his interest and the general ttature of that twt-smst. Continued ..... A David Johnston - 3 - ri 1 3, 1984 The recording secretary must record t o name "he declaring the conflict and the general nature of the conflict in the winutes of the , sting® For the assistance of the members of the Ca ittee, a copy cf °thy: Act is attached. Please favi 1 i ari ze yourself with its contents This brief description is intended to assist the members of the corrnittee in structuring their meetings and the minutes arising therefrom. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myhoffice. DWO/anis Attachments