HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-13-2023Newcastle Memorial Arena Manazement Board Municipality of Clarinaton Minutes of Meetin,- — Tuesday, June 13, 2023 (Via Microsoft Teams) Not vet approved by the Board In Attendance — Dave Bouma - Chair Shea -Lea Latchford, Gary Oliver, Omar Patel, Todd Taylor, Sue White, Councillor Margaret Zwart Guests — Michelle Chambers, Erica Mittag, Lindsey Patenaude- Municipality of Clarington Regrets — Jim Vison Meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. with the Land Acknowledgement 1. Land Acknowledgement Presentation — A slide presentation was given by Erica Mittag (IDEA Officer) providing information on how and why the acknowledgement came to be. 2. Municipality Board Procedures Presentation- Lindsey Patenaude (Legislative Services Department) outlined the relevant procedures necessary to properly conduct a meeting. 3. Agenda - Motion #23-014 Moved by Sue White, seconded by Gary Oliver THAT: The Agenda be accepted. CARRIED 4. Acceptance of Minutes - Motion #23-015 Moved by Todd Taylor, seconded by Margaret Zwart THAT: The minutes of April 25, 2023, be approved as distributed. CARRIED 5. Financial Report — Todd reported that we have received a grant of $3,000. from the Municipality. He also informed the Board that the heating and electrical bills for May have been recorded and paid. Pursuant to his duties, the Treasurer reinvested two (2) GIC's at 4.6%. This action was confirmed by the Board. 6. Risk Management - Several board members attended a tour of the Arena and saw firsthand how the renovation is proceeding. The Chair will again speak with Ken Ferguson to clarify any outstanding issues. 7. New Business: 8. Ice Resurfacer - Motion #23-016 Moved by Shea -Lea Latchford, seconded by Sue White THAT: We maintain the ice resurfacer for an additional year and defer the decision on buying a new machine until next year. CARRIED Grass Maintenance- Motion #23-017 Moved by Shea -Lea Latchford, seconded by Gary Oliver THAT: We obtain the services of an arena employee to maintain the grass cutting. CARRIED Please Note. Councillor Zwart informed the Board (by email) that gas cutting should be included in the snow removal contract. 9. Round Table — A round table discussion followed. 10.Adiournment - The meeting was adjourned by the Chair at 8:45 p.m. Next Board Meeting — Tuesday, July 11, 2023 — (Virtual on Teams)