HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-06-06**Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** ci ffftwin Clarington Heritage Committee Special Meeting Minutes June 06, 2023 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility. Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee Special Meeting held as a hybrid meeting in person at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville and via Microsoft Teams on June 06, 2023, at 7:00 PM. Members Present: Councillor Elhajjeh, Peter Vogel, Steve Conway, Victor Suppan, Jason Moore (ACO), Ron Sproule, Heather Graham, Noel Gamble, Laura Thiel-Convery (Museum), Colin Maitland, Joseph Dalrymple, Steven Lawson. Regrets: Sher Leetooze (NVDHS), Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS), Ron Hooper Staff Present: Sarah Allin, Jane Wang, Lisa Backus, Planning and Infrastructure Services Guests: Mark Jacobs (Biglieri Group), Absar Beg, Tara Jenkins (AECOM) 1 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement P. Vogel read aloud Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 23.18 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by R. Sproule That the Agenda be adopted "Carried" 4 Delegations/Presentations: 4.1 Mark Jacobs, Re: 45 Raynes Avenue, Former Goodyear property Mr. Jacobs from the Biglieri Group gave a presentation regarding the property status and proposed demolition. The presentation outlined the redevelopment concept under the current site and planning context. The property history was summarized, and the cultural heritage value and the Registered heritage status were acknowledged. Mr. Jacobs listed the current issues the property was facing, including the crumbling facades, remediation, trespassing and vandalism. He also reiterated the intention to demolish the large `main building' and of retaining the - 1 - **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** ci ftw Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes ffn June 06, 2023 former powerhouse building with the adjacent chimney stack (Building 1), the pumphouse and the cement house building (Building 27). 5 Business Arising 6 Project Reports 7 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None 8 New Business: 8.1 45 Raynes Avenue (Former Goodyear property) A site visit was conducted the day before the Special meeting. The Committee members discussed the current situation based on the site visit and review of the submitted Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) dated January 2021, prepared by Aecom and other supporting materials. Committee members asked for clarification of interior heritage attributes. M. Jacobs stated that the factory expansion surrounded the oldest building. The original wooden columns, some brickwork and raised "louvre" skylight system can be observed. But most features were covered by additional structures built over the years. Clarification was requested by Committee members relating to year the oldest building and the Chimney were built, a missing reference of 181 Queen Street, and the history of Devitte's Lane. Committee members also raised concerns about the site security and reuse of retained buildings, the demolition plan, preservation of the pumphouse and Indigenous community consultation. The representatives of the property owner provided clarifications. The consultant Aecom will update the HIA, improve the deficiencies mentioned in the meeting and will prepare a Salvage and Documentation Plan and Commemoration Strategy for the adaptive reuse of the structures proposed to be retained. Property owner and representatives indicated the remaining structures will be fenced to prevent unauthorized entry and vandalism. A Stage 1-2 Archaeology Assessment has been done for the site. No archaeological resources were discovered, and no further archaeological assessment is required. The proposed demolition does not include the pump house. The CHC indicated an interest in exploring the cultural heritage value of the dam. The Committee members discussed the approach of designating individual structures including Cement House (Building 27), Power House (Building 1), and the stack). Additional discussion took place as to whether to designate the chimney stack. Staff will explore the possibility of using a reference plan, to be provided by the applicant, to delineate the portion of the property that would be -2- **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** ci ftw Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes ffn June 06, 2023 subject to the designation so as not to apply the designation to the entirety of the property. 23.19 Moved by S. Conway, seconded by R. Sproule That the Committee recommends to Council: To authorize the intent to designate the portions of the site that are proposed to be conserved (Cement House (Building 27), Power House (Building 1), and the stack), and require the applicant to prepare a reference plan to delineate the area for designation for inclusion in the notice of intent. To request the property owner to move forward with the completion of a Salvage Report and Commemoration Plan as outlined in the HIA, and any other amendments to the HIA, as necessary. That the remainder of the property be removed from the Municipal Register, and allow the demolition to proceed as proposed, along with the development of a plan to protect the portions of the site to be designated and retained. That staff be directed to work with the applicant and CHC through the development approvals process to implement the accepted salvage and commemoration plan, including architectural control. "Carried" 9 Reports from the committees: None 10 Standing items: None Adjournment: 9:10 P.M. Next Meeting: June 20, 2023, 7.00 p.m.