HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-C-03-82. ! s k,110451 1 11 i I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �. I OFFICE TELEPHONE 623 -3114 TOLL FREE 987 -5039 40TEMPERANCESTREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO DC 3A6 REPORT TO COUNCIL FOR MEETING TO BE HELD NAY 25, 1982 CS- C -03 -82 SUBJECT: G.P.A. 677 -82 - BOW;9ANUILLE WEEK 1982 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the Bowmanville Jaycees be granted permission to hold Bowmanville Week in the Darlington Sports Centre on July 1st, 2nd and 3rd of 1982, subject to the following conditions; a) That the outstanding 1982 rental account in the amount of ($1,440.00) be paid to the Town k9 rior to June 30th, 19'e- and b) That the rental fee for 1982 of ($265. x 3 = $795.00) be paid ,-prior to June 30th, 1982 and c) That they execute the standard facility contract; and d) That they provide the Town with an Insurance Policy in the amount of ($1,000,000.00) covering the period of the event; and e) That all Regional Health and L.C.B.O. requirements be met; and f) That all activities be carried out within the building; and g) That the Jaycees be requested to monitor and control the parking in the parking lot; and h) That the Jaycees be requested (to employ two (2) off duty Policeman \)to patrol the arena during the periods that alcoholic beverages will be served; and i) That the Jaycees be requested to provide their own tables and chairs. .../2 V � j� CS- C -03 -82 (2) BACKGROUND & COMMENT: May 25, 1982 During the 1982 Bowmanville Week held in the Darlington Sports Centre, we received a number of complaints from the residents in the area of the facility in question regarding noise and behaviour. Furthermore, some of the residents were very upset about some of the people attending Bowmanville Week trespassing and causing minor damage to their property. It is not Town policy to waive the rental fee of any organization requesting permission to use a facility that has a fee structure. During past years, two other organizations requested no rental charge in the Darlington Sports Centre and the Newcastle Fitness Centre. If the Jaycees were granted no rental charge, then the Town would have to compensate the Darlington Sports Centre Budget for the amount of ($795.00). I regret that I cannot support their requests for no rental charge for 1982 and writing off the outstanding 1981 account of ($1,440.00). Respectfully submitted, )X'( c 1 Thomas A. Fanning, R.D.i1.R. Director of Community Services :sa p (i ter® J. Wayne Assn Chairman, Bowlanvi l l e Days' 82 Bowie nvi l l Jaycees I c Box 25 Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3K8 RL: bomtianville Days '82 This will acknowledge the delegation of MR. Doug Ashton before the General Purpose and Administation Committee on May 17, 1982 on behalf of the Bowmanville Jaycees and advise that the matter was referred to Staff for next Council meeting. The i will be held on Tuesda.1, 19' �- at 7:0o p.m. in Court Room # I. Yours very truly Gertrude E. Gray, A.M.0 ®T® Deputy Clerk GEC ®jco cc: J® Smith, Admintttr for • • The Bowmanville Jaycees wish to appear as a delegation at-the May 17th meeting of the General Purpose & Administration Committee, The subject matter is enclosed for their information® A representative of the Jaycees will be in attendance, information of the time and place of the meeting would be appreciated,, For further information, please contact J. WAYNE AASEN, Chairman, Bowmanville Dayst82 at 623-4768. "MY WORLD MY RESPONSIBILITY r our plans for Bowmanville Week celebrations have been reviewed and we have made minor changes to our concept. 2. It is planned to be held at Darlington Sports Centre on July lst, 2nd and 3rd, 1982. MRUIR I,MENL6 1. With our application for a liquor licence, we require a copy of the resolution by the Town Council granting us permission • hold the event (with Town seal affixed). 2® lie are also asking that the rental fee for the Sports Centre ($265 x 3 - $795) be warred® The Bowmanville Jaycees suffered • large financial loss last year and are struggling to survive. We have outstanding bills that we intend to honour, including $1400 to the Town, but unless we run z financially successful Bowmanville Days 182, the future of the Club could be in jeopardy. We realize that this is a time of financial constraint; but, we would appreciate your consideration of our situation. NAME:— Mr. Wayne Aasen, President, Bowmanville Jaycees ADDRESS- 20 iHorgandale Crescent Bowmanville, Ontario DATE Uly 6-11/81 INVOICE DATE: Janijar,y- 2J.,— 1982 2ND NOTICE Credit - 7606-802-002 DESCRIPTION --T-AMOUNT Facility rental for the Darlinqton Sports Centre for the Bowmanville Week July. 6 to 11, 1981. 6 days at $240.00 per day = 1,440.00 PAYABLE TO: Department of Community Services 40 Temperance Street Rowmanville, Ontario UIC 3A6 AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! a 440. no 14 f zz"11,; �tll) Z;e) I iew 66 /3 Parkv ZWCASTI-F LODGE FOR SENIOR AND FAMILY DWELLINGS A -,4zj 4rL, 4 PHONE CALL 'P Dat it...... - ............. ...... . i me ....... To........................... ................... HILE YOU WERE OUT M....... '� . ..... ... ... of ........... .. Phone Telephoned Please call Called to see you Will call again EE;.—nt' to see you Returned your call Is ME A . ... ...... 'X) ................ . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . ..... b A-V ........... ...................... .. ..... ? ...... ,o-,,,,,).,.', .l�".,,e,,(z��-zl�-f ......... x ]�' .............. Op rotor Vam6piaR,., of NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO LOA I NO 71' I �11 Newcastle, Ontario May 25,1982 Your Worship Mayor Rickard and Members of Council. As you probably know, our delegation is here on behalf of PAIRRV1E'd in the Village of Newcastle. Parkview is nearing the end of its first year of operation. We are very satisfied with our building itself and justly proud of its smooth and efficient operation. This is due to a great: extent to our managers Mr. & Mrs. John Russell. Parkvi ew .fills a. great need of our Seniors in the Village of Newcastle and surrounding territory. Our 43 apartments have been filled from our opening and we have a number of Seniors on our waiting list. Pa.rkview was built: at a cost of 461, 305,000. This money was raised by way of a mortgage to the Maritime Life >: syra.nce Company. each year we receive $128,000. from the federal Government; to help with our mortgage payments. The Provincial_ Government subsidizes almost half of our less fortunate tenants with their :rent payments. No municipal funda have been used in Pa.r_kview and none: should be regni.red in the future, Parkview operates on a break —even baKs. One of our greatest concerns is the amount of money we are paying in Municipal taxes; 1422,000, this year or almost h2,000. per month. While we do not mind paying our fair share, we consider this amount to be far in excess of what should be charged on a non- profit Senior Citizen residence. In fact, it is a, direct tax on .seniors and can defeat; the whole purpose of the project, For comparison, the ol,osest residence of this type is the Orono Lod6e with 40 Units as compared to Parkviow's 43 Units and they pay taxes of approximately $8,100.00 to oar. $22,000.00. Orono Lodge Assessment is 126,360.00; Parkview's is 474,590.00. Q understand this ,_;-real difference �� s (2) is due to our classification as a high-rise apartment building for the purpose of providing a profit on investment. This classification, as we understand it, i3 the reason for the vast difference in the assessments and taxes between the two residences„ We strongly ask for your support in hdvin,g this Classification changed so that now and in futu.re years, we will be paying a more reasonable 'Pax. The present One Bedroom apartment rent of $245.00 per month was based on an annual tax of 418,000.00 and unless some relief is forthcoming, it will have to be increased considerably. Your co-operation in this matter .gill be appreciated. Yours very truly, i",X 0Ct[TIVL. COMY[TZTEE OF PARK` IE,bl for SENIO: i;> in the VU,LAGE Ol,+