HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-21-82( �. 4 3(j) J OFFICE TELEPH NE623 -3114 TOLL FREE 987 -5039 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 40TEMPERANCESTREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 REPORT TO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 17, 1982 CS -21 -82 SUBJECT: "CHEMICAL QUOTES - MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOLS" RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. 2. 3. That this report be received; and That the quote for chlorine only, received from Starling Pools Ltd. (Whitby) be accepted as the lowest bidder; and That the quote for muriatic acid, diatomaceous earth, alum and soda ash received from S. S. Swim Pools Ltd. (Oshawa) be accepted. BACKGROUND & COMMENT: "Invitations to Quote" were sent to nine (9) chemical distributors and four (4) quotes were received. Please find attached. Accepting partial quotes will result in greater savings. Both distributors, Starling Pools and S. S. Swim Pools have agreed to supply respective portions of the quotes at the quoted price. Respectfully submitted, Jo ph P. Caruana, D /Director Department of Community Services GY1.1� . j` . �1 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Community Services Chemical Quotes- "Municipal Swimming Pools PRODUCT Starling Pools Advanced Pools S.S. Pools Swish Maint. As Per Recommendations 5500 lbs. HTH Granular Chlorine 6,930.00 7,810.00 8,470.00 8,772.50 6,930.00 (Starling) 40 litres Muriatic Acie 129.50 121.50 110.00 98.80 110.00 (S. S.) 2500 lbs. Diatomaceous Earth 962.50 750.00 650.00 666.50 650.00 (S. S.) 300 lbs. Alum 128.10 76.50 66.60 67.50 66.60 (S. S.) 300 lbs. Soda Ash 79.80 55.50 56.00 67.00 56.00 (S. S.) Total 8,229.90 8,813.60 9,352.60 9,672.80 7,812.60 7% Provincial Tax 576.09 616.95 654.68 677.10 546.88 Total 8,805.99 9,430.55 10,007.28 10,349.90 8,359.48 �1 CoAponatton o6 The Town ob Neweastte 40 Tempe ranee Stn.eet Bowmanvitte, Ontant o . O C 3A6 1645 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario L1 N 5R4 668.7431 668.3262 Ap'Lit 22182 Attention: Mn. 1o.6eph P. CaAuana, Deputy DineetoA Depwttment o6 Community Senvt.ees Subject: Fite - 100.K.82 Dean MA. Canuana: Thank you boA giving us thin oppontun.ity to quote on youA ehemicat Aequin.ement6 boA the coming season. We Ae6peet6ui ty submit the bottowt ng pAice6 bon youA con6idenatton. 5500 tbs . gAanuean HTH Chton ine $ 126.00 pen 100 th . 10 ae. muAtatic acid (4 .?itAe} $ 12.95 pen ca.6e 2500 tbs diatomaeeouz earth (50 .fib) $ 19.25 pen. 50tb bag 300 tbs a,tum (100 tb bag) $ 42.70 pen bag 300 .ebb soda. ash, (100 tb bag) $ 26.60 pen bag Aft bAeight changes wit t be pnepat d to Boudnanvitte on vaei,nity and detivety can be made within 48 hjus. ob notibt.eati.on, tib so Aequested. Tnusttng you bind this to be 6atL6 bactoity, and thanking you once again, we. remain ERS /aA yours tn.u2y, EaAt. Statting, Pnest dent Town of Newcast Le, ~ ~—�ment of Community Services, nperance Street, ivi L Le, Ontario. Dear Mr. Caruana, S.S. Swim Poo Ls L d. 163 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, Ontario. L1 H 4G8 or Apri L 16, 1982 We are PLeased to submit be Low, our quotation to you on FiLe 100.K.82. with bulk delivery of five days notice inLuded. Our payment terms are less 2J115 days or net 30 days. 5500 Lbs. HTH Granu Lar Ch Lorine 100 Lb. drums @ $ 154.00 $ 8470.00 40 Litres Mvriatic Acid, 10 cases of 4 L. 4 Litre case @ $ 11.00 110.00 2500 Lbs. Diatomaceous Earth 50 Lb. bag @ $ 13.80 650.00 300 Lbs. A Lum 100 Lb. bag @ $ 22.20 ,66.60 300 lbs. Soda Ash 58% Light 88 Lb. bag @ $ 16.00 3AF bags = 308 Lbs. 56.00 Sub Total $ 9.352.60 7% ProvinciaL SaLes Tax 654.68 Quotation TotaL $ 10,007.28 H. I�►NNI JIV011 15th April, 1982. Mr, J. Caruana, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3A6. Dear Sir, a Limited � s 76 HOWDEN ROAD, SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO M1 3G3 The following information is in answer to your request for chemical prices, dated 26th March, 1982. 55 x 100 lb. drums Gran. Chlorine - $142.00 / drum. 10 cases (4 x 4 L) Muriatic Acid - $12.15 / case. 50 x 50 lb. bags D.E. - $15.00 / bag. 3 x 100 lb. bags Alum. - $25.50 / bag. 3 x 40 Kg. bags Soda Ash - $18.50 / bag. All prices are Federal Tax included. Provincial Tax, (if applicable) extra. F.O.B. Toronto. Freight charges, if one delivery $160.00.Delivery time, within 7 working days of receipt of order. Glad to be of service. Yours truly ADVANCED POOL SERVICES LIMITED Ivor Theys. IT /mb. (416) 752.8008 L maintenance limited p.o. box 778 - 309 lansdowne st. east, peterborough, ontario K9J 7A2 phone 705-745 -5763 zenith -19740 branches: peterborough, whitby, kingston April 5, 1982 Mr. J. P. Caruana, Deputy Director Department of Community Services Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Caruana: It is a pleasure to quote as follows on your pool requirements: AP) AMR- Fi - , 5500 lbs. H.T.H. Granular Chlorine (100lbs. /drum) ----------- $159.50/1001b. OR Niclon 70% Granular Chlorine (1001bs. /drum)------- $150.00/1001b. 40 litre Muriatic Acid ------------------------------------- $ 2,47 /41itre 2500 lbs. Diatomaceous Earth 4200 Grade --------------------- $ 13.33/501b. 300 lbs. Alum Granular ------------------------------------- $ 22.50/1001b. 300 lbs. Soda Ash Light ------------------------------------ $ 11.25/25kg.(551b.) The above prices are: Federal Sales Tax Included - Ontario Retail Sales Tax Extra - F.O.B. Bowmanville - Delivery 7 days - Terms Net 30 days. Hoping the above meets with your approval. Yours truly, Anthony Ambler SWISH MAINTENANCE LIMITED AA :mj h value - quality - service CANADIAN SANITATION GROUP - "SERVING CANADA COAST TO COAST" u w w its 1982 ,f ; -. -- ....-- -- -_ -_ g�� CfSA j' 4� Vwe r eP`6 %I