HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-11Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, May 11, 2023 Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: Microsoft Teams or Meeting Room 1A, Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario Members Present: Tom Barrie, Eric Bowman, John Cartwright, Ryan Cullen, Jennifer Knox, Jordan McKay, Brenda Metcalf, Craig Rickard, Henry Zekveld (Chair), Councillor Zwart Regrets: Richard Rekker, Mitch Morawetz (DRFA) Staff Present: Amy Burke, Sylvia Jennings — Planning and Infrastructure Services Guests: Stacey Jibb — Invest Durham; Tony Ricciardi — Planning and Infrastructure Services 1. Welcome and Introductions Henry Zekveld welcomed all to the meeting, with introductions. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Henry Zekveld recited the Land Acknowledgement Statement 3. Adoption of Agenda 023-007 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded by Eric Bowman That the Agenda for May 11, 2023, be adopted. Carried 4. Declarations of Interest None 5. Approval of Minutes 023-008 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Councillor Zwart That the minutes of the April 13, 2023, meeting be approved. Carried Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 11, 2023 6. Presentations / Delegations 6a. Presentation by Tony Ricciardi, Manager of Infrastructure, Planning and Infrastructure Services, Regarding the 2023 Rural Area Capital Works Update T. Ricciardi presented an overview of the rural area capital infrastructure projects planned for 2022. A range of projects were highlighted including parks upgrades, road resurfacing, culvert replacements, re -ditching, and roadside safety improvements. In particular, T. Ricciardi noted that nearly $3.5 million is budgeted for rural road resurfacing this year, and that there will be a shift towards more ditch work in coming years. Road work is prioritized based on a roads study completed every two years, which includes a risk assessment. T. Ricciardi also warned agricultural operators about the risks of importing fill from construction sites and advises contacting Municipal staff for assistance to ensure compliance with the Municipality's Site Alteration By-law. T. Ricciardi answered questions and responded to concerns from the Committee. Committee members raised concerns with the urgency of ditch maintenance, specific points of constrained visibility and illegal dumping. T. Ricciardi explained that farmers should not do work in public ditches including planting or maintenance. Issues with public ditches, illegal dumping, and road visibility can all be referred to Public Works. Requests should include as much information as possible and can be done by phone (905-623-3379 ext. 2291) or the Municipality's online form (Service Request Form). H. Zekveld thanked T. Ricciardi for his presentation. 7. Business Arising from Previous Meeting 7a. Election of Vice Chair: H. Zekveld opened the floor for nomination for the position of Vice Chair. All Committee members nominated have declined the nomination. Staff will seek clarification from the Clerk whether the seat can remain vacant. The matter was deferred to the next meeting by consensus. 7b. Terms of Reference review update and responses to AACC questions: A. Burke updated the Committee on the Advisory Committee of Council Terms of Reference review and updating that is underway, and responded to questions that arose at the previous meeting providing additional details on the scope of the review and related analysis. A. Burke asked for comments on the option of eight meetings per year. Generally, Committee members felt this would not be enough and restated concerns raised at the previous meeting regarding a proposed reduction in meeting frequency. Members were concerned about the potential negative consequences of an irregular meeting schedule (i.e. more difficult to manage, misalignment with the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee meetings and locally important matters) and increased length of time between meetings (i.e. missing deadlines to respond to issues that arise between meetings). The Committee's preferred meeting frequency is to keep the status quo. In response to the Committee's question about the reason for proposing a reduced meeting frequency, A.Burke explained that it's Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 11, 2023 primarily due to staff resources. The Committee's input was received for staff to take back for consideration as part of the review. A. Burke informed the Committee that a Legislative Services staff report regarding updating advisory committee Terms of Reference is anticipated to be brought to Council before the summer recess. An update will be provided by staff, when available. A. Burke also advised the Committee of the Procedural By-law review and update considered at the Joint Committee of Council on May 8. Relevant to the AACC is the clarification added regarding motions brought forward by Advisory Committees. To approve a recommendation from a committee, a Member of Council pulls the Committee minutes and puts forward a motion to approve the Advisory Committee motion. 7c. Update on Discussions with Bowmanville Farmers' Market Organizers — Ryan Cullen R. Cullen updated the Committee that a discussion with the Bowmanville Farmers' Market organizers is scheduled. In relaying the concerns brought forward to Committee members, Ryan requested additional input from the Committee on the desired outcomes. The Committee discussed concern with calling markets farmers' markets if they aren't organized by farmers or mostly made up of farmers and selling farm products, as well as the concern that the exclusion of conventional farmers at this market is misrepresentative of the comparative safety of all types of farming. Committee members agreed that farmers educating farmer's market organizers about the importance of choice in types of farming is the appropriate tactic. 8. Communications The following communications items were circulated as part of the meeting agenda and provided for information: • Notice of Road Closure — Bowmanville Avenue (Regional Road 57) and Regional Road 3 / Concession Road 8, April 19, 2023 (news release) • Business Count returns to Durham, May 1, 2023 (news release) • Notice of Clarington Communications and Engagement Survey, May 3, 2023 (Deadline May 15, 2023) • Notice of release of recommended final draft Reginal Official Plan and Special Meeting of Durham Regional Council, May 3, 2023 9. Liaison Reports 9a. Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee T. Barrie shared updates from the May 9 DAAC meeting. Elections for chair and both vice chair positions were held. The committee advised against a resolution by a local Pickering councillor to allow backyard chickens. The committee discussed the new proposed lot creation policies proposed in Bill 97 and mostly opposed the changes. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 11, 2023 9b. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture None 9c. Durham Farm Connections: B. Metcalf reminded the Committee that the Celebrate Agriculture Gala will be held October 19. The nomination form for the Celebrate Agriculture Awards will be shared shortly. 9d. Durham Agricultural Economic Development Update S. Jibb provided an update. The first week of June is local food week. Durham Farm Fresh will be hosting a presentation on precision technology agriculture to high school students completing a high skills major. Development charges are being reviewed at the Region of Durham at a Special Council Meeting on June 14, 2023; while steep increases are anticipated, the agricultural exemption is expected to be retained. 10. New Business 10a. Work Plan A. Burke brought forward for discussion the development of a Committee work plan. The plan would guide the work of the Committee over the next two years and can serve as an action plan to guide the Committee's activities. It could include municipal projects that the Committee will be consulted on for advice and input, such as the upcoming Official Plan Review, and actions for promoting the role and work of the Committee. A work plan could be reflected during the Committee's year end annual report to Council to demonstrate the value of the Committee and raise its profile. The committee agreed to draft a work plan at the next meeting. A.Burke will bring concepts to the next meeting to start the discussion. 10b. Provincial consultation on proposed new Provincial Planning Statement Proposed changes have been brought forward to the PPS and Growth Plan to consolidate the two policy documents into the Provincial Planning Statement. The Provincial consultation notice was circulated to the Committee as part of the April meeting agenda. A. Burke informed the Committee that Planning & Infrastructure Services is preparing Municipal comments, to be considered by Council in early June. An overview of key policy changes potentially effecting agriculture was provided to inform discussion. The comment deadline is June 6, 2023 and can be submitted through the Environmental Registry (ERO 019-6813). 10c. Trees for Rural Roads Program Update A. Burke informed the committee that the 2023 program has finished. Almost 500 saplings were distributed to 30 participating properties this year. These numbers are somewhat down from last year, and the Department will be looking for more ways to get the word out next year. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 11, 2023 11. Other Business None 12. Date of Next Meeting June 8, 2023 @ 7:30 pm at Meeting Room 1A, Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, ON 13. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington May 11, 2023