HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-16Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) Board of Management Meeting Minutes Tuesday May 16, 2023; 6:30pm Virtual Meeting In Attendance: Ron Hooper, Chair Laura Holmes, Secretary Gerri Lucas, Treasurer Cathy Holmes, Director Edgar Lucas, Director Amber Ross (Owner, Pink Lemon Decor) Regrets: Lloyd Rang, Council Representative Erin Kemp, Director Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT representative Delegations Present: Laila Shafi, MOC Project Manager, Accessibility, Diversity, etc. ***QUORUM UNABLE TO BE MET FOR SCHEDULED DATE OF TUESDAY MAY 9, 2023. MEETING RESCHEDULED FOR TODAY, TUESDAY MAY 16, 2023*** 1. Presentation by Delegations Laila Shafi shared presentation on screen. Land Acknowledgement Statement was read. In 2015, Truth and Reconcilitiation Commission of Canada recommended use of land acknowledgments. Clarington Council has a policy requiring land acknowledgment statement be read at beginning of all meetings of Council or Committees of Council. It is important to recognize that Clarington is located on indigenous lands. The Chair thanked Laila for the presentation. Laila departed. 2. Updates from Community Partners None 3. Adoption of Minutes Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the minutes of the meeting of April 11, 2023 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 4. Business Arisine from Previous Minutes Historic Downtown Bowmanville 2 Business Centre (BIA) (a) Proposal for new summer stationary planters MAY 2023 Pricing obtained for large temporary summer planters. Current fixed planters will remain in place until autumn. Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by L. Holmes THAT four large temporary summer planters be ordered for the main corners downtown. CARRIED (b) BMO driveway L. Holmes shared an update that D. Anderson provided by email. The property owner has worked to resolve the blockage at the drain. However, Public Works has advised that there is a blockage on the Municipal portion of the sewer that will require further work. Work will continue and updates will be provided. *** The Chair reported that a scheduling conflict required early departure from the meeting. Upon departure, quorum would be lost. Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by E. Lucas THAT the meeting adjourn prior to loss of quorum and the next meeting remain as scheduled for June 6, 2023. CARRIED QUORUM LOST. The meeting adjourned at 6:55pm