HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-01-82DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES OFFICE TELEPHONE 623 -3114 TOLL F RE E 987 -5039 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 Report to the General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting of January 11, 1982. Report Number: CS -01 -82 Subject: Use of Eye Guards (Squash - Newcastle Fitness Centre) Recommendations: 1. That this report be received for information, and 2. That the present policy regarding eye wear for �Datrons in squad courts be unchanged. Background: The following is our present policy re: eye gear in the squash courts in the Fitness Centre. At the present time any person under eighteen (18) years of age must wear protective eye guards. Although not mandatory we recommend to all players to wear protective eye guards for their own protection. Participants are advised at the cashier's wicket that for their own protection, they should wear protective eye gear. Protective eye gear is on sale at the Centre for ($9.25) each, plus provincial sales tax of (.65¢). During the past ten months, no accidents were reported to staff regarding the squash courts. However, I understand there were a few very minor accidents not reported. Staff do try to police the squash courts, but this is difficult due to their own duties, lifeguarding, janitorial duties etc. It is not a good practice to involve cashiers, lifeguards and operators in policing the squash courts. The lifeguards do a routine check of change rooms. . . 2 P - 2 - It is my opinion that the patrons have a responsiblity to protect themselves by exercising an effort to wear eye gear while playing squash. The following is a list of municipalities and their respective regulations regarding the use of eye guards while playing squash. Oshawa It is not mandatory for anyone to wear protective eye guards. Ajax It is mandatory for any person under the age of eighteen (18) years to wear protective eye guards. It is not mandatory for persons over the age of eighteen (18) years. Markham It is mandatory for anyone using the squash facility to wear protective eye guards. Lindsay It is not mandatory for anyone to wear protective eye guards. Eye guards are available for use however, at no charge. Co'bourg It is not mandatory for anyone to wear protective eye guards. Eye guards are available for use however at no charge. Newcastle Our policy is such that persons under the age of eighteen (18) years must wear protective eye guards. Persons over eighteen (18) years of age are not required to use them. Comments: We intend to place signs in various areas of the Centre waiving the Towns responsibilities regarding injury incurred on premises. I feel that it is our responsibility to inforce mandatory safety procedures for participants under eighteen (18) years of age using the facility. Respectfully submitted, t T. A. Fanning, R. L. lei. R. Director, Dept. of Community Services TAF /sa December 18, 1981 �r t 5k