HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-25-82DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY SERVICES ,3(A) OFFICE TELEPHONE 623-3114 TOLL FREE 987 -5039 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO REPORT TO GENERAL PURPOSE AND L1C3A6 ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF JUNE 28, 1982 CS -25 -82 SUBJECT: QUOTE ON PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT - BURKETON PARK RECOMMENDATION: 1. Recommend that this report be received; and 2. That the Quotation received from Henderson Recreation Equipment Limited be accepted as the lowest bidder and meeting all specifications. BACKGROUND & COMMENT: The "Invitations to Quote" were sent to three (3) playground equipment companys and three (3) were received. Please find attached all quotations received that met the required specifications. i Recommendation was made reflecting the lowest price of $2,517.00. Respectfully submitted, 1 1 Thomas A. Fanning, R.D.M.R. Director of Community Services X31 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Community Services QUOTES on Playground Equipment - Burketon Park SPECIFICATIONS HENDERSON PARIS a) Baby Slide b) Baby Swing c) With Safety Seats d) Spring Animals e) 4 Seat Swing f) Slide g) Tetter Totter Sub -Total Less Provincial Sales Tax TOTAL 335.00 279.00 676.00 360.00 537.00 330.00 2,517.00 2,517.00 480.14 401.72 12.28 600.68 520.57 773.07 474.13 3,262.59 213.44 3,049.15 BELAIR 486.00 415.00 89.85 490.00 535.00 775.00 495.00 3,285.85 3,285.85 0•# 335.00+ June 11, 1982. 2 7 9 0 0+ 338.00+ 338.00+ 360.00+ Mr. T.A. Fanning, R.D.M.R. , 5 3 7 0 0+ Director of Community Services, 3 3 0. 0 0+ Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., 2 5 1 7 0 0 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Fanning: In reply to your letter of June 1, 1982, File 109.1.82, we are pleased to sub- mit the following for your consideration: a) Baby Slide: Henderson Model SL8S $335.00 each b) Baby Swing: Henderson Model B382L c/w 3 $279.00 each C) Safety seats: Henderson Model BBC d) Spring Things: Henderson Model L, $169.00 each 3 3'a ZZ -1 Sally Zebra RR -1 Rodeo Roy ''.<`' $169.00 each '3'�'d e) 4 Seat Swing: Henderson Model S482L $360.00 each f) Slide: Henderson Model SL16S $537.00 each $330 00 each g) `teeter Totter: Henderson Model tW4 -ry 0,0 The above prices are Federal Sales Tax Included, Provincial Sales Tax Extra;- if applicable, F.O.B. Destination. We appreciate the opportunity to quote, and look forward to being of service in the future. Yours very truly, HENDERSON RECREATION EQUIPMENT LTD. CH /VH G. C. Henderson, President. I d , ALL CANADIAN COMPANY'' June 8, 1982, BOX 125, PARIS, ONTARIO, N3L 3E7, TOLL FREE: 1- 800 - 265.8482, CALL COLLECT: 1- 519 -442 -6331 TELEX: (061.81109) BOX 579, BOWDEN, ALBERTA, TOM OKO, TOLL FREE: 1- 800 - 661 -1496, CALL COLLECT: 1- 403 - 224 -3531 TELEX: (03-83162) Mr, T.A. Fanning, R,D,M,R „ Dir, of Community Services, Corp. of The Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3A6, Dear Sir: I am pleased to confirm the following prices you requested: 1 S48MS Slide 480.14 1 A3BC Baby Swing with 401.72 3- SBC11s 12.28 extr 2 H2P Plastic Ponies @ 125.27 ea 250.54 2 H11 Spring Animal @ 175.07 ea 350.14 1 A4LS Swing c/w SS1A's or SS2A 520.57 new slash proof seats -- (no extra cost) 1 S816MS Slide ' 773.07 1 T41B Wood 4 unit teeter 474.13 0 480.14+ 401 72+ 1228; 250 54 350.1/1, 520.57�- 773.07 474. 1 3-1 3262 59* . The above figures are Federal and Provincial Sales Tax included and F.O.B. Bowmanville. Delivery would be approximately 3 weeks from receipt of order. I trust this information is satisfactory and if there are any questions, please call toll free at 1- 800 - 265 -8482. Yours truly, j� PARIS PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT LIMITED JUN 10 1982 Scott Cruickshank, Sales Department. SC:db r9f�c` JPf � 1 p -3(0 OFFICE TELEPHONE 3.3114 TOLL FREE 987.5039 BELAIR Terms - 2% 10 days Mr. Bryan Belair F..O.B, Brantford Belair Recreational Products Inc. P.S.T.. extra if applicable 18 Westmount Blvd. Brantford, Ontario Dear Mr. Belair: Would you please submit in writing a quotation on the following equipment that would correspond with Paris Playground Equipment Model numbers: a) Baby Slide (1) S48MS - 4 ft. high , 8 ft. bedway - stainless Selair #62 $486.00 b) Baby Swings A3BC - 3 units - 8 ft high, 12 ft. long #34 $415.00 c) With Safety Seats - SBC1 - 3 seats #47 $ 29.95e, d) Spring Things - H2P (2) zebra #403 $245.00 H11 (2) horse #404 $245.00 e) 4 Seat Swings - A4LS (with SS1A Seats) #21 $535.00 f) Slide - S- 8 -16 -MS - 8 ft high, 16 ft. bedway - stainless #66 $775.00 g) Teeter Totter - T -41 -B - 4 units, 28 in. height, length 10 ft. - wood #155 $495.00 Please note - Prices should include Federal Sales Tax. Terms, F.O.B. point, delivery date, freight and specify Provincial Sales Tax extra. Please have quotation addressed to the attention of: Mr. T. A. Fanning, R.D.M.R. Director of Community Services Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L 1C 3A6 Your immediate response would be appreciated. Yours sincerely '_ 1# T cN rriv� tAS Fpel(. Thomas A. Fanning, R.D.H.R. Director of,Community Services TAF /sa t '%'- 486 • 00.1- 415 00.1 89.85x. 490.- 00.1 535 • 00�~ 7 7 n 5 • 0 0 4- 495 . 00 1 3285.85